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package eth
import (
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
ethlogger "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
var poolLogger = ethlogger.NewLogger("Blockpool")
const (
blockHashesBatchSize = 256
blockBatchSize = 64
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
blocksRequestInterval = 500 // ms
blocksRequestRepetition = 1
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
blockHashesRequestInterval = 500 // ms
blocksRequestMaxIdleRounds = 100
cacheTimeout = 3 // minutes
blockTimeout = 5 // minutes
type poolNode struct {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
lock sync.RWMutex
hash []byte
td *big.Int
block *types.Block
parent *poolNode
peer string
blockBy string
type poolEntry struct {
node *poolNode
section *section
index int
type BlockPool struct {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
lock sync.RWMutex
chainLock sync.RWMutex
pool map[string]*poolEntry
peersLock sync.RWMutex
peers map[string]*peerInfo
peer *peerInfo
quit chan bool
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
purgeC chan bool
flushC chan bool
wg sync.WaitGroup
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
procWg sync.WaitGroup
running bool
// the minimal interface with blockchain
hasBlock func(hash []byte) bool
insertChain func(types.Blocks) error
verifyPoW func(pow.Block) bool
type peerInfo struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
td *big.Int
currentBlock []byte
id string
requestBlockHashes func([]byte) error
requestBlocks func([][]byte) error
peerError func(int, string, ...interface{})
sections map[string]*section
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
quitC chan bool
// structure to store long range links on chain to skip along
type section struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
parent *section
child *section
top *poolNode
bottom *poolNode
nodes []*poolNode
controlC chan *peerInfo
suicideC chan bool
blockChainC chan bool
forkC chan chan bool
offC chan bool
func NewBlockPool(hasBlock func(hash []byte) bool, insertChain func(types.Blocks) error, verifyPoW func(pow.Block) bool,
) *BlockPool {
return &BlockPool{
hasBlock: hasBlock,
insertChain: insertChain,
verifyPoW: verifyPoW,
// allows restart
func (self *BlockPool) Start() {
if self.running {
self.running = true
self.quit = make(chan bool)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
self.flushC = make(chan bool)
self.pool = make(map[string]*poolEntry)
self.peers = make(map[string]*peerInfo)
func (self *BlockPool) Stop() {
if !self.running {
self.running = false
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
2015-01-05 08:15:25 -08:00
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
self.peers = nil
self.peer = nil
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
self.pool = nil
func (self *BlockPool) Purge() {
if !self.running {
self.purgeC = make(chan bool)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) Wait(t time.Duration) {
if !self.running {
poolLogger.Infoln("Waiting for processes to complete...")
w := make(chan bool)
go func() {
select {
case <-w:
poolLogger.Infoln("Processes complete")
case <-time.After(t):
self.flushC = make(chan bool)
// AddPeer is called by the eth protocol instance running on the peer after
// the status message has been received with total difficulty and current block hash
// AddPeer can only be used once, RemovePeer needs to be called when the peer disconnects
func (self *BlockPool) AddPeer(td *big.Int, currentBlock []byte, peerId string, requestBlockHashes func([]byte) error, requestBlocks func([][]byte) error, peerError func(int, string, ...interface{})) bool {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
defer self.peersLock.Unlock()
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
peer, ok := self.peers[peerId]
if ok {
poolLogger.Debugf("Update peer %v with td %v and current block %x", peerId, td, currentBlock[:4])
peer.td = td
peer.currentBlock = currentBlock
} else {
peer = &peerInfo{
td: td,
currentBlock: currentBlock,
id: peerId, //peer.Identity().Pubkey()
requestBlockHashes: requestBlockHashes,
requestBlocks: requestBlocks,
peerError: peerError,
sections: make(map[string]*section),
self.peers[peerId] = peer
poolLogger.Debugf("add new peer %v with td %v and current block %x", peerId, td, currentBlock[:4])
// check peer current head
if self.hasBlock(currentBlock) {
// peer not ahead
return false
if self.peer == peer {
// new block update
// peer is already active best peer, request hashes
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] already the best peer. request hashes from %s", peerId, name(currentBlock))
return true
currentTD := ethutil.Big0
if self.peer != nil {
currentTD = self.peer.td
if td.Cmp(currentTD) > 0 {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("peer %v promoted best peer", peerId)
self.switchPeer(self.peer, peer)
self.peer = peer
return true
return false
// RemovePeer is called by the eth protocol when the peer disconnects
func (self *BlockPool) RemovePeer(peerId string) {
defer self.peersLock.Unlock()
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
peer, ok := self.peers[peerId]
if !ok {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
delete(self.peers, peerId)
poolLogger.Debugf("remove peer %v", peerId)
// if current best peer is removed, need find a better one
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if self.peer == peer {
var newPeer *peerInfo
max := ethutil.Big0
// peer with the highest self-acclaimed TD is chosen
for _, info := range self.peers {
if info.td.Cmp(max) > 0 {
max = info.td
newPeer = info
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
self.peer = newPeer
self.switchPeer(peer, newPeer)
if newPeer != nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("peer %v with td %v promoted to best peer", newPeer.id, newPeer.td)
} else {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Warnln("no peers")
// Entry point for eth protocol to add block hashes received via BlockHashesMsg
// only hashes from the best peer is handled
// this method is always responsible to initiate further hash requests until
// a known parent is reached unless cancelled by a peerChange event
// this process also launches all request processes on each chain section
// this function needs to run asynchronously for one peer since the message is discarded???
