#include "table3d_interpolate.h" // ============================= Axis Bin Searching ========================= static inline bool is_in_bin(const table3d_axis_t &testValue, const table3d_axis_t &min, const table3d_axis_t &max) { return testValue > min && testValue <= max; } // Find the axis index for the top of the bin that covers the test value. // E.g. 4 in { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } would be 2 // We assume the axis is in order. static inline table3d_dim_t find_bin_max( table3d_axis_t &value, // Value to search for const table3d_axis_t *pAxis, // The axis to search table3d_dim_t minElement, // Axis index of the element with the lowest value (at one end of the array) table3d_dim_t maxElement, // Axis index of the element with the highest value (at the other end of the array) table3d_dim_t lastBinMax) // The last result from this call - used to speed up searches { // Direction to search (1 conventional, -1 to go backwards from pAxis) int8_t stride = maxElement>minElement ? 1 : -1; // It's quicker to increment/adjust this pointer than to repeatedly // index the array - minimum 2%, often >5% const table3d_axis_t *pMax = nullptr; // minElement is at one end of the array, so the "lowest" bin // is [minElement, minElement+stride]. Since we're working with the upper // index of the bin pair, we can't go below minElement + stride. table3d_dim_t minBinIndex = minElement + stride; // Check the cached last bin and either side first - it's likely that this will give a hit under // real world conditions // Check if we're still in the same bin as last time pMax = pAxis + lastBinMax; if (is_in_bin(value, *(pMax - stride), *pMax)) { return lastBinMax; } // Check the bin above the last one pMax = pMax - stride; if (lastBinMax!=minBinIndex && is_in_bin(value, *(pMax - stride), *pMax)) { return lastBinMax-stride; } // Check the bin below the last one pMax += stride*2; if (lastBinMax!=maxElement && is_in_bin(value, *(pMax - stride), *pMax)) { return lastBinMax+stride; } // Check if outside array limits - won't happen often in the real world // so check after the cache check // At or above maximum - clamp to final value if (value>=pAxis[maxElement]) { value = pAxis[maxElement]; return maxElement; } // At or below minimum - clamp to lowest value if (value<=pAxis[minElement]) { value = pAxis[minElement]; return minElement+stride; } // No hits above, so run a linear search. // We start at the maximum & work down, rather than looping from [0] up to [max] // This is because the important tables (fuel and injection) will have the highest // RPM at the top of the X axis, so starting there will mean the best case occurs // when the RPM is highest (and hence the CPU is needed most) lastBinMax = maxElement; pMax = pAxis + lastBinMax; while (lastBinMax!=minBinIndex && !is_in_bin(value, *(pMax - stride), *pMax)) { lastBinMax -= stride; pMax -= stride; } return lastBinMax; } table3d_dim_t find_xbin(table3d_axis_t &value, const table3d_axis_t *pAxis, table3d_dim_t size, table3d_dim_t lastBin) { return find_bin_max(value, pAxis, size-1, 0, lastBin); } table3d_dim_t find_ybin(table3d_axis_t &value, const table3d_axis_t *pAxis, table3d_dim_t size, table3d_dim_t lastBin) { // Y axis is stored in reverse for performance purposes (not sure that's still valid). // The minimum value is at the end & max at the start. So need to adjust for that. return find_bin_max(value, pAxis, size-1, 0, lastBin); } // ========================= Fixed point math ========================= // An unsigned fixed point number type with 1 integer bit & 8 fractional bits. // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(number_format). // This is specialised for the number range 0..1 - a generic fixed point // class would miss some important optimisations. Specifically, we can avoid // type promotion during multiplication. typedef uint16_t QU1X8_t; static constexpr uint8_t QU1X8_INTEGER_SHIFT = 8; static constexpr QU1X8_t QU1X8_ONE = 1U << QU1X8_INTEGER_SHIFT; static constexpr QU1X8_t QU1X8_HALF = 1U << (QU1X8_INTEGER_SHIFT-1); inline QU1X8_t mulQU1X8(QU1X8_t a, QU1X8_t b) { // 1x1 == 1....but the real reason