
757 lines
32 KiB

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <unity.h>
#include "test_calcs_common.h"
#include "schedule_calcs.h"
#include "crankMaths.h"
#define _countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof (x[0]))
extern volatile uint16_t degreesPeruSx2048;
constexpr uint16_t DWELL_TIME_MS = 4;
uint16_t dwellAngle;
void setEngineSpeed(uint16_t rpm, int16_t max_crank) {
timePerDegreex16 = ldiv( 2666656L, rpm).quot; //The use of a x16 value gives accuracy down to 0.1 of a degree and can provide noticeably better timing results on low resolution triggers
timePerDegree = timePerDegreex16 / 16;
degreesPeruSx2048 = 2048 / timePerDegree;
degreesPeruSx32768 = 524288L / timePerDegreex16;
revolutionTime = (60L*1000000L) / rpm;
CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_IGN = max_crank;
CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ = max_crank;
struct ign_test_parameters
uint16_t channelAngle; // deg
int8_t advanceAngle; // deg
uint16_t crankAngle; // deg
uint32_t pending; // Expected delay when channel status is PENDING
uint32_t running; // Expected delay when channel status is RUNNING
int16_t expectedStartAngle; // Expected start angle
int16_t expectedEndAngle; // Expected end angle
void test_calc_ign1_timeout(const ign_test_parameters &test_params)
memset(&ignitionSchedule1, 0, sizeof(ignitionSchedule1));
ignitionSchedule1.Status = PENDING;
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(test_params.expectedStartAngle, ignition1StartAngle);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(test_params.expectedEndAngle, ignition1EndAngle);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(test_params.pending, calculateIgnition1Timeout(test_params.crankAngle));
ignitionSchedule1.Status = RUNNING;
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(test_params.running, calculateIgnition1Timeout(test_params.crankAngle));
void test_calc_ignN_timeout(Schedule &schedule, const ign_test_parameters &test_params, const int &startAngle, void (*pEndAngleCalc)(int), const int16_t &endAngle)
char msg[150];
memset(&schedule, 0, sizeof(schedule));
schedule.Status = PENDING;
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_params.expectedStartAngle, startAngle, "startAngle");
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_params.expectedEndAngle, endAngle, "endAngle");
sprintf_P(msg, PSTR("PENDING advanceAngle: %" PRIi8 ", channelAngle: % " PRIu16 ", crankAngle: %" PRIu16 ", endAngle: %" PRIi16), test_params.advanceAngle, test_params.channelAngle, test_params.crankAngle, endAngle);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_params.pending, calculateIgnitionNTimeout(schedule, startAngle, test_params.channelAngle, test_params.crankAngle), msg);
schedule.Status = RUNNING;
sprintf_P(msg, PSTR("RUNNING advanceAngle: %" PRIi8 ", channelAngle: % " PRIu16 ", crankAngle: %" PRIu16 ", endAngle: %" PRIi16), test_params.advanceAngle, test_params.channelAngle, test_params.crankAngle, endAngle);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_params.running, calculateIgnitionNTimeout(schedule, startAngle, test_params.channelAngle, test_params.crankAngle), msg);
//test_params.channelAngle, local.crankAngle, local.pending, local.running, local.endAngle
void test_calc_ign_timeout(const ign_test_parameters &test_params)
channel2IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule2, test_params, ignition2StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle2, ignition2EndAngle);
channel3IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule3, test_params, ignition3StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle3, ignition3EndAngle);
channel4IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule4, test_params, ignition4StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle4, ignition4EndAngle);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 5)
channel5IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule5, test_params, ignition5StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle5, ignition5EndAngle);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 6)
channel6IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule6, test_params, ignition6StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle6, ignition6EndAngle);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 7)
channel7IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule7, test_params, ignition7StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle7, ignition7EndAngle);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 8)
channel8IgnDegrees = test_params.channelAngle;
test_calc_ignN_timeout(ignitionSchedule8, test_params, ignition8StartAngle, &calculateIgnitionAngle8, ignition8EndAngle);
void test_calc_ign_timeout(const ign_test_parameters *pStart, const ign_test_parameters *pEnd)
ign_test_parameters local;
while (pStart!=pEnd)
memcpy_P(&local, pStart, sizeof(local));
currentStatus.advance = local.advanceAngle;
// Separate test for ign 1 - different code path, same results!
