
195 lines
4.8 KiB

// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package networking
import (
// Field that may be packed into a message
type Field uint32
// Fields that may be packed. These values are not sent over the wire.
const (
VersionStr Field = iota // Used in handshake
NetworkID // Used in handshake
MyTime // Used in handshake
IP // Used in handshake
Peers // Used in handshake
ChainID // Used for dispatching
RequestID // Used for all messages
ContainerID // Used for querying
ContainerBytes // Used for gossiping
ContainerIDs // Used for querying
Bytes // Used as arbitrary data
TxID // Used for throughput tests
Tx // Used for throughput tests
Status // Used for throughput tests
// Packer returns the packer function that can be used to pack this field.
func (f Field) Packer() func(*wrappers.Packer, interface{}) {
switch f {
case VersionStr:
return wrappers.TryPackStr
case NetworkID:
return wrappers.TryPackInt
case MyTime:
return wrappers.TryPackLong
case IP:
return wrappers.TryPackIP
case Peers:
return wrappers.TryPackIPList
case ChainID: // TODO: This will be shortened to use a modified varint spec
return wrappers.TryPackHash
case RequestID:
return wrappers.TryPackInt
case ContainerID:
return wrappers.TryPackHash
case ContainerBytes:
return wrappers.TryPackBytes
case ContainerIDs:
return wrappers.TryPackHashes
case Bytes:
return wrappers.TryPackBytes
case TxID:
return wrappers.TryPackHash
case Tx:
return wrappers.TryPackBytes
case Status:
return wrappers.TryPackInt
return nil
// Unpacker returns the unpacker function that can be used to unpack this field.
func (f Field) Unpacker() func(*wrappers.Packer) interface{} {
switch f {
case VersionStr:
return wrappers.TryUnpackStr
case NetworkID:
return wrappers.TryUnpackInt
case MyTime:
return wrappers.TryUnpackLong
case IP:
return wrappers.TryUnpackIP
case Peers:
return wrappers.TryUnpackIPList
case ChainID: // TODO: This will be shortened to use a modified varint spec
return wrappers.TryUnpackHash
case RequestID:
return wrappers.TryUnpackInt
case ContainerID:
return wrappers.TryUnpackHash
case ContainerBytes:
return wrappers.TryUnpackBytes
case ContainerIDs:
return wrappers.TryUnpackHashes
case Bytes:
return wrappers.TryUnpackBytes
case TxID:
return wrappers.TryUnpackHash
case Tx:
return wrappers.TryUnpackBytes
case Status:
return wrappers.TryUnpackInt
return nil
func (f Field) String() string {
switch f {
case VersionStr:
return "VersionStr"
case NetworkID:
return "NetworkID"
case MyTime:
return "MyTime"
case IP:
return "IP"
case Peers:
return "Peers"
case ChainID:
return "ChainID"
case ContainerID:
return "ContainerID"
case ContainerBytes:
return "Container Bytes"
case ContainerIDs:
return "Container IDs"
case Bytes:
return "Bytes"
case TxID:
return "TxID"
case Tx:
return "Tx"
case Status:
return "Status"
return "Unknown Field"
// Public commands that may be sent between stakers
const (
// Handshake:
GetVersion salticidae.Opcode = iota
// Bootstrapping:
// Consensus:
// Pinging:
// Arbitrary data message:
// Throughput test:
// Defines the messages that can be sent/received with this network
var (
Messages = map[salticidae.Opcode][]Field{
// Handshake:
GetVersion: []Field{},
Version: []Field{NetworkID, MyTime, IP, VersionStr},
GetPeerList: []Field{},
PeerList: []Field{Peers},
// Bootstrapping:
GetAcceptedFrontier: []Field{ChainID, RequestID},
AcceptedFrontier: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerIDs},
GetAccepted: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerIDs},
Accepted: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerIDs},
// Consensus:
Get: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerID},
Put: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerID, ContainerBytes},
PushQuery: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerID, ContainerBytes},
PullQuery: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerID},
Chits: []Field{ChainID, RequestID, ContainerIDs},
// Pinging:
Ping: []Field{},
Pong: []Field{},
// Arbitrary data message:
Data: []Field{Bytes},
// Throughput test:
IssueTx: []Field{ChainID, Tx},
DecidedTx: []Field{TxID, Status},