/* Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform Copyright (C) Josh Stewart A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory */ /** @file * Process Incoming and outgoing serial communications. */ #include "globals.h" #include "comms.h" #include "comms_legacy.h" #include "comms_secondary.h" #include "storage.h" #include "maths.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "decoders.h" #include "TS_CommandButtonHandler.h" #include "errors.h" #include "pages.h" #include "page_crc.h" #include "logger.h" #include "table3d_axis_io.h" #include BOARD_H #ifdef RTC_ENABLED #include "rtc_common.h" #endif static byte currentPage = 1;//Not the same as the speeduino config page numbers bool firstCommsRequest = true; /**< The number of times the A command has been issued. This is used to track whether a reset has recently been performed on the controller */ static byte currentCommand; /**< The serial command that is currently being processed. This is only useful when cmdPending=True */ static bool chunkPending = false; /**< Whether or not the current chunk write is complete or not */ static uint16_t chunkComplete = 0; /**< The number of bytes in a chunk write that have been written so far */ static uint16_t chunkSize = 0; /**< The complete size of the requested chunk write */ static int valueOffset; /**< The memory offset within a given page for a value to be read from or written to. Note that we cannot use 'offset' as a variable name, it is a reserved word for several teensy libraries */ byte logItemsTransmitted; byte inProgressLength; SerialStatus serialStatusFlag; SerialStatus serialSecondaryStatusFlag; static bool isMap(void) { // Detecting if the current page is a table/map return (currentPage == veMapPage) || (currentPage == ignMapPage) || (currentPage == afrMapPage) || (currentPage == fuelMap2Page) || (currentPage == ignMap2Page); } #if defined(CORE_AVR) #pragma GCC push_options // This minimizes RAM usage at no performance cost #pragma GCC optimize ("Os") #endif /** Processes the incoming data on the serial buffer based on the command sent. Can be either data for a new command or a continuation of data for command that is already in progress: - cmdPending = If a command has started but is waiting on further data to complete - chunkPending = Specifically for the new receive value method where TS will send a known number of contiguous bytes to be written to a table Commands are single byte (letter symbol) commands. */ void legacySerialCommand(void) { if ( serialStatusFlag == SERIAL_INACTIVE ) { currentCommand = primarySerial.read(); } switch (currentCommand) { case 'a': serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (primarySerial.available() >= 2) { primarySerial.read(); //Ignore the first value, it's always 0 primarySerial.read(); //Ignore the second value, it's always 6 sendValuesLegacy(); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'A': // send x bytes of realtime values sendValues(0, LOG_ENTRY_SIZE, 0x31, primarySerial, serialStatusFlag); //send values to serial0 firstCommsRequest = false; break; case 'b': // New EEPROM burn command to only burn a single page at a time legacySerialHandler(currentCommand, Serial, serialStatusFlag); break; case 'B': // AS above but for the serial compatibility mode. BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_COMMS_COMPAT); //Force the compat mode legacySerialHandler(currentCommand, Serial, serialStatusFlag); break; case 'C': // test communications. This is used by Tunerstudio to see whether there is an ECU on a given serial port testComm(); break; case 'c': //Send the current loops/sec value primarySerial.write(lowByte(currentStatus.loopsPerSecond)); primarySerial.write(highByte(currentStatus.loopsPerSecond)); break; case 'd': // Send a CRC32 hash of a given page serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (primarySerial.available() >= 2) { primarySerial.read(); //Ignore the first byte value, it's always 0 uint32_t CRC32_val = calculatePageCRC32( primarySerial.read() ); //Split the 4 bytes of the CRC32 value into individual bytes and send primarySerial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) ); primarySerial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) ); primarySerial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) ); primarySerial.write( (CRC32_val & 255) ); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'E': // receive command button commands serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if(primarySerial.available() >= 2) { byte cmdGroup = (byte)Serial.read(); (void)TS_CommandButtonsHandler(word(cmdGroup, primarySerial.read())); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'F': // send serial protocol version primarySerial.print(F("002")); break; //The G/g commands are used for bulk reading and writing to the EEPROM directly. This is typically a non-user feature but will be incorporated into SpeedyLoader for anyone programming many boards at once case 'G': // Dumps the EEPROM values to serial //The format is 2 bytes for the overall EEPROM size, a comma and then a raw dump of the EEPROM values primarySerial.write(lowByte(getEEPROMSize())); primarySerial.write(highByte(getEEPROMSize())); primarySerial.print(','); for(uint16_t x = 0; x < getEEPROMSize(); x++) { primarySerial.write(EEPROMReadRaw(x)); } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; break; case 'g': // Receive a dump of raw EEPROM values from the user { //Format is similar to the above command. 