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Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
/** @file
* Read sensors with appropriate timing / scheduling.
#include "sensors.h"
#include "crankMaths.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "comms.h"
#include "idle.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "corrections.h"
#include "pages.h"
#include "decoders.h"
#include "auxiliaries.h"
#include "utilities.h"
/** Init all ADC conversions by setting resolutions, etc.
void initialiseADC(void)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
//This sets the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) to run at 250KHz, greatly reducing analog read times (MAP/TPS)
//the code on ISR run each conversion every 25 ADC clock, conversion run about 100KHz effectively
//making a 6250 conversions/s on 16 channels and 12500 on 8 channels devices.
noInterrupts(); //Interrupts should be turned off when playing with any of these registers
ADCSRB = 0x00; //ADC Auto Trigger Source is in Free Running mode
ADMUX = 0x40; //Select AREF as reference, ADC Left Adjust Result, Starting at channel 0
//All of the below is the longhand version of: ADCSRA = 0xEE;
#define ADFR 5 //Why the HELL isn't this defined in the same place as everything else (wiring.h)?!?!
BIT_SET(ADCSRA,ADFR); //Set free running mode
BIT_SET(ADCSRA,ADIE); //Set ADC interrupt enabled
BIT_CLEAR(ADCSRA,ADIF); //Clear interrupt flag
// Set ADC clock to 125KHz (Prescaler = 128)
BIT_SET(ADCSRA,ADSC); //Start conversion
//This sets the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) to run at 1Mhz, greatly reducing analog read times (MAP/TPS) when using the standard analogRead() function
//1Mhz is the fastest speed permitted by the CPU without affecting accuracy
//Please see chapter 11 of 'Practical Arduino' (books.google.com.au/books?id=HsTxON1L6D4C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false) for more detail
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) //STM32GENERIC core and ST STM32duino core, change analog read to 12 bit
analogReadResolution(10); //use 10bits for analog reading on STM32 boards
MAPcurRev = 0;
MAPcount = 0;
MAPrunningValue = 0;
//The following checks the aux inputs and initialises pins if required
auxIsEnabled = false;
for (byte AuxinChan = 0; AuxinChan <16 ; AuxinChan++)
currentStatus.current_caninchannel = AuxinChan;
if (((configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&12) == 4)
&& ((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 1) || ((configPage9.enable_intcan == 1) && (configPage9.intcan_available == 1))))
{ //if current input channel is enabled as external input in caninput_selxb(bits 2:3) and secondary serial or internal canbus is enabled(and is mcu supported)
//currentStatus.canin[14] = 22; Dev test use only!
auxIsEnabled = true;
else if ((((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 1) || ((configPage9.enable_intcan == 1) && (configPage9.intcan_available == 1))) && (configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&12) == 8)
|| (((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 0) && ( (configPage9.enable_intcan == 1) && (configPage9.intcan_available == 0) )) && (configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&3) == 2)
|| (((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 0) && (configPage9.enable_intcan == 0)) && ((configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&3) == 2)))
{ //if current input channel is enabled as analog local pin check caninput_selxb(bits 2:3) with &12 and caninput_selxa(bits 0:1) with &3
byte pinNumber = pinTranslateAnalog(configPage9.Auxinpina[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&63);
if( pinIsUsed(pinNumber) )
//Do nothing here as the pin is already in use.
BIT_SET(currentStatus.engineProtectStatus, PROTECT_IO_ERROR); //Tell user that there is problem by lighting up the I/O error indicator
//Channel is active and analog
pinMode( pinNumber, INPUT);
//currentStatus.canin[14] = 33; Dev test use only!
auxIsEnabled = true;
else if ((((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 1) || ((configPage9.enable_intcan == 1) && (configPage9.intcan_available == 1))) && (configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&12) == 12)
|| (((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 0) && ( (configPage9.enable_intcan == 1) && (configPage9.intcan_available == 0) )) && (configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&3) == 3)
|| (((configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 0) && (configPage9.enable_intcan == 0)) && ((configPage9.caninput_sel[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&3) == 3)))
{ //if current input channel is enabled as digital local pin check caninput_selxb(bits 2:3) with &12 and caninput_selxa(bits 0:1) with &3
byte pinNumber = (configPage9.Auxinpinb[currentStatus.current_caninchannel]&63) + 1;
if( pinIsUsed(pinNumber) )
//Do nothing here as the pin is already in use.
