This commit is contained in:
Josh Stewart 2020-08-23 08:57:24 +10:00
commit e9fcaffe5b
4 changed files with 133 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ page = 4
TrigEdge = bits, U08, 5,[0:0], "RISING", "FALLING"
TrigSpeed = bits, U08, 5,[1:1], "Crank Speed", "Cam Speed"
IgInv = bits, U08, 5,[2:2], "Going Low", "Going High"
TrigPattern= bits, U08, 5,[3:7], "Missing Tooth", "Basic Distributor", "Dual Wheel", "GM 7X", "4G63 / Miata / 3000GT", "GM 24X", "Jeep 2000", "Audi 135", "Honda D17", "Miata 99-05", "Mazda AU", "Non-360 Dual", "Nissan 360", "Subaru 6/7", "Daihatsu +1", "Harley EVO", "36-2-2-2", "36-2-1", "DSM 420a", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
TrigPattern= bits, U08, 5,[3:7], "Missing Tooth", "Basic Distributor", "Dual Wheel", "GM 7X", "4G63 / Miata / 3000GT", "GM 24X", "Jeep 2000", "Audi 135", "Honda D17", "Miata 99-05", "Mazda AU", "Non-360 Dual", "Nissan 360", "Subaru 6/7", "Daihatsu +1", "Harley EVO", "36-2-2-2", "36-2-1", "DSM 420a", "Weber-Marelli", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
TrigEdgeSec= bits, U08, 6,[0:0], "RISING", "FALLING"
fuelPumpPin= bits , U08, 6,[1:6], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "A8", "A9", "A10", "A11", "A12", "A13", "A14", "A15", "INVALID"
useResync = bits, U08, 6,[7:7], "No", "Yes"
@ -2445,7 +2445,7 @@ menuDialog = main
dialog = triggerSettings,"Trigger Settings",4
topicHelp = ""
field = "Trigger Pattern", TrigPattern
field = "Primary base teeth", numTeeth, { TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 11 }
field = "Primary base teeth", numTeeth, { TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 11 || TrigPattern == 18 }
field = "Primary trigger speed", TrigSpeed, { TrigPattern == 0 }
field = "Missing teeth", missingTeeth, { TrigPattern == 0 }
field = "Trigger angle multiplier", TrigAngMul, { TrigPattern == 11 }
@ -2457,10 +2457,10 @@ menuDialog = main
field = "Note: This is the number of revolutions that will be skipped during"
field = "cranking before the injectors and coils are fired"
field = "Trigger edge", TrigEdge { TrigPattern != 4 } ;4G63 uses both edges
field = "Secondary trigger edge", TrigEdgeSec, { (TrigPattern == 0 && TrigSpeed == 0) || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 12 } ;Missing tooth, dual wheel and Miata 9905
field = "Secondary trigger edge", TrigEdgeSec, { (TrigPattern == 0 && TrigSpeed == 0) || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 18 } ;Missing tooth, dual wheel and Miata 9905
field = "Missing Tooth Secondary type" trigPatternSec, { (TrigPattern == 0&& TrigSpeed == 0) }
field = "Trigger Filter", TrigFilter, { TrigPattern != 13 }
field = "Re-sync every cycle", useResync, { TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 7 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 13 } ;Dual wheel, 4G63, Audi 135, Nissan 360, Miata 99-05
field = "Re-sync every cycle", useResync, { TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 7 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 13 || TrigPattern == 18 } ;Dual wheel, 4G63, Audi 135, Nissan 360, Miata 99-05
dialog = lockSparkSettings, "Locked timing"
field = "Enabled Fixed/Locked timing", fixAngEnable
@ -2482,7 +2482,6 @@ menuDialog = main
panel = lockSparkSettings
panel = newIgnitionMode, {}, {TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 1 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 3 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 13 || TrigPattern == 18} ;Only works for missing tooth, distributor, dual wheel, GM 7X, 4g63, Miata 99-05, nissan 360, Subaru 6/7, 420a
dialog = dwellSettings, "Dwell Settings", 4
topicHelp = ""
field = " Cranking dwell", dwellcrank

View File

@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ uint16_t getRPM_420a();
int getCrankAngle_420a();
void triggerSetEndTeeth_420a();
void triggerPri_Webber();
void triggerSec_Webber();
extern void (*triggerHandler)(); //Pointer for the trigger function (Gets pointed to the relevant decoder)
extern void (*triggerSecondaryHandler)(); //Pointer for the secondary trigger function (Gets pointed to the relevant decoder)
extern uint16_t (*getRPM)(); //Pointer to the getRPM function (Gets pointed to the relevant decoder)

