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package types
import (
2018-11-12 00:16:56 -08:00
type AccessType uint8
const (
ReadOnly AccessType = iota
2019-02-11 17:54:13 -08:00
type OrgStatus uint8
const (
OrgPendingApproval OrgStatus = iota + 1
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
type OrgInfo struct {
OrgId string `json:"orgId"`
FullOrgId string `json:"fullOrgId"`
ParentOrgId string `json:"parentOrgId"`
UltimateParent string `json:"ultimateParent"`
Level *big.Int `json:"level"`
SubOrgList []string `json:"subOrgList"`
Status OrgStatus `json:"status"`
type NodeStatus uint8
const (
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
NodePendingApproval NodeStatus = iota + 1
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
type AcctStatus uint8
const (
AcctPendingApproval AcctStatus = iota + 1
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
type NodeInfo struct {
OrgId string `json:"orgId"`
Url string `json:"url"`
Status NodeStatus `json:"status"`
type RoleInfo struct {
OrgId string `json:"orgId"`
RoleId string `json:"roleId"`
IsVoter bool `json:"isVoter"`
IsAdmin bool `json:"isAdmin"`
Access AccessType `json:"access"`
Active bool `json:"active"`
type AccountInfo struct {
OrgId string `json:"orgId"`
RoleId string `json:"roleId"`
AcctId common.Address `json:"acctId"`
IsOrgAdmin bool `json:"isOrgAdmin"`
Status AcctStatus `json:"status"`
type OrgDetailInfo struct {
NodeList []NodeInfo `json:"nodeList"`
RoleList []RoleInfo `json:"roleList"`
AcctList []AccountInfo `json:"acctList"`
SubOrgList []string `json:"subOrgList"`
2018-09-27 04:24:38 -07:00
type OrgStruct struct {
OrgId string
Keys []string
2018-09-27 04:24:38 -07:00
2018-11-14 02:24:28 -08:00
// permission config for bootstrapping
type PermissionConfig struct {
UpgrdAddress common.Address
InterfAddress common.Address
ImplAddress common.Address
NodeAddress common.Address
AccountAddress common.Address
RoleAddress common.Address
VoterAddress common.Address
OrgAddress common.Address
NwAdminOrg string
NwAdminRole string
OrgAdminRole string
Accounts []common.Address //initial list of account that need full access
SubOrgDepth big.Int
SubOrgBreadth big.Int
type OrgKey struct {
OrgId string
type NodeKey struct {
OrgId string
Url string
type RoleKey struct {
OrgId string
RoleId string
type AccountKey struct {
AcctId common.Address
type OrgCache struct {
c *lru.Cache
mux sync.Mutex
type NodeCache struct {
c *lru.Cache
mux sync.Mutex
type RoleCache struct {
c *lru.Cache
mux sync.Mutex
type AcctCache struct {
c *lru.Cache
mux sync.Mutex
func NewOrgCache() *OrgCache {
c, _ := lru.New(defaultMapLimit)
return &OrgCache{c, sync.Mutex{}}
func NewNodeCache() *NodeCache {
c, _ := lru.New(defaultMapLimit)
return &NodeCache{c, sync.Mutex{}}
func NewRoleCache() *RoleCache {
c, _ := lru.New(defaultMapLimit)
return &RoleCache{c, sync.Mutex{}}
func NewAcctCache() *AcctCache {
c, _ := lru.New(defaultMapLimit)
return &AcctCache{c, sync.Mutex{}}
var syncStarted = false
2018-11-13 00:15:28 -08:00
var DefaultAccess = FullAccess
var networkAdminRole string
var orgAdminRole string
const defaultMapLimit = 100
2018-11-12 00:16:56 -08:00
2019-05-08 20:07:54 -07:00
//var OrgKeyMap, _ = lru.New(orgKeyMapLimit)
2018-11-12 00:16:56 -08:00
var OrgInfoMap = NewOrgCache()
var NodeInfoMap = NewNodeCache()
var RoleInfoMap = NewRoleCache()
var AcctInfoMap = NewAcctCache()
2019-03-13 23:26:17 -07:00
func (pc *PermissionConfig) IsEmpty() bool {
return pc.InterfAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") || pc.NodeAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") || pc.AccountAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0")
2019-03-13 23:26:17 -07:00
func SetSyncStatus() {
syncStarted = true
func GetSyncStatus() bool {
return syncStarted
2019-05-10 00:17:01 -07:00
// sets default access to readonly and initializes the values for
// network admin role and org admin role
func SetDefaults(nwRoleId, oaRoleId string) {
DefaultAccess = ReadOnly
networkAdminRole = nwRoleId
orgAdminRole = oaRoleId
func (o *OrgCache) UpsertOrg(orgId, parentOrg, ultimateParent string, level *big.Int, status OrgStatus) {
defer o.mux.Unlock()
var key OrgKey
if parentOrg == "" {
key = OrgKey{OrgId: orgId}
