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# Design
## Consensus algorithm
Quorum introduces a new consensus algorithm called QuorumChain, a majority
voting protocol where a subset of nodes within the network are given the
`voting` role. The voting role allows a node to vote on which block should be the
canonical head at a particular height. The block with the most votes will win
and is considered the canonical head of the chain.
Block creation is only allowed by nodes with the `block maker` role.
A node with this role can create a block, sign the block and put the signature within the `ExtraData` field of the block.
On `block import`, nodes can verify if the block was signed by one of the nodes that have the `block maker` role.
Nodes can be given no role, one of the roles or both roles through command line arguments.
The collection of addresses with special roles is tracked within the QuorumChain smart contract.
QuorumChain is implemented in a smart contract pre-deployed on address `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000020` and can be found [here](https://github.com/jpmorganchase/quorum/blob/master/core/quorum/block_voting.sol).
Voters and block makers can be added or removed and the minimum number of votes before a block is selected as winner can be configured.
## Public/Private State
Quorum supports dual state:
- public state, accessible by all nodes within the network
- private state, only accessible by nodes with the correct permissions
The difference is made through the use of transactions with encrypted (private) and non-encrypted payloads (public).
2016-11-16 13:18:19 -08:00
Nodes can determine if a transaction is private by looking at the `v` value of the signature.
Public transactions have a `v` value of 27 or 28, private transactions have a value of 37 or 38.
If the transaction is private and the node has the ability to decrypt the payload it can execute the transaction.
Nodes who are not involved in the transaction cannot decrypt the payload and process the transaction.
As a result all nodes share a common public state which is created through public transactions and have a local unique private state.
This model imposes a restriction in the ability to modify state in private transactions.
Since it's a common use case for a (private) contract to read data from a public contract the virtual machine has the ability to jump into read only mode.
For each call from a private contract to a public contract the virtual machine will change to read only mode.
If the virtual machine is in read only mode and the code tries to make a state change the virtual machine stops execution and throws an exception.
The following transactions are allowed:
S: sender, (X): private, X: public, ->: direction, []: read only mode
1. S -> A -> B
2. S -> (A) -> (B)
3. S -> (A) -> [B -> C]
The following transaction are unsupported:
1. (S) -> A
2. (S) -> (A)
### State verification
To determine if nodes are in sync the public state root hash is included in the block.
Since private transactions can only be processed by nodes that are involved its impossible to get global consensus on the private state.
To overcome this issue the RPC method `eth_storageRoot(address[, blockNumber]) -> hash` can be used.
It returns the storage root for the given address at an (optional) block number.
If the optional block number is not given the latest block number is used.
The storage root hash can be on or off chain compared by the parties involved.