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pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./RoleManager.sol";
import "./AccountManager.sol";
import "./VoterManager.sol";
import "./NodeManager.sol";
import "./OrgManager.sol";
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
/// @title Permissions Implementation Contract
/// @notice This contract holds implementation logic for all permissions
/// @notice related functionality. This can be called only by the interface
/// @notice contract.
contract PermissionsImplementation {
AccountManager private accounts;
RoleManager private roles;
VoterManager private voter;
NodeManager private nodes;
OrgManager private org;
PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable;
string private adminOrg;
string private adminRole;
string private orgAdminRole;
uint private fullAccess = 3;
/// @dev this variable is meant for tracking the initial network boot up
/// @dev once the network boot up is done the value is set to true
bool private networkBoot = false;
// Modifiers
/// @notice modifier to confirm that caller is the interface contract
modifier onlyInterface{
require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermInterface(),
"can be called by interface contract only");
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
/// @notice modifier to confirm that caller is the upgradable contract
modifier onlyUpgradeable {
require(msg.sender == address(permUpgradable));
/// @notice confirms if the network boot status is equal to passed value
/// @param _status true/false
modifier networkBootStatus(bool _status){
require(networkBoot == _status, "Incorrect network boot status");
2019-05-10 00:17:01 -07:00
/// @notice confirms that the account passed is network admin account
/// @param _account account id
modifier networkAdmin(address _account) {
require(isNetworkAdmin(_account) == true, "account is not a network admin account");
/// @notice confirms that the account passed is org admin account
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId org id to which the account belongs
modifier orgAdmin(address _account, string memory _orgId) {
require(isOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId) == true, "account is not a org admin account");
/// @notice confirms that org does not exist
/// @param _orgId org id
modifier orgNotExists(string memory _orgId) {
require(_checkOrgExists(_orgId) != true, "org exists");
/// @notice confirms that org exists
/// @param _orgId org id
modifier orgExists(string memory _orgId) {
require(_checkOrgExists(_orgId) == true, "org does not exist");
/// @notice checks of the passed org id is in approved status
/// @param _orgId org id
modifier orgApproved(string memory _orgId) {
require(checkOrgApproved(_orgId) == true, "org not in approved status");
/// @notice constructor accepts the contracts addresses of other deployed
/// @notice contracts of the permissions model
/// @param _permUpgradable - address of permissions upgradable contract
/// @param _orgManager - address of org manager contract
/// @param _rolesManager - address of role manager contract
/// @param _acctManager - address of account manager contract
/// @param _voterManager - address of voter manager contract
/// @param _nodeManager - address of node manager contract
constructor (address _permUpgradable, address _orgManager, address _rolesManager,
address _acctManager, address _voterManager, address _nodeManager) public {
permUpgradable = PermissionsUpgradable(_permUpgradable);
org = OrgManager(_orgManager);
roles = RoleManager(_rolesManager);
accounts = AccountManager(_acctManager);
voter = VoterManager(_voterManager);
nodes = NodeManager(_nodeManager);
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
// initial set up related functions
/// @notice for permissions its necessary to define the initial admin org
/// @notice id, network admin role id and default org admin role id. this
/// @notice sets these values at the time of network boot up
/// @param _nwAdminOrg - address of permissions upgradable contract
/// @param _nwAdminRole - address of org manager contract
/// @param _oAdminRole - address of role manager contract
/// @dev this function will be executed only once as part of the boot up
function setPolicy(string calldata _nwAdminOrg, string calldata _nwAdminRole,
string calldata _oAdminRole) external onlyInterface
networkBootStatus(false) {
adminOrg = _nwAdminOrg;
adminRole = _nwAdminRole;
orgAdminRole = _oAdminRole;
/// @notice when migrating implementation contract, the values of these
/// @notice key values need to be set from the previous implementation
/// @notice contract. this function allows these values to be set
/// @param _nwAdminOrg - address of permissions upgradable contract
/// @param _nwAdminRole - address of org manager contract
/// @param _oAdminRole - address of role manager contract
/// @param _networkBootStatus - network boot status true/false
function setMigrationPolicy(string calldata _nwAdminOrg, string calldata _nwAdminRole,
string calldata _oAdminRole, bool _networkBootStatus) external onlyUpgradeable
networkBootStatus(false) {
adminOrg = _nwAdminOrg;
adminRole = _nwAdminRole;
orgAdminRole = _oAdminRole;