} else {
key = OrgKey{OrgId: parentOrg + "." + orgId}
pkey := OrgKey{OrgId: parentOrg}
if ent, ok := o.c.Get(pkey); ok {
porg := ent.(*OrgInfo)
if !containsKey(porg.SubOrgList, key.OrgId) {
porg.SubOrgList = append(porg.SubOrgList, key.OrgId)
o.c.Add(pkey, porg)
norg := &OrgInfo{orgId, key.OrgId, parentOrg, ultimateParent, level, nil, status}
o.c.Add(key, norg)
func containsKey(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func (o *OrgCache) GetOrg(orgId string) *OrgInfo {
defer o.mux.Unlock()
key := OrgKey{OrgId: orgId}
if ent, ok := o.c.Get(key); ok {
return ent.(*OrgInfo)
return nil
func (o *OrgCache) GetOrgList() []OrgInfo {
var olist []OrgInfo
for _, k := range o.c.Keys() {
v, _ := o.c.Get(k)
vp := v.(*OrgInfo)
olist = append(olist, *vp)
return olist
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
func (n *NodeCache) UpsertNode(orgId string, url string, status NodeStatus) {
defer n.mux.Unlock()
key := NodeKey{OrgId: orgId, Url: url}
n.c.Add(key, &NodeInfo{orgId, url, status})
func (n *NodeCache) GetNodeByUrl(url string) *NodeInfo {
defer n.mux.Unlock()
for _, k := range n.c.Keys() {
ent := k.(NodeKey)
if ent.Url == url {
v, _ := n.c.Get(ent)
return v.(*NodeInfo)
return nil
func (o *NodeCache) GetNodeList() []NodeInfo {
var olist []NodeInfo
for _, k := range o.c.Keys() {
v, _ := o.c.Get(k)
vp := v.(*NodeInfo)
olist = append(olist, *vp)
return olist
2019-03-28 21:28:11 -07:00
func (a *AcctCache) UpsertAccount(orgId string, role string, acct common.Address, orgAdmin bool, status AcctStatus) {
defer a.mux.Unlock()
key := AccountKey{acct}
a.c.Add(key, &AccountInfo{orgId, role, acct, orgAdmin, status})
func (a *AcctCache) GetAccount(acct common.Address) *AccountInfo {
defer a.mux.Unlock()
if v, ok := a.c.Get(AccountKey{acct}); ok {
return v.(*AccountInfo)
return nil
func (a *AcctCache) GetAcctList() []AccountInfo {
var alist []AccountInfo
for _, k := range a.c.Keys() {
v, _ := a.c.Get(k)
vp := v.(*AccountInfo)
alist = append(alist, *vp)
return alist
func (a *AcctCache) GetAcctListOrg(orgId string) []AccountInfo {
var alist []AccountInfo
for _, k := range a.c.Keys() {
v, _ := a.c.Get(k)
vp := v.(*AccountInfo)
if vp.OrgId == orgId {
alist = append(alist, *vp)
return alist
func (a *AcctCache) GetAcctListRole(orgId, roleId string) []AccountInfo {
var alist []AccountInfo
for _, k := range a.c.Keys() {
v, _ := a.c.Get(k)
vp := v.(*AccountInfo)
if vp.RoleId == roleId && (vp.OrgId == orgId || OrgInfoMap.GetOrg(vp.OrgId).UltimateParent == orgId) {
alist = append(alist, *vp)
return alist
func (r *RoleCache) UpsertRole(orgId string, role string, voter bool, admin bool, access AccessType, active bool) {
defer r.mux.Unlock()
key := RoleKey{orgId, role}
r.c.Add(key, &RoleInfo{orgId, role, voter, admin, access, active})
func (r *RoleCache) GetRole(orgId string, roleId string) *RoleInfo {
defer r.mux.Unlock()
key := RoleKey{OrgId: orgId, RoleId: roleId}
if ent, ok := r.c.Get(key); ok {
return ent.(*RoleInfo)
return nil
func (o *RoleCache) GetRoleList() []RoleInfo {
var olist []RoleInfo
for _, k := range o.c.Keys() {
v, _ := o.c.Get(k)
vp := v.(*RoleInfo)
olist = append(olist, *vp)
return olist
// Returns the access type for an account. If not found returns
// default access
func GetAcctAccess(acctId common.Address) AccessType {
if a := AcctInfoMap.GetAccount(acctId); a != nil && a.Status == AcctActive {
if (a.RoleId == networkAdminRole || a.RoleId == orgAdminRole) && a.Status == AcctActive {
return FullAccess
if o := OrgInfoMap.GetOrg(a.OrgId); o != nil && o.Status == OrgApproved {
if r := RoleInfoMap.GetRole(a.OrgId, a.RoleId); r != nil && r.Active {
return r.Access
if r := RoleInfoMap.GetRole(o.UltimateParent, a.RoleId); r != nil && r.Active {
return r.Access
return DefaultAccess
2018-09-27 04:24:38 -07:00
func ValidateNodeForTxn(enodeId string, from common.Address) bool {
if enodeId == "" {
return true
ac := AcctInfoMap.GetAccount(from)
if ac == nil {
return true
ultimateParent := OrgInfoMap.GetOrg(ac.OrgId).UltimateParent
// scan through the node list and validate
for _, n := range NodeInfoMap.GetNodeList() {
if OrgInfoMap.GetOrg(n.OrgId).UltimateParent == ultimateParent && strings.Contains(n.Url, enodeId) {
return true
return false