void test_calc_ign1_timeout()
setEngineSpeed(4000, 360);
static const ign_test_parameters test_data[] PROGMEM = {
// ChannelAngle (deg), Advance, Crank, Expected Pending, Expected Running
{ 0, -40, 0, 12666, 12666, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 45, 10791, 10791, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 90, 8916, 8916, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 135, 7041, 7041, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 180, 5166, 5166, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 215, 3708, 3708, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 270, 1416, 1416, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 315, 0, 14541, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 360, 0, 12666, 304, 40 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 11000, 11000, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 45, 9125, 9125, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 90, 7250, 7250, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 135, 5375, 5375, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 180, 3500, 3500, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 215, 2041, 2041, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 270, 0, 14750, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 315, 0, 12875, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 0, 360, 0, 11000, 264, 360 },
{ 0, 40, 0, 9333, 9333, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 45, 7458, 7458, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 90, 5583, 5583, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 135, 3708, 3708, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 180, 1833, 1833, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 215, 375, 375, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 270, 0, 13083, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 315, 0, 11208, 224, 320 },
{ 0, 40, 360, 0, 9333, 224, 320 },
const ign_test_parameters *pStart = &test_data[0];
const ign_test_parameters *pEnd = pStart + +_countof(test_data);
ign_test_parameters local;
while (pStart!=pEnd)
memcpy_P(&local, pStart, sizeof(local));
currentStatus.advance = local.advanceAngle;
void test_calc_ign_timeout_360()
setEngineSpeed(4000, 360);
static const ign_test_parameters test_data[] PROGMEM = {
// ChannelAngle (deg), Advance, Crank, Expected Pending, Expected Running
{ 0, -40, 0, 12666, 12666, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 45, 10791, 10791, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 90, 8916, 8916, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 135, 7041, 7041, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 180, 5166, 5166, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 215, 3708, 3708, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 270, 1416, 1416, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 315, 0, 14541, 304, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 360, 0, 12666, 304, 40 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 11000, 11000, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 45, 9125, 9125, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 90, 7250, 7250, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 135, 5375, 5375, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 180, 3500, 3500, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 215, 2041, 2041, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 270, 0, 14750, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 315, 0, 12875, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 360, 0, 11000, 264, 0 },
{ 0, 40, 0, 9333, 9333, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 45, 7458, 7458, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 90, 5583, 5583, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 135, 3708, 3708, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 180, 1833, 1833, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 215, 375, 375, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 270, 0, 13083, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 315, 0, 11208, 224, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 360, 0, 9333, 224, -40 },
{ 72, -40, 0, 666, 666, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 45, 0, 13791, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 90, 11916, 11916, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 135, 10041, 10041, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 180, 8166, 8166, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 215, 6708, 6708, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 270, 4416, 4416, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 315, 2541, 2541, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 360, 666, 666, 16, 112 },
{ 72, 0, 0, 0, 14000, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 45, 0, 12125, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 90, 10250, 10250, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 135, 8375, 8375, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 180, 6500, 6500, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 215, 5041, 5041, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 270, 2750, 2750, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 315, 875, 875, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 360, 0, 14000, 336, 72 },
{ 72, 40, 0, 0, 12333, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 45, 0, 10458, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 90, 8583, 8583, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 135, 6708, 6708, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 180, 4833, 4833, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 215, 3375, 3375, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 270, 1083, 1083, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 315, 0, 14208, 296, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 360, 0, 12333, 296, 32 },
{ 90, -40, 0, 1416, 1416, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 45, 0, 14541, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 90, 12666, 12666, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 135, 10791, 10791, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 180, 8916, 8916, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 215, 7458, 7458, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 270, 5166, 5166, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 315, 3291, 3291, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 360, 1416, 1416, 34, 130 },
{ 90, 0, 0, 0, 14750, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 45, 0, 12875, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 90, 11000, 11000, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 135, 9125, 9125, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 180, 7250, 7250, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 215, 5791, 5791, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 270, 3500, 3500, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 315, 1625, 1625, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 360, 0, 14750, 354, 90 },
