import {UI_OPEN_SIDEBAR, UI_CLOSE_SIDEBAR, UI_WINDOW_RESIZE} from 'actions/layout' import {LOCATION_CHANGE, APP_INIT} from 'actions/common'; // UI_ACTIVATE_OBFUSCATOR, UI_DEACTIVATE_OBFUSCATOR const initialState = { sidebarOpened: false, obfuscatorActive: false, isMobile: false } export function layout(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case APP_INIT: { let {innerWidth} = window let isMobile = innerWidth < 1025 // 1024px - is the main breakpoint in ui return { ...state, isMobile } } case UI_WINDOW_RESIZE: { let {innerWidth} = window let isMobile = innerWidth < 1025 // 1024px - is the main breakpoint in ui return { ...state, isMobile } } case UI_OPEN_SIDEBAR: return { ...state, sidebarOpened: true, obfuscatorActive: true } case UI_CLOSE_SIDEBAR: return { ...state, sidebarOpened: false, obfuscatorActive: false } case LOCATION_CHANGE: return { ...state, sidebarOpened: false, obfuscatorActive: false } default: return state } }