func (self *BlockPool) AddBlockHashes(next func() ([]byte, bool), peerId string) {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// register with peer manager loop
peer, best := self.getPeer(peerId)
if !best {
// peer is still the best
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("adding hashes for best peer %s", peerId)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
var size, n int
var hash []byte
var ok bool
var section, child, parent *section
var entry *poolEntry
var nodes []*poolNode
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// iterate using next (rlp stream lazy decoder) feeding hashesC
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
for hash, ok = next(); ok; hash, ok = next() {
select {
case <-self.quit:
case <-peer.quitC:
// if the peer is demoted, no more hashes taken
peer = nil
break LOOP
if self.hasBlock(hash) {
// check if known block connecting the downloaded chain to our blockchain
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] known block", name(hash))
// mark child as absolute pool root with parent known to blockchain
if section != nil {
} else {
if child != nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
break LOOP
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// look up node in pool
entry = self.get(hash)
if entry != nil {
// reached a known chain in the pool
if entry.node == entry.section.bottom && n == 1 {
// the first block hash received is an orphan in the pool, so rejoice and continue
child = entry.section
continue LOOP
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] reached blockpool chain", name(hash))
parent = entry.section
break LOOP
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// if node for block hash does not exist, create it and index in the pool
node := &poolNode{
hash: hash,
peer: peerId,
if size == 0 {
section = newSection()
nodes = append(nodes, node)
} //for
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("added %v hashes sent by %s", n, peerId)
if parent != nil && entry != nil && entry.node != parent.top {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] split section at fork", sectionName(parent))
parent.controlC <- nil
waiter := make(chan bool)
parent.forkC <- waiter
chain := parent.nodes
parent.nodes = chain[entry.index:]
parent.top = parent.nodes[0]
orphan := newSection()
self.link(orphan, parent.child)
self.processSection(orphan, chain[0:entry.index])
orphan.controlC <- nil
if size > 0 {
self.processSection(section, nodes)
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s]->[%s](%v)->[%s] new chain section", sectionName(parent), sectionName(section), size, sectionName(child))
self.link(parent, section)
self.link(section, child)
} else {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s]->[%s] connecting known sections", sectionName(parent), sectionName(child))
self.link(parent, child)
if parent != nil && peer != nil {
self.activateChain(parent, peer)
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] activate parent section [%s]", name(parent.top.hash), sectionName(parent))
if section != nil {
peer.addSection(section.top.hash, section)
section.controlC <- peer
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] activate new section", sectionName(section))
func name(hash []byte) (name string) {
if hash == nil {
name = ""
} else {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash[:4])
func sectionName(section *section) (name string) {
if section == nil {
name = ""
} else {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x", section.bottom.hash[:4], section.top.hash[:4])
// AddBlock is the entry point for the eth protocol when blockmsg is received upon requests
// It has a strict interpretation of the protocol in that if the block received has not been requested, it results in an error (which can be ignored)
// block is checked for PoW
// only the first PoW-valid block for a hash is considered legit
func (self *BlockPool) AddBlock(block *types.Block, peerId string) {
hash := block.Hash()
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if self.hasBlock(hash) {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("block [%s] already known", name(hash))
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
entry := self.get(hash)
if entry == nil {
poolLogger.Warnf("unrequested block [%x] by peer %s", hash, peerId)
self.peerError(peerId, ErrUnrequestedBlock, "%x", hash)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
node := entry.node
defer node.lock.Unlock()
// check if block already present
if node.block != nil {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("block [%x] already sent by %s", name(hash), node.blockBy)
// validate block for PoW
if !self.verifyPoW(block) {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Warnf("invalid pow on block [%x] by peer %s", hash, peerId)
self.peerError(peerId, ErrInvalidPoW, "%x", hash)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("added block [%s] sent by peer %s", name(hash), peerId)
node.block = block
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
node.blockBy = peerId
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) connectToBlockChain(section *section) {
select {
case <-section.offC:
case <-section.blockChainC:
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) addSectionToBlockChain(section *section) (rest int, err error) {
var blocks types.Blocks
var node *poolNode
var keys []string
rest = len(section.nodes)
for rest > 0 {
node = section.nodes[rest]
block := node.block
if block == nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
keys = append(keys, string(node.hash))
blocks = append(blocks, block)
for _, key := range keys {
delete(self.pool, key)
poolLogger.Infof("insert %v blocks into blockchain", len(blocks))
