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Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
/** @file
* Process Incoming and outgoing serial communications.
#include "globals.h"
#include "newComms.h"
#include "cancomms.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "decoders.h"
#include "TS_CommandButtonHandler.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "pages.h"
#include "page_crc.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "comms.h"
#include "src/FastCRC/FastCRC.h"
#include "rtc_common.h"
#include "SD_logger.h"
uint16_t serialPayloadLength = 0;
bool serialReceivePending = false; /**< Whether or not a serial request has only been partially received. This occurs when a the length has been received in the serial buffer, but not all of the payload or CRC has yet been received. */
uint16_t serialBytesReceived = 0; /**< The number of bytes received in the serial buffer during the current command. */
uint32_t serialCRC = 0;
uint8_t serialPayload[SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; /**< Serial payload buffer. */
bool serialWriteInProgress = false;
uint16_t serialBytesTransmitted = 0;
uint32_t serialReceiveStartTime = 0; /**< The time at which the serial receive started. Used for calculating whether a timeout has occurred */
uint8_t serialSDTransmitPayload[SD_FILE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint16_t SDcurrentDirChunk;
uint32_t SDreadStartSector;
uint32_t SDreadNumSectors;
uint32_t SDreadCompletedSectors = 0;
/** Processes the incoming data on the serial buffer based on the command sent.
Can be either data for a new command or a continuation of data for command that is already in progress:
- cmdPending = If a command has started but is wairing on further data to complete
- chunkPending = Specifically for the new receive value method where TS will send a known number of contiguous bytes to be written to a table
Comands are single byte (letter symbol) commands.
void parseSerial()
//Check for an existing legacy command in progress
if(cmdPending == true)
if (serialReceivePending == false)
serialBytesReceived = 0; //Reset the number of bytes received as we're starting a new command
//New command received
//Need at least 2 bytes to read the length of the command
serialReceivePending = true; //Flag the serial receive as being in progress
byte lowByte = Serial.read();
//Check if the command is legacy using the call/response mechanism
if((lowByte >= 'A') && (lowByte <= 'z') )
//Handle legacy cases here
serialReceivePending = false; //Make sure new serial handling does not interfere with legacy handling
legacySerial = true;
currentCommand = lowByte;
while(Serial.available() == 0) { } //Wait for the 2nd byte to be received (This will almost never happen)
byte highByte = Serial.read();
serialPayloadLength = word(lowByte, highByte);
serialBytesReceived = 2;
cmdPending = false; // Make sure legacy handling does not interfere with new serial handling
serialReceiveStartTime = millis();
//If there is a serial receive in progress, read as much from the buffer as possible or until we receive all bytes
while( (Serial.available() > 0) && (serialReceivePending == true) )
if (serialBytesReceived < (serialPayloadLength + SERIAL_LEN_SIZE) )
serialPayload[(serialBytesReceived - SERIAL_LEN_SIZE)] = Serial.read();
else if (Serial.available() >= SERIAL_CRC_LENGTH)
uint32_t crc1 = Serial.read();
uint32_t crc2 = Serial.read();
uint32_t crc3 = Serial.read();
uint32_t crc4 = Serial.read();
serialCRC = (crc1<<24) | (crc2<<16) | (crc3<<8) | crc4;
serialReceivePending = false; //The serial receive is now complete
//Test the CRC
uint32_t receivedCRC = CRC32.crc32(serialPayload, serialPayloadLength);
if(serialCRC != receivedCRC)
//CRC Error. Need to send an error message
//CRC is correct. Process the command
} //CRC match
} //CRC received in full
//Check for a timeout
if( (millis() - serialReceiveStartTime) > SERIAL_TIMEOUT)
//Timeout occurred
serialReceivePending = false; //Reset the serial receive
//Flush the serial buffer
while(Serial.available() > 0)
} //Timeout
} //Data in serial buffer and serial receive in progress
void sendSerialReturnCode(byte returnCode)
Serial.write((uint8_t)1); //Size is always 1
//Calculate and send CRC
uint32_t CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&returnCode, 1);
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) );
Serial.write( (CRC32_val & 255) );
