; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; http://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [env:megaatmega2560] platform=atmelavr board=megaatmega2560 framework=arduino build_unflags = -Os build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -O3 -ffast-math -fshort-enums -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 lib_deps = EEPROM, Time ;test_build_project_src = true test_build_src = yes debug_tool = simavr test_ignore = test_table3d_native ;This environment is the same as the above, however compiles for 6 channels of fuel and 3 channels of ignition [env:megaatmega2560-6-3] extends = env:megaatmega2560 build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -O3 -ffast-math -fshort-enums -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -DINJ_CHANNELS=6 -DIGN_CHANNELS=3 ;As the above, however compiles for 8 channels of fuel and only a single ignition channel [env:megaatmega2560-8-1] extends = env:megaatmega2560 build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -O3 -ffast-math -fshort-enums -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -DINJ_CHANNELS=8 -DIGN_CHANNELS=1 [env:megaatmega2561] extends = env:megaatmega2560 board=ATmega2561 [env:teensy35] ;platform=teensy platform=https://github.com/platformio/platform-teensy.git board=teensy35 framework=arduino lib_deps = EEPROM, FlexCAN_T4, Time test_build_src = yes test_ignore = test_table3d_native extra_scripts = post:post_extra_script.py [env:teensy36] ;platform=teensy platform=https://github.com/platformio/platform-teensy.git board=teensy36 framework=arduino lib_deps = EEPROM, FlexCAN_T4, Time test_build_src = yes test_ignore = test_table3d_native [env:teensy41] ;platform=teensy platform=https://github.com/platformio/platform-teensy.git board=teensy41 framework=arduino lib_deps = EEPROM, FlexCAN_T4, Time test_build_src = yes test_ignore = test_table3d_native ;STM32 Official core [env:black_F407VE] platform = ststm32 ;platform = https://github.com/platformio/platform-ststm32.git framework = arduino ;board = genericSTM32F407VET6 board = black_f407ve lib_deps = stm32duino/STM32duino RTC, greiman/SdFat board_build.core = stm32 build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -std=gnu++11 -UBOARD_MAX_IO_PINS -DENABLE_HWSERIAL2 -DENABLE_HWSERIAL3 -DUSBCON -DHAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED -DUSBD_USE_CDC -DHAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED -DSERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE=128 -DSERIAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE=128 upload_protocol = dfu debug_tool = stlink monitor_speed = 115200 ;STM32 Official core [env:BlackPill_F401CC] platform = ststm32 framework = arduino board = blackpill_f401cc lib_deps = stm32duino/STM32duino RTC board_build.core = stm32 build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -std=gnu++11 -UBOARD_MAX_IO_PINS -DUSBCON -DHAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED -DUSBD_USE_CDC -DHAL_DAC_MODULE_DISABLED -DHAL_ETH_MODULE_DISABLED -DHAL_SD_MODULE_DISABLED -DHAL_QSPI_MODULE_DISABLED upload_protocol = dfu debug_tool = stlink monitor_speed = 115200 ;STM32 Official core [env:BlackPill_F411CE_UART] platform = ststm32 framework = arduino board = blackpill_f411ce lib_deps = stm32duino/STM32duino RTC board_build.core = stm32 build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -O3 -std=gnu++11 -UBOARD_MAX_IO_PINS upload_protocol = dfu debug_tool = stlink monitor_speed = 115200 ;STM32 Official core [env:BlackPill_F411CE_USB] platform = ststm32 framework = arduino board = blackpill_f411ce lib_deps = stm32duino/STM32duino RTC board_build.core = stm32 build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -O3 -std=gnu++11 -UBOARD_MAX_IO_PINS -DUSBCON -DHAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED -DUSBD_USE_CDC upload_protocol = dfu debug_tool = stlink monitor_speed = 115200 [env:bluepill_f103c8] platform = ststm32 framework = arduino ; framework-arduinoststm32 board = bluepill_f103c8_128k lib_deps = EEPROM, stm32duino/STM32duino RTC ;build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -fpermissive -std=gnu++11 -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-Map,output.map build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -fpermissive -std=gnu++11 -Os -DCORE_STM32_OFFICIAL -UBOARD_MAX_IO_PINS ;SAMD21 [env:samd21] platform = atmelsam framework = arduino board = zeroUSB ;lib_deps = cmaglie/FlashStorage @ ^1.0.0 ;build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -fpermissive -std=gnu++11 -DUSE_SPI_EEPROM build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -fpermissive -std=gnu++11 upload_protocol = sam-ba ;SAME51 [env:same51] platform = atmelsam framework = arduino board = adafruit_feather_m4_can ;lib_deps = cmaglie/FlashStorage @ ^1.0.0 ;build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -fpermissive -std=gnu++11 -DUSE_SPI_EEPROM build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -fpermissive -std=gnu++11 upload_protocol = sam-ba [env:custom_monitor_speedrate] monitor_speed = 115200 [platformio] src_dir=speeduino default_envs = megaatmega2560 ;The following lines are for testing / experimentation only. Comment the line above to try them out ;default_envs = black_F407VE ;default_envs = teensy35 ;default_envs = teensy40 ;env_default = LaunchPad_tm4c1294ncpdt ;env_default = genericSTM32F103RB ;env_default = bluepill_f103c8 [env:native] platform = native build_flags = -DUSE_LIBDIVIDE -std=gnu++11 debug_build_flags = -std=gnu++11 -O0 -g3 test_ignore = test_misc2, test_misc, test_decoders, test_schedules, test_fuel debug_test = test_table3d_native build_type = debug