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package lane
import (
// PQType represents a priority queue ordering kind (see MAXPQ and MINPQ)
type PQType int
const (
MAXPQ PQType = iota
type item struct {
value interface{}
priority int
// PQueue is a heap priority queue data structure implementation.
// It can be whether max or min ordered and it is synchronized
// and is safe for concurrent operations.
type PQueue struct {
items []*item
elemsCount int
comparator func(int, int) bool
func newItem(value interface{}, priority int) *item {
return &item{
value: value,
priority: priority,
func (i *item) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<item value:%s priority:%d>", i.value, i.priority)
// NewPQueue creates a new priority queue with the provided pqtype
// ordering type
func NewPQueue(pqType PQType) *PQueue {
var cmp func(int, int) bool
if pqType == MAXPQ {
cmp = max
} else {
cmp = min
items := make([]*item, 1)
items[0] = nil // Heap queue first element should always be nil
return &PQueue{
items: items,
elemsCount: 0,
comparator: cmp,
// Push the value item into the priority queue with provided priority.
func (pq *PQueue) Push(value interface{}, priority int) {
item := newItem(value, priority)
pq.items = append(pq.items, item)
pq.elemsCount += 1
// Pop and returns the highest/lowest priority item (depending on whether
// you're using a MINPQ or MAXPQ) from the priority queue
func (pq *PQueue) Pop() (interface{}, int) {
defer pq.Unlock()
if pq.size() < 1 {
return nil, 0
var max *item = pq.items[1]
pq.exch(1, pq.size())
pq.items = pq.items[0:pq.size()]
pq.elemsCount -= 1
return max.value, max.priority
// Head returns the highest/lowest priority item (depending on whether
// you're using a MINPQ or MAXPQ) from the priority queue
func (pq *PQueue) Head() (interface{}, int) {
defer pq.RUnlock()
if pq.size() < 1 {
return nil, 0
headValue := pq.items[1].value
headPriority := pq.items[1].priority
return headValue, headPriority
// Size returns the elements present in the priority queue count
func (pq *PQueue) Size() int {
defer pq.RUnlock()
return pq.size()
// Check queue is empty
func (pq *PQueue) Empty() bool {
defer pq.RUnlock()
return pq.size() == 0
func (pq *PQueue) size() int {
return pq.elemsCount
func max(i, j int) bool {
return i < j
func min(i, j int) bool {
return i > j
func (pq *PQueue) less(i, j int) bool {
return pq.comparator(pq.items[i].priority, pq.items[j].priority)
func (pq *PQueue) exch(i, j int) {
var tmpItem *item = pq.items[i]
pq.items[i] = pq.items[j]
pq.items[j] = tmpItem
func (pq *PQueue) swim(k int) {
for k > 1 && pq.less(k/2, k) {
pq.exch(k/2, k)
k = k / 2
func (pq *PQueue) sink(k int) {
for 2*k <= pq.size() {
var j int = 2 * k
if j < pq.size() && pq.less(j, j+1) {
if !pq.less(k, j) {
pq.exch(k, j)
k = j