#ifndef SENSORS_H #define SENSORS_H // The following are alpha values for the ADC filters. // Their values are from 0 to 255 with 0 being no filtering and 255 being maximum #define ADCFILTER_TPS 128 #define ADCFILTER_CLT 180 #define ADCFILTER_IAT 180 #define ADCFILTER_O2 128 #define ADCFILTER_BAT 128 volatile byte flexCounter = 0; /* * Simple low pass IIR filter macro for the analog inputs * This is effectively implementing the smooth filter from http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/Smooth * But removes the use of floats and uses 8 bits of fixed precision. */ #define ADC_FILTER(input, alpha, prior) (((long)input * (256 - alpha) + ((long)prior * alpha))) >> 8 void instanteneousMAPReading(); void readMAP(); #endif // SENSORS_H