2 bytes for the EEPROM size that is about to be transmitted, a comma and then a raw dump of the EEPROM values while(primarySerial.available() < 3) { delay(1); } uint16_t eepromSize = word(primarySerial.read(), primarySerial.read()); if(eepromSize != getEEPROMSize()) { //Client is trying to send the wrong EEPROM size. Don't let it primarySerial.println(F("ERR; Incorrect EEPROM size")); break; } else { for(uint16_t x = 0; x < eepromSize; x++) { while(primarySerial.available() < 3) { delay(1); } EEPROMWriteRaw(x, primarySerial.read()); } } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; break; } case 'H': //Start the tooth logger startToothLogger(); primarySerial.write(1); //TS needs an acknowledgement that this was received. I don't know if this is the correct response, but it seems to work break; case 'h': //Stop the tooth logger stopToothLogger(); break; case 'J': //Start the composite logger startCompositeLogger(); primarySerial.write(1); //TS needs an acknowledgement that this was received. I don't know if this is the correct response, but it seems to work break; case 'j': //Stop the composite logger stopCompositeLogger(); break; case 'L': // List the contents of current page in human readable form #ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE sendPageASCII(); #endif break; case 'm': //Send the current free memory currentStatus.freeRAM = freeRam(); primarySerial.write(lowByte(currentStatus.freeRAM)); primarySerial.write(highByte(currentStatus.freeRAM)); break; case 'M': legacySerialHandler(currentCommand, Serial, serialStatusFlag); break; case 'N': // Displays a new line. Like pushing enter in a text editor primarySerial.println(); break; case 'O': //Start the composite logger 2nd cam (teritary) startCompositeLoggerTertiary(); primarySerial.write(1); //TS needs an acknowledgement that this was received. I don't know if this is the correct response, but it seems to work break; case 'o': //Stop the composite logger 2nd cam (tertiary) stopCompositeLoggerTertiary(); break; case 'X': //Start the composite logger 2nd cam (teritary) startCompositeLoggerCams(); primarySerial.write(1); //TS needs an acknowledgement that this was received. I don't know if this is the correct response, but it seems to work break; case 'x': //Stop the composite logger 2nd cam (tertiary) stopCompositeLoggerCams(); break; case 'P': // set the current page //This is a legacy function and is no longer used by TunerStudio. It is maintained for compatibility with other systems //A 2nd byte of data is required after the 'P' specifying the new page number. serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (primarySerial.available() > 0) { currentPage = primarySerial.read(); //This converts the ASCII number char into binary. Note that this will break everything if there are ever more than 48 pages (48 = asci code for '0') if ((currentPage >= '0') && (currentPage <= '9')) // 0 - 9 { currentPage -= 48; } else if ((currentPage >= 'a') && (currentPage <= 'f')) // 10 - 15 { currentPage -= 87; } else if ((currentPage >= 'A') && (currentPage <= 'F')) { currentPage -= 55; } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; /* * New method for sending page values */ case 'p': serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; //6 bytes required: //2 - Page identifier //2 - offset //2 - Length if(primarySerial.available() >= 6) { byte offset1, offset2, length1, length2; int length; byte tempPage; primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 tempPage = primarySerial.read(); //currentPage = 1; offset1 = primarySerial.read(); offset2 = primarySerial.read(); valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1); length1 = primarySerial.read(); length2 = primarySerial.read(); length = word(length2, length1); for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { primarySerial.write( getPageValue(tempPage, valueOffset + i) ); } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'Q': // send code version legacySerialHandler(currentCommand, primarySerial, serialStatusFlag); break; case 'r': //New format for the optimised OutputChannels serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; byte cmd; if (primarySerial.available() >= 6) { primarySerial.read(); //Read the $tsCanId cmd = primarySerial.read(); // read the command uint16_t offset, length; byte tmp; tmp = primarySerial.read(); offset = word(primarySerial.read(), tmp); tmp = primarySerial.read(); length = word(primarySerial.read(), tmp); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; if(cmd == 0x30) //Send output channels command 0x30 is 48dec { sendValues(offset, length, cmd, Serial, serialStatusFlag); } else { //No other r/ commands are supported in legacy mode } } break; case 'S': // send code version if( (configPage9.secondarySerialProtocol == SECONDARY_SERIAL_PROTO_MSDROID) || (configPage9.secondarySerialProtocol == SECONDARY_SERIAL_PROTO_TUNERSTUDIO) ) { legacySerialHandler('Q', primarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag); } //Note 