
115 lines
2.9 KiB

// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package main
import (
stdnet "net"
var (
config Config
err error
// Parse the CLI arguments
func init() {
errs := &wrappers.Errs{}
defer func() { err = errs.Err }()
loggingConfig, err := logging.DefaultConfig()
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("xputtest", flag.ContinueOnError)
// NetworkID:
networkName := fs.String("network-id", genesis.LocalName, "Network ID this node will connect to")
// Ava fees:
fs.Uint64Var(&config.AvaTxFee, "ava-tx-fee", 0, "Ava transaction fee, in $nAva")
// Assertions:
fs.BoolVar(&loggingConfig.Assertions, "assertions-enabled", true, "Turn on assertion execution")
// Crypto:
fs.BoolVar(&config.EnableCrypto, "signature-verification-enabled", true, "Turn on signature verification")
// Remote Server:
ip := fs.String("ip", "", "IP address of the remote server socket")
port := fs.Uint("port", 9652, "Port of the remote server socket")
// Logging:
logsDir := fs.String("log-dir", "", "Logging directory for Ava")
logLevel := fs.String("log-level", "info", "The log level. Should be one of {all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off}")
// Test Variables:
spchain := fs.Bool("sp-chain", false, "Execute simple payment chain transactions")
spdag := fs.Bool("sp-dag", false, "Execute simple payment dag transactions")
avm := fs.Bool("avm", false, "Execute avm transactions")
fs.IntVar(&config.Key, "key", 0, "Index of the genesis key list to use")
fs.IntVar(&config.NumTxs, "num-txs", 25000, "Total number of transaction to issue")
fs.IntVar(&config.MaxOutstandingTxs, "max-outstanding", 1000, "Maximum number of transactions to leave outstanding")
ferr := fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])
if ferr == flag.ErrHelp {
// display usage/help text and exit successfully
if ferr != nil {
// other type of error occurred when parsing args
networkID, err := genesis.NetworkID(*networkName)
if networkID != genesis.LocalID {
errs.Add(fmt.Errorf("the only supported networkID is: %s", genesis.LocalName))
config.NetworkID = networkID
// Remote:
parsedIP := stdnet.ParseIP(*ip)
if parsedIP == nil {
errs.Add(fmt.Errorf("invalid IP Address %s", *ip))
config.RemoteIP = utils.IPDesc{
IP: parsedIP,
Port: uint16(*port),
// Logging:
if *logsDir != "" {
loggingConfig.Directory = *logsDir
level, err := logging.ToLevel(*logLevel)
loggingConfig.LogLevel = level
loggingConfig.DisplayLevel = level
config.LoggingConfig = loggingConfig
// Test Variables:
switch {
case *spchain:
config.Chain = spChain
case *spdag:
config.Chain = spDAG
case *avm:
config.Chain = avmDAG
config.Chain = unknown