for this is to avoid 16-bit multiplication overflow. // // We are using uint16_t as our underlying fixed point type. If we follow the regular // code path, we'd need to promote to uint32_t to avoid overflow. // // The overflow can only happen when *both* the X & Y inputs // are at the edge of a bin. // // This is a rare condition, so most of the time we can use 16-bit multiplication and gain performance if (a==QU1X8_ONE && b==QU1X8_ONE) { return QU1X8_ONE; } // Add the equivalent of 0.5 to the final calculation pre-rounding. // This will have the effect of rounding to the nearest integer, rather // than always rounding down. return ((a * b) + QU1X8_HALF) >> QU1X8_INTEGER_SHIFT; } // ============================= Axis value to bin % ========================= static inline QU1X8_t compute_bin_position(table3d_axis_t value, const table3d_dim_t &bin, int8_t stride, const table3d_axis_t *pAxis) { table3d_axis_t binMinValue = pAxis[bin-stride]; if (value==binMinValue) { return 0; } table3d_axis_t binMaxValue = pAxis[bin]; if (value==binMaxValue) { return QU1X8_ONE; } table3d_axis_t binWidth = binMaxValue-binMinValue; // Since we can have bins of any width, we need to use // 24.8 fixed point to avoid overflow uint32_t p = (uint32_t)(value - binMinValue) << QU1X8_INTEGER_SHIFT; // But since we are computing the ratio (0 to 1), p is guaranteed to be // less than binWidth and thus the division below will result in a value // <=1. So we can reduce the data type from 24.8 (uint32_t) to 1.8 (uint16_t) return p / binWidth; } // ============================= End internal support functions ========================= //This function pulls a value from a 3D table given a target for X and Y coordinates. //It performs a 2D linear interpolation as described in: www.megamanual.com/v22manual/ve_tuner.pdf table3d_value_t get3DTableValue(struct table3DGetValueCache *pValueCache, table3d_dim_t axisSize, const table3d_value_t *pValues, const table3d_axis_t *pXAxis, const table3d_axis_t *pYAxis, table3d_axis_t Y_in, table3d_axis_t X_in) { //0th check is whether the same X and Y values are being sent as last time. // If they are, this not only prevents a lookup of the axis, but prevents the //interpolation calcs being performed if( X_in == pValueCache->last_lookup.x && Y_in == pValueCache->last_lookup.y) { return pValueCache->lastOutput; } // Assign this here, as we might modify coords below. pValueCache->last_lookup.x = X_in; pValueCache->last_lookup.y = Y_in; // Figure out where on the axes the incoming coord are pValueCache->lastXBinMax = find_xbin(X_in, pXAxis, axisSize, pValueCache->lastXBinMax); pValueCache->lastYBinMax = find_ybin(Y_in, pYAxis, axisSize, pValueCache->lastYBinMax); /* At this point we have the 4 corners of the map where the interpolated value will fall in Eg: (yMax,xMin) (yMax,xMax) (yMin,xMin) (yMin,xMax) In the following calculation the table values are referred to by the following variables: A B C D */ table3d_dim_t rowMax = pValueCache->lastYBinMax * axisSize; table3d_dim_t rowMin = rowMax + axisSize; table3d_dim_t colMax = axisSize - pValueCache->lastXBinMax - 1; table3d_dim_t colMin = colMax - 1; table3d_value_t A = pValues[rowMax + colMin]; table3d_value_t B = pValues[rowMax + colMax]; table3d_value_t C = pValues[rowMin + colMin]; table3d_value_t D = pValues[rowMin + colMax]; //Check that all values aren't just the same (This regularly happens with things like the fuel trim maps) if( (A == B) && (A == C) && (A == D) ) { pValueCache->lastOutput = A; } else { //Create some normalised position values //These are essentially percentages (between 0 and 1) of where the desired value falls between the nearest bins on each axis const QU1X8_t p = compute_bin_position(X_in, pValueCache->lastXBinMax, -1, pXAxis); const QU1X8_t q = compute_bin_position(Y_in, pValueCache->lastYBinMax, -1, pYAxis); const QU1X8_t m = mulQU1X8(QU1X8_ONE-p, q); const QU1X8_t n = mulQU1X8(p, q); const QU1X8_t o = mulQU1X8(QU1X8_ONE-p, QU1X8_ONE-q); const QU1X8_t r = mulQU1X8(p, QU1X8_ONE-q); pValueCache->lastOutput = ( (A * m) + (B * n) + (C * o) + (D * r) ) >> QU1X8_INTEGER_SHIFT; } return pValueCache->lastOutput; }