BIT_SET(currentStatus.engineProtectStatus, PROTECT_IO_ERROR); //Tell user that there is problem by lighting up the I/O error indicator
//Channel is active and digital
pinMode( pinNumber, INPUT);
//currentStatus.canin[14] = 44; Dev test use only!
auxIsEnabled = true;
} //For loop iterating through aux in lines
//Sanity checks to ensure none of the filter values are set above 240 (Which would include the 255 value which is the default on a new arduino)
//If an invalid value is detected, it's reset to the default the value and burned to EEPROM.
//Each sensor has it's own default value
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_TPS > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_TPS = ADCFILTER_TPS_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_CLT > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_CLT = ADCFILTER_CLT_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_IAT > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_IAT = ADCFILTER_IAT_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_O2 > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_O2 = ADCFILTER_O2_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_BAT > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_BAT = ADCFILTER_BAT_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP = ADCFILTER_MAP_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.ADCFILTER_BARO > 240) { configPage4.ADCFILTER_BARO = ADCFILTER_BARO_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
if(configPage4.FILTER_FLEX > 240) { configPage4.FILTER_FLEX = FILTER_FLEX_DEFAULT; writeConfig(ignSetPage); }
flexStartTime = micros();
vssIndex = 0;
static inline void validateMAP(void)
//Error checks
if(currentStatus.MAP < VALID_MAP_MIN)
currentStatus.MAP = ERR_DEFAULT_MAP_LOW;
mapErrorCount += 1;
else if(currentStatus.MAP > VALID_MAP_MAX)
mapErrorCount += 1;
if(errorCount > 0)
mapErrorCount = 0;
static inline void instanteneousMAPReading(void)
//Update the calculation times and last value. These are used by the MAP based Accel enrich
MAPlast = currentStatus.MAP;
MAPlast_time = MAP_time;
MAP_time = micros();
unsigned int tempReading;
//Instantaneous MAP readings
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR_MAP)
tempReading = AnChannel[pinMAP-A0];
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
//Error checking
if( (tempReading >= VALID_MAP_MAX) || (tempReading <= VALID_MAP_MIN) ) { mapErrorCount += 1; }
else { mapErrorCount = 0; }
//During startup a call is made here to get the baro reading. In this case, we can't apply the ADC filter
if(initialisationComplete == true) { currentStatus.mapADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP, currentStatus.mapADC); } //Very weak filter
else { currentStatus.mapADC = tempReading; } //Baro reading (No filter)
currentStatus.MAP = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.mapADC, configPage2.mapMin, configPage2.mapMax); //Get the current MAP value
if(currentStatus.MAP < 0) { currentStatus.MAP = 0; } //Sanity check
//Repeat for EMAP if it's enabled
if(configPage6.useEMAP == true)
tempReading = analogRead(pinEMAP);
tempReading = analogRead(pinEMAP);
//Error check
if( (tempReading < VALID_MAP_MAX) && (tempReading > VALID_MAP_MIN) )
currentStatus.EMAPADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP, currentStatus.EMAPADC);
else { mapErrorCount += 1; }
currentStatus.EMAP = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.EMAPADC, configPage2.EMAPMin, configPage2.EMAPMax);
if(currentStatus.EMAP < 0) { currentStatus.EMAP = 0; } //Sanity check
static inline void readMAP(void)
unsigned int tempReading;
//MAP Sampling system
case 0:
//Instantaneous MAP readings
case 1:
//Average of a cycle
if ( (currentStatus.RPMdiv100 > configPage2.mapSwitchPoint) && ((currentStatus.hasSync == true) || BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_HALFSYNC)) && (currentStatus.startRevolutions > 1) ) //If the engine isn't running and RPM below switch point, fall back to instantaneous reads
if( (MAPcurRev == currentStatus.startRevolutions) || ( (MAPcurRev+1) == currentStatus.startRevolutions) ) //2 revolutions are looked at for 4 stroke. 2 stroke not currently catered for.