networkBoot = _networkBootStatus;
/// @notice called at the time of network initialization. sets up
/// @notice network admin org with allowed sub org depth and breadth
/// @notice creates the network admin for the network admin org
/// @notice sets the default values required by account manager contract
/// @param _breadth - number of sub orgs allowed at parent level
/// @param _depth - levels of sub org nesting allowed at parent level
function init(uint _breadth, uint _depth) external
networkBootStatus(false) {
org.setUpOrg(adminOrg, _breadth, _depth);
roles.addRole(adminRole, adminOrg, fullAccess, true, true);
accounts.setDefaults(adminRole, orgAdminRole);
/// @notice as a part of network initialization add all nodes which
/// @notice are part of static-nodes.json as nodes belonging to
/// @notice network admin org
/// @param _enodeId - full enode id
function addAdminNode(string calldata _enodeId) external
networkBootStatus(false) {
nodes.addAdminNode(_enodeId, adminOrg);
/// @notice as a part of network initialization add all accounts which are
/// @notice passed via permission-config.json as network administrator
/// @notice accounts
/// @param _account - account id
function addAdminAccount(address _account) external
networkBootStatus(false) {
updateVoterList(adminOrg, _account, true);
accounts.assignAdminRole(_account, adminOrg, adminRole, 2);
/// @notice once the network initialization is complete, sets the network
/// @notice boot status to true
/// @return network boot status
/// @dev this will be called only once from geth as a part of
/// @dev network initialization
function updateNetworkBootStatus() external
returns (bool){
networkBoot = true;
return networkBoot;
/// @notice function to add a new organization to the network. creates org
/// @notice record and marks it as pending approval. adds the passed node
/// @notice node manager contract. adds the account with org admin role to
/// @notice account manager contracts. creates voting record for approval
/// @notice by other network admin accounts
/// @param _orgId unique organization id
/// @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the organization
/// @param _account account id. this will have the org admin privileges
function addOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId,
address _account, address _caller) external
networkAdmin(_caller) {
voter.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, _enodeId, _account, 1);
nodes.addNode(_enodeId, _orgId);
require(validateAccount(_account, _orgId) == true,
"Operation cannot be performed");
accounts.assignAdminRole(_account, _orgId, orgAdminRole, 1);
/// @notice functions to approve a pending approval org record by networ
/// @notice admin account. once majority votes are received the org is
/// @notice marked as approved
/// @param _orgId unique organization id
/// @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the organization
/// @param _account account id this will have the org admin privileges
function approveOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId,
address _account, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) {
require(_checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 1) == true, "Nothing to approve");
if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, 1))) {
roles.addRole(orgAdminRole, _orgId, fullAccess, true, true);
nodes.approveNode(_enodeId, _orgId);
accounts.addNewAdmin(_orgId, _account);
/// @notice function to create a sub org under a given parent org.
/// @param _pOrgId parent org id under which the sub org is being added
/// @param _orgId unique id for the sub organization
/// @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the sjb organization
/// @dev _enodeId is optional. parent org id should contain the complete
/// @dev org hierarchy from master org id to the immediate parent. The org
/// @dev hierarchy is separated by .. For example, if master org ABC has a
/// @dev sub organization SUB1, then while creating the sub organization at
/// @dev SUB1 level, the parent org should be given as ABC.SUB1
function addSubOrg(string calldata _pOrgId, string calldata _orgId,
string calldata _enodeId, address _caller) external onlyInterface
orgExists(_pOrgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _pOrgId) {
org.addSubOrg(_pOrgId, _orgId);
string memory pOrgId = string(abi.encode(_pOrgId, ".", _orgId));
if (bytes(_enodeId).length > 0) {
nodes.addOrgNode(_enodeId, pOrgId);
/// @notice function to update the org status. it updates the org status
/// @notice and adds a voting item for network admins to approve
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization
/// @param _action 1 for suspending an org and 2 for revoke of suspension
function updateOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint _action, address _caller)
external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) {
uint pendingOp;
pendingOp = org.updateOrg(_orgId, _action);
voter.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, "", address(0), pendingOp);
/// @notice function to approve org status change. the org status is
/// @notice changed once the majority votes are received from network
/// @notice admin accounts.
