
316 lines
9.1 KiB

// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package genesis
import (
// Genesis returns the genesis data of the Platform Chain.
// Since an AVA network has exactly one Platform Chain, and the Platform Chain
// defines the genesis state of the network (who is staking, which chains exist,
// etc.), defining the genesis state of the Platform Chain is the same as
// defining the genesis state of the network.
// The ID of the new network is [networkID].
// FromConfig ...
func FromConfig(networkID uint32, config *Config) ([]byte, error) {
if err := config.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Specify the genesis state of the AVM
avmArgs := avm.BuildGenesisArgs{}
ava := avm.AssetDefinition{
Name: "AVA",
Symbol: "AVA",
Denomination: 9,
InitialState: map[string][]interface{}{},
if len(config.MintAddresses) > 0 {
ava.InitialState["variableCap"] = []interface{}{avm.Owners{
Threshold: 1,
Minters: config.MintAddresses,
for _, addr := range config.FundedAddresses {
ava.InitialState["fixedCap"] = append(ava.InitialState["fixedCap"], avm.Holder{
Amount: json.Uint64(45 * units.MegaAva),
Address: addr,
avmArgs.GenesisData = map[string]avm.AssetDefinition{
// The AVM starts out with one asset, $AVA
"AVA": ava,
avmReply := avm.BuildGenesisReply{}
avmSS := avm.StaticService{}
err := avmSS.BuildGenesis(nil, &avmArgs, &avmReply)
if err != nil {
// Specify the genesis state of Athereum (the built-in instance of the EVM)
evmBalance, success := new(big.Int).SetString("33b2e3c9fd0804000000000", 16)
if success != true {
return nil, errors.New("problem creating evm genesis state")
evmArgs := core.Genesis{
Config: &params.ChainConfig{
ChainID: big.NewInt(43110),
HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
DAOForkBlock: big.NewInt(0),
DAOForkSupport: true,
EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP150Hash: common.HexToHash("0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0"),
EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0),
ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0),
ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(0),
Nonce: 0,
Timestamp: 0,
ExtraData: []byte{0},
GasLimit: 100000000,
Difficulty: big.NewInt(0),
Mixhash: common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
Coinbase: common.HexToAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
common.HexToAddress(evm.GenesisTestAddr): core.GenesisAccount{
Balance: evmBalance,
Number: 0,
GasUsed: 0,
ParentHash: common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
evmSS := evm.StaticService{}
evmReply, err := evmSS.BuildGenesis(nil, &evmArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Specify the genesis state of the simple payments DAG
spdagvmArgs := spdagvm.BuildGenesisArgs{}
for _, addr := range config.ParsedFundedAddresses {
spdagvmArgs.Outputs = append(spdagvmArgs.Outputs,
Amount: json.Uint64(20 * units.KiloAva),
Threshold: 1,
Addresses: []ids.ShortID{addr},
spdagvmReply := spdagvm.BuildGenesisReply{}
spdagvmSS := spdagvm.StaticService{}
if err := spdagvmSS.BuildGenesis(nil, &spdagvmArgs, &spdagvmReply); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("problem creating simple payments DAG: %w", err)
// Specify the genesis state of the simple payments chain
spchainvmArgs := spchainvm.BuildGenesisArgs{}
for _, addr := range config.ParsedFundedAddresses {
spchainvmArgs.Accounts = append(spchainvmArgs.Accounts,
Address: addr,
Balance: json.Uint64(20 * units.KiloAva),
spchainvmReply := spchainvm.BuildGenesisReply{}