void sendSerialPayload(void *payload, uint16_t payloadLength)
//Start new transmission session
serialBytesTransmitted = 0;
serialWriteInProgress = false;
uint16_t totalPayloadLength = payloadLength;
Serial.write(totalPayloadLength >> 8);
//Need to handle serial buffer being full. This is just for testing
serialPayloadLength = payloadLength; //Save the payload length incase we need to transmit in multiple steps
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < payloadLength; i++)
if(Serial.availableForWrite() == 0)
//Serial buffer is full. Need to wait for it to be free
serialWriteInProgress = true;
if(serialWriteInProgress == false)
//All data transmitted. Send the CRC
uint32_t CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32((uint8_t*)payload, payloadLength);
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) );
Serial.write( (CRC32_val & 255) );
void continueSerialTransmission()
if(serialWriteInProgress == true)
serialWriteInProgress = false; //Assume we will reach the end of the serial buffer. If we run out of buffer, this will be set to true below
//Serial buffer is free. Continue sending the data
for(uint16_t i = serialBytesTransmitted; i < serialPayloadLength; i++)
if(Serial.availableForWrite() == 0)
//Serial buffer is full. Need to wait for it to be free
serialWriteInProgress = true;
if(serialWriteInProgress == false)
//All data transmitted. Send the CRC
uint32_t CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(serialPayload, serialPayloadLength);
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) );
Serial.write( (CRC32_val & 255) );
void processSerialCommand()
currentCommand = serialPayload[0];
switch (currentCommand)
case 'A': // send x bytes of realtime values
//sendValues(0, LOG_ENTRY_SIZE, 0x31, 0); //send values to serial0
generateLiveValues(0, LOG_ENTRY_SIZE);
case 'b': // New EEPROM burn command to only burn a single page at a time
//There is already a write pending, force it through.
writeConfig(serialPayload[2]); //Read the table number and perform burn. Note that byte 1 in the array is unused
case 'C': // test communications. This is used by Tunerstudio to see whether there is an ECU on a given serial port
uint8_t tempPayload[] = {SERIAL_RC_OK, currentStatus.secl};
sendSerialPayload(&tempPayload, 2);
case 'd': // Send a CRC32 hash of a given page
uint32_t CRC32_val = calculatePageCRC32( serialPayload[2] );
uint8_t payloadCRC32[5];
//First byte is the flag
payloadCRC32[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
//Split the 4 bytes of the CRC32 value into individual bytes and send
payloadCRC32[1] = ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255);
payloadCRC32[2] = ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255);
payloadCRC32[3] = ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255);
payloadCRC32[4] = (CRC32_val & 255);
sendSerialPayload( &payloadCRC32, 5);
case 'E': // receive command button commands
uint16_t cmdCombined = word(serialPayload[1], serialPayload[2]);
if ( ((cmdCombined >= TS_CMD_INJ1_ON) && (cmdCombined <= TS_CMD_IGN8_50PC)) || (cmdCombined == TS_CMD_TEST_ENBL) || (cmdCombined == TS_CMD_TEST_DSBL) )
//Hardware test buttons
if (currentStatus.RPM == 0) { TS_CommandButtonsHandler(cmdCombined); }
else if( (cmdCombined >= TS_CMD_VSS_60KMH) && (cmdCombined <= TS_CMD_VSS_RATIO6) )
//VSS Calibration commands
else if( (cmdCombined >= TS_CMD_STM32_REBOOT) && (cmdCombined <= TS_CMD_STM32_BOOTLOADER) )
//STM32 DFU mode button
else if( (cmdCombined >= TS_CMD_SD_FORMAT) && (cmdCombined <= TS_CMD_SD_FORMAT) )
//SD Commands
case 'F': // send serial protocol version
byte serialVersion[] = {SERIAL_RC_OK, '0', '0', '2'};
sendSerialPayload(&serialVersion, 4);
case 'H': //Start the tooth logger
currentStatus.toothLogEnabled = true;
currentStatus.compositeLogEnabled = false; //Safety first (Should never be required)
toothLogSendInProgress = false;
toothHistoryIndex = 0;
//Disconnect the standard interrupt and add the logger version
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger), loggerPrimaryISR, CHANGE );
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2), loggerSecondaryISR, CHANGE );
case 'h': //Stop the tooth logger
currentStatus.toothLogEnabled = false;
//Disconnect the logger interrupts and attach the normal ones
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger), triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge );
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2), triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge );
case 'I': // send CAN ID
byte serialVersion[] = {SERIAL_RC_OK, 0};
sendSerialPayload(&serialVersion, 2);
case 'J': //Start the composite logger
currentStatus.compositeLogEnabled = true;
currentStatus.toothLogEnabled = false; //Safety first (Should never be required)
toothHistoryIndex = 0;
//Disconnect the standard interrupt and add the logger version
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger), loggerPrimaryISR, CHANGE );
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2), loggerSecondaryISR, CHANGE );
case 'j': //Stop the composite logger
currentStatus.compositeLogEnabled = false;
//Disconnect the logger interrupts and attach the normal ones
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger), triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge );
detachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2) );
attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinTrigger2), triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge );
case 'M':
//New write command
//7 bytes required:
//2 - Page identifier
//2 - offset
//2 - Length
//1 - 1st New value
byte offset1, offset2, length1, length2;
uint8_t currentPage = serialPayload[2]; //Page ID is 2 bytes, but as the first byte is always 0 it can be ignored
offset1 = serialPayload[3];
offset2 = serialPayload[4];
uint16_t valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1);
length1 = serialPayload[5];
length2 = serialPayload[6];
uint16_t chunkSize = word(length2, length1);
if( (valueOffset + chunkSize) > getPageSize(currentPage))
//This should never happen, but just incase
//page_iterator_t entity = map_page_offset_to_entity(currentPage, valueOffset);
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++)
setPageValue(currentPage, (valueOffset + i), serialPayload[7 + i]);
* New method for sending page values (MS command equivalent is 'r')
case 'p':
//6 bytes required:
//2 - Page identifier
//2 - offset
//2 - Length
byte offset1, offset2, length1, length2;
int length;
byte tempPage;
tempPage = serialPayload[2];
offset1 = serialPayload[3];
offset2 = serialPayload[4];
valueOffset = word(offset2, offset1);
length1 = serialPayload[5];
length2 = serialPayload[6];
length = word(length2, length1);
//Setup the transmit buffer
serialPayload[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
serialPayload[i+1] = getPageValue(tempPage, valueOffset + i);
sendSerialPayload(&serialPayload, (length + 1));
case 'Q': // send code version
char productString[] = { SERIAL_RC_OK, 's','p','e','e','d','u','i','n','o',' ','2','0','2','2','0','4','-','d','e','v'} ; //Note no null terminator in array and statu variable at the start
//char productString[] = { SERIAL_RC_OK, 's','p','e','e','d','u','i','n','o',' ','2','0','2','2','0','4'} ; //Note no null terminator in array and statu variable at the start
sendSerialPayload(&productString, sizeof(productString));
case 'r': //New format for the optimised OutputChannels
uint8_t cmd = serialPayload[2];
uint16_t offset = word(serialPayload[4], serialPayload[3]);
uint16_t length = word(serialPayload[6], serialPayload[5]);
uint16_t SD_arg1 = word(serialPayload[3], serialPayload[4]);
uint16_t SD_arg2 = word(serialPayload[5], serialPayload[6]);
if(cmd == 0x30) //Send output channels command 0x30 is 48dec
generateLiveValues(offset, length);
sendSerialPayload(&serialPayload, (length + 1));
else if(cmd == SD_RTC_PAGE) //Request to read SD card RTC
serialPayload[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
serialPayload[1] = rtc_getSecond(); //Seconds
serialPayload[2] = rtc_getMinute(); //Minutes
serialPayload[3] = rtc_getHour(); //Hours
serialPayload[4] = rtc_getDOW(); //Day of week
serialPayload[5] = rtc_getDay(); //Day of month
serialPayload[6] = rtc_getMonth(); //Month
serialPayload[7] = highByte(rtc_getYear()); //Year
serialPayload[8] = lowByte(rtc_getYear()); //Year
sendSerialPayload(&serialPayload, 9);
else if(cmd == SD_READWRITE_PAGE) //Request SD card extended parameters
//SD read commands use the offset and length fields to indicate the request type
if((SD_arg1 == SD_READ_STAT_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_READ_STAT_ARG2))
//Read the status of the SD card
serialPayload[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
serialPayload[1] = currentStatus.TS_SD_Status;
serialPayload[2] = 0; //Error code
//Sector size = 512
serialPayload[3] = 2;
