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2019-01-16 18:48:33 -08:00
# Overview
At present when Quorum is brought `--permissionoed` mode, for establishing p2p connectivity, the nodes checked `permissioned-nodes.json` file. If the enode id of the node requesting connection is present in this file, the connection is established else it is declined. The `permissioned-nodes.json` file is updated procedurally whenever a new node joins the network. Node permissioning feature will allow the existing nodes to propose a new node to join the network and once majority voting is done on the proposal, it will update the `permissioned-nodes.json` automatically. Further the existing nodes can propose any node for deactivation, blacklisting and activating back from a deactivated status.
Account permissioning feature will introduce the following access controls at account level:
* Read Only: Accounts with this access will be able to perform only read activities and will not be able to deploy contracts or transactions
* Transact: Accounts with transact access will be able to commit transactions but will not be able to deploy contracts
* Contract Deploy: Accounts with this access will be able to deploy contracts and commit transactions
* Full Access: Similar to "Contract Deploy" access, accounts with this access will be able to deploy contracts and perform transactions
Currently there is not any differences in the access types "Full Access" and "Contract Deploy".
2019-01-16 21:53:10 -08:00
It should be noted that both the above features will be available when Quorum geth is brought in `--permissioned` mode.
## Set up
2019-01-16 22:14:31 -08:00
Node permissioning and Account access control is managed by a smart contract [Permission.sol](../controls/permission/Permission.sol). This is deployed as precompiled contract at the time of initial network bootup. The precompiled contract is deployed at address `0x000000000000000000032`. The binding of the precompiled byte code with the address is in `genesis.json`. The initial set of account which will have full access when the network is up, should given as a part of `genesis.json` as shown below:
"alloc": {
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000020": {
"code": "<<compiled contract bytecode>>"
"storage": {
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
"0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563" : "0xcA843569e3427144cEad5e4d5999a3D0cCF92B8e",
"0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e564" : "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d",
"0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e565" : "0x0fbdc686b912d7722dc86510934589e0aaf3b55a"
"balance": "1000000000000000000000000000"
2019-01-16 22:42:06 -08:00
In the above set up, accounts `"0xcA843569e3427144cEad5e4d5999a3D0cCF92B8e", "0xcA843569e3427144cEad5e4d5999a3D0cCF92B8e", "0xcA843569e3427144cEad5e4d5999a3D0cCF92B8e"` will have full access when the network boot is completed.
2019-01-16 22:14:31 -08:00
2019-01-16 22:42:06 -08:00
Further, if the initial set of network nodes are brought up with `--permissioned` mode and a new approved node is joining the network without `--permissioned` flag in the `geth` start commmand, system will not allow the new `geth` node to come and a fatal error `Joining a permissioned network in non-permissioned mode. Bring up geth with --permissioned."` will be thrown.
2019-01-16 18:48:33 -08:00
## Node Permissioning
2019-01-16 22:42:06 -08:00
In a permissioned network any node can be in one of the following status:
* Proposed - The node has been proposed to join the network and pending majority voting to be marked as `Approved`
* Approved - The node is approved and is part of the network
* PendingDeactivation - The node has been proposed for deatvation from network and is pending majority approval
* Deactivated - The node has been deactivated from the network. Any node in this status will be disconnected from the network and block sync with this node will stop
* PendingActivation - A deactivated node has been proposed for activation and is pending majority approval. Once approved the node will move to `Approved` status
* PendingBlacklisting - The node has been proposed for blacklisting and is pending majority approval
* Blacklisted - The node has been blacklisted. If the node was an active node on the network, the node will be disconnected from the network and block sync will stop
2019-01-16 21:53:10 -08:00
2019-01-16 22:42:06 -08:00
It should be noted that deactication is temporary in nature and as such the node can join back the network at a later point in time. However blacklisting is permanent in nature. A blacklisted node will never be able to join back the network. Further blacklisting can be proposed for a node which is in the network or a new node which is currently not part fof the network.