/// @param _orgId unique id for the sub organization
/// @param _action 1 for suspending an org and 2 for revoke of suspension
function approveOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint _action, address _caller)
external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) {
require((_action == 1 || _action == 2), "Operation not allowed");
uint pendingOp;
uint orgStatus;
if (_action == 1) {
pendingOp = 2;
orgStatus = 3;
else if (_action == 2) {
pendingOp = 3;
orgStatus = 5;
require(_checkOrgStatus(_orgId, orgStatus) == true, "operation not allowed");
if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, pendingOp))) {
org.approveOrgStatusUpdate(_orgId, _action);
// Role related functions
2019-05-10 00:17:01 -07:00
/// @notice function to add new role definition to an organization
/// @notice can be executed by the org admin account only
/// @param _roleId unique id for the role
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the role belongs
/// @param _access 0-ReadOnly, 1-Transact, 2-ContractDeploy, 3-FullAccess
/// @param _voter bool indicates if the role is voter role or not
/// @param _admin bool indicates if the role is an admin role
function addNewRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId,
uint _access, bool _voter, bool _admin, address _caller) external
onlyInterface orgApproved(_orgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) {
//add new roles can be created by org admins only
roles.addRole(_roleId, _orgId, _access, _voter, _admin);
/// @notice function to remove a role definition from an organization
/// @notice can be executed by the org admin account only
/// @param _roleId unique id for the role
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the role belongs
function removeRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId,
address _caller) external onlyInterface orgApproved(_orgId)
orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) {
require(((keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) != keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole))) &&
(keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) != keccak256(abi.encode(orgAdminRole)))),
"admin roles cannot be removed");
roles.removeRole(_roleId, _orgId);
// Account related functions
/// @notice function to assign network admin/org admin role to an account
/// @notice this can be executed by network admin accounts only. it assigns
/// @notice the role to the accounts and creates voting record for network
/// @notice admin accounts
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _roleId role id to be assigned to the account
function assignAdminRole(string calldata _orgId, address _account,
string calldata _roleId, address _caller) external
onlyInterface orgExists(_orgId) networkAdmin(_caller) {
accounts.assignAdminRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, 1);
//add voting item
voter.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, "", _account, 4);
/// @notice function to approve network admin/org admin role assigment
/// @notice this can be executed by network admin accounts only.
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account id
function approveAdminRole(string calldata _orgId, address _account,
address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) {
if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, 4))) {
(bool ret, address acct) = accounts.removeExistingAdmin(_orgId);
if (ret) {
updateVoterList(adminOrg, acct, false);
bool ret1 = accounts.addNewAdmin(_orgId, _account);
if (ret1) {
updateVoterList(adminOrg, _account, true);
/// @notice function to update account status. can be executed by org admin
/// @notice account only.