{ 90, 40, 0, 0, 13083, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 45, 0, 11208, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 90, 9333, 9333, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 135, 7458, 7458, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 180, 5583, 5583, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 215, 4125, 4125, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 270, 1833, 1833, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 315, 0, 14958, 314, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 360, 0, 13083, 314, 50 },
{ 144, -40, 0, 3666, 3666, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 45, 1791, 1791, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 90, 0, 14916, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 135, 0, 13041, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 180, 11166, 11166, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 215, 9708, 9708, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 270, 7416, 7416, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 315, 5541, 5541, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 360, 3666, 3666, 88, 184 },
{ 144, 0, 0, 2000, 2000, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 45, 125, 125, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 90, 0, 13250, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 135, 0, 11375, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 180, 9500, 9500, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 215, 8041, 8041, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 270, 5750, 5750, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 315, 3875, 3875, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 360, 2000, 2000, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 40, 0, 333, 333, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 45, 0, 13458, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 90, 0, 11583, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 135, 0, 9708, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 180, 7833, 7833, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 215, 6375, 6375, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 270, 4083, 4083, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 315, 2208, 2208, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 360, 333, 333, 8, 104 },
{ 180, -40, 0, 5166, 5166, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 45, 3291, 3291, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 90, 1416, 1416, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 135, 0, 14541, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 180, 12666, 12666, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 215, 11208, 11208, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 270, 8916, 8916, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 315, 7041, 7041, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 360, 5166, 5166, 124, 220 },
{ 180, 0, 0, 3500, 3500, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 45, 1625, 1625, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 90, 0, 14750, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 135, 0, 12875, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 180, 11000, 11000, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 215, 9541, 9541, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 270, 7250, 7250, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 315, 5375, 5375, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 360, 3500, 3500, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 40, 0, 1833, 1833, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 45, 0, 14958, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 90, 0, 13083, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 135, 0, 11208, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 180, 9333, 9333, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 215, 7875, 7875, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 270, 5583, 5583, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 315, 3708, 3708, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 360, 1833, 1833, 44, 140 },
{ 270, -40, 0, 8916, 8916, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 45, 7041, 7041, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 90, 5166, 5166, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 135, 3291, 3291, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 180, 1416, 1416, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 215, 0, 14958, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 270, 12666, 12666, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 315, 10791, 10791, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 360, 8916, 8916, 214, 310 },
{ 270, 0, 0, 7250, 7250, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 45, 5375, 5375, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 90, 3500, 3500, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 135, 1625, 1625, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 180, 0, 14750, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 215, 0, 13291, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 270, 11000, 11000, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 315, 9125, 9125, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 360, 7250, 7250, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 40, 0, 5583, 5583, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 45, 3708, 3708, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 90, 1833, 1833, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 135, 0, 14958, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 180, 0, 13083, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 215, 0, 11625, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 270, 9333, 9333, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 315, 7458, 7458, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 360, 5583, 5583, 134, 230 },
{ 360, -40, 0, 12666, 12666, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 45, 10791, 10791, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 90, 8916, 8916, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 135, 7041, 7041, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 180, 5166, 5166, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 215, 3708, 3708, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 270, 1416, 1416, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 315, 0, 14541, 304, 40 },
{ 360, -40, 360, 12666, 12666, 304, 40 },
