import { Wei } from 'libs/units'; import { toFixedIfLarger, formatNumber, formatGasLimit, formatMnemonic } from '../../common/utils/formatters'; describe('toFixedIfLarger', () => { it('should return same value if decimal isnt longer than default', () => { const numExample = 7.002; expect(toFixedIfLarger(numExample)).toEqual(String(numExample)); }); it('should return shortened value rounded up if decimal is longer than default', () => { const numExample = 7.1234567; expect(toFixedIfLarger(numExample)).toEqual(String(7.123457)); }); it('should return shortened value if decimal is longer than passed fixedSize', () => { const numExample = 7.12345678; expect(toFixedIfLarger(numExample, 2)).toEqual(String(7.12)); }); }); describe('formatNumber', () => { const pairs = [ { input: '0.0127491', output: '0.013', digits: undefined }, { input: '21.87468421', output: '21.875', digits: undefined }, { input: '0', output: '0', digits: undefined }, { input: '354.4728173', output: '354.4728', digits: 4 }, { input: '100.48391', output: '100', digits: 0 }, { input: '239.999632', output: '240', digits: 0 }, { input: '999.999', output: '1,000', digits: 0 }, { input: '0.9', output: '1', digits: 0 }, { input: '0.09', output: '0.1', digits: 1 } ]; pairs.forEach(pair => { const digits = pair.digits; it(`should convert ${pair.input.toString()} to ${pair.output} when using ${ digits } digits`, () => { expect(formatNumber(pair.input, pair.digits)).toEqual(pair.output); }); }); }); describe('formatGasLimit', () => { it('should fix transaction gas limit off-by-one errors', () => { expect(formatGasLimit(Wei('21001'), 'ether')).toEqual('21000'); }); it('should mark the gas limit `-1` if you exceed the limit per block', () => { expect(formatGasLimit(Wei('999999999999999'), 'ether')).toEqual('-1'); }); it('should not alter a valid gas limit', () => { expect(formatGasLimit(Wei('1234'))).toEqual('1234'); }); }); describe('formatMnemonic', () => { const testPhraseNewLines = 'first\ncatalog\naway\nfaculty\njelly\nnow\nlife\nkingdom\npigeon\nraise\ngain\naccident'; const testPhraseExtraSpaces = 'first catalog away faculty jelly now life kingdom pigeon raise gain accident '; const testPhraseCommas = 'first,catalog,away,faculty,jelly,now,life,kingdom,pigeon,raise,gain,accident'; const formattedTestPhrase = 'first catalog away faculty jelly now life kingdom pigeon raise gain accident'; it('should format phrases with new lines as a phrase with just spaces', () => { expect(formatMnemonic(testPhraseNewLines)).toEqual(formattedTestPhrase); }); it('should remove commas and replace with space characters', () => { expect(formatMnemonic(testPhraseCommas)).toEqual(formattedTestPhrase); }); it('should trim any stray space characters throughout the phrase', () => { expect(formatMnemonic(testPhraseExtraSpaces)).toEqual(formattedTestPhrase); }); });