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _action 1-suspend 2-activate back 3-blacklist
function updateAccountStatus(string calldata _orgId, address _account,
uint _action, address _caller) external onlyInterface
orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) {
accounts.updateAccountStatus(_orgId, _account, _action);
// Node related functions
2019-05-10 00:17:01 -07:00
/// @notice function to add a new node to the organization. can be invoked
/// @notice org admin account only
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org
function addNode(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _caller)
external onlyInterface orgApproved(_orgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) {
// check that the node is not part of another org
nodes.addOrgNode(_enodeId, _orgId);
/// @notice function to update node status. can be invoked by org admin
/// @notice account only
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org
/// @param _action 1-deactivate, 2-activate back, 3-blacklist the node
function updateNodeStatus(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId,
uint _action, address _caller) external onlyInterface
orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) {
nodes.updateNodeStatus(_enodeId, _orgId, _action);
/// @notice function to fetch network boot status
/// @return bool network boot status
function getNetworkBootStatus() external view
returns (bool){
return networkBoot;
/// @notice function to fetch detail of any pending approval activities
/// @notice for network admin organization
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
function getPendingOp(string calldata _orgId) external view
returns (string memory, string memory, address, uint){
return voter.getPendingOpDetails(_orgId);
/// @notice function to assigns a role id to the account given account
/// @notice can be executed by org admin account only
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId organization id to which the account belongs
/// @param _roleId role id to be assigned to the account
function assignAccountRole(address _account, string memory _orgId,
string memory _roleId, address _caller) public
orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId)
orgApproved(_orgId) {
require(validateAccount(_account, _orgId) == true, "operation cannot be performed");
require(_roleExists(_roleId, _orgId) == true, "role does not exists");
bool admin = roles.isAdminRole(_roleId, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId));
accounts.assignAccountRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, admin);
/// @notice function to check if passed account is an network admin account
/// @param _account account id
/// @return true/false
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
function isNetworkAdmin(address _account) public view
returns (bool){
return (keccak256(abi.encode(accounts.getAccountRole(_account))) == keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole)));
/// @notice function to check if passed account is an org admin account
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId organization id
/// @return true/false
function isOrgAdmin(address _account, string memory _orgId) public view
returns (bool){
if (accounts.checkOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId))) {
return true;
return roles.isAdminRole(accounts.getAccountRole(_account), _orgId,
/// @notice function to validate the account for access change operation
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId organization id
/// @return true/false
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
function validateAccount(address _account, string memory _orgId) public view
returns (bool){
return (accounts.validateAccount(_account, _orgId));
/// @notice function to update the voter list at network level. this will
/// @notice be called whenever an account is assigned a network admin role
/// @notice or an account having network admin role is being assigned
/// @notice different role
/// @param _orgId org id to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account which needs to be added/removed as voter
/// @param _add bool indicating if its an add or delete operation
function updateVoterList(string memory _orgId, address _account, bool _add) internal {
if (_add) {
voter.addVoter(_orgId, _account);
else {
voter.deleteVoter(_orgId, _account);
/// @notice whenever a network admin account votes on a pending item, this
/// @notice function processes the vote.
/// @param _orgId org id of the caller
/// @param _caller account which approving the operation
/// @param _pendingOp operation for which the approval is being done
/// @dev the list of pending ops are managed in voter manager contract
function processVote(string memory _orgId, address _caller, uint _pendingOp) internal
returns (bool){
return voter.processVote(_orgId, _caller, _pendingOp);
/// @notice returns various permissions policy related parameters
/// @return adminOrg admin org id
/// @return adminRole default network admin role
/// @return orgAdminRole default org admin role
/// @return networkBoot network boot status
function getPolicyDetails() external view
returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, bool){
return (adminOrg, adminRole, orgAdminRole, networkBoot);
/// @notice checks if the passed org exists or not
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @return true/false
function _checkOrgExists(string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (bool){
return org.checkOrgExists(_orgId);
/// @notice checks if the passed org is in approved status
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @return true/false
function checkOrgApproved(string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (bool){
return org.checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 2);
/// @notice checks if the passed org is in the status passed
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @param _status status to be checked for
/// @return true/false
function _checkOrgStatus(string memory _orgId, uint _status) internal view
returns (bool){
return org.checkOrgStatus(_orgId, _status);
/// @notice checks if org admin account exists for the passed org id
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @return true/false
function _checkOrgAdminExists(string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (bool){
return accounts.orgAdminExists(_orgId);
/// @notice checks if role id exists for the passed org_id
/// @param _roleId role id
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @return true/false
function _roleExists(string memory _roleId, string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (bool){
return roles.roleExists(_roleId, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId));
/// @notice checks if the role id for the org is a voter role
/// @param _roleId role id
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @return true/false
function _isVoterRole(string memory _roleId, string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (bool){
return roles.isVoterRole(_roleId, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId));
/// @notice returns the ultimate parent for a given org id
/// @param _orgId org id
/// @return ultimate parent org id
function _getUltimateParent(string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (string memory){
return org.getUltimateParent(_orgId);