Test collector sends inactive stats if Eth node stopped at start-up

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Joseph Yiasemides 2018-05-22 20:08:25 +02:00
parent 00c7530fa5
commit 8739e4a288
1 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -94,6 +94,42 @@ defmodule POAAgent.Plugins.Collectors.Eth.StatsTest do
test "\'inactive\' stats sent to the transfer when Ethereum node is stopped" do
echo_transfer = :echo_transfer
{:ok, _echo} = EchoTransfer.start(echo_transfer)
args = %{
name: :eth_pending,
transfers: [echo_transfer],
frequency: 1000,
label: :my_metrics,
args: [url: "http://localhost:8545"]
error = {:error, ""}
with_mock Ethereumex.HttpClient, [
net_peer_count: fn() -> error end,
eth_mining: fn() -> error end,
eth_hashrate: fn() -> error end,
eth_syncing: fn() -> error end,
eth_gas_price: fn() -> error end
] do
{:ok, _pid} = Stats.start_link(args)
expected_stats =
%Statistics{active?: false,
mining?: false,
hashrate: 0,
peers: 0,
uptime: 100.0
assert_receive {:my_metrics, ^expected_stats}, 20_000
def syncing() do
"currentBlock" => "0x44ee0",