
316 lines
11 KiB

Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "decoders.h"
#include "comms.h"
#include "src/FastCRC/FastCRC.h"
FastCRC32 CRC32;
//This function performs a translation between the pin list that appears in TS and the actual pin numbers
//For the digital IO, this will simply return the same number as the rawPin value as those are mapped directly.
//For analog pins, it will translate them into the currect internal pin number
byte pinTranslate(byte rawPin)
byte outputPin = rawPin;
if(rawPin > BOARD_MAX_DIGITAL_PINS) { outputPin = A8 + (outputPin - BOARD_MAX_DIGITAL_PINS - 1); }
return outputPin;
void setResetControlPinState()
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_RESET_PREVENT);
/* Setup reset control initial state */
switch (resetControl)
/* Set the reset control pin LOW and change it to HIGH later when we get sync. */
digitalWrite(pinResetControl, LOW);
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_RESET_PREVENT);
/* Set the reset control pin HIGH and never touch it again. */
digitalWrite(pinResetControl, HIGH);
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_RESET_PREVENT);
/* Set the reset control pin HIGH. There currently isn't any practical difference
between this and PREVENT_ALWAYS but it doesn't hurt anything to have them separate. */
digitalWrite(pinResetControl, HIGH);
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_RESET_PREVENT);
Calculates and returns the CRC32 value of a given page of memory
uint32_t calculateCRC32(byte pageNo)
uint32_t CRC32_val;
byte raw_value;
void* pnt_configPage;
//This sucks (again) for all the 3D map pages that have to have a translation performed
case veMapPage:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(veMapPage, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[veMapPage]; x++)
//for(uint16_t x=1; x< 288; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(veMapPage, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case veSetPage:
//Confirmed working
pnt_configPage = &configPage2; //Create a pointer to Page 1 in memory
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((byte *)pnt_configPage, sizeof(configPage2) );
case ignMapPage:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(ignMapPage, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[ignMapPage]; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(ignMapPage, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case ignSetPage:
//Confirmed working
pnt_configPage = &configPage4; //Create a pointer to Page 4 in memory
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((byte *)pnt_configPage, sizeof(configPage4) );
case afrMapPage:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(afrMapPage, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[afrMapPage]; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(afrMapPage, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case afrSetPage:
//Confirmed working
pnt_configPage = &configPage6; //Create a pointer to Page 4 in memory
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((byte *)pnt_configPage, sizeof(configPage6) );
case boostvvtPage:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(boostvvtPage, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[boostvvtPage]; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(boostvvtPage, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case seqFuelPage:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(seqFuelPage, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[seqFuelPage]; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(seqFuelPage, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case canbusPage:
//Confirmed working
pnt_configPage = &configPage9; //Create a pointer to Page 9 in memory
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((byte *)pnt_configPage, sizeof(configPage9) );
case warmupPage:
//Confirmed working
pnt_configPage = &configPage10; //Create a pointer to Page 10 in memory
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((byte *)pnt_configPage, sizeof(configPage10) );
case fuelMap2Page:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(fuelMap2Page, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[fuelMap2Page]; x++)
//for(uint16_t x=1; x< 288; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(fuelMap2Page, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case wmiMapPage:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(wmiMapPage, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[wmiMapPage]; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(wmiMapPage, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
case progOutsPage:
//Confirmed working
pnt_configPage = &configPage13; //Create a pointer to Page 10 in memory
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((byte *)pnt_configPage, sizeof(configPage13) );
case ignMap2Page:
//Confirmed working
raw_value = getPageValue(ignMap2Page, 0);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&raw_value, 1, false);
for(uint16_t x=1; x< npage_size[ignMap2Page]; x++)
raw_value = getPageValue(ignMap2Page, x);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&raw_value, 1, false);
//Do a manual reflection of the CRC32 value
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
CRC32_val = 0;
return CRC32_val;
void initialiseProgrammableIO()
for (uint8_t y = 0; y < sizeof(configPage13.outputPin); y++)
if ( (configPage13.outputPin[y] > 0) && (configPage13.outputPin[y] < BOARD_MAX_DIGITAL_PINS) )
if ( !pinIsUsed(configPage13.outputPin[y]) )
pinMode(configPage13.outputPin[y], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(configPage13.outputPin[y], (configPage13.outputInverted & (1U << y)));
BIT_SET(pinIsValid, y);
void checkProgrammableIO()
int16_t data, data2;
bool firstCheck, secondCheck;
for (uint8_t y = 0; y < sizeof(configPage13.outputPin); y++)
firstCheck = false;
secondCheck = false;
if ( BIT_CHECK(pinIsValid, y) ) //if outputPin == 0 it is disabled
//byte theIndex = configPage13.firstDataIn[y];
data = ProgrammableIOGetData(configPage13.firstDataIn[y]);
data2 = configPage13.firstTarget[y];
if ( (configPage13.operation[y].firstCompType == COMPARATOR_EQUAL) && (data == data2) ) { firstCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].firstCompType == COMPARATOR_NOT_EQUAL) && (data != data2) ) { firstCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].firstCompType == COMPARATOR_GREATER) && (data > data2) ) { firstCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].firstCompType == COMPARATOR_GREATER_EQUAL) && (data >= data2) ) { firstCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].firstCompType == COMPARATOR_LESS) && (data < data2) ) { firstCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].firstCompType == COMPARATOR_LESS_EQUAL) && (data <= data2) ) { firstCheck = true; }
if (configPage13.operation[y].bitwise != BITWISE_DISABLED)
if ( configPage13.secondDataIn[y] < LOG_ENTRY_SIZE ) //Failsafe check
data = ProgrammableIOGetData(configPage13.secondDataIn[y]);
data2 = configPage13.secondTarget[y];
if ( (configPage13.operation[y].secondCompType == COMPARATOR_EQUAL) && (data == data2) ) { secondCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].secondCompType == COMPARATOR_NOT_EQUAL) && (data != data2) ) { secondCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].secondCompType == COMPARATOR_GREATER) && (data > data2) ) { secondCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].secondCompType == COMPARATOR_GREATER_EQUAL) && (data >= data2) ) { secondCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].secondCompType == COMPARATOR_LESS) && (data < data2) ) { secondCheck = true; }
else if ( (configPage13.operation[y].secondCompType == COMPARATOR_LESS_EQUAL) && (data <= data2) ) { secondCheck = true; }
if (configPage13.operation[y].bitwise == BITWISE_AND) { firstCheck &= secondCheck; }
if (configPage13.operation[y].bitwise == BITWISE_OR) { firstCheck |= secondCheck; }
if (configPage13.operation[y].bitwise == BITWISE_XOR) { firstCheck ^= secondCheck; }
if ( (firstCheck == true) && (configPage13.outputDelay[y] != 0) && (configPage13.outputDelay[y] < 255) )
if ( (ioDelay[y] >= configPage13.outputDelay[y]) )
if (configPage13.outputPin[y] <= 128) { digitalWrite(configPage13.outputPin[y], (configPage13.outputInverted & (1U << y)) ^ firstCheck); }
else { ioDelay[y]++; }
if ( configPage13.outputPin[y] <= 128 ) { digitalWrite(configPage13.outputPin[y], (configPage13.outputInverted & (1U << y)) ^ firstCheck); }
if ( firstCheck == false ) { ioDelay[y] = 0; }
if ( firstCheck == true ) { BIT_SET(currentStatus.outputsStatus, y); }
else { BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.outputsStatus, y); }
else { BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.outputsStatus, y); }
int16_t ProgrammableIOGetData(uint16_t index)
int16_t result;
uint8_t x;
if ( index < LOG_ENTRY_SIZE )
for(x = 0; x<sizeof(fsIntIndex); x++)
if (fsIntIndex[x] == index) { break; }
if (x >= sizeof(fsIntIndex)) { result = getStatusEntry(index); }
else { result = word(getStatusEntry(index+1), getStatusEntry(index)); }
//Special cases for temperatures
if( (index == 6) || (index == 7) ) { result -= CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET; }
else { result = -1; } //Index is bigger than fullStatus array
return result;