{ 360, 0, 0, 11000, 11000, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 45, 9125, 9125, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 90, 7250, 7250, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 135, 5375, 5375, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 180, 3500, 3500, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 215, 2041, 2041, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 270, 0, 14750, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 315, 0, 12875, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 360, 11000, 11000, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 40, 0, 9333, 9333, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 45, 7458, 7458, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 90, 5583, 5583, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 135, 3708, 3708, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 180, 1833, 1833, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 215, 375, 375, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 270, 0, 13083, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 315, 0, 11208, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 360, 9333, 9333, 224, 320 },
test_calc_ign_timeout(&test_data[0], &test_data[0]+_countof(test_data));
void test_calc_ign_timeout_720()
setEngineSpeed(4000, 720);
static const ign_test_parameters test_data[] PROGMEM = {
// ChannelAngle (deg), Advance, Crank, Expected Pending, Expected Running
{ 0, -40, 0, 27666, 27666, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 45, 25791, 25791, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 90, 23916, 23916, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 135, 22041, 22041, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 180, 20166, 20166, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 215, 18708, 18708, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 270, 16416, 16416, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 315, 14541, 14541, 664, 40 },
{ 0, -40, 360, 12666, 12666, 664, 40 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 26000, 26000, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 45, 24125, 24125, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 90, 22250, 22250, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 135, 20375, 20375, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 180, 18500, 18500, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 215, 17041, 17041, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 270, 14750, 14750, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 315, 12875, 12875, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 360, 11000, 11000, 624, 0 },
{ 0, 40, 0, 24333, 24333, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 45, 22458, 22458, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 90, 20583, 20583, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 135, 18708, 18708, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 180, 16833, 16833, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 215, 15375, 15375, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 270, 13083, 13083, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 315, 11208, 11208, 584, -40 },
{ 0, 40, 360, 9333, 9333, 584, -40 },
{ 72, -40, 0, 666, 666, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 45, 0, 28791, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 90, 26916, 26916, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 135, 25041, 25041, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 180, 23166, 23166, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 215, 21708, 21708, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 270, 19416, 19416, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 315, 17541, 17541, 16, 112 },
{ 72, -40, 360, 15666, 15666, 16, 112 },
{ 72, 0, 0, 0, 29000, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 45, 0, 27125, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 90, 25250, 25250, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 135, 23375, 23375, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 180, 21500, 21500, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 215, 20041, 20041, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 270, 17750, 17750, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 315, 15875, 15875, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 0, 360, 14000, 14000, 696, 72 },
{ 72, 40, 0, 0, 27333, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 45, 0, 25458, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 90, 23583, 23583, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 135, 21708, 21708, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 180, 19833, 19833, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 215, 18375, 18375, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 270, 16083, 16083, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 315, 14208, 14208, 656, 32 },
{ 72, 40, 360, 12333, 12333, 656, 32 },
{ 90, -40, 0, 1416, 1416, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 45, 0, 29541, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 90, 27666, 27666, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 135, 25791, 25791, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 180, 23916, 23916, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 215, 22458, 22458, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 270, 20166, 20166, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 315, 18291, 18291, 34, 130 },
{ 90, -40, 360, 16416, 16416, 34, 130 },
{ 90, 0, 0, 0, 29750, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 45, 0, 27875, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 90, 26000, 26000, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 135, 24125, 24125, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 180, 22250, 22250, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 215, 20791, 20791, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 270, 18500, 18500, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 315, 16625, 16625, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 0, 360, 14750, 14750, 714, 90 },
{ 90, 40, 0, 0, 28083, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 45, 0, 26208, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 90, 24333, 24333, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 135, 22458, 22458, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 180, 20583, 20583, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 215, 19125, 19125, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 270, 16833, 16833, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 315, 14958, 14958, 674, 50 },
{ 90, 40, 360, 13083, 13083, 674, 50 },
{ 144, -40, 0, 3666, 3666, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 45, 1791, 1791, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 90, 0, 29916, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 135, 0, 28041, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 180, 26166, 26166, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 215, 24708, 24708, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 270, 22416, 22416, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 315, 20541, 20541, 88, 184 },
{ 144, -40, 360, 18666, 18666, 88, 184 },
