#include #include #include "test_misc/tests_corrections.h" #include "test_misc/tests_init.h" #include "test_misc/tests_tables.h" #include "test_misc/tests_PW.h" #include "test_schedules/test_schedules.h" #include "test_decoders/test_decoders.h" void doTests() { testInitialisation(); testCorrections(); testPW(); //testSchedules(); //This is currently causing issues testDecoders(); testTables(); } void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // NOTE!!! Wait for >2 secs // if board doesn't support software reset via Serial.DTR/RTS delay(2000); UNITY_BEGIN(); // IMPORTANT LINE! doTests(); UNITY_END(); // stop unit testing } void loop() { // Blink to indicate end of test digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(250); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(250); }