serialPayload[4] = 0;
//Max blocks (4 bytes)
uint32_t sectors = sectorCount();
serialPayload[5] = ((sectors >> 24) & 255);
serialPayload[6] = ((sectors >> 16) & 255);
serialPayload[7] = ((sectors >> 8) & 255);
serialPayload[8] = (sectors & 255);
serialPayload[5] = 0;
serialPayload[6] = 0x20; //1gb dummy card
serialPayload[7] = 0;
serialPayload[8] = 0;
//Max roots (Number of files)
uint16_t numLogFiles = getNextSDLogFileNumber() - 2; // -1 because this returns the NEXT file name not the current one and -1 because TS expects a 0 based index
serialPayload[9] = highByte(numLogFiles);
serialPayload[10] = lowByte(numLogFiles);
//Dir Start (4 bytes)
serialPayload[11] = 0;
serialPayload[12] = 0;
serialPayload[13] = 0;
serialPayload[14] = 0;
//Unkown purpose for last 2 bytes
serialPayload[15] = 0;
serialPayload[16] = 0;
sendSerialPayload(&serialPayload, 17);
else if((SD_arg1 == SD_READ_DIR_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_READ_DIR_ARG2))
//Send file details
serialPayload[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
uint16_t logFileNumber = (SDcurrentDirChunk * 16) + 1;
uint8_t filesInCurrentChunk = 0;
uint16_t payloadIndex = 1;
while((filesInCurrentChunk < 16) && (getSDLogFileDetails(&serialPayload[payloadIndex], logFileNumber) == true))
payloadIndex += 32;
serialPayload[payloadIndex] = lowByte(SDcurrentDirChunk);
serialPayload[payloadIndex + 1] = highByte(SDcurrentDirChunk);
sendSerialPayload(&serialPayload, (payloadIndex + 2));
else if(cmd == SD_READFILE_PAGE)
//Fetch data from file
if(SD_arg2 == SD_READ_COMP_ARG2)
//arg1 is the block number to return
serialSDTransmitPayload[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
serialSDTransmitPayload[1] = highByte(SD_arg1);
serialSDTransmitPayload[2] = lowByte(SD_arg1);
uint32_t currentSector = SDreadStartSector + (SD_arg1 * 4);
int32_t numSectorsToSend = 0;
if(SDreadNumSectors > SDreadCompletedSectors)
numSectorsToSend = SDreadNumSectors - SDreadCompletedSectors;
if(numSectorsToSend > 4) //Maximum of 4 sectors at a time
numSectorsToSend = 4;
SDreadCompletedSectors += numSectorsToSend;
if(numSectorsToSend <= 0) { sendSerialReturnCode(SERIAL_RC_OK); }
readSDSectors(&serialSDTransmitPayload[3], currentSector, numSectorsToSend);
sendSerialPayload(&serialSDTransmitPayload, (numSectorsToSend * SD_SECTOR_SIZE + 3));
//No other r/ commands should be called
cmdPending = false;
case 'S': // send code version
byte productString[] = { SERIAL_RC_OK, 'S', 'p', 'e', 'e', 'd', 'u', 'i', 'n', 'o', ' ', '2', '0', '2', '2', '.', '0', '4', '-', 'd', 'e', 'v'};
//byte productString[] = { SERIAL_RC_OK, 'S', 'p', 'e', 'e', 'd', 'u', 'i', 'n', 'o', ' ', '2', '0', '2', '2', '0', '2'};
sendSerialPayload(&productString, sizeof(productString));
currentStatus.secl = 0; //This is required in TS3 due to its stricter timings
case 'T': //Send 256 tooth log entries to Tuner Studios tooth logger
if(currentStatus.toothLogEnabled == true) { sendToothLog(0); } //Sends tooth log values as ints
else if (currentStatus.compositeLogEnabled == true) { sendCompositeLog(0); }
case 't': // receive new Calibration info. Command structure: "t", <tble_idx> <data array>.
uint8_t cmd = serialPayload[2];
uint16_t valueOffset = word(serialPayload[3], serialPayload[4]);
uint16_t calibrationLength = word(serialPayload[5], serialPayload[6]); // Should be 256
//TS sends a total of 1024 bytes of calibration data, broken up into 256 byte chunks
//As we're using an interpolated 2D table, we only need to store 32 values out of this 1024
void* pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint8_t *)&o2Calibration_values; //Pointer that will be used to point to the required target table values
uint16_t* pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&o2Calibration_bins; //Pointer that will be used to point to the required target table bins
//Read through the current chunk (Should be 256 bytes long)
for(uint16_t x = 0; x < calibrationLength; x++)
//Only apply every 32nd value
if( (x % 32) == 0 )
uint16_t totalOffset = valueOffset + x;
((uint8_t*)pnt_TargetTable_values)[(totalOffset/32)] = serialPayload[x+7]; //O2 table stores 8 bit values
pnt_TargetTable_bins[(totalOffset/32)] = (totalOffset);
Serial.flush(); //This is safe because engine is assumed to not be running during calibration
//Check if this is the final chunk of calibration data
#ifdef CORE_STM32
//STM32 requires TS to send 16 x 64 bytes chunk rather than 4 x 256 bytes.