spchainvmSS := spchainvm.StaticService{}
if err := spchainvmSS.BuildGenesis(nil, &spchainvmArgs, &spchainvmReply); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("problem creating simple payments chain: %w", err)
// Specify the initial state of the Platform Chain
platformvmArgs := platformvm.BuildGenesisArgs{
NetworkID: json.Uint32(networkID),
for _, addr := range config.ParsedFundedAddresses {
platformvmArgs.Accounts = append(platformvmArgs.Accounts,
Address: addr,
Balance: json.Uint64(20 * units.KiloAva),
genesisTime := time.Date(
/*year=*/ 2019,
/*month=*/ time.November,
/*day=*/ 1,
/*hour=*/ 0,
/*minute=*/ 0,
/*second=*/ 0,
/*nano-second=*/ 0,
/*location=*/ time.UTC,
stakingDuration := 365 * 24 * time.Hour // ~ 1 year
endStakingTime := genesisTime.Add(stakingDuration)
for i, validatorID := range config.ParsedStakerIDs {
weight := json.Uint64(20 * units.KiloAva)
platformvmArgs.Validators = append(platformvmArgs.Validators,
APIValidator: platformvm.APIValidator{
StartTime: json.Uint64(genesisTime.Unix()),
EndTime: json.Uint64(endStakingTime.Unix()),
Weight: &weight,
ID: validatorID,
Destination: config.ParsedFundedAddresses[i%len(config.ParsedFundedAddresses)],
// Specify the chains that exist upon this network's creation
platformvmArgs.Chains = []platformvm.APIChain{
GenesisData: avmReply.Bytes,
SubnetID: platformvm.DefaultSubnetID,
VMID: avm.ID,
FxIDs: []ids.ID{
Name: "X-Chain",
GenesisData: evmReply,
SubnetID: platformvm.DefaultSubnetID,
VMID: evm.ID,
Name: "C-Chain",
GenesisData: spdagvmReply.Bytes,
SubnetID: platformvm.DefaultSubnetID,
VMID: spdagvm.ID,
Name: "Simple DAG Payments",
GenesisData: spchainvmReply.Bytes,
SubnetID: platformvm.DefaultSubnetID,
VMID: spchainvm.ID,
Name: "Simple Chain Payments",
GenesisData: formatting.CB58{Bytes: []byte{}}, // There is no genesis data
SubnetID: platformvm.DefaultSubnetID,
VMID: timestampvm.ID,
Name: "Simple Timestamp Server",
platformvmArgs.Time = json.Uint64(genesisTime.Unix())
platformvmReply := platformvm.BuildGenesisReply{}
platformvmSS := platformvm.StaticService{}
if err := platformvmSS.BuildGenesis(nil, &platformvmArgs, &platformvmReply); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("problem while building platform chain's genesis state: %w", err)
return platformvmReply.Bytes.Bytes, nil
// Genesis ...
func Genesis(networkID uint32) ([]byte, error) { return FromConfig(networkID, GetConfig(networkID)) }
// VMGenesis ...
func VMGenesis(networkID uint32, vmID ids.ID) (*platformvm.CreateChainTx, error) {
genesisBytes, err := Genesis(networkID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
genesis := platformvm.Genesis{}
platformvm.Codec.Unmarshal(genesisBytes, &genesis)
if err := genesis.Initialize(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, chain := range genesis.Chains {
if chain.VMID.Equals(vmID) {
return chain, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find subnet with VM ID %s", vmID)
// AVAAssetID ...
func AVAAssetID(networkID uint32) (ids.ID, error) {
createAVM, err := VMGenesis(networkID, avm.ID)
if err != nil {
return ids.ID{}, err
c := codec.NewDefault()
errs := wrappers.Errs{}
if errs.Errored() {
return ids.ID{}, errs.Err
genesis := avm.Genesis{}
if err := c.Unmarshal(createAVM.GenesisData, &genesis); err != nil {
return ids.ID{}, err
if len(genesis.Txs) == 0 {
return ids.ID{}, errors.New("genesis creates no transactions")
genesisTx := genesis.Txs[0]
tx := avm.Tx{UnsignedTx: &genesisTx.CreateAssetTx}
txBytes, err := c.Marshal(&tx)
if err != nil {
return ids.ID{}, err
return tx.ID(), nil