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2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package snowman
import (
// TopologicalFactory implements Factory by returning a topological struct
type TopologicalFactory struct{}
// New implements Factory
func (TopologicalFactory) New() Consensus { return &Topological{} }
// Topological implements the Snowman interface by using a tree tracking the
// strongly preferred branch. This tree structure amortizes network polls to
// vote on more than just the next block.
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type Topological struct {
2020-03-14 22:09:24 -07:00
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
ctx *snow.Context
params snowball.Parameters
head ids.ID
blocks map[[32]byte]*snowmanBlock // ParentID -> Snowball instance
tail ids.ID
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// Used to track the kahn topological sort status
type kahnNode struct {
// inDegree is the number of children that haven't been processed yet. If
// inDegree is 0, then this node is a leaf
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inDegree int
// votes for all the children of this node, so far
votes ids.Bag
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// Used to track which children should receive votes
type votes struct {
// parentID is the parent of all the votes provided in the votes bag
parentID ids.ID
// votes for all the children of the parent
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votes ids.Bag
// Initialize implements the Snowman interface
func (ts *Topological) Initialize(ctx *snow.Context, params snowball.Parameters, rootID ids.ID) {
ts.ctx = ctx
ts.params = params
2020-03-14 22:09:24 -07:00
if err := ts.metrics.Initialize(ctx.Log, params.Namespace, params.Metrics); err != nil {
ts.ctx.Log.Error("%s", err)
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
ts.head = rootID
ts.blocks = map[[32]byte]*snowmanBlock{
rootID.Key(): &snowmanBlock{
sm: ts,
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
ts.tail = rootID
// Parameters implements the Snowman interface
func (ts *Topological) Parameters() snowball.Parameters { return ts.params }
// Add implements the Snowman interface
func (ts *Topological) Add(blk Block) {
parent := blk.Parent()
parentID := parent.ID()
parentKey := parentID.Key()
blkID := blk.ID()
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
blkBytes := blk.Bytes()
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2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
// Notify anyone listening that this block was issued.
ts.ctx.DecisionDispatcher.Issue(ts.ctx.ChainID, blkID, blkBytes)
ts.ctx.ConsensusDispatcher.Issue(ts.ctx.ChainID, blkID, blkBytes)
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2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
parentNode, ok := ts.blocks[parentKey]
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if !ok {
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// If the ancestor is missing, this means the ancestor must have already
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
// been pruned. Therefore, the dependent should be transitively
// rejected.
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2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
// Notify anyone listening that this block was rejected.
ts.ctx.DecisionDispatcher.Reject(ts.ctx.ChainID, blkID, blkBytes)
ts.ctx.ConsensusDispatcher.Reject(ts.ctx.ChainID, blkID, blkBytes)
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2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
ts.blocks[blkID.Key()] = &snowmanBlock{
sm: ts,
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
blk: blk,
// If we are extending the tail, this is the new tail
if ts.tail.Equals(parentID) {
ts.tail = blkID
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// Issued implements the Snowman interface
func (ts *Topological) Issued(blk Block) bool {
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// If the block is decided, then it must have been previously issued.
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if blk.Status().Decided() {
return true
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// If the block is in the map of current blocks, then the block was issued.
_, ok := ts.blocks[blk.ID().Key()]
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return ok
// Preference implements the Snowman interface
func (ts *Topological) Preference() ids.ID { return ts.tail }
// RecordPoll implements the Snowman interface
// This performs Kahns algorithm.
// When a node is removed from the leaf queue, it is checked to see if the
// number of votes is >= alpha. If it is, then it is added to the vote stack.
// Once there are no nodes in the leaf queue. The vote stack is unwound and
// voted on. If a decision is made, then that choice is marked as accepted, and
// all alternative choices are marked as rejected.
