# Oracles Presale Contract [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rstormsf/oracles-presale.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rstormsf/oracles-presale) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/rstormsf/oracles-presale/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/rstormsf/oracles-presale?branch=master) [Full Test Report](https://rstormsf.github.io/oracles-presale/mochawesome.html) Presale contract that records investor's balances and sends ether to presale owner. It allows to set minimum Contrubution amount, start Date, end Date. To use: 1. Flat [contracts/PresaleOracles.sol](contracts/PresaleOracles.sol) by using [solidity-flattener](https://github.com/BlockCatIO/solidity-flattener) ``` solidity_flattener --solc-paths=zeppelin-solidity=$(pwd)/node_modules/zeppelin-solidity/ contracts/PresaleOracles.sol --out flat/PresaleOracles_flat.sol ``` 2. Deploy [flat file](flat/PresaleOracles_flat.sol) 3. Call `initialize` with following params: -startTime in unix format -endTime in unix format -cap in wei format -minimumContribution in wei format -vault (eth address where funds will be collected) Example: "1510291574","1610291574","100000000000000000000","100000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3" startTime: `Friday, November 10, 2017 5:26:14 AM ` endTime: `Sunday, January 10, 2021 3:12:54 PM ` cap: `100 eth ` minimum: `0.1 eth ` vault: `0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3` 4. Whitelist investors by calling `whitelistInvestors` with an array ['0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3'] 5. Let whitelisted investors send money to contract's address OR to send to `buy` method (`0xa6f2ae3a`) # How to whitelist a lot of addresses in batch 1. `cd scripts` 2. `npm install` 3. open `.env` file and modify settings: ``` PRESALE_ADDRESS=0x6F3f79941f89E03D4aF9bDb8BE0623DC24F2bef0 UNLOCKED_ADDRESS=0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3 RPC_PORT=8549 GAS_PRICE=0.7 ``` 4. run parity with unlocked account from which the deployment will happen. It has to match with your .env UNLOCKED_ADDRESS: ``` parity --jsonrpc-port 8549 --chain kovan --unlock 0x0039F22efB07A647557C7C5d17854CFD6D489eF3 --password $HOME/FILE_PATH_TO_YOUR_PASSWORD_FILE ``` 5. Copy list of addresses into [scripts/ARRAY_OF_ADDRESSES.json](scripts/ARRAY_OF_ADDRESSES.json) 6. run `node whitelist.js` The script will show you how many total transactions will be generated ### Caution: If you see this error: ```diff - Unhandled rejection Error: Transaction was not mined within 50 blocks, please make sure your transaction was properly send. Be aware that it might still be mined! ``` it's totally ok because the transaction is still in the queue and hasn't been mined yet. # Test result and gas usage ``` Contract: Presale ✓ constructor should set owner ✓ can not buy if not initialized (21411 gas) #initilize ✓ rejects if not sent by owner (25424 gas) ✓ sets values (131614 gas) ✓ cannot initialize twice (157350 gas) ✓ startTime cannot be 0 (25168 gas) ✓ endTime cannot be 0 (25232 gas) ✓ endTime cannot be less than startTime (25424 gas) ✓ cap cannot be 0 (24976 gas) ✓ vault cannot be 0x0 (24144 gas) ✓ minimumContribution cannot be 0 (24976 gas) #buy ✓ cannot buy if not whitelisted (21411 gas) ✓ cannot buy if not value is 0 (63333 gas) ✓ cannot buy if not value is less than minimum (63333 gas) ✓ can not buy if time is not within startTime&endTime (111666 gas) ✓ can not buy more than cap (63333 gas) ✓ happy path (244544 gas) whitelisting capabilities #whitelistInvestor ✓ cannot by called by non-owner (23450 gas) ✓ whitelists an investor (64399 gas) #whitelistInvestors ✓ cannot by called by non-owner (23666 gas) ✓ whitelists investors (119844 gas) #blacklistInvestor ✓ cannot by called by non-owner (23582 gas) ✓ blacklist an investors (139579 gas) ·------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------· │ Gas · Block limit: 17592186044415 gas │ ··········································|······························|···································· │ Methods · 1 gwei/gas · 307.55 usd/eth │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ Contract · Method · Min · Max · Avg · # calls · usd (avg) │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · blacklistInvestor · 19735 · 23582 · 21659 · 2 · 0.01 │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · buy · - · - · - · 0 · - │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · claimTokens · - · - · - · 0 · - │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · initialize · 24144 · 131614 · 46431 · 10 · 0.01 │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · Presale · - · - · - · 0 · - │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · transferOwnership · - · - · - · 0 · - │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · whitelistInvestor · 23450 · 64399 · 50749 · 3 · 0.02 │ ···················|······················|·········|··········|·········|················|··················· │ PresaleOracles · whitelistInvestors · 23666 · 119844 · 87785 · 3 · 0.03 │ ·------------------|----------------------|---------|----------|---------|----------------|------------------· 23 passing (3m) ``` # Testnet deployment ## Latest Contract deployments With Claimable: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x985dbb1c5dda22ff9d529abc1c3539bc525943f4#code ## Previous deployments with old source code: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x6f3f79941f89e03d4af9bdb8be0623dc24f2bef0 Contract Deployment: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0xb9b49e21e77d2d89a9e4c7ef4f684ad2a4e99663#code Called Initialize by Owner with params: "1510291574","1610291574","40000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3" (40000 eth cap, 1 eth minimum) https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0xc95047493d8eead08c3bef52c54cc2ffcbd2e0ef89c1ba1a719d28bd98011c84 Called fallback with 0.5 ether: (expected error) https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x6f7335f55257a56f9382d47dfeacf26e482f3c6238e829dfbc5e143d6972f0e0 Called buy(`0xa6f2ae3a`) with 1 ether: https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0xdbf29ed04dcb1a71e90f3a404739b6e3bb2c526b7788547ad9dc66e5eb64c79f Verified forwarded funds as internal transaction. Called fallback with 0.1 ether to add to already contributer 1 eth from the same address: https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x76b38e3211ad5ce465edce69faf0d69837b924e47f705ec16cf4e30fc163781e Cap tests: Deployed contract: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x9acf295c782e14ac86b87a3545e444256a3a7e56#readContract "1510291574","1610291574","500000000000000000","100000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3" (cap 0.5 eth, min 0.1 eth) Send 1 eth over cap(expected error): https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0xb0c4a7f64bd392fae8b174a1304d91691c1cb3acdec0d290fd3a734a725cbcaa Send 0.5 to match cap: https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x5709e2ca2b4406a89c4ecedc2f1913b7ce9cdef66670b694851650a4fe037ae2 Send additional 0.00001 to over cap(expected error): https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x826229102f3a235c21173295434507a9664ad3f822edc1b9af488bdc3f01e32d Time tests: Send after sale ends(expected error): "1507667268","1507753668","500000000000000000","100000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3" https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0xec1afb89f87cb0ac296cad6e73dbeeab5b006050#readContract Send 0.1 ether to get rejected: https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0xd859be5b5b58303a4cbc61902f8927efa9de96a3739ce39a18e1f6949a154c2b