## Update bootnodes.txt 0. this guide assumes that you're running this playbook from the same machine that you used to make initial deployment of your node. So that you already have `python` and `ansible` installed, and you have the correct ssh keypair to root-access the node. ### Running the update 1. clone this repository if you haven't done so before ``` git clone https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-devops.git cd poa-devops ``` or pull the latest changes ``` cd poa-devops git pull origin master ``` 2. create `group_vars/all` file: ``` cp group_vars/upd-bootnodes-txt.example group_vars/all ``` and change the following variables: * `poa_role` - role of the node on the network (one of `bootnode`, `validator`, `moc`, `explorer`) * `GENESIS_BRANCH` - either `"sokol"` for testnet or `"core"` for mainnet don't change other options 3. create/edit `hosts` file and put your node's ip address (assuming it's there with the following header: ``` [upd-bootnodes-txt] ``` **NOTE**: if you're updating an existing file, make sure you remove other tags `[...]` and ips. 4. run the playbook: ``` ansible-playbook -i hosts upd-bootnodes-txt.yml ``` ### Verifying the update 0. playbook run should be completed without errors 1. open network statistic webpage: - for sokol test network: https://sokol-netstat.poa.network - for core main network: https://core-netstat.poa.network check that your node is "green" and is catching new blocks. It may take 2-3 minutes to fully start and reconnect. Check how many peers you have. ### Rollback to the previous version (in case of problems) **NOTE**: if you get any errors please consult the POA Team first, probably you have a minor issue and don't need to rollback 1. connect to the node: ``` ssh root@ ``` 2. switch to your home folder (replace `bootnode` with correct role name): ``` cd /home/bootnode ``` 3. stop services: ``` systemctl stop poa-netstats systemctl stop poa-parity ``` 4. locate the backup folder: ``` ls backups-bootnodes.txt ``` it contains folders labeled by the time backup was created in format`T`, e.g. ``` # ls backups-bootnodes.txt 20180208T152105 20180209T214517 ``` copy the version number that corresponds to this day. In the following examples we assume that it's `20180209T214517`. 5. restore previous versions of these files from backup (note dots `.` at the end of each line here, they are important): ``` cp -a backups-bootnodes.txt/20180209T214517/bootnodes.txt . ``` 6. restart services ``` systemctl restart poa-parity systemctl restart poa-netstats ``` 7. open network statistic webpage: - for sokol test network: https://sokol-netstat.poa.network - for core main network: https://core-netstat.poa.network check that your node is "green" and is catching new blocks. It may take 2-3 minutes to fully start and reconnect.