if(valueOffset == (64*15)) { writeCalibrationPage(cmd); } //Store received values in EEPROM if this is the final chunk of calibration
if(valueOffset == (256*3)) { writeCalibrationPage(cmd); } //Store received values in EEPROM if this is the final chunk of calibration
else if(cmd == IAT_CALIBRATION_PAGE)
void* pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint16_t *)&iatCalibration_values;
uint16_t* pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&iatCalibration_bins;
//Temperature calibrations are sent as 32 16-bit values (ie 64 bytes total)
if(calibrationLength == 64)
for (uint16_t x = 0; x < 32; x++)
int16_t tempValue = (int16_t)(word(serialPayload[((2 * x) + 8)], serialPayload[((2 * x) + 7)])); //Combine the 2 bytes into a single, signed 16-bit value
tempValue = div(tempValue, 10).quot; //TS sends values multipled by 10 so divide back to whole degrees.
tempValue = ((tempValue - 32) * 5) / 9; //Convert from F to C
//Apply the temp offset and check that it results in all values being positive
if (tempValue < 0) { tempValue = 0; }
((uint16_t*)pnt_TargetTable_values)[x] = tempValue; //Both temp tables have 16-bit values
pnt_TargetTable_bins[x] = (x * 32U);
else { sendSerialReturnCode(SERIAL_RC_RANGE_ERR); }
else if(cmd == CLT_CALIBRATION_PAGE)
void* pnt_TargetTable_values = (uint16_t *)&cltCalibration_values;
uint16_t* pnt_TargetTable_bins = (uint16_t *)&cltCalibration_bins;
//Temperature calibrations are sent as 32 16-bit values
if(calibrationLength == 64)
for (uint16_t x = 0; x < 32; x++)
int16_t tempValue = (int16_t)(word(serialPayload[((2 * x) + 8)], serialPayload[((2 * x) + 7)])); //Combine the 2 bytes into a single, signed 16-bit value
tempValue = div(tempValue, 10).quot; //TS sends values multipled by 10 so divide back to whole degrees.
tempValue = ((tempValue - 32) * 5) / 9; //Convert from F to C
//Apply the temp offset and check that it results in all values being positive
if (tempValue < 0) { tempValue = 0; }
((uint16_t*)pnt_TargetTable_values)[x] = tempValue; //Both temp tables have 16-bit values
pnt_TargetTable_bins[x] = (x * 32U);
else { sendSerialReturnCode(SERIAL_RC_RANGE_ERR); }
case 'U': //User wants to reset the Arduino (probably for FW update)
if (resetControl != RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED)
if (!cmdPending) { Serial.println(F("Comms halted. Next byte will reset the Arduino.")); }
while (Serial.available() == 0) { }
digitalWrite(pinResetControl, LOW);
if (!cmdPending) { Serial.println(F("Reset control is currently disabled.")); }
case 'w':
uint8_t cmd = serialPayload[2];
uint16_t SD_arg1 = word(serialPayload[3], serialPayload[4]);
uint16_t SD_arg2 = word(serialPayload[5], serialPayload[6]);
if((SD_arg1 == SD_WRITE_DO_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_WRITE_DO_ARG2))
SD DO command. Single byte of data where the commands are:
0 Reset
1 Reset
2 Stop logging
3 Start logging
4 Load status variable
5 Init SD card
uint8_t command = serialPayload[7];
if(command == 2) { endSDLogging(); manualLogActive = false; }
else if(command == 3) { beginSDLogging(); manualLogActive = true; }
else if(command == 4) { setTS_SD_status(); }
//else if(command == 5) { initSD(); }
