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2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package secp256k1fx
import (
var (
keys = []string{
addrs = []string{
func TestNewKeychain(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
if kc == nil {
t.Fatalf("NewKeychain returned a nil keychain")
func TestKeychainGetUnknownAddr(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
addr, _ := ids.ShortFromString(addrs[0])
if _, exists := kc.Get(addr); exists {
t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have returned a key from an empty keychain")
func TestKeychainAdd(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
cb58 := formatting.CB58{}
if err := cb58.FromString(keys[0]); err != nil {
skBytes := cb58.Bytes
skIntff, err := kc.factory.ToPrivateKey(skBytes)
if err != nil {
sk, ok := skIntff.(*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Factory should have returned secp256k1r private key")
addr, _ := ids.ShortFromString(addrs[0])
if rsk, exists := kc.Get(addr); !exists {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned the key from the keychain")
} else if !bytes.Equal(rsk.Bytes(), sk.Bytes()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key from the keychain")
if addrs := kc.Addresses(); addrs.Len() != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned one address from the keychain")
} else if !addrs.Contains(addr) {
t.Fatalf("Keychain contains the wrong address")
func TestKeychainNew(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
if addrs := kc.Addresses(); addrs.Len() != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have returned any addresses from the empty keychain")
sk, err := kc.New()
if err != nil {
addr := sk.PublicKey().Address()
if addrs := kc.Addresses(); addrs.Len() != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned one address from the keychain")
} else if !addrs.Contains(addr) {
t.Fatalf("Keychain contains the wrong address")
func TestKeychainMatch(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
cb58 := formatting.CB58{}
sks := []*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R{}
for _, keyStr := range keys {
if err := cb58.FromString(keyStr); err != nil {
skBytes := cb58.Bytes
skIntf, err := kc.factory.ToPrivateKey(skBytes)
if err != nil {
sk, ok := skIntf.(*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Factory should have returned secp256k1r private key")
sks = append(sks, sk)
owners := OutputOwners{
Threshold: 1,
Addrs: []ids.ShortID{
if err := owners.Verify(); err != nil {
if _, _, ok := kc.Match(&owners); ok {
t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have been able to match with the owners")
if indices, keys, ok := kc.Match(&owners); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Should have been able to match with the owners")
} else if numIndices := len(indices); numIndices != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned one index")
} else if numKeys := len(keys); numKeys != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned one key")
} else if index := indices[0]; index != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned index 0 for the key")
} else if key := keys[0]; !key.PublicKey().Address().Equals(sks[1].PublicKey().Address()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key")
if indices, keys, ok := kc.Match(&owners); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Should have been able to match with the owners")
} else if numIndices := len(indices); numIndices != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned one index")
} else if numKeys := len(keys); numKeys != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned one key")
} else if index := indices[0]; index != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned index 0 for the key")
} else if key := keys[0]; !key.PublicKey().Address().Equals(sks[1].PublicKey().Address()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key")
func TestKeychainSpendMint(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
cb58 := formatting.CB58{}
sks := []*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R{}
for _, keyStr := range keys {
if err := cb58.FromString(keyStr); err != nil {
skBytes := cb58.Bytes
skIntf, err := kc.factory.ToPrivateKey(skBytes)
if err != nil {
sk, ok := skIntf.(*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Factory should have returned secp256k1r private key")
sks = append(sks, sk)
mint := MintOutput{OutputOwners: OutputOwners{
Threshold: 2,
Addrs: []ids.ShortID{
if err := mint.Verify(); err != nil {
if _, _, err := kc.Spend(&mint, 0); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have been able to spend with no keys")
if input, keys, err := kc.Spend(&mint, 0); err != nil {
} else if input, ok := input.(*MintInput); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Wrong input type returned")
} else if err := input.Verify(); err != nil {
} else if numSigs := len(input.SigIndices); numSigs != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned two signers")
} else if sig := input.SigIndices[0]; sig != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned index of secret key 1")
} else if sig := input.SigIndices[1]; sig != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned index of secret key 2")
} else if numKeys := len(keys); numKeys != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned two keys")
} else if key := keys[0]; !key.PublicKey().Address().Equals(sks[1].PublicKey().Address()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key")
} else if key := keys[1]; !key.PublicKey().Address().Equals(sks[2].PublicKey().Address()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key")
func TestKeychainSpendTransfer(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
cb58 := formatting.CB58{}
sks := []*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R{}
for _, keyStr := range keys {
if err := cb58.FromString(keyStr); err != nil {
skBytes := cb58.Bytes
skIntf, err := kc.factory.ToPrivateKey(skBytes)
if err != nil {
sk, ok := skIntf.(*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Factory should have returned secp256k1r private key")
sks = append(sks, sk)
transfer := TransferOutput{
Amt: 12345,
Locktime: 54321,
OutputOwners: OutputOwners{
Threshold: 2,
Addrs: []ids.ShortID{
if err := transfer.Verify(); err != nil {
if _, _, err := kc.Spend(&transfer, 54321); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have been able to spend with no keys")
if _, _, err := kc.Spend(&transfer, 4321); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have been able timelocked funds")
if input, keys, err := kc.Spend(&transfer, 54321); err != nil {
} else if input, ok := input.(*TransferInput); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Wrong input type returned")
} else if err := input.Verify(); err != nil {
} else if amt := input.Amount(); amt != 12345 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong amount returned from input")
} else if numSigs := len(input.SigIndices); numSigs != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned two signers")
} else if sig := input.SigIndices[0]; sig != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned index of secret key 1")
} else if sig := input.SigIndices[1]; sig != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned index of secret key 2")
} else if numKeys := len(keys); numKeys != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Should have returned two keys")
} else if key := keys[0]; !key.PublicKey().Address().Equals(sks[1].PublicKey().Address()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key")
} else if key := keys[1]; !key.PublicKey().Address().Equals(sks[2].PublicKey().Address()) {
t.Fatalf("Returned wrong key")
func TestKeychainString(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
cb58 := formatting.CB58{}
if err := cb58.FromString(keys[0]); err != nil {
skBytes := cb58.Bytes
skIntf, err := kc.factory.ToPrivateKey(skBytes)
if err != nil {
sk, ok := skIntf.(*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Factory should have returned secp256k1r private key")
expected := "Key[0]: Key: 2MMvUMsxx6zsHSNXJdFD8yc5XkancvwyKPwpw4xUK3TCGDuNBY Address: B6D4v1VtPYLbiUvYXtW4Px8oE9imC2vGW"
if result := kc.String(); result != expected {
t.Fatalf("Keychain.String returned:\n%s\nexpected:\n%s", result, expected)
func TestKeychainPrefixedString(t *testing.T) {
kc := NewKeychain()
cb58 := formatting.CB58{}
if err := cb58.FromString(keys[0]); err != nil {
skBytes := cb58.Bytes
skIntf, err := kc.factory.ToPrivateKey(skBytes)
if err != nil {
sk, ok := skIntf.(*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Factory should have returned secp256k1r private key")
expected := "xDKey[0]: Key: 2MMvUMsxx6zsHSNXJdFD8yc5XkancvwyKPwpw4xUK3TCGDuNBY Address: B6D4v1VtPYLbiUvYXtW4Px8oE9imC2vGW"
if result := kc.PrefixedString("xD"); result != expected {
t.Fatalf(`Keychain.PrefixedString("xD") returned:\n%s\nexpected:\n%s`, result, expected)