Update ceremony.md

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phahulin 2017-07-04 17:41:19 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 75c2d3d0b0
commit b94902ec14
1 changed files with 20 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -31,13 +31,27 @@ This is the final step, on which you will create azure virtual machine from a te
1. Hold <kbd>cmd ⌘</kbd> (on Mac OS X) or <kbd>CTRL</kbd> (on Windows PC) and click on the "Deploy to Azure" button below. This will open a separate browser tab, lead you to azure portal and launch "Custom deployment" wizard (alternatively, you can right-click on the button and select "Open in New Tab")
[![Deploy to Azure](http://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Foraclesorg%2Ftest-templates%2Fmaster%2FTestTestNet%2Fmining-node%2Ftemplate.json)
2. You should see a window similar to this
Double check address bar that you are connected to `https://portal.azure.com` and that "Secure" sign is present.
2. You should see a window similar to this, preselected fields (subscription, location) may be different from yours.
Double-check address bar that you are connected to `https://portal.azure.com` and that secure connection sign is present (e.g. 🔒, exact representation may differ by browser).
3. Select the azure subsciption you want to use.
4. Click to "Create new" Resource group and input a name for the resource group. This name will be displayed on your azure portal dashboard, it will not be used in the Oracles-PoA network, so choose a name that would make it clear _to you_ what this resource group represents. However, Azure imposes certain restrictions on a resource group `name`: it can only include upper case and lower case latin letters, numbers (e.g. _a_, _B_, _Z_, _5_, ...), periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis, cannot contain spaces (` `) and cannot end in a period. An example of a correct `name` is "oracles-poa". After you've typed in the name in the input, make sure a green check mark ✓ appears on the right.
4. Choose "Create new" Resource group and input a name for the resource group. This name will be displayed on your azure dashboard, it will not be used in the Oracles-PoA network, so choose a name that would make it clear _to you_ what this resource group represents. However, Azure imposes certain restrictions on a resource group `name`: it can only include upper case and lower case latin letters, numbers (e.g. _a_, _B_, _Z_, _5_, ...), periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis, cannot contain spaces (` `) and cannot end in a period. An example of a correct `name` is `oracles-poa`. After you've typed in the name in the input, make sure a green check mark ✓ appears on the right.
5. Select (from available to you) a location to where the virtual machine will be deployed.
6. **Node Full Name** Enter your real full name. This will be displayed in the Oracles-PoA network statistic page and visible to other users of the network.
7. **Node Admin Email**: Enter your email address.
8. **Mining Address**: Copy address of your _mining key_ obtained previously (address starts with `0x`, the rest consists of numbers `0-9` and letters `a-f`, giving 42 symbols in total, an example of an address is `0x09a548bdbafae302c5dd7f47b43d751baf20b77d`)
9. **Mining Keyfile**: Open key file of your _mining key_ obtained previously in a text editor (e.g. "TextEdit.app"). The content of this file should consist of keys in double-quotes `"` separated from values by semicolons `:`, put inside curly brackets `{...}`. Select this file's _entire content_, including all curly brackets, copy it and paste into this field. When you paste it, the actual content will not be displayed, because it is treated as a secured password, instead you'll see black dots.
At this step, you should see a window similar to this (values in the inputs will be different in your case)
10. **Mining Keypass**: Copy password from your _mining key_ obtained previously. Password is an 8 characters long sequence of letters and numbers. The content of the input will be hidden, instead you'll see black dots.
11. **Admin username**: Think up a login account name on your virtual machine. It may contain only lower case latin letters and numbers, also it should start with a letter. As an example, you can use a standard combination `first letter of your given name` + `your surname` (e.g. John Doe -> `jdoe`), or use a neutral `azureuser`. This name will not be used in the Oracles-PoA network, and is only used to identify you when connecting to the virtual machine.
12. **Ssh Public Key**: _On Mac OS X_: switch to the "Terminal" application opened on the previous step and paste the following command into the terminal, then hit ENTER.
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
This command will copy your private key to your clipboard. Then switch back to your browser and paste it into this field. Note that you should not copy anything in-between, otherwise it will overwrite your clipboard and you'll have to retry this step.