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR_MAP)
tempReading = AnChannel[pinMAP-A0];
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
//Error check
if( (tempReading < VALID_MAP_MAX) && (tempReading > VALID_MAP_MIN) )
currentStatus.mapADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP, currentStatus.mapADC);
MAPrunningValue += currentStatus.mapADC; //Add the current reading onto the total
else { mapErrorCount += 1; }
//Repeat for EMAP if it's enabled
if(configPage6.useEMAP == true)
tempReading = analogRead(pinEMAP);
tempReading = analogRead(pinEMAP);
//Error check
if( (tempReading < VALID_MAP_MAX) && (tempReading > VALID_MAP_MIN) )
currentStatus.EMAPADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP, currentStatus.EMAPADC);
EMAPrunningValue += currentStatus.EMAPADC; //Add the current reading onto the total
else { mapErrorCount += 1; }
//Reaching here means that the last cycle has completed and the MAP value should be calculated
//Sanity check
if( (MAPrunningValue != 0) && (MAPcount != 0) )
//Update the calculation times and last value. These are used by the MAP based Accel enrich
MAPlast = currentStatus.MAP;
MAPlast_time = MAP_time;
MAP_time = micros();
currentStatus.mapADC = ldiv(MAPrunningValue, MAPcount).quot;
currentStatus.MAP = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.mapADC, configPage2.mapMin, configPage2.mapMax); //Get the current MAP value
//If EMAP is enabled, the process is identical to the above
if(configPage6.useEMAP == true)
currentStatus.EMAPADC = ldiv(EMAPrunningValue, MAPcount).quot; //Note that the MAP count can be reused here as it will always be the same count.
currentStatus.EMAP = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.EMAPADC, configPage2.EMAPMin, configPage2.EMAPMax);
if(currentStatus.EMAP < 0) { currentStatus.EMAP = 0; } //Sanity check
else { instanteneousMAPReading(); }
MAPcurRev = currentStatus.startRevolutions; //Reset the current rev count
MAPrunningValue = 0;
EMAPrunningValue = 0; //Can reset this even if EMAP not used
MAPcount = 0;
MAPrunningValue = currentStatus.mapADC; //Keep updating the MAPrunningValue to give it head start when switching to cycle average.
if(configPage6.useEMAP == true)
EMAPrunningValue = currentStatus.EMAPADC;
MAPcount = 1;
case 2:
//Minimum reading in a cycle
if (currentStatus.RPMdiv100 > configPage2.mapSwitchPoint) //If the engine isn't running and RPM below switch point, fall back to instantaneous reads
if( (MAPcurRev == currentStatus.startRevolutions) || ((MAPcurRev+1) == currentStatus.startRevolutions) ) //2 revolutions are looked at for 4 stroke. 2 stroke not currently catered for.
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR_MAP)
tempReading = AnChannel[pinMAP-A0];
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
//Error check
if( (tempReading < VALID_MAP_MAX) && (tempReading > VALID_MAP_MIN) )
if( (unsigned long)tempReading < MAPrunningValue ) { MAPrunningValue = (unsigned long)tempReading; } //Check whether the current reading is lower than the running minimum
else { mapErrorCount += 1; }
//Reaching here means that the last cycle has completed and the MAP value should be calculated
//Update the calculation times and last value. These are used by the MAP based Accel enrich
MAPlast = currentStatus.MAP;
MAPlast_time = MAP_time;
MAP_time = micros();
currentStatus.mapADC = MAPrunningValue;
currentStatus.MAP = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.mapADC, configPage2.mapMin, configPage2.mapMax); //Get the current MAP value
MAPcurRev = currentStatus.startRevolutions; //Reset the current rev count
MAPrunningValue = 1023; //Reset the latest value so the next reading will always be lower
MAPrunningValue = currentStatus.mapADC; //Keep updating the MAPrunningValue to give it head start when switching to cycle minimum.