{ 144, 0, 0, 2000, 2000, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 45, 125, 125, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 90, 0, 28250, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 135, 0, 26375, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 180, 24500, 24500, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 215, 23041, 23041, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 270, 20750, 20750, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 315, 18875, 18875, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 0, 360, 17000, 17000, 48, 144 },
{ 144, 40, 0, 333, 333, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 45, 0, 28458, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 90, 0, 26583, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 135, 0, 24708, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 180, 22833, 22833, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 215, 21375, 21375, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 270, 19083, 19083, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 315, 17208, 17208, 8, 104 },
{ 144, 40, 360, 15333, 15333, 8, 104 },
{ 180, -40, 0, 5166, 5166, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 45, 3291, 3291, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 90, 1416, 1416, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 135, 0, 29541, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 180, 27666, 27666, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 215, 26208, 26208, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 270, 23916, 23916, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 315, 22041, 22041, 124, 220 },
{ 180, -40, 360, 20166, 20166, 124, 220 },
{ 180, 0, 0, 3500, 3500, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 45, 1625, 1625, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 90, 0, 29750, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 135, 0, 27875, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 180, 26000, 26000, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 215, 24541, 24541, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 270, 22250, 22250, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 315, 20375, 20375, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 0, 360, 18500, 18500, 84, 180 },
{ 180, 40, 0, 1833, 1833, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 45, 0, 29958, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 90, 0, 28083, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 135, 0, 26208, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 180, 24333, 24333, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 215, 22875, 22875, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 270, 20583, 20583, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 315, 18708, 18708, 44, 140 },
{ 180, 40, 360, 16833, 16833, 44, 140 },
{ 270, -40, 0, 8916, 8916, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 45, 7041, 7041, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 90, 5166, 5166, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 135, 3291, 3291, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 180, 1416, 1416, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 215, 0, 29958, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 270, 27666, 27666, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 315, 25791, 25791, 214, 310 },
{ 270, -40, 360, 23916, 23916, 214, 310 },
{ 270, 0, 0, 7250, 7250, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 45, 5375, 5375, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 90, 3500, 3500, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 135, 1625, 1625, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 180, 0, 29750, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 215, 0, 28291, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 270, 26000, 26000, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 315, 24125, 24125, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 0, 360, 22250, 22250, 174, 270 },
{ 270, 40, 0, 5583, 5583, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 45, 3708, 3708, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 90, 1833, 1833, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 135, 0, 29958, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 180, 0, 28083, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 215, 0, 26625, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 270, 24333, 24333, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 315, 22458, 22458, 134, 230 },
{ 270, 40, 360, 20583, 20583, 134, 230 },
{ 360, -40, 0, 12666, 12666, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 45, 10791, 10791, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 90, 8916, 8916, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 135, 7041, 7041, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 180, 5166, 5166, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 215, 3708, 3708, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 270, 1416, 1416, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 315, 0, 29541, 304, 400 },
{ 360, -40, 360, 27666, 27666, 304, 400 },
{ 360, 0, 0, 11000, 11000, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 45, 9125, 9125, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 90, 7250, 7250, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 135, 5375, 5375, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 180, 3500, 3500, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 215, 2041, 2041, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 270, 0, 29750, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 315, 0, 27875, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 0, 360, 26000, 26000, 264, 360 },
{ 360, 40, 0, 9333, 9333, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 45, 7458, 7458, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 90, 5583, 5583, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 135, 3708, 3708, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 180, 1833, 1833, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 215, 375, 375, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 270, 0, 28083, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 315, 0, 26208, 224, 320 },
{ 360, 40, 360, 24333, 24333, 224, 320 },
{ 432, -40, 0, 15666, 15666, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 45, 13791, 13791, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 90, 11916, 11916, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 135, 10041, 10041, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 180, 8166, 8166, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 215, 6708, 6708, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 270, 4416, 4416, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 315, 2541, 2541, 376, 472 },
{ 432, -40, 360, 666, 666, 376, 472 },
{ 432, 0, 0, 14000, 14000, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 45, 12125, 12125, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 90, 10250, 10250, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 135, 8375, 8375, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 180, 6500, 6500, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 215, 5041, 5041, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 270, 2750, 2750, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 315, 875, 875, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 0, 360, 0, 29000, 336, 432 },
