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package main
import (
// monitor starts a terminal UI based monitoring tool for the requested metrics.
func monitor(ctx *cli.Context) {
var (
client comms.EthereumClient
args []string
err error
// Attach to an Ethereum node over IPC or RPC
if ctx.Args().Present() {
// Try to interpret the first parameter as an endpoint
client, err = comms.ClientFromEndpoint(ctx.Args().First(), codec.JSON)
if err == nil {
args = ctx.Args().Tail()
if !ctx.Args().Present() || err != nil {
// Either no args were given, or not endpoint, use defaults
cfg := comms.IpcConfig{
Endpoint: ctx.GlobalString(utils.IPCPathFlag.Name),
args = ctx.Args()
client, err = comms.NewIpcClient(cfg, codec.JSON)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Unable to attach to geth node - %v", err)
defer client.Close()
xeth := rpc.NewXeth(client)
// Retrieve all the available metrics and resolve the user pattens
metrics, err := xeth.Call("debug_metrics", []interface{}{true})
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve system metrics: %v", err)
monitored := resolveMetrics(metrics, args)
// Create the access function and check that the metric exists
value := func(metrics map[string]interface{}, metric string) float64 {
parts, found := strings.Split(metric, "/"), true
for _, part := range parts[:len(parts)-1] {
metrics, found = metrics[part].(map[string]interface{})
if !found {
utils.Fatalf("Metric not found: %s", metric)
if v, ok := metrics[parts[len(parts)-1]].(float64); ok {
return v
utils.Fatalf("Metric not float64: %s", metric)
return 0
// Assemble the terminal UI
if err := termui.Init(); err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Unable to initialize terminal UI: %v", err)
defer termui.Close()
charts := make([]*termui.LineChart, len(monitored))
for i, metric := range monitored {
charts[i] = termui.NewLineChart()
charts[i].Border.Label = metric
charts[i].Data = make([]float64, 512)
charts[i].DataLabels = []string{""}
charts[i].Height = termui.TermHeight() / len(monitored)
charts[i].AxesColor = termui.ColorWhite
charts[i].LineColor = termui.ColorGreen
termui.Body.AddRows(termui.NewRow(termui.NewCol(12, 0, charts[i])))
refresh := time.Tick(time.Second)
for {
select {
case event := <-termui.EventCh():
if event.Type == termui.EventKey && event.Ch == 'q' {
if event.Type == termui.EventResize {
termui.Body.Width = termui.TermWidth()
for _, chart := range charts {
chart.Height = termui.TermHeight() / len(monitored)
case <-refresh:
metrics, err := xeth.Call("debug_metrics", []interface{}{true})
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve system metrics: %v", err)
for i, metric := range monitored {
charts[i].Data = append([]float64{value(metrics, metric)}, charts[i].Data[:len(charts[i].Data)-1]...)
// resolveMetrics takes a list of input metric patterns, and resolves each to one
// or more canonical metric names.
func resolveMetrics(metrics map[string]interface{}, patterns []string) []string {
res := []string{}
for _, pattern := range patterns {
res = append(res, resolveMetric(metrics, pattern, "")...)
return res
// resolveMetrics takes a single of input metric pattern, and resolves it to one
// or more canonical metric names.
func resolveMetric(metrics map[string]interface{}, pattern string, path string) []string {
var ok bool
// Build up the canonical metric path
parts := strings.Split(pattern, "/")
for len(parts) > 1 {
if metrics, ok = metrics[parts[0]].(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve system metrics: %s", path+parts[0])
path += parts[0] + "/"
parts = parts[1:]
// Depending what the last link is, return or expand
switch metric := metrics[parts[0]].(type) {
case float64:
// Final metric value found, return as singleton
return []string{path + parts[0]}
case map[string]interface{}:
return expandMetrics(metric, path+parts[0]+"/")
utils.Fatalf("Metric pattern resolved to unexpected type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(metric))
return nil
// expandMetrics expands the entire tree of metrics into a flat list of paths.
func expandMetrics(metrics map[string]interface{}, path string) []string {
// Iterate over all fields and expand individually
list := []string{}
for name, metric := range metrics {
switch metric := metric.(type) {
case float64:
// Final metric value found, append to list
list = append(list, path+name)
case map[string]interface{}:
// Tree of metrics found, expand recursively
list = append(list, expandMetrics(metric, path+name+"/")...)
utils.Fatalf("Metric pattern %s resolved to unexpected type: %v", path+name, reflect.TypeOf(metric))
return nil
return list