else if((SD_arg1 == SD_WRITE_DIR_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_WRITE_DIR_ARG2))
//Begin SD directory read. Value in payload represents the directory chunk to read
//Directory chunks are each 16 files long
SDcurrentDirChunk = word(serialPayload[7], serialPayload[8]);
else if((SD_arg1 == SD_WRITE_SEC_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_WRITE_SEC_ARG2))
//SD write sector command
else if((SD_arg1 == SD_ERASEFILE_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_ERASEFILE_ARG2))
//Erase file command
//We just need the 4 ASCII characters of the file name
char log1 = serialPayload[7];
char log2 = serialPayload[8];
char log3 = serialPayload[9];
char log4 = serialPayload[10];
deleteLogFile(log1, log2, log3, log4);
else if((SD_arg1 == SD_SPD_TEST_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_SPD_TEST_ARG2))
//Perform a speed test on the SD card
//First 4 bytes are the sector number to write to
uint32_t sector;
uint8_t sector1 = serialPayload[7];
uint8_t sector2 = serialPayload[8];
uint8_t sector3 = serialPayload[9];
uint8_t sector4 = serialPayload[10];
sector = (sector1 << 24) | (sector2 << 16) | (sector3 << 8) | sector4;
//Last 4 bytes are the number of sectors to test
uint32_t testSize;
uint8_t testSize1 = serialPayload[11];
uint8_t testSize2 = serialPayload[12];
uint8_t testSize3 = serialPayload[13];
uint8_t testSize4 = serialPayload[14];
testSize = (testSize1 << 24) | (testSize2 << 16) | (testSize3 << 8) | testSize4;
else if((SD_arg1 == SD_WRITE_COMP_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_WRITE_COMP_ARG2))
//Prepare to read a 2024 byte chunk of data from the SD card
uint8_t sector1 = serialPayload[7];
uint8_t sector2 = serialPayload[8];
uint8_t sector3 = serialPayload[9];
uint8_t sector4 = serialPayload[10];
//SDreadStartSector = (sector1 << 24) | (sector2 << 16) | (sector3 << 8) | sector4;
SDreadStartSector = (sector4 << 24) | (sector3 << 16) | (sector2 << 8) | sector1;
//SDreadStartSector = sector4 | (sector3 << 8) | (sector2 << 16) | (sector1 << 24);
//Next 4 bytes are the number of sectors to write
uint8_t sectorCount1 = serialPayload[11];
uint8_t sectorCount2 = serialPayload[12];
uint8_t sectorCount3 = serialPayload[13];
uint8_t sectorCount4 = serialPayload[14];
SDreadNumSectors = (sectorCount1 << 24) | (sectorCount2 << 16) | (sectorCount3 << 8) | sectorCount4;
//Reset the sector counter
SDreadCompletedSectors = 0;
else if(cmd == SD_RTC_PAGE)
cmdPending = false;
//Used for setting RTC settings
if((SD_arg1 == SD_RTC_WRITE_ARG1) && (SD_arg2 == SD_RTC_WRITE_ARG2))
//Set the RTC date/time
byte second = serialPayload[7];
byte minute = serialPayload[8];
byte hour = serialPayload[9];
//byte dow = serialPayload[10]; //Not used
byte day = serialPayload[11];
byte month = serialPayload[12];
uint16_t year = word(serialPayload[13], serialPayload[14]);
rtc_setTime(second, minute, hour, day, month, year);
//Unknown command
/** Send a status record back to tuning/logging SW.
* This will "live" information from @ref currentStatus struct.
* @param offset - Start field number
* @param packetLength - Length of actual message (after possible ack/confirm headers)
* E.g. tuning sw command 'A' (Send all values) will send data from field number 0, LOG_ENTRY_SIZE fields.