case 3:
//Average of an ignition event
if ( (currentStatus.RPMdiv100 > configPage2.mapSwitchPoint) && ((currentStatus.hasSync == true) || BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_HALFSYNC)) && (currentStatus.startRevolutions > 1) && (! currentStatus.engineProtectStatus) ) //If the engine isn't running, fall back to instantaneous reads
if( (MAPcurRev == ignitionCount) ) //Watch for a change in the ignition counter to determine whether we're still on the same event
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR_MAP)
tempReading = AnChannel[pinMAP-A0];
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
tempReading = analogRead(pinMAP);
//Error check
if( (tempReading < VALID_MAP_MAX) && (tempReading > VALID_MAP_MIN) )
currentStatus.mapADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_MAP, currentStatus.mapADC);
MAPrunningValue += currentStatus.mapADC; //Add the current reading onto the total
else { mapErrorCount += 1; }
//Reaching here means that the next ignition event has occurred and the MAP value should be calculated
//Sanity check
if( (MAPrunningValue != 0) && (MAPcount != 0) && (MAPcurRev < ignitionCount) )
//Update the calculation times and last value. These are used by the MAP based Accel enrich
MAPlast = currentStatus.MAP;
MAPlast_time = MAP_time;
MAP_time = micros();
currentStatus.mapADC = ldiv(MAPrunningValue, MAPcount).quot;
currentStatus.MAP = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.mapADC, configPage2.mapMin, configPage2.mapMax); //Get the current MAP value
else { instanteneousMAPReading(); }
MAPcurRev = ignitionCount; //Reset the current event count
MAPrunningValue = 0;
MAPcount = 0;
MAPrunningValue = currentStatus.mapADC; //Keep updating the MAPrunningValue to give it head start when switching to ignition event average.
MAPcount = 1;
//Instantaneous MAP readings (Just in case)
void readTPS(bool useFilter)
currentStatus.TPSlast = currentStatus.TPS;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
byte tempTPS = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[pinTPS-A0], 255); //Get the current raw TPS ADC value and map it into a byte
byte tempTPS = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(pinTPS), 255); //Get the current raw TPS ADC value and map it into a byte
//The use of the filter can be overridden if required. This is used on startup to disable priming pulse if flood clear is wanted
if(useFilter == true) { currentStatus.tpsADC = ADC_FILTER(tempTPS, configPage4.ADCFILTER_TPS, currentStatus.tpsADC); }
else { currentStatus.tpsADC = tempTPS; }
byte tempADC = currentStatus.tpsADC; //The tempADC value is used in order to allow TunerStudio to recover and redo the TPS calibration if this somehow gets corrupted
if(configPage2.tpsMax > configPage2.tpsMin)
//Check that the ADC values fall within the min and max ranges (Should always be the case, but noise can cause these to fluctuate outside the defined range).
if (currentStatus.tpsADC < configPage2.tpsMin) { tempADC = configPage2.tpsMin; }
else if(currentStatus.tpsADC > configPage2.tpsMax) { tempADC = configPage2.tpsMax; }
currentStatus.TPS = map(tempADC, configPage2.tpsMin, configPage2.tpsMax, 0, 200); //Take the raw TPS ADC value and convert it into a TPS% based on the calibrated values
//This case occurs when the TPS +5v and gnd are wired backwards, but the user wishes to retain this configuration.
//In such a case, tpsMin will be greater then tpsMax and hence checks and mapping needs to be reversed
tempADC = 255 - currentStatus.tpsADC; //Reverse the ADC values
uint16_t tempTPSMax = 255 - configPage2.tpsMax;
uint16_t tempTPSMin = 255 - configPage2.tpsMin;
//All checks below are reversed from the standard case above
if (tempADC > tempTPSMax) { tempADC = tempTPSMax; }
else if(tempADC < tempTPSMin) { tempADC = tempTPSMin; }
currentStatus.TPS = map(tempADC, tempTPSMin, tempTPSMax, 0, 200);
//Check whether the closed throttle position sensor is active
if(configPage2.CTPSEnabled == true)
if(configPage2.CTPSPolarity == 0) { currentStatus.CTPSActive = !digitalRead(pinCTPS); } //Normal mode (ground switched)
else { currentStatus.CTPSActive = digitalRead(pinCTPS); } //Inverted mode (5v activates closed throttle position sensor)
else { currentStatus.CTPSActive = 0; }
void readCLT(bool useFilter)
unsigned int tempReading;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[pinCLT-A0], 511); //Get the current raw CLT value
tempReading = analogRead(pinCLT);
tempReading = analogRead(pinCLT);
//tempReading = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(pinCLT), 511); //Get the current raw CLT value
//The use of the filter can be overridden if required. This is used on startup so there can be an immediately accurate coolant value for priming
if(useFilter == true) { currentStatus.cltADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_CLT, currentStatus.cltADC); }