At the time network boot up, all the nodes present in `static-nodes.json` file are added to the permissioned nodes list maintained in the smart contract. Once the initila network is up, these nodes can then propose and approve new nodes to join the network.
The api details for node permissioning are as below:
* `quorumNodeMgmt.permissionNodeList` returns the list of all enodes and their status
> quorumNodeMgmt.permissionNodeList
enodeId: "enode://ac6b1096ca56b9f6d004b779ae3728bf83f8e22453404cc3cef16a3d9b96608bc67c4b30db88e0a5a6c6390213f7acbe1153ff6d23ce57380104288ae19373ef@",
status: "Approved"
}, {
enodeId: "enode://0ba6b9f606a43a95edc6247cdb1c1e105145817be7bcafd6b2c0ba15d58145f0dc1a194f70ba73cd6f4cdd6864edc7687f311254c7555cc32e4d45aeb1b80416@",
status: "Approved"
}, {
enodeId: "enode://579f786d4e2830bbcc02815a27e8a9bacccc9605df4dc6f20bcc1a6eb391e7225fff7cb83e5b4ecd1f3a94d8b733803f2f66b7e871961e7b029e22c155c3a778@",
status: "Approved"
}, {
enodeId: "enode://3d9ca5956b38557aba991e31cf510d4df641dce9cc26bfeb7de082f0c07abb6ede3a58410c8f249dabeecee4ad3979929ac4c7c496ad20b8cfdd061b7401b4f5@",
status: "Approved"
2019-01-16 23:13:46 -08:00
* Before any new nodes can be proposed to the network, network level voters have to be added. To manage voters at the networ level, there are two apis. `quorumNodeMgmt.addVoter` allows an account to be added as a voter. `quorumNodeMgmt.removeVoter` allows an account to be removed from the voter list. `quorumNodeMgmt.voterList` displays the list of all voters at network level
> quorumNodeMgmt.addVoter("0x0fBDc686b912d7722dc86510934589E0AAf3b55A", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
> quorumNodeMgmt.voterList
["0xed9d02e382b34818e88B88a309c7fe71E65f419d", "0x0fBDc686b912d7722dc86510934589E0AAf3b55A"]
> quorumNodeMgmt.removeVoter("0x0fBDc686b912d7722dc86510934589E0AAf3b55A", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
> quorumNodeMgmt.voterList
* `quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNode` allows a new node to be propsoed into the network.
> quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNode("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
* `quorumNodeMgmt.approveNode` allows approval of a new node proposed to be part of the network. This api will be execyed by the accounts marked as voters and once majority voter accounts invoke the api, the node will be marked and move to `Approved` status
> quorumNodeMgmt.approveNode("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
2019-01-17 00:32:42 -08:00
* For proposing a node for deactivation and approving the node deactivation the following two apis can be used - `quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNodeDeactivation` and `quorumNodeMgmt.approveNodeDeactivation`
> quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNodeDeactivation("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
> quorumNodeMgmt.approveNodeDeactivation("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
* To propose activation of a deactivated node `quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNodeActivation` can be used. The same can be approved using `quorumNodeMgmt.approveNodeActivation` api.
> quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNodeActivation("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
> quorumNodeMgmt.approveNodeActivation("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
* To propose a node for blacklisting `quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNodeBlacklisting` can be used. Node blacklisting can be approved using the api `quorumNodeMgmt.approveNodeBlacklisting`
> quorumNodeMgmt.proposeNodeBlacklisting("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
> quorumNodeMgmt.approveNodeBlacklisting("enode://3701f007bfa4cb26512d7df18e6bbd202e8484a6e11d387af6e482b525fa25542d46ff9c99db87bd419b980c24a086117a397f6d8f88e74351b41693880ea0cb@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
msg: "Action completed successfully",
status: true
2019-01-16 18:48:33 -08:00
## Account Access Control