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2020-03-10 12:20:34 -07:00
// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package spdagvm
import (
// Input describes the interface all inputs must implement
type Input interface {
InputSource() (ids.ID, uint32)
InputID() ids.ID
Verify() error
// InputPayment is an input that consumes an output
// InputPayment implements Input
type InputPayment struct {
// The ID of the transaction that produced the UTXO this input consumes
sourceID ids.ID
// The index within that transaction of the UTXO this input consumes
sourceIndex uint32
// The ID of the UTXO this input consumes
utxoID ids.ID
// The amount of the UTXO this input consumes
amount uint64
// The signatures used to spend the UTXOs this input consumes
sigs []*Sig
// InputSource returns:
// 1) The ID of the transaction that produced the UTXO this input consumes
// 2) The index within that transaction of the UTXO this input consumes
func (in *InputPayment) InputSource() (ids.ID, uint32) { return in.sourceID, in.sourceIndex }
// InputID returns the ID of the UTXO this input consumes
func (in *InputPayment) InputID() ids.ID {
if in.utxoID.IsZero() {
in.utxoID = in.sourceID.Prefix(uint64(in.sourceIndex))
return in.utxoID
// Amount this input will produce for the tx
func (in *InputPayment) Amount() uint64 { return in.amount }
// Verify this input is syntactically valid
func (in *InputPayment) Verify() error {
switch {
case in == nil:
return errNilInput
case in.amount == 0:
return errInputHasNoValue
// Verify the signatures are well-formed
for _, sig := range in.sigs {
switch {
case sig == nil:
return errNilSig
case len(sig.sig) != crypto.SECP256K1RSigLen:
return errInvalidSigLen
// Verify in.sigs are sorted and unique
if !isSortedAndUniqueTxSig(in.sigs) {
return errSigsNotSortedUnique
return nil
// PrefixedString converts this input to a string representation with a prefix
// for each newline
func (in *InputPayment) PrefixedString(prefix string) string {
s := strings.Builder{}
"%s Source ID = %s\n"+
"%s Source Index = %d\n"+
"%s Amount = %d\n"+
"%s NumSigs = %d\n",
prefix, in.sourceID,
prefix, in.sourceIndex,
prefix, in.amount,
prefix, len(in.sigs)))
sigFormat := fmt.Sprintf("%%s Sig[%s]: Index = %%d, Signature = %%s\n",
for i, sig := range in.sigs {
prefix, i, sig.index, formatting.CB58{Bytes: sig.sig},
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s)", prefix))
return s.String()
func (in *InputPayment) String() string { return in.PrefixedString("") }
type sortInsData struct {
ins []Input
signers []*InputSigner
func (ins sortInsData) Less(i, j int) bool {
iID, iIndex := ins.ins[i].InputSource()
jID, jIndex := ins.ins[j].InputSource()
switch bytes.Compare(iID.Bytes(), jID.Bytes()) {
case -1:
return true
case 0:
return iIndex < jIndex
return false
func (ins sortInsData) Len() int { return len(ins.ins) }
func (ins sortInsData) Swap(i, j int) {
ins.ins[j], ins.ins[i] = ins.ins[i], ins.ins[j]
if ins.signers != nil {
ins.signers[j], ins.signers[i] = ins.signers[i], ins.signers[j]
// SortIns sorts the tx input list by inputID | inputIndex
func SortIns(ins []Input, signers []*InputSigner) { sort.Sort(sortInsData{ins: ins, signers: signers}) }
func isSortedAndUniqueIns(ins []Input) bool { return utils.IsSortedAndUnique(sortInsData{ins: ins}) }