else { currentStatus.cltADC = tempReading; }
currentStatus.coolant = table2D_getValue(&cltCalibrationTable, currentStatus.cltADC) - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET; //Temperature calibration values are stored as positive bytes. We subtract 40 from them to allow for negative temperatures
void readIAT(void)
unsigned int tempReading;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[pinIAT-A0], 511); //Get the current raw IAT value
tempReading = analogRead(pinIAT);
tempReading = analogRead(pinIAT);
//tempReading = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(pinIAT), 511); //Get the current raw IAT value
currentStatus.iatADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_IAT, currentStatus.iatADC);
currentStatus.IAT = table2D_getValue(&iatCalibrationTable, currentStatus.iatADC) - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET;
void readBaro(void)
if ( configPage6.useExtBaro != 0 )
int tempReading;
// readings
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR_MAP)
tempReading = AnChannel[pinBaro-A0];
tempReading = analogRead(pinBaro);
tempReading = analogRead(pinBaro);
if(initialisationComplete == true) { currentStatus.baroADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_BARO, currentStatus.baroADC); }//Very weak filter
else { currentStatus.baroADC = tempReading; } //Baro reading (No filter)
currentStatus.baro = fastMap10Bit(currentStatus.baroADC, configPage2.baroMin, configPage2.baroMax); //Get the current MAP value
* If no dedicated baro sensor is available, attempt to get a reading from the MAP sensor. This can only be done if the engine is not running.
* 1. Verify that the engine is not running
* 2. Verify that the reading from the MAP sensor is within the possible physical limits
//Attempt to use the last known good baro reading from EEPROM as a starting point
byte lastBaro = readLastBaro();
if ((lastBaro >= BARO_MIN) && (lastBaro <= BARO_MAX)) //Make sure it's not invalid (Possible on first run etc)
{ currentStatus.baro = lastBaro; } //last baro correction
else { currentStatus.baro = 100; } //Fall back position.
//Verify the engine isn't running by confirming RPM is 0 and it has been at least 1 second since the last tooth was detected
unsigned long timeToLastTooth = (micros() - toothLastToothTime);
if((currentStatus.RPM == 0) && (timeToLastTooth > 1000000UL))
instanteneousMAPReading(); //Get the current MAP value
* The highest sea-level pressure on Earth occurs in Siberia, where the Siberian High often attains a sea-level pressure above 105 kPa;
* with record highs close to 108.5 kPa.
* The lowest possible baro reading is based on an altitude of 3500m above sea level.
if ((currentStatus.MAP >= BARO_MIN) && (currentStatus.MAP <= BARO_MAX)) //Safety check to ensure the baro reading is within the physical limits
currentStatus.baro = currentStatus.MAP;
void readO2(void)
//An O2 read is only performed if an O2 sensor type is selected. This is to prevent potentially dangerous use of the O2 readings prior to proper setup/calibration
if(configPage6.egoType > 0)
unsigned int tempReading;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[pinO2-A0], 511); //Get the current O2 value.
tempReading = analogRead(pinO2);
tempReading = analogRead(pinO2);
//tempReading = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(pinO2), 511); //Get the current O2 value.
currentStatus.O2ADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_O2, currentStatus.O2ADC);
//currentStatus.O2 = o2CalibrationTable[currentStatus.O2ADC];
currentStatus.O2 = table2D_getValue(&o2CalibrationTable, currentStatus.O2ADC);
currentStatus.O2ADC = 0;
currentStatus.O2 = 0;
void readO2_2(void)
//Second O2 currently disabled as its not being used
//Get the current O2 value.
unsigned int tempReading;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[pinO2_2-A0], 511); //Get the current O2 value.
tempReading = analogRead(pinO2_2);
tempReading = analogRead(pinO2_2);
//tempReading = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(pinO2_2), 511); //Get the current O2 value.
currentStatus.O2_2ADC = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_O2, currentStatus.O2_2ADC);
currentStatus.O2_2 = table2D_getValue(&o2CalibrationTable, currentStatus.O2_2ADC);
void readBat(void)
int tempReading;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[pinBat-A0], 245); //Get the current raw Battery value. Permissible values are from 0v to 24.5v (245)
tempReading = analogRead(pinBat);
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(pinBat), 245); //Get the current raw Battery value. Permissible values are from 0v to 24.5v (245)
//Apply the offset calibration value to the reading
tempReading += configPage4.batVoltCorrect;
if(tempReading < 0){
} //with negative overflow prevention
//The following is a check for if the voltage has jumped up from under 5.5v to over 7v.