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@ -3732,3 +3732,110 @@ void triggerSetEndTeeth_420a()
lastToothCalcAdvance = currentStatus.advance;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Weber-Marelli
Desc: 2 wheels, 4 teeth 90deg apart on crank and 2 90deg apart on cam.
Note: It use DualWheel decoders, There can be no missing teeth on the primary wheel
void triggerPri_Webber()
curTime = micros();
curGap = curTime - toothLastToothTime;
if ( curGap >= triggerFilterTime )
toothCurrentCount++; //Increment the tooth counter
if (checkSyncToothCount > 0) { checkSyncToothCount++; }
if ( triggerSecFilterTime <= curGap ) { triggerSecFilterTime = curGap + (curGap>>1); } //150% crank tooth
validTrigger = true; //Flag this pulse as being a valid trigger (ie that it passed filters)
toothLastMinusOneToothTime = toothLastToothTime;
toothLastToothTime = curTime;
if ( currentStatus.hasSync == true )
if ( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount > configPage4.triggerTeeth) )
toothCurrentCount = 1;
revolutionOne = !revolutionOne; //Flip sequential revolution tracker
toothOneMinusOneTime = toothOneTime;
toothOneTime = curTime;
currentStatus.startRevolutions++; //Counter
setFilter(curGap); //Recalc the new filter value
if ( (secondaryToothCount == 1) && (checkSyncToothCount == 4) )
toothCurrentCount = 2;
currentStatus.hasSync = true;
revolutionOne = 0; //Sequential revolution reset
if( (configPage2.perToothIgn == true) && (!BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_CRANK)) )
int16_t crankAngle = ( (toothCurrentCount-1) * triggerToothAngle ) + configPage4.triggerAngle;
if( (configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) && (revolutionOne == true) && (configPage4.TrigSpeed == CRANK_SPEED) )
crankAngle += 360;
checkPerToothTiming(crankAngle, (configPage4.triggerTeeth + toothCurrentCount));
else{ checkPerToothTiming(crankAngle, toothCurrentCount); }
} //Trigger filter
void triggerSec_Webber()
curTime2 = micros();
curGap2 = curTime2 - toothLastSecToothTime;
if ( curGap2 >= triggerSecFilterTime )
toothLastSecToothTime = curTime2;
if ( (secondaryToothCount == 2) && (checkSyncToothCount == 3) )
if(currentStatus.hasSync == false)
toothLastToothTime = micros();
toothLastMinusOneToothTime = micros() - 1500000; //Fixes RPM at 10rpm until a full revolution has taken place
toothCurrentCount = configPage4.triggerTeeth-1;
currentStatus.hasSync = true;
if ( (toothCurrentCount != (configPage4.triggerTeeth-1)) && (currentStatus.startRevolutions > 2)) { currentStatus.syncLossCounter++; } //Indicates likely sync loss.
if (configPage4.useResync == 1) { toothCurrentCount = configPage4.triggerTeeth-1; }
revolutionOne = 1; //Sequential revolution reset
triggerSecFilterTime = curGap << 2; //4 crank teeth
secondaryToothCount = 1; //Next tooth should be first
} //Running, on first CAM pulse restart crank teet count, on second the counter should be 3
else if ( (currentStatus.hasSync == false) && (toothCurrentCount >= 3) && (secondaryToothCount == 0) )
toothLastToothTime = micros();
toothLastMinusOneToothTime = micros() - 1500000; //Fixes RPM at 10rpm until a full revolution has taken place
toothCurrentCount = 1;
revolutionOne = 1; //Sequential revolution reset
currentStatus.hasSync = true;
} //First start, between gaps on CAM pulses have 2 teeth, sync on first CAM pulse if seen 3 teeth or more
triggerSecFilterTime = curGap + (curGap>>1); //150% crank tooth
checkSyncToothCount = 1; //Tooth 1 considered as already been seen
} //First time might fall here, second CAM tooth will
triggerSecFilterTime = curGap + (curGap>>1); //Noise region, using 150% of crank tooth
checkSyncToothCount = 1; //Reset tooth counter
} //Trigger filter

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@ -2967,6 +2967,24 @@ void initialiseTriggers()
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 19:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Webber;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Webber;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_DualWheel;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_DualWheel;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_DualWheel;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
if(configPage4.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { secondaryTriggerEdge = RISING; }
else { secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);