## Make a spec.json hard-fork 0. this guide assumes that you're running this playbook from the same machine you used to make initial deployment of your node. So that you already have `python` and `ansible` installed, and you have the correct ssh keypair to root-access the node. 1. clone this repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-devops.git cd poa-devops ``` 2. create `group_vars/all` file: ``` cp group_vars/hf-spec-change.example group_vars/all ``` and set the following variables: * `poa_role` - node's role (one of `bootnode`, `validator`, `moc`, `explorer`, `netstat`) * `MAIN_REPO_FETCH` - github account where spec.json is located (e.g. "poanetwork") * `GENESIS_BRANCH` - correct branch name to fetch from (e.g. "sokol" for testnet, "core" for mainnet) 3. create/edit `hosts` file: ``` echo "" > hosts ``` and put your node's ip address (assuming it's there with the following header: ``` [hf-spec-change] ``` **NOTE** for those who host multiple nodes: * if all your nodes are of the same role (e.g. all bootnodes), you can run this playbook on all of them by listing their ips, e.g. ``` [hf-spec-change] ``` * if you host nodes of different types you can set `poa_role` individually against the corresponding ip address like so: ``` [hf-spec-change] poa_role=explorer poa_role=moc ``` when you omit explicit `poa_role` in a row here, the value from `group_vars/all` is used. 4. run the playbook: ``` ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml ``` 5. verify that your node is active in the netstat of the corresponding network 6. connect to the node ``` ssh root@ ``` switch to the home folder of corresponding role: ``` # substitute validator with your node's role (bootnode, moc, ...) cd /home/validator ``` and check the update time of `spec.json` (should be about the time you started the playbook) ``` ls -lh # a long list should appear here, look for spec.json in the rightmost column and check the date and time on the same row ``` also check that backup was created: ``` ls -lh spec-hfs/ # look for a file named similar to spec-hf-20180108-174649.json Numbers represent date and time in UTC when the playbook was started ```