//If this occurs, it's very likely that the system has gone from being powered by USB to being powered from the 12v power source.
//Should that happen, we re-trigger the fuel pump priming and idle homing (If using a stepper)
if( (currentStatus.battery10 < 55) && (tempReading > 70) && (currentStatus.RPM == 0) )
//Re-prime the fuel pump
fpPrimeTime = currentStatus.secl;
fpPrimed = false;
//Redo the stepper homing
if( (configPage6.iacAlgorithm == IAC_ALGORITHM_STEP_CL) || (configPage6.iacAlgorithm == IAC_ALGORITHM_STEP_OL) )
currentStatus.battery10 = ADC_FILTER(tempReading, configPage4.ADCFILTER_BAT, currentStatus.battery10);
* @brief Returns the VSS pulse gap for a given history point
* @param historyIndex The gap number that is wanted. EG:
* historyIndex = 0 = Latest entry
* historyIndex = 1 = 2nd entry entry
uint32_t vssGetPulseGap(byte historyIndex)
uint32_t tempGap = 0;
int8_t tempIndex = vssIndex - historyIndex;
if(tempIndex < 0) { tempIndex += VSS_SAMPLES; }
if(tempIndex > 0) { tempGap = vssTimes[tempIndex] - vssTimes[tempIndex - 1]; }
else { tempGap = vssTimes[0] - vssTimes[(VSS_SAMPLES-1)]; }
return tempGap;
uint16_t getSpeed(void)
uint16_t tempSpeed = 0;
// Get VSS from CAN, Serial or Analog by using Aux input channels.
if(configPage2.vssMode == 1)
// Direct reading from Aux channel
if (configPage2.vssPulsesPerKm == 0)
tempSpeed = currentStatus.canin[configPage2.vssAuxCh];
// Adjust the reading by dividing it by set amount.
tempSpeed = (currentStatus.canin[configPage2.vssAuxCh] / configPage2.vssPulsesPerKm);
tempSpeed = ADC_FILTER(tempSpeed, configPage2.vssSmoothing, currentStatus.vss); //Apply speed smoothing factor
// Interrupt driven mode
else if(configPage2.vssMode > 1)
uint32_t pulseTime = 0;
uint32_t vssTotalTime = 0;
//Add up the time between the teeth. Note that the total number of gaps is equal to the number of samples minus 1
for(byte x = 0; x<(VSS_SAMPLES-1); x++)
vssTotalTime += vssGetPulseGap(x);
pulseTime = vssTotalTime / (VSS_SAMPLES - 1);
if ( (micros() - vssTimes[0]) > 1000000UL ) { tempSpeed = 0; } // Check that the car hasn't come to a stop
tempSpeed = 3600000000UL / (pulseTime * configPage2.vssPulsesPerKm); //Convert the pulse gap into km/h
tempSpeed = ADC_FILTER(tempSpeed, configPage2.vssSmoothing, currentStatus.vss); //Apply speed smoothing factor
if(tempSpeed > 1000) { tempSpeed = currentStatus.vss; } //Safety check. This usually occurs when there is a hardware issue
return tempSpeed;
byte getGear(void)
byte tempGear = 0; //Unknown gear
if(currentStatus.vss > 0)
//If the speed is non-zero, default to the last calculated gear
tempGear = currentStatus.gear;
uint16_t pulsesPer1000rpm = (currentStatus.vss * 10000UL) / currentStatus.RPM; //Gives the current pulses per 1000RPM, multiplied by 10 (10x is the multiplication factor for the ratios in TS)
//Begin gear detection
if( (pulsesPer1000rpm > (configPage2.vssRatio1 - VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) && (pulsesPer1000rpm < (configPage2.vssRatio1 + VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) ) { tempGear = 1; }
else if( (pulsesPer1000rpm > (configPage2.vssRatio2 - VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) && (pulsesPer1000rpm < (configPage2.vssRatio2 + VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) ) { tempGear = 2; }
else if( (pulsesPer1000rpm > (configPage2.vssRatio3 - VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) && (pulsesPer1000rpm < (configPage2.vssRatio3 + VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) ) { tempGear = 3; }
