poa_agent v0.1.0 POAAgent.Plugins.Collector behaviour View Source

Defines a Collector Plugin.

A Collector plugin will run in an independent process and will run the collect/1 function in a given frequency.

POAAgent app reads the Collectors configuration from the config.exs file when bootstrap and will create a process per each one of them. That configuration is referenced by :collectors key.

config :poa_agent,
     {name, module, frequency, label, args}

for example

config :poa_agent,
     {:my_collector, POAAgent.Plugins.Collectors.MyCollector, 5000, :my_metrics, [host: "localhost", port: 1234]}

name, module, frequency, label and args must be defined in the configuration file.

  • name: Name for the new created process. Must be unique
  • module: Module which implements the Collector behaviour
  • frequency: time in milliseconds after which the function collect/1 will be called
  • label: The data collected will be prefixed with this label. ie {:eth_metrics, "data"}
  • args: Initial args which will be passed to the init_collector/1 function

In order to work properly we have to define in the configuration file also the mapping between the Collector and the Transfers related with it. A Transfer is a Plugin process which transfers the data to outside the agent node (external Database, Dashboard server…).

config :poa_agent,
       {collector_name, [transfer_name1, transfer_name2]}

for example

config :poa_agent,
       {:my_collector, [:my_transfer]}

Implementing A Collector Plugin

In order to implement your Collector Plugin you must implement 3 functions.

  • init_collector/1: Called only once when the process starts
  • collect/1: This function is called periodically after frequency milliseconds. It is responsible of retrieving the metrics
  • terminate/1: Called just before stopping the process

This is a simple example of custom Collector Plugin

defmodule POAAgent.Plugins.Collectors.MyCollector do
  use POAAgent.Plugins.Collector

  def init_collector(args) do
    {:ok, :no_state}

  def collect(:no_state) do
    IO.puts "I am collecting data!"
    {:transfer, "data retrieved", :no_state}

  def terminate(_state) do


Link to this section Summary


In this callback is where the metrics collection logic must be placed. It must return {:transfer, data, state} where data is the retrieved metrics or {:notransfer, state} when for some reason we don’t want to send data to the transfer int that moment

A callback executed when the Collector Plugin starts. The argument is retrieved from the configuration file when the Collector is defined It can return {:ok, state}, that state will be keept as in GenServer and can be retrieved in the collect/1 function. There are some cases where we want to send data to the transfer after initialize the Collector, if that is the case you must return {:transfer, data, state} where the data is the metrics we want to send to the transfer

This callback is called just before the Process goes down. This is a good place for closing connections

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback collect(state) View Source
collect(state :: any()) ::
  {:transfer, data :: any(), state :: any()} | {:notransfer, state :: any()}

In this callback is where the metrics collection logic must be placed. It must return {:transfer, data, state} where data is the retrieved metrics or {:notransfer, state} when for some reason we don’t want to send data to the transfer int that moment

Link to this callback init_collector(args) View Source
init_collector(args :: term()) ::
  {:ok, state :: any()} | {:transfer, data :: any(), state :: any()}

A callback executed when the Collector Plugin starts. The argument is retrieved from the configuration file when the Collector is defined It can return {:ok, state}, that state will be keept as in GenServer and can be retrieved in the collect/1 function. There are some cases where we want to send data to the transfer after initialize the Collector, if that is the case you must return {:transfer, data, state} where the data is the metrics we want to send to the transfer

Link to this callback terminate(state) View Source
terminate(state :: term()) :: term()

This callback is called just before the Process goes down. This is a good place for closing connections.