
169 lines
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pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
contract OrgManager {
string private adminOrgId;
PermissionsImplUpgradeable private permUpgradable;
// checks if first time network boot up has happened or not
bool private networkBoot = false;
// enum OrgStatus {0- NotInList, 1- Proposed, 2- Approved, 3- PendingSuspension, 4- Suspended, 5- RevokeSuspension}
struct OrgDetails {
string orgId;
uint status;
OrgDetails [] private orgList;
mapping(bytes32 => uint) private OrgIndex;
uint private orgNum = 0;
// events related to Master Org add
event OrgApproved(string _orgId);
event OrgPendingApproval(string _orgId, uint _type);
event OrgSuspended(string _orgId);
event OrgSuspensionRevoked(string _orgId);
event Dummy(string _msg);
modifier onlyImpl
require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermImpl());
modifier orgNotExists(string memory _orgId) {
require(checkOrgExists(_orgId) == false, "Org already exists");
modifier orgExists(string memory _orgId) {
require(checkOrgExists(_orgId) == true, "Org does not exists");
function setUpgradable (address _permUpgradable) external {
permUpgradable = PermissionsImplUpgradeable(_permUpgradable);
function addAdminOrg(string calldata _orgId) external
OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] = orgNum;
uint id = orgList.length++;
orgList[id].orgId = _orgId;
orgList[id].status = 2;
emit OrgApproved(_orgId);
// Org related functions
// returns the org index for the org list
function getOrgIndex(string memory _orgId) public view returns (uint)
return OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] - 1;
function getOrgStatus(string memory _orgId) public view returns (uint)
return orgList[OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))]].status;
// function for adding a new master org
function addOrg(string calldata _orgId) external
OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] = orgNum;
uint id = orgList.length++;
orgList[id].orgId = _orgId;
orgList[id].status = 1;
emit OrgPendingApproval(_orgId, 1);
function updateOrg(string calldata _orgId, uint _status) external
if (_status == 3) {
else {
function approveOrgStatusUpdate(string calldata _orgId, uint _status) external
if (_status == 3) {
else {
// function for adding a new master org
function suspendOrg(string memory _orgId) internal
require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 2) == true, "Org not in approved state");
uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
orgList[id].status = 3;
emit OrgPendingApproval(_orgId, 3);
function revokeOrgSuspension(string memory _orgId) internal
require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 4) == true, "Org not in suspended state");
uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
orgList[id].status = 5;
emit OrgPendingApproval(_orgId, 5);
function approveOrg(string calldata _orgId) external
require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 1) == true, "Nothing to approve");
uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
orgList[id].status = 2;
emit OrgApproved(_orgId);
function approveOrgSuspension(string memory _orgId) internal
require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 3) == true, "Nothing to approve");
uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
orgList[id].status = 4;
emit OrgSuspended(_orgId);
function approveOrgRevokeSuspension(string memory _orgId) internal
require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 5) == true, "Nothing to approve");
uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
orgList[id].status = 2;
emit OrgSuspensionRevoked(_orgId);
function checkOrgStatus(string memory _orgId, uint _orgStatus) public view returns (bool){
uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
return ((OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] != 0) && orgList[id].status == _orgStatus);
// function to check if morg exists
function checkOrgExists(string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool)
return (!(OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] == 0));
// returns org and master org details based on org index
function getOrgInfo(uint _orgIndex) external view returns (string memory, uint)
return (orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, orgList[_orgIndex].status);