{ 432, 40, 0, 12333, 12333, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 45, 10458, 10458, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 90, 8583, 8583, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 135, 6708, 6708, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 180, 4833, 4833, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 215, 3375, 3375, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 270, 1083, 1083, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 315, 0, 29208, 296, 392 },
{ 432, 40, 360, 0, 27333, 296, 392 },
{ 576, -40, 0, 21666, 21666, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 45, 19791, 19791, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 90, 17916, 17916, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 135, 16041, 16041, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 180, 14166, 14166, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 215, 12708, 12708, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 270, 10416, 10416, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 315, 8541, 8541, 520, 616 },
{ 576, -40, 360, 6666, 6666, 520, 616 },
{ 576, 0, 0, 20000, 20000, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 45, 18125, 18125, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 90, 16250, 16250, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 135, 14375, 14375, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 180, 12500, 12500, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 215, 11041, 11041, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 270, 8750, 8750, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 315, 6875, 6875, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 0, 360, 5000, 5000, 480, 576 },
{ 576, 40, 0, 18333, 18333, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 45, 16458, 16458, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 90, 14583, 14583, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 135, 12708, 12708, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 180, 10833, 10833, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 215, 9375, 9375, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 270, 7083, 7083, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 315, 5208, 5208, 440, 536 },
{ 576, 40, 360, 3333, 3333, 440, 536 },
{ 600, -40, 0, 22666, 22666, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 45, 20791, 20791, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 90, 18916, 18916, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 135, 17041, 17041, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 180, 15166, 15166, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 215, 13708, 13708, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 270, 11416, 11416, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 315, 9541, 9541, 544, 640 },
{ 600, -40, 360, 7666, 7666, 544, 640 },
{ 600, 0, 0, 21000, 21000, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 45, 19125, 19125, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 90, 17250, 17250, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 135, 15375, 15375, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 180, 13500, 13500, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 215, 12041, 12041, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 270, 9750, 9750, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 315, 7875, 7875, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 0, 360, 6000, 6000, 504, 600 },
{ 600, 40, 0, 19333, 19333, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 45, 17458, 17458, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 90, 15583, 15583, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 135, 13708, 13708, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 180, 11833, 11833, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 215, 10375, 10375, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 270, 8083, 8083, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 315, 6208, 6208, 464, 560 },
{ 600, 40, 360, 4333, 4333, 464, 560 },
test_calc_ign_timeout(&test_data[0], &test_data[0]+_countof(test_data));
void test_rotary_channel3_calcs(void)
setEngineSpeed(4000, 360);
static const int16_t test_data[][5] PROGMEM = {
{ -40, 5, 0, -40, 315 },
{ -40, 95, 0, -40, 225 },
{ -40, 185, 0, -40, 135 },
{ -40, 275, 0, -40, 45 },
{ -40, 355, 0, -40, -35 },
{ -40, 5, 40, 0, 355 },
{ -40, 95, 40, 0, 265 },
{ -40, 185, 40, 0, 175 },
{ -40, 275, 40, 0, 85 },
{ -40, 355, 40, 0, 5 },
{ 0, 5, 0, 0, 355 },
{ 0, 95, 0, 0, 265 },
{ 0, 185, 0, 0, 175 },
{ 0, 275, 0, 0, 85 },
{ 0, 355, 0, 0, 5 },
{ 0, 5, 40, 40, 35 },
{ 0, 95, 40, 40, 305 },
{ 0, 185, 40, 40, 215 },
{ 0, 275, 40, 40, 125 },
{ 0, 355, 40, 40, 45 },
{ 40, 5, 0, 40, 35 },
{ 40, 95, 0, 40, 305 },
{ 40, 185, 0, 40, 215 },
{ 40, 275, 0, 40, 125 },
{ 40, 355, 0, 40, 45 },
{ 40, 5, 40, 80, 75 },
{ 40, 95, 40, 80, 345 },
{ 40, 185, 40, 80, 255 },
{ 40, 275, 40, 80, 165 },
{ 40, 355, 40, 80, 85 },
const int16_t (*pStart)[5] = &test_data[0];
const int16_t (*pEnd)[5] = &test_data[0]+_countof(test_data);
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
int16_t local[5];
while (pStart!=pEnd)
memcpy_P(local, pStart, sizeof(local));
ignition1EndAngle = local[0];
calculateIgnitionAngle3(local[1], local[2]);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(local[3], ignition3EndAngle);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(local[4], ignition3StartAngle);
void test_rotary_channel4_calcs(void)
setEngineSpeed(4000, 360);
static const int16_t test_data[][5] PROGMEM = {
{ -40, 5, 0, -40, 315 },
{ -40, 95, 0, -40, 225 },
{ -40, 185, 0, -40, 135 },
{ -40, 275, 0, -40, 45 },
{ -40, 355, 0, -40, -35 },
{ -40, 5, 40, 0, 355 },
{ -40, 95, 40, 0, 265 },
{ -40, 185, 40, 0, 175 },
{ -40, 275, 40, 0, 85 },
{ -40, 355, 40, 0, 5 },
{ 0, 5, 0, 0, 355 },
{ 0, 95, 0, 0, 265 },
{ 0, 185, 0, 0, 175 },
{ 0, 275, 0, 0, 85 },
{ 0, 355, 0, 0, 5 },
{ 0, 5, 40, 40, 35 },
{ 0, 95, 40, 40, 305 },
{ 0, 185, 40, 40, 215 },
{ 0, 275, 40, 40, 125 },
{ 0, 355, 40, 40, 45 },
{ 40, 5, 0, 40, 35 },
{ 40, 95, 0, 40, 305 },
{ 40, 185, 0, 40, 215 },
{ 40, 275, 0, 40, 125 },
{ 40, 355, 0, 40, 45 },
{ 40, 5, 40, 80, 75 },
{ 40, 95, 40, 80, 345 },
{ 40, 185, 40, 80, 255 },
{ 40, 275, 40, 80, 165 },
{ 40, 355, 40, 80, 85 },
const int16_t (*pStart)[5] = &test_data[0];
const int16_t (*pEnd)[5] = &test_data[0]+_countof(test_data);
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
int16_t local[5];
while (pStart!=pEnd)
memcpy_P(local, pStart, sizeof(local));
ignition2EndAngle = local[0];
calculateIgnitionAngle4(local[1], local[2]);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(local[3], ignition4EndAngle);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(local[4], ignition4StartAngle);
void test_calc_ign_timeout(void)