err = self.insertChain(blocks)
if err != nil {
// TODO: not clear which peer we need to address
// peerError should dispatch to peer if still connected and disconnect
self.peerError(node.blockBy, ErrInvalidBlock, "%v", err)
poolLogger.Warnf("invalid block %x", node.hash)
poolLogger.Warnf("penalise peers %v (hash), %v (block)", node.peer, node.blockBy)
// penalise peer in node.blockBy
// self.disconnect()
func (self *BlockPool) activateChain(section *section, peer *peerInfo) {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate known chain for peer %s", sectionName(section), peer.id)
i := 0
for section != nil {
// register this section with the peer and quit if registered
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] register section with peer %s", sectionName(section), peer.id)
if peer.addSection(section.top.hash, section) == section {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate section process", sectionName(section))
select {
case section.controlC <- peer:
case <-section.offC:
section = self.getParent(section)
select {
case <-peer.quitC:
break LOOP
case <-self.quit:
break LOOP
// main worker thread on each section in the poolchain
// - kills the section if there are blocks missing after an absolute time
// - kills the section if there are maxIdleRounds of idle rounds of block requests with no response
// - periodically polls the chain section for missing blocks which are then requested from peers
// - registers the process controller on the peer so that if the peer is promoted as best peer the second time (after a disconnect of a better one), all active processes are switched back on unless they expire and killed ()
// - when turned off (if peer disconnects and new peer connects with alternative chain), no blockrequests are made but absolute expiry timer is ticking
// - when turned back on it recursively calls itself on the root of the next chain section
// - when exits, signals to
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) processSection(section *section, nodes []*poolNode) {
for i, node := range nodes {
entry := &poolEntry{node: node, section: section, index: i}
self.set(node.hash, entry)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
section.bottom = nodes[len(nodes)-1]
section.top = nodes[0]
section.nodes = nodes
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] setup section process", sectionName(section))
go func() {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// absolute time after which sub-chain is killed if not complete (some blocks are missing)
suicideTimer := time.After(blockTimeout * time.Minute)
var peer, newPeer *peerInfo
var blocksRequestTimer, blockHashesRequestTimer <-chan time.Time
var blocksRequestTime, blockHashesRequestTime bool
var blocksRequests, blockHashesRequests int
var blocksRequestsComplete, blockHashesRequestsComplete bool
// node channels for the section
var missingC, processC, offC chan *poolNode
// container for missing block hashes
var hashes [][]byte
var i, missing, lastMissing, depth int
var idle int
var init, done, same, ready bool
var insertChain bool
var quitC chan bool
var blockChainC = section.blockChainC
for {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if insertChain {
insertChain = false
rest, err := self.addSectionToBlockChain(section)
if err != nil {
continue LOOP
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if rest == 0 {
blocksRequestsComplete = true
child := self.getChild(section)
if child != nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if blockHashesRequestsComplete && blocksRequestsComplete {
// not waiting for hashes any more
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] section complete %v blocks retrieved (%v attempts), hash requests complete on root (%v attempts)", sectionName(section), depth, blocksRequests, blockHashesRequests)
break LOOP
} // otherwise suicide if no hashes coming
if done {
// went through all blocks in section
if missing == 0 {
// no missing blocks
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] got all blocks. process complete (%v total blocksRequests): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
blocksRequestsComplete = true
blocksRequestTimer = nil
blocksRequestTime = false
} else {
// some missing blocks
if len(hashes) > 0 {
// send block requests to peers
self.requestBlocks(blocksRequests, hashes)
hashes = nil
if missing == lastMissing {
// idle round
if same {
// more than once
// too many idle rounds
if idle >= blocksRequestMaxIdleRounds {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] block requests had %v idle rounds (%v total attempts): missing %v/%v/%v\ngiving up...", sectionName(section), idle, blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
} else {
idle = 0
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
same = true
} else {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
same = false
lastMissing = missing
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
ready = true
done = false
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// save a new processC (blocks still missing)
offC = missingC
missingC = processC
// put processC offline
processC = nil
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if ready && blocksRequestTime && !blocksRequestsComplete {
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] check if new blocks arrived (attempt %v): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
blocksRequestTimer = time.After(blocksRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
blocksRequestTime = false
processC = offC
if blockHashesRequestTime {
if self.getParent(section) != nil {
// if not root of chain, switch off
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] parent found, hash requests deactivated (after %v total attempts)\n", sectionName(section), blockHashesRequests)
blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
blockHashesRequestsComplete = true
} else {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] hash request on root (%v total attempts)\n", sectionName(section), blockHashesRequests)
blockHashesRequestTimer = time.After(blockHashesRequestInterval * time.Millisecond)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
blockHashesRequestTime = false
select {
case <-self.quit:
break LOOP
case <-quitC:
// peer quit or demoted, put section in idle mode
quitC = nil
go func() {
section.controlC <- nil
case <-self.purgeC:
suicideTimer = time.After(0)
case <-suicideTimer:
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] timeout. (%v total attempts): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
case <-section.suicideC:
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] suicide", sectionName(section))
// first delink from child and parent under chainlock
self.link(nil, section)
self.link(section, nil)
// delete node entries from pool index under pool lock
for _, node := range section.nodes {
delete(self.pool, string(node.hash))
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
break LOOP
case <-blocksRequestTimer:
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] block request time", sectionName(section))
blocksRequestTime = true
case <-blockHashesRequestTimer:
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] hash request time", sectionName(section))
blockHashesRequestTime = true
case newPeer = <-section.controlC:
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// active -> idle
if peer != nil && newPeer == nil {
if init {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] idle mode (%v total attempts): missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
blocksRequestTime = false
blocksRequestTimer = nil
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
blockHashesRequestTime = false
blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if processC != nil {
offC = processC
processC = nil
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// idle -> active
if peer == nil && newPeer != nil {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] active mode", sectionName(section))
if !blocksRequestsComplete {
blocksRequestTime = true
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if !blockHashesRequestsComplete {
blockHashesRequestTime = true
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if !init {
processC = make(chan *poolNode, blockHashesBatchSize)
missingC = make(chan *poolNode, blockHashesBatchSize)
i = 0
missing = 0
depth = len(section.nodes)
lastMissing = depth
// if not run at least once fully, launch iterator
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
go func() {
var node *poolNode
for _, node = range section.nodes {
select {
case processC <- node:
case <-self.quit:
break IT
} else {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] restore earlier state", sectionName(section))
processC = offC
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// reset quitC to current best peer
if newPeer != nil {
quitC = newPeer.quitC
peer = newPeer
case waiter := <-section.forkC:
// this case just blocks the process until section is split at the fork
init = false
done = false
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
ready = false
case node, ok := <-processC:
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if !ok && !init {
// channel closed, first iteration finished
init = true
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
done = true
processC = make(chan *poolNode, missing)
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] section initalised: missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), missing, lastMissing, depth)
continue LOOP
if ready {
i = 0
missing = 0
ready = false
// if node has no block
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
block := node.block
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if block == nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
hashes = append(hashes, node.hash)
if len(hashes) == blockBatchSize {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] request %v missing blocks", sectionName(section), len(hashes))
self.requestBlocks(blocksRequests, hashes)
hashes = nil
missingC <- node
} else {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if blockChainC == nil && i == lastMissing {
insertChain = true
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] %v/%v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), i, missing, lastMissing, depth)
if i == lastMissing && init {
done = true
case <-blockChainC:
// closed blockChain channel indicates that the blockpool is reached
// connected to the blockchain, insert the longest chain of blocks
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] reached blockchain", sectionName(section))
blockChainC = nil
// switch off hash requests in case they were on
blockHashesRequestTime = false
blockHashesRequestTimer = nil
blockHashesRequestsComplete = true
// section root has block
if len(section.nodes) > 0 && section.nodes[len(section.nodes)-1].block != nil {
insertChain = true
continue LOOP
} // select
} // for
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] section complete: %v block hashes requests - %v block requests - missing %v/%v/%v", sectionName(section), blockHashesRequests, blocksRequests, missing, lastMissing, depth)
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if peer != nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) peerError(peerId string, code int, format string, params ...interface{}) {
defer self.peersLock.RUnlock()
peer, ok := self.peers[peerId]
if ok {
peer.peerError(code, format, params...)