'Q', this is a workaround for msDroid else { legacySerialHandler(currentCommand, primarySerial, serialStatusFlag); } //Send the bootloader capabilities currentStatus.secl = 0; //This is required in TS3 due to its stricter timings break; case 'T': //Send 256 tooth log entries to Tuner Studios tooth logger //6 bytes required: //2 - Page identifier //2 - offset //2 - Length serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if(primarySerial.available() >= 6) { primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 if(currentStatus.toothLogEnabled == true) { sendToothLog_legacy(0); } //Sends tooth log values as ints else if (currentStatus.compositeTriggerUsed > 0) { sendCompositeLog_legacy(0); } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 't': // receive new Calibration info. Command structure: "t", . byte tableID; //byte canID; //The first 2 bytes sent represent the canID and tableID while (primarySerial.available() == 0) { } tableID = primarySerial.read(); //Not currently used for anything receiveCalibration(tableID); //Receive new values and store in memory writeCalibration(); //Store received values in EEPROM break; case 'U': //User wants to reset the Arduino (probably for FW update) if (resetControl != RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED) { #ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE if (serialStatusFlag == SERIAL_INACTIVE) { primarySerial.println(F("Comms halted. Next byte will reset the Arduino.")); } #endif while (primarySerial.available() == 0) { } digitalWrite(pinResetControl, LOW); } else { #ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE if (serialStatusFlag == SERIAL_INACTIVE) { primarySerial.println(F("Reset control is currently disabled.")); } #endif } break; case 'V': // send VE table and constants in binary sendPage(); break; case 'W': // receive new VE obr constant at 'W'++ serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (isMap()) { if(primarySerial.available() >= 3) // 1 additional byte is required on the MAP pages which are larger than 255 bytes { byte offset1, offset2; offset1 = primarySerial.read(); offset2 = primarySerial.read(); valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1); setPageValue(currentPage, valueOffset, primarySerial.read()); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } } else { if(primarySerial.available() >= 2) { valueOffset = primarySerial.read(); setPageValue(currentPage, valueOffset, primarySerial.read()); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } } break; case 'w': //No w commands are supported in legacy mode. This should never be called if(primarySerial.available() >= 7) { byte offset1, offset2, length1, length2; primarySerial.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 currentPage = primarySerial.read(); //currentPage = 1; offset1 = primarySerial.read(); offset2 = primarySerial.read(); valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1); length1 = primarySerial.read(); length2 = primarySerial.read(); chunkSize = word(length2, length1); } break; case 'Z': //Totally non-standard testing function. Will be removed once calibration testing is completed. This function takes 1.5kb of program space! :S #ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE primarySerial.println(F("Coolant")); for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { primarySerial.print(cltCalibration_bins[x]); primarySerial.print(", "); primarySerial.println(cltCalibration_values[x]); } primarySerial.println(F("Inlet temp")); for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { primarySerial.print(iatCalibration_bins[x]); primarySerial.print(", "); primarySerial.println(iatCalibration_values[x]); } primarySerial.println(F("O2")); for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { primarySerial.print(o2Calibration_bins[x]); primarySerial.print(", "); primarySerial.println(o2Calibration_values[x]); } primarySerial.println(F("WUE")); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { primarySerial.print(configPage4.wueBins[x]); primarySerial.print(F(", ")); primarySerial.println(configPage2.wueValues[x]); } primarySerial.flush(); #endif break; case 'z': //Send 256 tooth log entries to a terminal emulator sendToothLog_legacy(0); //Sends tooth log values as chars break; case '`': //Custom 16u2 firmware is making its presence known serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (primarySerial.available() >= 1) { configPage4.bootloaderCaps = primarySerial.read(); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case '?': #ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE primarySerial.println (F( "\n" "===Command Help===\n\n" "All commands are single character and are concatenated with their parameters \n" "without spaces." "Syntax: +++\n\n" "===List of Commands===\n\n" "A - Displays 31 bytes of currentStatus values in binary (live data)\n" "B - Burn current map and configPage values to eeprom\n" "C - Test COM port. Used by Tunerstudio to see whether an ECU is on a given serial \n" " port. Returns a binary number.\n" "N - Print new line.