// The complexity of this function is:
// Runtime = 3 * |live set| + |votes|
// Space = |live set| + |votes|
func (ts *Topological) RecordPoll(votes ids.Bag) {
// Runtime = |live set| + |votes| ; Space = |live set| + |votes|
kahnGraph, leaves := ts.calculateInDegree(votes)
// Runtime = |live set| ; Space = |live set|
voteStack := ts.pushVotes(kahnGraph, leaves)
// Runtime = |live set| ; Space = Constant
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
preferred :=
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
// Runtime = |live set| ; Space = Constant
ts.tail = ts.getPreferredDecendent(preferred)
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// Finalized implements the Snowman interface
func (ts *Topological) Finalized() bool { return len(ts.blocks) == 1 }
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// takes in a list of votes and sets up the topological ordering. Returns the
// reachable section of the graph annotated with the number of inbound edges and
// the non-transitively applied votes. Also returns the list of leaf nodes.
func (ts *Topological) calculateInDegree(
votes ids.Bag) (map[[32]byte]kahnNode, []ids.ID) {
kahns := make(map[[32]byte]kahnNode)
leaves := ids.Set{}
for _, vote := range votes.List() {
voteNode, validVote := ts.blocks[vote.Key()]
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// If it is not found, then the vote is either for something rejected,
// or something we haven't heard of yet.
if validVote && voteNode.blk != nil && !voteNode.blk.Status().Decided() {
parentID := voteNode.blk.Parent().ID()
parentKey := parentID.Key()
kahn, previouslySeen := kahns[parentKey]
// Add this new vote to the current bag of votes
kahn.votes.AddCount(vote, votes.Count(vote))
kahns[parentKey] = kahn
if !previouslySeen {
// If I've never seen this node before, it is currently a leaf.
for n, e := ts.blocks[parentKey]; e; n, e = ts.blocks[parentKey] {
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
if n.blk == nil || n.blk.Status().Decided() {
break // Ensure that we haven't traversed off the tree
parentID := n.blk.Parent().ID()
parentKey = parentID.Key()
kahn := kahns[parentKey]
kahns[parentKey] = kahn
if kahn.inDegree == 1 {
// If I am transitively seeing this node for the first
// time, it is no longer a leaf.
} else {
// If I have already traversed this branch, stop.
return kahns, leaves.List()
// convert the tree into a branch of snowball instances with an alpha threshold
func (ts *Topological) pushVotes(
kahnNodes map[[32]byte]kahnNode, leaves []ids.ID) []votes {
voteStack := []votes(nil)
for len(leaves) > 0 {
newLeavesSize := len(leaves) - 1
leaf := leaves[newLeavesSize]
leaves = leaves[:newLeavesSize]
leafKey := leaf.Key()
kahn := kahnNodes[leafKey]
if node, shouldVote := ts.blocks[leafKey]; shouldVote {
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if kahn.votes.Len() >= ts.params.Alpha {
voteStack = append(voteStack, votes{
parentID: leaf,
votes: kahn.votes,
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
if node.blk == nil || node.blk.Status().Decided() {
continue // Stop traversing once we pass into the decided frontier
parentID := node.blk.Parent().ID()
parentKey := parentID.Key()
if depNode, notPruned := kahnNodes[parentKey]; notPruned {
// Remove one of the in-bound edges
// Push the votes to my parent
depNode.votes.AddCount(leaf, kahn.votes.Len())
kahnNodes[parentKey] = depNode
if depNode.inDegree == 0 {
// Once I have no in-bound edges, I'm a leaf
leaves = append(leaves, parentID)
return voteStack
func (ts *Topological) vote(voteStack []votes) ids.ID {
if len(voteStack) == 0 {
headKey := ts.head.Key()
headNode := ts.blocks[headKey]
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
headNode.shouldFalter = true
ts.ctx.Log.Verbo("No progress was made on this vote even though we have %d pending blocks", len(ts.blocks)-1)
2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
return ts.tail
onTail := true
tail := ts.head
for len(voteStack) > 0 {
newStackSize := len(voteStack) - 1
voteGroup := voteStack[newStackSize]
voteStack = voteStack[:newStackSize]
voteParentKey := voteGroup.parentID.Key()
parentNode, stillExists := ts.blocks[voteParentKey]
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if !stillExists {
shouldTransFalter := parentNode.shouldFalter
if parentNode.shouldFalter {
parentNode.shouldFalter = false
ts.ctx.Log.Verbo("Reset confidence below %s", voteGroup.parentID)
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// Only accept when you are finalized and the head.
