
241 lines
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// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
package state
import (
const cacheSize = 1000
var errWrongType = errors.New("value in the database was the wrong type")
// Marshaller can marshal itself to bytes
type Marshaller interface {
Bytes() []byte
// State is a key-value store where every value is associated with a "type ID".
// Every different type of value must have its own type ID.
// For example, if you're storing blocks, accounts and addresses, each of those types
// must have their own type ID.
// Each type ID is associated with a function that specifies how to unmarshal bytes
// to a struct/value of a given type.
// State has built-in support for putting and getting choices.Status and ids.ID
// To put/get any other type, you must first register that type using RegisterType
type State interface {
// In [db], add a key-value pair.
// [value] will be converted to bytes by calling Bytes() on it.
// [typeID] must have already been registered using RegisterType.
// If [value] is nil, the value associated with [key] and [typeID] is deleted (if it exists).
Put(db database.Database, typeID uint64, key ids.ID, value Marshaller) error
// From [db], get the value of type [typeID] whose key is [key]
// Returns database.ErrNotFound if the entry doesn't exist
Get(db database.Database, typeID uint64, key ids.ID) (interface{}, error)
// Return whether [key] exists in [db] for type [typeID]
Has(db database.Database, typeID uint64, key ids.ID) (bool, error)
// PutStatus associates [key] with [status] in [db]
PutStatus(db database.Database, key ids.ID, status choices.Status) error
// GetStatus gets the status associated with [key] in [db]
GetStatus(db database.Database, key ids.ID) choices.Status
// PutID associates [key] with [ID] in [db]
PutID(db database.Database, key ids.ID, ID ids.ID) error
// GetID gets the ID associated with [key] in [db]
GetID(db database.Database, key ids.ID) (ids.ID, error)
// PutTime associates [key] with [time] in [db]
PutTime(db database.Database, key ids.ID, time time.Time) error
// GetTime gets the time associated with [key] in [db]
GetTime(db database.Database, key ids.ID) (time.Time, error)
// Register a new type.
// When values that were Put with [typeID] are retrieved from the database,
// they will be unmarshaled from bytes using [unmarshal].
// Returns an error if there is already a type with ID [typeID]
RegisterType(typeID uint64,
unmarshal func([]byte) (interface{}, error)) error
type state struct {
// Keys: Type ID
// Values: Function that unmarshals values
// that were Put with that type ID
unmarshallers map[uint64]func([]byte) (interface{}, error)
// Keys: Type ID
// Values: Cache that stores uniqueIDs for values that were put with that type ID
// (Saves us from having to re-compute uniqueIDs)
uniqueIDCaches map[uint64]*cache.LRU
// Implements State.RegisterType
func (s *state) RegisterType(typeID uint64, unmarshal func([]byte) (interface{}, error)) error {
if _, exists := s.unmarshallers[typeID]; exists {
return fmt.Errorf("there is already a type with ID %d", typeID)
s.unmarshallers[typeID] = unmarshal
return nil
// Implements State.Put
func (s *state) Put(db database.Database, typeID uint64, key ids.ID, value Marshaller) error {
if _, exists := s.unmarshallers[typeID]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("typeID %d has not been registered", typeID)
// Get the unique ID of thie key/typeID pair
uID := s.uniqueID(key, typeID)
if value == nil {
return db.Delete(uID.Bytes())
// Put the byte repr. of the value in the database
return db.Put(uID.Bytes(), value.Bytes())
func (s *state) Has(db database.Database, typeID uint64, key ids.ID) (bool, error) {
return db.Has(s.uniqueID(key, typeID).Bytes())
// Implements State.Get
func (s *state) Get(db database.Database, typeID uint64, key ids.ID) (interface{}, error) {
unmarshal, exists := s.unmarshallers[typeID]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("typeID %d has not been registered", typeID)
// The unique ID of this key/typeID pair
uID := s.uniqueID(key, typeID)
// Get the value from the database
valueBytes, err := db.Get(uID.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Unmarshal the value from bytes and return it
return unmarshal(valueBytes)
// PutStatus associates [key] with [status] in [db]
func (s *state) PutStatus(db database.Database, key ids.ID, status choices.Status) error {
return s.Put(db, StatusTypeID, key, status)
// GetStatus gets the status associated with [key] in [db]
// Return choices.Processing if can't get the status from database
func (s *state) GetStatus(db database.Database, key ids.ID) choices.Status {
statusInterface, err := s.Get(db, StatusTypeID, key)
if err != nil {
return choices.Processing
status, ok := statusInterface.(choices.Status)
if !ok || status.Valid() != nil {
return choices.Processing
return status
// PutID associates [key] with [ID] in [db]
func (s *state) PutID(db database.Database, key ids.ID, ID ids.ID) error {
return s.Put(db, IDTypeID, key, ID)
// GetID gets the ID associated with [key] in [db]
func (s *state) GetID(db database.Database, key ids.ID) (ids.ID, error) {
IDInterface, err := s.Get(db, IDTypeID, key)
if err != nil {
return ids.ID{}, err
if ID, ok := IDInterface.(ids.ID); ok {
return ID, nil
return ids.ID{}, errWrongType
// PutTime associates [key] with [time] in [db]
func (s *state) PutTime(db database.Database, key ids.ID, time time.Time) error {
return s.Put(db, TimeTypeID, key, &timeMarshaller{time})
// GetTime gets the time associated with [key] in [db]
func (s *state) GetTime(db database.Database, key ids.ID) (time.Time, error) {
timeInterface, err := s.Get(db, TimeTypeID, key)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
if time, ok := timeInterface.(time.Time); ok {
return time, nil
return time.Time{}, errWrongType
// Prefix [ID] with [typeID] to prevent key collisions in the database
func (s *state) uniqueID(ID ids.ID, typeID uint64) ids.ID {
uIDCache, cacheExists := s.uniqueIDCaches[typeID]
if cacheExists {
if uID, uIDExists := uIDCache.Get(ID); uIDExists { // Get the uniqueID associated with [typeID] and [ID]
return uID.(ids.ID)
} else {
s.uniqueIDCaches[typeID] = &cache.LRU{Size: cacheSize}
uID := ID.Prefix(typeID)
s.uniqueIDCaches[typeID].Put(ID, uID)
return uID
// NewState returns a new State
func NewState() State {
state := &state{
unmarshallers: make(map[uint64]func([]byte) (interface{}, error)),
uniqueIDCaches: make(map[uint64]*cache.LRU),
// Register ID, Status and time.Time so they can be put/get without client code
// having to register them
state.RegisterType(IDTypeID, unmarshalID)
state.RegisterType(StatusTypeID, unmarshalStatus)
state.RegisterType(TimeTypeID, unmarshalTime)
return state
// So we can marshal time
type timeMarshaller struct {
t time.Time
func (tm *timeMarshaller) Bytes() []byte {
p := wrappers.Packer{MaxSize: 8}
return p.Bytes