\n" "P - Set current page. Syntax: P+\n" "R - Same as A command\n" "S - Display signature number\n" "Q - Same as S command\n" "V - Display map or configPage values in binary\n" "W - Set one byte in map or configPage. Expects binary parameters. \n" " Syntax: W++\n" "t - Set calibration values. Expects binary parameters. Table index is either 0, \n" " 1, or 2. Syntax: t++++\n" "Z - Display calibration values\n" "T - Displays 256 tooth log entries in binary\n" "r - Displays 256 tooth log entries\n" "U - Prepare for firmware update. The next byte received will cause the Arduino to reset.\n" "? - Displays this help page" )); #endif break; default: //Serial.println(F("Err: Unknown cmd")); //while(primarySerial.available() && primarySerial.peek()!='A') { primarySerial.read(); } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; break; } } void legacySerialHandler(byte cmd, Stream &targetPort, SerialStatus &targetStatusFlag) { switch (cmd) { case 'b': // New EEPROM burn command to only burn a single page at a time targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (targetPort.available() >= 2) { targetPort.read(); //Ignore the first table value, it's always 0 writeConfig(targetPort.read()); targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'B': // AS above but for the serial compatibility mode. targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (targetPort.available() >= 2) { targetPort.read(); //Ignore the first table value, it's always 0 writeConfig(targetPort.read()); targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'd': targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if (targetPort.available() >= 2) { targetPort.read(); //Ignore the first byte value, it's always 0 uint32_t CRC32_val = calculatePageCRC32( targetPort.read() ); //Split the 4 bytes of the CRC32 value into individual bytes and send targetPort.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) ); targetPort.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) ); targetPort.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) ); targetPort.write( (CRC32_val & 255) ); targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'M': targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; if(chunkPending == false) { //This means it's a new request //7 bytes required: //2 - Page identifier //2 - offset //2 - Length //1 - 1st New value if(targetPort.available() >= 7) { byte offset1, offset2, length1, length2; targetPort.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 currentPage = targetPort.read(); //currentPage = 1; offset1 = targetPort.read(); offset2 = targetPort.read(); valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1); length1 = targetPort.read(); length2 = targetPort.read(); chunkSize = word(length2, length1); //Regular page data chunkPending = true; chunkComplete = 0; } } //This CANNOT be an else of the above if statement as chunkPending gets set to true above if(chunkPending == true) { while( (targetPort.available() > 0) && (chunkComplete < chunkSize) ) { setPageValue(currentPage, (valueOffset + chunkComplete), targetPort.read()); chunkComplete++; } if(chunkComplete >= chunkSize) { targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; chunkPending = false; } } break; case 'p': targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; //6 bytes required: //2 - Page identifier //2 - offset //2 - Length if(targetPort.available() >= 6) { byte offset1, offset2, length1, length2; int length; byte tempPage; targetPort.read(); // First byte of the page identifier can be ignored. It's always 0 tempPage = targetPort.read(); //currentPage = 1; offset1 = targetPort.read(); offset2 = targetPort.read(); valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1); length1 = targetPort.read(); length2 = targetPort.read(); length = word(length2, length1); for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { targetPort.write( getPageValue(tempPage, valueOffset + i) ); } targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } break; case 'Q': // send code version //targetPort.print(F("speeduino 202402")); targetPort.print(F("speeduino 202405-dev")); break; case 'r': //New format for the optimised OutputChannels targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_COMMAND_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; byte cmd; if (targetPort.available() >= 6) { targetPort.read(); //Read the $tsCanId cmd = targetPort.read(); // read the command uint16_t offset, length; byte tmp; tmp = targetPort.read(); offset = word(targetPort.read(), tmp); tmp = targetPort.read(); length = word(targetPort.read(), tmp); targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; if(cmd == 0x30) //Send output channels command 0x30 is 48dec { sendValues(offset, length, cmd, targetPort, targetStatusFlag); } else { //No other r/ commands are supported in legacy mode } } break; case 'S': // send code version targetPort.print(F("Speeduino 2024.05-dev")); break; } } /** Send a status record back to tuning/logging SW. * This will "live" information from @ref currentStatus struct. * @param offset - Start field number * @param packetLength - Length of actual message (after possible ack/confirm headers) * @param cmd - ??? - Will be used as some kind of ack on secondarySerial * @param targetPort - The HardwareSerial device that will be transmitted to * @param targetStatusFlag - The status flag that will be set to indicate the status of the transmission * @param logFunction - The function that should be called to retrieve the log value * E.g. tuning sw command 'A' (Send all values) will send data from field number 0, LOG_ENTRY_SIZE fields. * @return the current values of a fixed group of variables */ void sendValues(uint16_t offset, uint16_t packetLength, byte cmd, Stream &targetPort, SerialStatus &targetStatusFlag) { sendValues(offset, packetLength, cmd, targetPort, targetStatusFlag, &getTSLogEntry); } //Defaults to using the standard TS log function void sendValues(uint16_t offset, uint16_t packetLength, byte cmd, Stream &targetPort, SerialStatus &targetStatusFlag, uint8_t (*logFunction)(uint16_t)) { #if defined(secondarySerial_AVAILABLE) if (&targetPort == &secondarySerial) { //Using Secondary serial, check if selected protocol requires the echo back of the command if( (configPage9.secondarySerialProtocol == SECONDARY_SERIAL_PROTO_GENERIC_FIXED) || (configPage9.secondarySerialProtocol == SECONDARY_SERIAL_PROTO_GENERIC_INI) || (configPage9.secondarySerialProtocol == SECONDARY_SERIAL_PROTO_REALDASH)) { if (cmd == 0x30) { secondarySerial.write("r"); //confirm cmd type secondarySerial.write(cmd); } else if (cmd == 0x31) { secondarySerial.write("A"); // confirm command type } else if (cmd == 0x32) { secondarySerial.write("n"); // confirm command type secondarySerial.write(cmd); // send command type , 0x32 (dec50) is ascii '0' secondarySerial.write(NEW_CAN_PACKET_SIZE); // send the packet size the receiving device should expect. } } } else #endif { if(firstCommsRequest) { firstCommsRequest = false; currentStatus.secl = 0; } } // targetStatusFlag = SERIAL_TRANSMIT_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; currentStatus.status2 ^= (-currentStatus.hasSync ^ currentStatus.status2) & (1U << BIT_STATUS2_SYNC); //Set the sync bit of the Spark variable to match the hasSync variable for(byte x=0; x>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.secl); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.PW1>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.PW1); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.PW2>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.PW2); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.RPM>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.RPM); temp = currentStatus.advance * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.nSquirts); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.engine); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.afrTarget); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.afrTarget); // send twice so afrtgt1 == afrtgt2 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // send dummy data as we don't have wbo2_en1 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // send dummy data as we don't have wbo2_en2 temp = currentStatus.baro * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); temp = currentStatus.MAP * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); temp = currentStatus.IAT * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); temp = currentStatus.coolant * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); temp = currentStatus.TPS * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.battery10>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.battery10); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.O2>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.O2); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.O2_2>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.O2_2); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // knock bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // knock temp = currentStatus.egoCorrection * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // egocor1 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // egocor1 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // egocor2 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // egocor2 temp = currentStatus.iatCorrection * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // aircor bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // aircor temp = currentStatus.wueCorrection * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // warmcor bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // warmcor bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // accelEnrich bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // accelEnrich bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // tpsFuelCut bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // tpsFuelCut bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // baroCorrection bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // baroCorrection temp = currentStatus.corrections * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // gammaEnrich bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // gammaEnrich temp = currentStatus.VE * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // ve1 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // ve1 temp = currentStatus.VE2 * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // ve2 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // ve2 bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // iacstep bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // iacstep bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // cold_adv_deg bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // cold_adv_deg temp = currentStatus.tpsDOT; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // TPSdot bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // TPSdot temp = currentStatus.mapDOT; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp >> 8); // MAPdot bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // MAPdot temp = currentStatus.dwell * 10U; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); // dwell bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); // dwell bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // MAF bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // MAF bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(currentStatus.fuelLoad*10); // fuelload bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // fuelcor bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // fuelcor bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(99); // portStatus temp = currentStatus.advance1 * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); temp = currentStatus.advance2 * 10; bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp>>8); bytestosend -= primarySerial.write(temp); for(int i = 0; i < bytestosend; i++) { // send dummy data to fill remote's buffer primarySerial.write(99); } } namespace { void send_raw_entity(const page_iterator_t &entity) { primarySerial.write((byte *)entity.pData, entity.size); } inline void send_table_values(table_value_iterator it) { while (!it.at_end()) { auto row = *it; primarySerial.write(&*row, row.size()); ++it; } } inline void send_table_axis(table_axis_iterator it) { const table3d_axis_io_converter converter = get_table3d_axis_converter(it.get_domain()); while (!it.at_end()) { primarySerial.write(converter.to_byte(*it)); ++it; } } void send_table_entity(const page_iterator_t &entity) { send_table_values(rows_begin(entity)); send_table_axis(x_begin(entity)); send_table_axis(y_begin(entity)); } void send_entity(const page_iterator_t &entity) { switch (entity.type) { case Raw: return send_raw_entity(entity); break; case Table: return send_table_entity(entity); break; case NoEntity: // No-op break; default: abort(); break; } } } /** Pack the data within the current page (As set with the 'P' command) into a buffer and send it. * * Creates a page iterator by @ref page_begin() (See: pages.cpp). Sends page given in @ref currentPage. * * Note that some translation of the data is required to lay it out in the way Megasquirt / TunerStudio expect it. * Data is sent in binary format, as defined by in each page in the speeduino.ini. */ void sendPage(void) { page_iterator_t entity = page_begin(currentPage); while (entity.type!=End) { send_entity(entity); entity = advance(entity); } } namespace { /// Prints each element in the memory byte range (*first, *last). void serial_println_range(const byte *first, const byte *last) { while (first!=last) { primarySerial.println(*first); ++first; } } void serial_println_range(const uint16_t *first, const uint16_t *last) { while (first!=last) { primarySerial.println(*first); ++first; } } void serial_print_space_delimited(const byte *first, const byte *last) { while (first!=last) { primarySerial.print(*first);// This displays the values horizontally on the screen primarySerial.print(F(" ")); ++first; } primarySerial.println(); } #define serial_print_space_delimited_array(array) serial_print_space_delimited(array, _end_range_address(array)) void serial_print_prepadding(byte value) { if (value < 100) { primarySerial.print(F(" ")); if (value < 10) { primarySerial.print(F(" ")); } } } void serial_print_prepadded_value(byte value) { serial_print_prepadding(value); primarySerial.print(value); primarySerial.print(F(" ")); } void print_row(const table_axis_iterator &y_it, table_row_iterator row) { serial_print_prepadded_value(get_table3d_axis_converter(y_it.get_domain()).to_byte(*y_it)); while (!row.at_end()) { serial_print_prepadded_value(*row); ++row; } primarySerial.println(); } void print_x_axis(void *pTable, table_type_t key) { primarySerial.print(F(" ")); auto x_it = x_begin(pTable, key); const table3d_axis_io_converter converter = get_table3d_axis_converter(x_it.get_domain()); while(!x_it.at_end()) { serial_print_prepadded_value(converter.to_byte(*x_it)); ++x_it; } } void serial_print_3dtable(void *pTable, table_type_t key) { auto y_it = y_begin(pTable, key); auto row_it = rows_begin(pTable, key); while (!row_it.at_end()) { print_row(y_it, *row_it); ++y_it; ++row_it; } print_x_axis(pTable, key); primarySerial.println(); } } /** Send page as ASCII for debugging purposes. * Similar to sendPage(), however data is sent in human readable format. Sends page given in @ref currentPage. * * This is used for testing only (Not used by TunerStudio) in order to see current map and config data without the need for TunerStudio. */ void sendPageASCII(void) { switch (currentPage) { case veMapPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nVE Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&fuelTable, fuelTable.type_key); break; case veSetPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nPg 2 Cfg")); // The following loop displays in human readable form of all byte values in config page 1 up to but not including the first array. serial_println_range((byte *)&configPage2, configPage2.wueValues); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage2.wueValues); // This displays all the byte values between the last array up to but not including the first unsigned int on config page 1 serial_println_range(_end_range_byte_address(configPage2.wueValues), (byte*)&configPage2.injAng); // The following loop displays four unsigned ints serial_println_range(configPage2.injAng, configPage2.injAng + _countof(configPage2.injAng)); // Following loop displays byte values between the unsigned ints serial_println_range(_end_range_byte_address(configPage2.injAng), (byte*)&configPage2.mapMax); primarySerial.println(configPage2.mapMax); // Following loop displays remaining byte values of the page serial_println_range(&configPage2.fpPrime, (byte *)&configPage2 + sizeof(configPage2)); break; case ignMapPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nIgnition Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&ignitionTable, ignitionTable.type_key); break; case ignSetPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nPg 4 Cfg")); primarySerial.println(configPage4.triggerAngle);// configPage4.triggerAngle is an int so just display it without complication // Following loop displays byte values after that first int up to but not including the first array in config page 2 serial_println_range((byte*)&configPage4.FixAng, configPage4.taeBins); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage4.taeBins); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage4.taeValues); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage4.wueBins); primarySerial.println(configPage4.dwellLimit);// Little lonely byte stuck between two arrays. No complications just display it. serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues); serial_println_range(_end_range_byte_address(configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues), (byte *)&configPage4 + sizeof(configPage4)); break; case afrMapPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nAFR Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&afrTable, afrTable.type_key); break; case afrSetPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nPg 6 Config")); serial_println_range((byte *)&configPage6, configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.injVoltageCorrectionValues); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.airDenBins); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.airDenRates); serial_println_range(_end_range_byte_address(configPage6.airDenRates), configPage6.iacCLValues); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacCLValues); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacOLStepVal); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacOLPWMVal); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacBins); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacCrankSteps); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacCrankDuty); serial_print_space_delimited_array(configPage6.iacCrankBins); // Following loop is for remaining byte value of page serial_println_range(_end_range_byte_address(configPage6.iacCrankBins), (byte *)&configPage6 + sizeof(configPage6)); break; case boostvvtPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nBoost Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&boostTable, boostTable.type_key); primarySerial.println(F("\nVVT Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&vvtTable, vvtTable.type_key); break; case seqFuelPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nTrim 1 Table")); serial_print_3dtable(&trim1Table, trim1Table.type_key); break; case canbusPage: primarySerial.println(F("\nPage 9 Cfg")); serial_println_range((byte *)&configPage9, (byte *)&configPage9 + sizeof(configPage9)); break; case fuelMap2Page: primarySerial.println(F("\n2nd Fuel Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&fuelTable2, fuelTable2.type_key); break; case ignMap2Page: primarySerial.println(F("\n2nd Ignition Map")); serial_print_3dtable(&ignitionTable2, ignitionTable2.type_key); break; case boostvvtPage2: primarySerial.println(F("\nBoost lookup table")); serial_print_3dtable(&boostTableLookupDuty, boostTableLookupDuty.type_key); break; case warmupPage: case progOutsPage: default: #ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE primarySerial.println(F("\nPage has not been implemented yet")); #endif break; } } /** Processes an incoming stream of calibration data (for CLT, IAT or O2) from TunerStudio. * Result is store in EEPROM and memory. * * @param tableID - calibration table to process. 0 = Coolant Sensor. 1 = IAT Sensor. 