if && ts.head.Equals(voteGroup.parentID) {
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tail =
delete(ts.blocks, voteParentKey)
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// If this is the last id that got votes, default to the empty id. This
// will cause all my children to be reset below.
nextID := ids.ID{}
if len(voteStack) > 0 {
nextID = voteStack[newStackSize-1].parentID
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onTail = onTail && nextID.Equals(
if onTail {
tail = nextID
// If there wasn't an alpha threshold on the branch (either on this vote
// or a past transitive vote), I should falter now.
for childIDBytes := range parentNode.children {
if childID := ids.NewID(childIDBytes); shouldTransFalter || !childID.Equals(nextID) {
if childNode, childExists := ts.blocks[childIDBytes]; childExists {
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// The existence check is needed in case the current node
// was finalized. However, in this case, we still need to
// check for the next id.
2020-04-04 21:06:05 -07:00
ts.ctx.Log.Verbo("Defering confidence reset below %s with %d children. NextID: %s", childID, len(parentNode.children), nextID)
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childNode.shouldFalter = true
return tail
// Get the preferred decendent of the provided block ID
func (ts *Topological) getPreferredDecendent(blkID ids.ID) ids.ID {
// Traverse from the provided ID to the preferred child until there are no
// children.
for block := ts.blocks[blkID.Key()]; != nil; block = ts.blocks[blkID.Key()] {
blkID =
return blkID
func (ts *Topological) accept(n *snowmanBlock) {
// We are finalizing the block's child, so we need to get the preference
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pref :=
ts.ctx.Log.Verbo("Accepting block with ID %s", pref)
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// Get the child and accept it
child := n.children[pref.Key()]
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// Notify anyone listening that this block was accepted.
bytes := child.Bytes()
ts.ctx.DecisionDispatcher.Accept(ts.ctx.ChainID, pref, bytes)
ts.ctx.ConsensusDispatcher.Accept(ts.ctx.ChainID, pref, bytes)
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// Because this is the newest accepted block, this is the new head.
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ts.head = pref
// Because ts.blocks contains the last accepted block, we don't delete the
// block from the blocks map here.
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rejects := []ids.ID(nil)
for childIDKey, child := range n.children {
childID := ids.NewID(childIDKey)
if childID.Equals(pref) {
// don't reject the block we just accepted
// Notify anyone listening that this block was rejected.
bytes := child.Bytes()
ts.ctx.DecisionDispatcher.Reject(ts.ctx.ChainID, childID, bytes)
ts.ctx.ConsensusDispatcher.Reject(ts.ctx.ChainID, childID, bytes)
// Track which blocks have been directly rejected
rejects = append(rejects, childID)
// reject all the decendants of the blocks we just rejected
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// Takes in a list of rejected ids and rejects all decendants of these IDs
func (ts *Topological) rejectTransitively(rejected []ids.ID) {
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for len(rejected) > 0 {
// pop the rejected ID off the queue
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newRejectedSize := len(rejected) - 1
rejectedID := rejected[newRejectedSize]
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rejected = rejected[:newRejectedSize]
// get the rejected node, and remove it from the tree
rejectedKey := rejectedID.Key()
rejectedNode := ts.blocks[rejectedKey]
delete(ts.blocks, rejectedKey)
for childIDKey, child := range rejectedNode.children {
childID := ids.NewID(childIDKey)
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// Notify anyone listening that this block was rejected.
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bytes := child.Bytes()
ts.ctx.DecisionDispatcher.Reject(ts.ctx.ChainID, childID, bytes)
ts.ctx.ConsensusDispatcher.Reject(ts.ctx.ChainID, childID, bytes)
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// add the newly rejected block to the end of the queue
rejected = append(rejected, childID)
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