Add tacho output pulse
This commit is contained in:
@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ byte pinCLT; //CLS sensor pin
byte pinO2; //O2 Sensor pin
byte pinBat; //O2 Sensor pin
byte pinDisplayReset; // OLED reset pin
byte pinTachOut; //Tacho output
byte pinSpareTemp1; // Future use only
byte pinSpareTemp2; // Future use only
byte pinSpareOut1; //Generic output
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void setup()
pinMode(pinInjector2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinTachOut, OUTPUT);
//Setup the dummy fuel and ignition tables
@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ void setup()
digitalWrite(pinInjector3, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinInjector4, LOW);
//Set the tacho output default state
digitalWrite(pinTachOut, HIGH);
@ -252,6 +255,7 @@ void setup()
void loop()
//Check for any requets from serial. Serial operations are checked under 2 scenarios:
// 1) Every 64 loops (64 Is more than fast enough for TunerStudio). This function is equivalent to ((loopCount % 64) == 1) but is considerably faster due to not using the mod or division operations
@ -576,22 +580,22 @@ void loop()
//NOTE: squirt status is changed as per
void openInjector1() { digitalWrite(pinInjector1, HIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.squirt, 0); }
void closeInjector1() { digitalWrite(pinInjector1, LOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.squirt, 0); }
void beginCoil1Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil1, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 0); }
void beginCoil1Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil1, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 0); digitalWrite(pinTachOut, LOW); }
void endCoil1Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil1, coilLOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.spark, 0); }
void openInjector2() { digitalWrite(pinInjector2, HIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.squirt, 1); } //Sets the relevant pin HIGH and changes the current status bit for injector 2 (2nd bit of currentStatus.squirt)
void closeInjector2() { digitalWrite(pinInjector2, LOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.squirt, 1); }
void beginCoil2Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil2, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 1); }
void endCoil2Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil2, coilLOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.spark, 1); }
void beginCoil2Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil2, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 1); digitalWrite(pinTachOut, LOW); }
void endCoil2Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil2, coilLOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.spark, 1);}
void openInjector3() { digitalWrite(pinInjector3, HIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.squirt, 2); } //Sets the relevant pin HIGH and changes the current status bit for injector 3 (3rd bit of currentStatus.squirt)
void closeInjector3() { digitalWrite(pinInjector3, LOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.squirt, 2); }
void beginCoil3Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil3, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 2); }
void beginCoil3Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil3, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 2); digitalWrite(pinTachOut, LOW); }
void endCoil3Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil3, coilLOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.spark, 2); }
void openInjector4() { digitalWrite(pinInjector4, HIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.squirt, 3); } //Sets the relevant pin HIGH and changes the current status bit for injector 4 (4th bit of currentStatus.squirt)
void closeInjector4() { digitalWrite(pinInjector4, LOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.squirt, 3); }
void beginCoil4Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil4, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 3); }
void beginCoil4Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil4, coilHIGH); BIT_SET(currentStatus.spark, 3); digitalWrite(pinTachOut, LOW); }
void endCoil4Charge() { digitalWrite(pinCoil4, coilLOW); BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.spark, 3); }
//Combination functions for semi-sequential injection
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Hence we will preload the timer with 131 cycles to leave 125 until overflow (1ms
volatile int loop250ms;
volatile int loopSec;
volatile unsigned long targetOverdwellTime;
volatile unsigned long targetTachoPulseTime;
void initialiseTimers();
@ -9,21 +9,20 @@ Timers are typically low resolution (Compared to Schedulers), with maximum frequ
void initialiseTimers()
//Configure Timer2 for our low-freq interrupt code.
//Configure Timer2 for our low-freq interrupt code.
TCCR2B = 0x00; //Disbale Timer2 while we set it up
TCNT2 = 131; //Preload timer2 with 100 cycles, leaving 156 till overflow.
TCNT2 = 131; //Preload timer2 with 131 cycles, leaving 125 till overflow. As the timer runs at 125Khz, this causes overflow to occur at 1Khz = 1ms
TIFR2 = 0x00; //Timer2 INT Flag Reg: Clear Timer Overflow Flag
TIMSK2 = 0x01; //Timer2 Set Overflow Interrupt enabled.
TCCR2A = 0x00; //Timer2 Control Reg A: Wave Gen Mode normal
//TCCR2B = ((1 << CS10) | (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS12)); //Timer2 Set Prescaler to 5 (101), 1024 mode.
/* Now configure the prescaler to CPU clock divided by 128 */
/* Now configure the prescaler to CPU clock divided by 128 = 125Khz */
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS22) | (1<<CS20); // Set bits
TCCR2B &= ~(1<<CS21); // Clear bit
//Timer2 Overflow Interrupt Vector, called when the timer overflows.
//Executes every ~10ms.
//Executes every ~1ms.
@ -33,21 +32,23 @@ ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect)
//Overdwell check
targetOverdwellTime = currentLoopTime - (1000 * configPage2.dwellLimit); //Set a target time in the past that all coil charging must have begun after. If the coil charge began before this time, it's been running too long
targetTachoPulseTime = currentLoopTime - (1500);
//Check first whether each spark output is currently on. Only check it's dwell time if it is
if(ignitionSchedule1.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule1.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil1Charge(); } }
if(ignitionSchedule2.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule2.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil2Charge(); } }
if(ignitionSchedule3.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule3.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil3Charge(); } }
if(ignitionSchedule4.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule4.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil4Charge(); } }
if(ignitionSchedule1.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule1.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil1Charge(); } if(ignitionSchedule1.startTime < targetTachoPulseTime) { digitalWrite(pinTachOut, HIGH); } }
if(ignitionSchedule2.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule2.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil2Charge(); } if(ignitionSchedule2.startTime < targetTachoPulseTime) { digitalWrite(pinTachOut, HIGH); } }
if(ignitionSchedule3.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule3.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil3Charge(); } if(ignitionSchedule3.startTime < targetTachoPulseTime) { digitalWrite(pinTachOut, HIGH); } }
if(ignitionSchedule4.Status == RUNNING) { if(ignitionSchedule4.startTime < targetOverdwellTime) { endCoil4Charge(); } if(ignitionSchedule4.startTime < targetTachoPulseTime) { digitalWrite(pinTachOut, HIGH); } }
//Loop executed every 250ms loop (10ms x 25 = 250ms)
//Loop executed every 250ms loop (1ms x 250 = 250ms)
//Anything inside this if statement will run every 250ms.
if (loop250ms == 250)
loop250ms = 0; //Reset Counter.
//Loop executed every 1 second (10ms x 100 = 1000ms)
//Loop executed every 1 second (1ms x 1000 = 1000ms)
if (loopSec == 1000)
loopSec = 0; //Reset counter.
@ -70,9 +71,8 @@ ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect)
//Reset Timer2 to trigger in another ~10ms
//TCNT2 = 99; //Preload timer2 with 100 cycles, leaving 156 till overflow.
TCNT2 = 131;
//Reset Timer2 to trigger in another ~1ms
TCNT2 = 131; //Preload timer2 with 100 cycles, leaving 156 till overflow.
TIFR2 = 0x00; //Timer2 INT Flag Reg: Clear Timer Overflow Flag
@ -70,7 +70,30 @@ void setPinMapping(byte boardID)
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
case 3:
//Pin mappings as per the v0.4 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinTrigger = 18; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 19; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
case 10:
//Pin mappings for user turtanas PCB
Reference in New Issue