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pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsImplementation.sol";
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
/// @title Permissions Interface Contract
/// @notice This contract is the interface for permissions implementation
/// @notice contract. for any call, it forwards the call to the implementation
/// @notice contract
contract PermissionsInterface {
2019-03-15 02:26:57 -07:00
PermissionsImplementation private permImplementation;
PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable;
address private permImplUpgradeable;
/// @notice constructor
/// @param _permImplUpgradeable permissions upgradable contract address
constructor(address _permImplUpgradeable) public {
permImplUpgradeable = _permImplUpgradeable;
/// @notice modifier to verify that caller is permissions upgradable contract
/// @notice address
modifier onlyUpgradeable {
require(msg.sender == permImplUpgradeable, "invalid caller");
/// @notice interface for setting the permissions policy in implementation
/// @param _nwAdminOrg network admin organization id
/// @param _nwAdminRole default network admin role id
/// @param _oAdminRole default organization admin role id
function setPolicy(string calldata _nwAdminOrg, string calldata _nwAdminRole,
string calldata _oAdminRole) external {
permImplementation.setPolicy(_nwAdminOrg, _nwAdminRole, _oAdminRole);
/// @notice interface to initializes the breadth and depth values for
/// @notice sub organization management
/// @param _breadth controls the number of sub org a parent org can have
/// @param _depth controls the depth of nesting allowed for sub orgs
function init(uint256 _breadth, uint256 _depth) external {
permImplementation.init(_breadth, _depth);
/// @notice interface to add new node to an admin organization
/// @param _enodeId full enode id of the node to be added
function addAdminNode(string calldata _enodeId) external {
/// @notice interface to add accounts to an admin organization
/// @param _acct account address to be added
function addAdminAccount(address _acct) external {
/// @notice interface to update network boot up status
/// @return bool true or false
function updateNetworkBootStatus() external
returns (bool)
return permImplementation.updateNetworkBootStatus();
/// @notice interface to fetch network boot status
/// @return bool network boot status
function getNetworkBootStatus() external view returns (bool){
return permImplementation.getNetworkBootStatus();
/// @notice interface to add a new organization to the network
/// @param _orgId unique organization id
/// @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the organization
/// @param _account account id. this will have the org admin privileges
function addOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId,
address _account) external {
permImplementation.addOrg(_orgId, _enodeId, _account, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to approve a newly added organization
/// @param _orgId unique organization id
/// @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the organization
/// @param _account account id this will have the org admin privileges
function approveOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId,
address _account) external {
permImplementation.approveOrg(_orgId, _enodeId, _account, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to add sub org under an org
/// @param _pOrgId parent org id under which the sub org is being added
/// @param _orgId unique id for the sub organization
/// @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the sjb organization
function addSubOrg(string calldata _pOrgId, string calldata _orgId,
string calldata _enodeId) external {
permImplementation.addSubOrg(_pOrgId, _orgId, _enodeId, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to update the org status
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization
/// @param _action 1 for suspending an org and 2 for revoke of suspension
function updateOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint256 _action) external {
permImplementation.updateOrgStatus(_orgId, _action, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to approve org status change
/// @param _orgId unique id for the sub organization
/// @param _action 1 for suspending an org and 2 for revoke of suspension
function approveOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint256 _action) external {
permImplementation.approveOrgStatus(_orgId, _action, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to add a new role definition to an organization
/// @param _roleId unique id for the role
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the role belongs
/// @param _access 0-ReadOnly, 1-Transact, 2-ContractDeploy, 3-FullAccess
/// @param _voter bool indicates if the role is voter role or not
/// @param _admin bool indicates if the role is an admin role
function addNewRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId,
uint256 _access, bool _voter, bool _admin) external {
permImplementation.addNewRole(_roleId, _orgId, _access, _voter, _admin, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to remove a role definition from an organization
/// @param _roleId unique id for the role
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the role belongs
function removeRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId) external {
2019-03-29 01:47:14 -07:00
permImplementation.removeRole(_roleId, _orgId, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to assign network admin/org admin role to an account
/// @notice this can be executed by network admin accounts only
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _roleId role id to be assigned to the account
function assignAdminRole(string calldata _orgId, address _account,
string calldata _roleId) external {
permImplementation.assignAdminRole(_orgId, _account, _roleId, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to approve network admin/org admin role assigment
/// @notice this can be executed by network admin accounts only
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account id
function approveAdminRole(string calldata _orgId, address _account) external {
permImplementation.approveAdminRole(_orgId, _account, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to update account status
/// @notice this can be executed by org admin accounts only
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _action 1-suspending 2-activating back 3-blacklisting
function updateAccountStatus(string calldata _orgId, address _account,
uint256 _action) external {
permImplementation.updateAccountStatus(_orgId, _account, _action, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to add a new node to the organization
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org
function addNode(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId) external {
permImplementation.addNode(_orgId, _enodeId, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to update node status
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
/// @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org
/// @param _action 1-deactivate, 2-activate back, 3-blacklist the node
function updateNodeStatus(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId,
uint256 _action) external {
permImplementation.updateNodeStatus(_orgId, _enodeId, _action, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to fetch detail of any pending approval activities
/// @notice for network admin organization
/// @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs
function getPendingOp(string calldata _orgId) external view
returns (string memory, string memory, address, uint256) {
return permImplementation.getPendingOp(_orgId);
/// @notice sets the permissions implementation contract address
/// @notice can be called from upgradable contract only
/// @param _permImplementation permissions implementation contract address
function setPermImplementation(address _permImplementation) external
onlyUpgradeable {
permImplementation = PermissionsImplementation(_permImplementation);
/// @notice returns the address of permissions implementation contract
/// @return permissions implementation contract address
function getPermissionsImpl() external view returns (address) {
return address(permImplementation);
/// @notice interface to assigns a role id to the account give
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId organization id to which the account belongs
/// @param _roleId role id to be assigned to the account
function assignAccountRole(address _account, string calldata _orgId,
string calldata _roleId) external {
permImplementation.assignAccountRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, msg.sender);
/// @notice interface to check if passed account is an network admin account
/// @param _account account id
/// @return true/false
function isNetworkAdmin(address _account) external view returns (bool) {
return permImplementation.isNetworkAdmin(_account);
/// @notice interface to check if passed account is an org admin account
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId organization id
/// @return true/false
function isOrgAdmin(address _account, string calldata _orgId)
external view returns (bool) {
return permImplementation.isOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId);
/// @notice interface to validate the account for access change operation
/// @param _account account id
/// @param _orgId organization id
/// @return true/false
function validateAccount(address _account, string calldata _orgId)
external view returns (bool) {
return permImplementation.validateAccount(_account, _orgId);