func (self *BlockPool) requestBlocks(attempts int, hashes [][]byte) {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
go func() {
// distribute block request among known peers
defer self.peersLock.Unlock()
peerCount := len(self.peers)
// on first attempt use the best peer
if attempts == 0 {
poolLogger.Debugf("request %v missing blocks from best peer %s", len(hashes), self.peer.id)
repetitions := int(math.Min(float64(peerCount), float64(blocksRequestRepetition)))
i := 0
indexes := rand.Perm(peerCount)[0:repetitions]
poolLogger.Debugf("request %v missing blocks from %v/%v peers: chosen %v", len(hashes), repetitions, peerCount, indexes)
for _, peer := range self.peers {
if i == indexes[0] {
poolLogger.Debugf("request %v missing blocks from peer %s", len(hashes), peer.id)
indexes = indexes[1:]
if len(indexes) == 0 {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) getPeer(peerId string) (*peerInfo, bool) {
defer self.peersLock.RUnlock()
if self.peer != nil && self.peer.id == peerId {
return self.peer, true
info, ok := self.peers[peerId]
if !ok {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
return nil, false
return info, false
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *peerInfo) addSection(hash []byte, section *section) (found *section) {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
key := string(hash)
found = self.sections[key]
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] section process %s registered", sectionName(section), self.id)
self.sections[key] = section
func (self *BlockPool) switchPeer(oldPeer, newPeer *peerInfo) {
if newPeer != nil {
entry := self.get(newPeer.currentBlock)
if entry == nil {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] head block [%s] not found, requesting hashes", newPeer.id, name(newPeer.currentBlock))
} else {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] head block [%s] found, activate chain at section [%s]", newPeer.id, name(newPeer.currentBlock), sectionName(entry.section))
self.activateChain(entry.section, newPeer)
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s] activate section processes", newPeer.id)
for hash, section := range newPeer.sections {
// this will block if section process is waiting for peer lock
select {
case <-section.offC:
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s][%x] section process complete - remove", newPeer.id, hash[:4])
delete(newPeer.sections, hash)
case section.controlC <- newPeer:
poolLogger.DebugDetailf("[%s][%x] registered peer with section", newPeer.id, hash[:4])
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
newPeer.quitC = make(chan bool)
if oldPeer != nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) getParent(sec *section) *section {
defer self.chainLock.RUnlock()
return sec.parent
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) getChild(sec *section) *section {
defer self.chainLock.RUnlock()
return sec.child
func newSection() (sec *section) {
sec = &section{
controlC: make(chan *peerInfo),
suicideC: make(chan bool),
blockChainC: make(chan bool),
offC: make(chan bool),
forkC: make(chan chan bool),
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
// link should only be called under chainLock
func (self *BlockPool) link(parent *section, child *section) {
if parent != nil {
exChild := parent.child
parent.child = child
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
if exChild != nil && exChild != child {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] chain fork [%s] -> [%s]", sectionName(parent), sectionName(exChild), sectionName(child))
exChild.parent = nil
if child != nil {
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
exParent := child.parent
if exParent != nil && exParent != parent {
poolLogger.Debugf("[%s] chain reverse fork [%s] -> [%s]", sectionName(child), sectionName(exParent), sectionName(parent))
exParent.child = nil
child.parent = parent
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) get(hash []byte) (node *poolEntry) {
defer self.lock.RUnlock()
return self.pool[string(hash)]
2015-01-05 08:10:42 -08:00
func (self *BlockPool) set(hash []byte, node *poolEntry) {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
self.pool[string(hash)] = node