//void sendValues(int packetlength, byte portNum)
void generateLiveValues(uint16_t offset, uint16_t packetLength)
if(requestCount == 0) { currentStatus.secl = 0; }
currentStatus.spark ^= (-currentStatus.hasSync ^ currentStatus.spark) & (1U << BIT_SPARK_SYNC); //Set the sync bit of the Spark variable to match the hasSync variable
serialPayload[0] = SERIAL_RC_OK;
for(byte x=0; x<packetLength; x++)
serialPayload[x+1] = getTSLogEntry(offset+x);
// Reset any flags that are being used to trigger page refreshes
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_VSS_REFRESH);
inline void send_table_values(table_value_iterator it)
while (!it.at_end())
auto row = *it;
Serial.write(&*row, row.size());
inline void send_table_axis(table_axis_iterator it)
while (!it.at_end())
void sendToothLog(byte startOffset)
//We need TOOTH_LOG_SIZE number of records to send to TunerStudio. If there aren't that many in the buffer then we just return and wait for the next call
if (BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.status1, BIT_STATUS1_TOOTHLOG1READY)) //Sanity check. Flagging system means this should always be true
uint32_t CRC32_val = 0;
if(startOffset == 0)
//Transmit the size of the packet
uint16_t totalPayloadLength = (TOOTH_LOG_SIZE * 4) + 1; //Size of the tooth log (uint32_t values) plus the return code
Serial.write(totalPayloadLength >> 8);
//Begin new CRC hash
const uint8_t returnCode = SERIAL_RC_OK;
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&returnCode, 1, false);
//Send the return code
for (int x = startOffset; x < TOOTH_LOG_SIZE; x++)
//Check whether the tx buffer still has space
if(Serial.availableForWrite() < 4)
//tx buffer is full. Store the current state so it can be resumed later
inProgressOffset = x;
toothLogSendInProgress = true;
//Transmit the tooth time
uint32_t tempToothHistory = toothHistory[x];
uint8_t toothHistory_1 = ((tempToothHistory >> 24) & 255);
uint8_t toothHistory_2 = ((tempToothHistory >> 16) & 255);
uint8_t toothHistory_3 = ((tempToothHistory >> 8) & 255);
uint8_t toothHistory_4 = ((tempToothHistory) & 255);
//Update the CRC
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&toothHistory_1, 1, false);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&toothHistory_2, 1, false);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&toothHistory_3, 1, false);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&toothHistory_4, 1, false);
cmdPending = false;
toothLogSendInProgress = false;
toothHistoryIndex = 0;
//Apply the CRC reflection
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
//Send the CRC
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) );
Serial.write( (CRC32_val & 255) );
cmdPending = false;
toothLogSendInProgress = false;
void sendCompositeLog(byte startOffset)
if ( (BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.status1, BIT_STATUS1_TOOTHLOG1READY)) || (compositeLogSendInProgress == true) ) //Sanity check. Flagging system means this should always be true
uint32_t CRC32_val = 0;
if(startOffset == 0)
inProgressCompositeTime = 0;
//Transmit the size of the packet
uint16_t totalPayloadLength = (TOOTH_LOG_SIZE * 5) + 1; //Size of the tooth log (1x uint32_t + 1x uint8_t values) plus the return code
Serial.write(totalPayloadLength >> 8);
//Begin new CRC hash
const uint8_t returnCode = SERIAL_RC_OK;
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32(&returnCode, 1, false);
//Send the return code
for (int x = startOffset; x < TOOTH_LOG_SIZE; x++)
//Check whether the tx buffer still has space
if(Serial.availableForWrite() < 5)
//tx buffer is full. Store the current state so it can be resumed later
inProgressOffset = x;
compositeLogSendInProgress = true;
inProgressCompositeTime = toothHistory[x]; //This combined runtime (in us) that the log was going for by this record
uint8_t inProgressCompositeTime_1 = (inProgressCompositeTime >> 24) & 255;
uint8_t inProgressCompositeTime_2 = (inProgressCompositeTime >> 16) & 255;
uint8_t inProgressCompositeTime_3 = (inProgressCompositeTime >> 8) & 255;
uint8_t inProgressCompositeTime_4 = (inProgressCompositeTime) & 255;
//Transmit the tooth time
//Update the CRC
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&inProgressCompositeTime_1, 1, false);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&inProgressCompositeTime_2, 1, false);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&inProgressCompositeTime_3, 1, false);
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&inProgressCompositeTime_4, 1, false);
//The status byte (Indicates the trigger edge, whether it was a pri/sec pulse, the sync status)
uint8_t statusByte = compositeLogHistory[x];
//Update the CRC with the status byte
CRC32_val = CRC32.crc32_upd(&statusByte, 1, false);
toothHistoryIndex = 0;
cmdPending = false;
compositeLogSendInProgress = false;
inProgressCompositeTime = 0;
//Apply the CRC reflection
CRC32_val = ~CRC32_val;
//Send the CRC
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 24) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 16) & 255) );
Serial.write( ((CRC32_val >> 8) & 255) );
Serial.write( (CRC32_val & 255) );
cmdPending = false;
compositeLogSendInProgress = false;