
272 lines
7.9 KiB

// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package snowman
import (
// BootstrapConfig ...
type BootstrapConfig struct {
// Blocked tracks operations that are blocked on blocks
Blocked *queue.Jobs
VM ChainVM
Bootstrapped func()
type bootstrapper struct {
// true if all of the vertices in the original accepted frontier have been processed
processedStartingAcceptedFrontier bool
// Number of blocks fetched
numFetched uint32
// tracks which validators were asked for which containers in which requests
outstandingRequests common.Requests
// true if bootstrapping is done
finished bool
// Called when bootstrapping is done
onFinished func() error
// Initialize this engine.
func (b *bootstrapper) Initialize(config BootstrapConfig) error {
b.BootstrapConfig = config
log: config.Context.Log,
numAccepted: b.numBootstrapped,
numDropped: b.numDropped,
vm: b.VM,
config.Bootstrapable = b
return nil
// CurrentAcceptedFrontier returns the last accepted block
func (b *bootstrapper) CurrentAcceptedFrontier() ids.Set {
acceptedFrontier := ids.Set{}
return acceptedFrontier
// FilterAccepted returns the blocks in [containerIDs] that we have accepted
func (b *bootstrapper) FilterAccepted(containerIDs ids.Set) ids.Set {
acceptedIDs := ids.Set{}
for _, blkID := range containerIDs.List() {
if blk, err := b.VM.GetBlock(blkID); err == nil && blk.Status() == choices.Accepted {
return acceptedIDs
// ForceAccepted ...
func (b *bootstrapper) ForceAccepted(acceptedContainerIDs ids.Set) error {
if err := b.VM.Bootstrapping(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to notify VM that bootstrapping has started: %w",
for _, blkID := range acceptedContainerIDs.List() {
if blk, err := b.VM.GetBlock(blkID); err == nil {
if err := b.process(blk); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := b.fetch(blkID); err != nil {
return err
b.processedStartingAcceptedFrontier = true
if numPending := b.outstandingRequests.Len(); numPending == 0 {
return b.finish()
return nil
// Get block [blkID] and its ancestors from a validator
func (b *bootstrapper) fetch(blkID ids.ID) error {
// Make sure we haven't already requested this block
if b.outstandingRequests.Contains(blkID) {
return nil
// Make sure we don't already have this block
if _, err := b.VM.GetBlock(blkID); err == nil {
if numPending := b.outstandingRequests.Len(); numPending == 0 && b.processedStartingAcceptedFrontier {
return b.finish()
return nil
validators := b.BootstrapConfig.Validators.Sample(1) // validator to send request to
if len(validators) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Dropping request for %s as there are no validators", blkID)
validatorID := validators[0].ID()
b.outstandingRequests.Add(validatorID, b.RequestID, blkID)
b.BootstrapConfig.Sender.GetAncestors(validatorID, b.RequestID, blkID) // request block and ancestors
return nil
// MultiPut handles the receipt of multiple containers. Should be received in response to a GetAncestors message to [vdr]
// with request ID [requestID]
func (b *bootstrapper) MultiPut(vdr ids.ShortID, requestID uint32, blks [][]byte) error {
if lenBlks := len(blks); lenBlks > common.MaxContainersPerMultiPut {
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("MultiPut(%s, %d) contains more than maximum number of blocks", vdr, requestID)
return b.GetAncestorsFailed(vdr, requestID)
} else if lenBlks == 0 {
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("MultiPut(%s, %d) contains no blocks", vdr, requestID)
return b.GetAncestorsFailed(vdr, requestID)
// Make sure this is in response to a request we made
wantedBlkID, ok := b.outstandingRequests.Remove(vdr, requestID)
if !ok { // this message isn't in response to a request we made
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("received unexpected MultiPut from %s with ID %d", vdr, requestID)
return nil
wantedBlk, err := b.VM.ParseBlock(blks[0]) // the block we requested
if err != nil {
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("Failed to parse requested block %s: %w", wantedBlkID, err)
return b.fetch(wantedBlkID)
} else if actualID := wantedBlk.ID(); !actualID.Equals(wantedBlkID) {
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("expected the first block to be the requested block, %s, but is %s", wantedBlk, actualID)
return b.fetch(wantedBlkID)
for _, blkBytes := range blks {
if _, err := b.VM.ParseBlock(blkBytes); err != nil { // persists the block
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("Failed to parse block: %w", err)
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Verbo("block: %s", formatting.DumpBytes{Bytes: blkBytes})
return b.process(wantedBlk)
// GetAncestorsFailed is called when a GetAncestors message we sent fails
func (b *bootstrapper) GetAncestorsFailed(vdr ids.ShortID, requestID uint32) error {
blkID, ok := b.outstandingRequests.Remove(vdr, requestID)
if !ok {
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Debug("GetAncestorsFailed(%s, %d) called but there was no outstanding request to this validator with this ID", vdr, requestID)
return nil
// Send another request for this
return b.fetch(blkID)
// process a block
func (b *bootstrapper) process(blk snowman.Block) error {
status := blk.Status()
blkID := blk.ID()
for status == choices.Processing {
if err := b.Blocked.Push(&blockJob{
numAccepted: b.numBootstrapped,
numDropped: b.numDropped,
blk: blk,
}); err == nil {
b.numFetched++ // Progress tracker
if b.numFetched%common.StatusUpdateFrequency == 0 { // Periodically print progress
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Info("fetched %d blocks", b.numFetched)
if err := b.Blocked.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
// Process this block's parent
blk = blk.Parent()
status = blk.Status()
blkID = blk.ID()
switch status := blk.Status(); status {
case choices.Unknown:
if err := b.fetch(blkID); err != nil {
return err
case choices.Rejected: // Should never happen
return fmt.Errorf("bootstrapping wants to accept %s, however it was previously rejected", blkID)
if numPending := b.outstandingRequests.Len(); numPending == 0 && b.processedStartingAcceptedFrontier {
return b.finish()
return nil
func (b *bootstrapper) finish() error {
if b.finished {
return nil
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Info("bootstrapping finished fetching %d blocks. executing state transitions...",
if err := b.executeAll(b.Blocked, b.numBlocked); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.VM.Bootstrapped(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to notify VM that bootstrapping has finished: %w",
// Start consensus
if err := b.onFinished(); err != nil {
return err
b.finished = true
if b.Bootstrapped != nil {
return nil
func (b *bootstrapper) executeAll(jobs *queue.Jobs, numBlocked prometheus.Gauge) error {
numExecuted := 0
for job, err := jobs.Pop(); err == nil; job, err = jobs.Pop() {
if err := jobs.Execute(job); err != nil {
return err
if err := jobs.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
if numExecuted%common.StatusUpdateFrequency == 0 { // Periodically print progress
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Info("executed %d blocks", numExecuted)
b.BootstrapConfig.Context.Log.Info("executed %d blocks", numExecuted)
return nil