else if( (pulsesPer1000rpm > (configPage2.vssRatio4 - VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) && (pulsesPer1000rpm < (configPage2.vssRatio4 + VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) ) { tempGear = 4; }
else if( (pulsesPer1000rpm > (configPage2.vssRatio5 - VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) && (pulsesPer1000rpm < (configPage2.vssRatio5 + VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) ) { tempGear = 5; }
else if( (pulsesPer1000rpm > (configPage2.vssRatio6 - VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) && (pulsesPer1000rpm < (configPage2.vssRatio6 + VSS_GEAR_HYSTERESIS)) ) { tempGear = 6; }
return tempGear;
byte getFuelPressure(void)
int16_t tempFuelPressure = 0;
uint16_t tempReading;
if(configPage10.fuelPressureEnable > 0)
//Perform ADC read
tempReading = analogRead(pinFuelPressure);
tempReading = analogRead(pinFuelPressure);
tempFuelPressure = fastMap10Bit(tempReading, configPage10.fuelPressureMin, configPage10.fuelPressureMax);
tempFuelPressure = ADC_FILTER(tempFuelPressure, ADCFILTER_PSI_DEFAULT, currentStatus.fuelPressure); //Apply smoothing factor
//Sanity checks
if(tempFuelPressure > configPage10.fuelPressureMax) { tempFuelPressure = configPage10.fuelPressureMax; }
if(tempFuelPressure < 0 ) { tempFuelPressure = 0; } //prevent negative values, which will cause problems later when the values aren't signed.
return (byte)tempFuelPressure;
byte getOilPressure(void)
int16_t tempOilPressure = 0;
uint16_t tempReading;
if(configPage10.oilPressureEnable > 0)
//Perform ADC read
tempReading = analogRead(pinOilPressure);
tempReading = analogRead(pinOilPressure);
tempOilPressure = fastMap10Bit(tempReading, configPage10.oilPressureMin, configPage10.oilPressureMax);
tempOilPressure = ADC_FILTER(tempOilPressure, ADCFILTER_PSI_DEFAULT, currentStatus.oilPressure); //Apply smoothing factor
//Sanity check
if(tempOilPressure > configPage10.oilPressureMax) { tempOilPressure = configPage10.oilPressureMax; }
if(tempOilPressure < 0 ) { tempOilPressure = 0; } //prevent negative values, which will cause problems later when the values aren't signed.
return (byte)tempOilPressure;
* The interrupt function for reading the flex sensor frequency and pulse width
* flexCounter value is incremented with every pulse and reset back to 0 once per second
void flexPulse(void)
if(READ_FLEX() == true)
unsigned long tempPW = (micros() - flexStartTime); //Calculate the pulse width
flexPulseWidth = ADC_FILTER(tempPW, configPage4.FILTER_FLEX, flexPulseWidth);
flexStartTime = micros(); //Start pulse width measurement.
* The interrupt function for pulses from a knock conditioner / controller
void knockPulse(void)
//Check if this the start of a knock.
if(knockCounter == 0)
//knockAngle = crankAngle + fastTimeToAngle( (micros() - lastCrankAngleCalc) );
knockStartTime = micros();
knockCounter = 1;
else { ++knockCounter; } //Knock has already started, so just increment the counter for this
* @brief The ISR function for VSS pulses
void vssPulse(void)
//TODO: Add basic filtering here
if(vssIndex == VSS_SAMPLES) { vssIndex = 0; }
vssTimes[vssIndex] = micros();
uint16_t readAuxanalog(uint8_t analogPin)
//read the Aux analog value for pin set by analogPin
unsigned int tempReading;
#if defined(ANALOG_ISR)
tempReading = fastMap1023toX(AnChannel[analogPin-A0], 1023); //Get the current raw Auxanalog value
tempReading = analogRead(analogPin);
tempReading = analogRead(analogPin);
//tempReading = fastMap1023toX(analogRead(analogPin), 511); Get the current raw Auxanalog value
return tempReading;
uint16_t readAuxdigital(uint8_t digitalPin)
//read the Aux digital value for pin set by digitalPin
unsigned int tempReading;
tempReading = digitalRead(digitalPin);
return tempReading;