2 = O2 Sensor. */ void receiveCalibration(byte tableID) { void* pnt_TargetTable_values; //Pointer that will be used to point to the required target table values uint16_t* pnt_TargetTable_bins; //Pointer that will be used to point to the required target table bins int OFFSET, DIVISION_FACTOR; switch (tableID) { case 0: //coolant table pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint16_t *)&cltCalibration_values; pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&cltCalibration_bins; OFFSET = CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET; // DIVISION_FACTOR = 10; break; case 1: //Inlet air temp table pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint16_t *)&iatCalibration_values; pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&iatCalibration_bins; OFFSET = CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET; DIVISION_FACTOR = 10; break; case 2: //O2 table //pnt_TargetTable = (byte *)&o2CalibrationTable; pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint8_t *)&o2Calibration_values; pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&o2Calibration_bins; OFFSET = 0; DIVISION_FACTOR = 1; break; default: OFFSET = 0; pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint16_t *)&iatCalibration_values; pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&iatCalibration_bins; DIVISION_FACTOR = 10; break; //Should never get here, but if we do, just fail back to main loop } int16_t tempValue; byte tempBuffer[2]; if(tableID == 2) { //O2 calibration. Comes through as 1024 8-bit values of which we use every 32nd for (int x = 0; x < 1024; x++) { while ( primarySerial.available() < 1 ) {} tempValue = primarySerial.read(); if( (x % 32) == 0) { ((uint8_t*)pnt_TargetTable_values)[(x/32)] = (byte)tempValue; //O2 table stores 8 bit values pnt_TargetTable_bins[(x/32)] = (x); } } } else { //Temperature calibrations are sent as 32 16-bit values for (uint16_t x = 0; x < 32; x++) { while ( primarySerial.available() < 2 ) {} tempBuffer[0] = primarySerial.read(); tempBuffer[1] = primarySerial.read(); tempValue = (int16_t)(word(tempBuffer[1], tempBuffer[0])); //Combine the 2 bytes into a single, signed 16-bit value tempValue = div(tempValue, DIVISION_FACTOR).quot; //TS sends values multiplied by 10 so divide back to whole degrees. tempValue = ((tempValue - 32) * 5) / 9; //Convert from F to C //Apply the temp offset and check that it results in all values being positive tempValue = tempValue + OFFSET; if (tempValue < 0) { tempValue = 0; } ((uint16_t*)pnt_TargetTable_values)[x] = tempValue; //Both temp tables have 16-bit values pnt_TargetTable_bins[x] = (x * 32U); writeCalibration(); } } writeCalibration(); } /** Send 256 tooth log entries to primarySerial. * if useChar is true, the values are sent as chars to be printed out by a terminal emulator * if useChar is false, the values are sent as a 2 byte integer which is readable by TunerStudios tooth logger */ void sendToothLog_legacy(byte startOffset) /* Blocking */ { //We need TOOTH_LOG_SIZE number of records to send to TunerStudio. If there aren't that many in the buffer then we just return and wait for the next call if (BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.status1, BIT_STATUS1_TOOTHLOG1READY)) //Sanity check. Flagging system means this should always be true { serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_TRANSMIT_TOOTH_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; for (uint8_t x = startOffset; x < TOOTH_LOG_SIZE; ++x) { primarySerial.write(toothHistory[x] >> 24); primarySerial.write(toothHistory[x] >> 16); primarySerial.write(toothHistory[x] >> 8); primarySerial.write(toothHistory[x]); } BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status1, BIT_STATUS1_TOOTHLOG1READY); serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; toothHistoryIndex = 0; } else { //TunerStudio has timed out, send a LOG of all 0s for(uint16_t x = 0U; x < (4U*TOOTH_LOG_SIZE); ++x) { primarySerial.write(static_cast(0x00)); //GCC9 fix } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } } void sendCompositeLog_legacy(byte startOffset) /* Non-blocking */ { if (BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.status1, BIT_STATUS1_TOOTHLOG1READY)) //Sanity check. Flagging system means this should always be true { serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_TRANSMIT_COMPOSITE_INPROGRESS_LEGACY; for (uint8_t x = startOffset; x < TOOTH_LOG_SIZE; ++x) { //Check whether the tx buffer still has space if(primarySerial.availableForWrite() < 4) { //tx buffer is full. Store the current state so it can be resumed later logItemsTransmitted = x; return; } uint32_t inProgressCompositeTime = toothHistory[x]; //This combined runtime (in us) that the log was going for by this record) primarySerial.write(inProgressCompositeTime >> 24); primarySerial.write(inProgressCompositeTime >> 16); primarySerial.write(inProgressCompositeTime >> 8); primarySerial.write(inProgressCompositeTime); primarySerial.write(compositeLogHistory[x]); //The status byte (Indicates the trigger edge, whether it was a pri/sec pulse, the sync status) } BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status1, BIT_STATUS1_TOOTHLOG1READY); toothHistoryIndex = 0; serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } else { //TunerStudio has timed out, send a LOG of all 0s for(uint16_t x = 0U; x < (5U*TOOTH_LOG_SIZE); ++x) { primarySerial.write(static_cast(0x00)); //GCC9 fix } serialStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE; } } void testComm(void) { primarySerial.write(1); return; } #if defined(CORE_AVR) #pragma GCC pop_options #endif