permissions: api level changes for error handling and validation.

This commit is contained in:
vsmk98 2019-04-04 18:15:53 +08:00
parent ee3d614705
commit 0a48f6b01d
1 changed files with 172 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -117,34 +118,38 @@ type ExecStatus struct {
var (
//ErrNoVoterAccount = ExecStatus{false, "No voter account registered. Add voter first"}
//ErrInvalidNode = ExecStatus{false, "Invalid node id"}
//ErrAccountNotAVoter = ExecStatus{false, "Account is not a voter. Action cannot be approved"}
ErrInvalidAccount = ExecStatus{false, "Invalid account id"}
//ErrInvalidAccountAccess = ExecStatus{false, "Invalid account access type"}
ErrFailedExecution = ExecStatus{false, "Failed to execute permission action"}
//ErrNodeDetailsMismatch = ExecStatus{false, "Node details mismatch"}
ErrNotNetworkAdmin = ExecStatus{false, "Operation can be performed by network admin only. Account not a network admin."}
ErrNotOrgAdmin = ExecStatus{false, "Operation can be performed by org admin only. Account not a org admin."}
ErrNodePresent = ExecStatus{false, "EnodeId already part of network."}
ErrInvalidNode = ExecStatus{false, "Invalid node id"}
ErrInvalidAccount = ExecStatus{false, "Invalid account id"}
ErrFailedExecution = ExecStatus{false, "Failed to execute permission action"}
ErrPermissionDisabled = ExecStatus{false, "Permissions control not enabled"}
//ErrOrgDisabled = ExecStatus{false, "Org key management not enabled for the network"}
ErrAccountAccess = ExecStatus{false, "Account does not have sufficient access for operation"}
ErrVoterAccountAccess = ExecStatus{false, "Voter account does not have sufficient access"}
ErrOrgExists = ExecStatus{false, "Org already exists"}
ErrPendingApprovals = ExecStatus{false, "Pending approvals for the organization. Approve first"}
ErrNothingToApprove = ExecStatus{false, "Nothing to approve"}
ErrOpNotAllowed = ExecStatus{false, "Operation not allowed"}
ExecSuccess = ExecStatus{true, "Action completed successfully"}
//ErrNoVoterAccount = ExecStatus{false, "No voter account registered. Add voter first"}
//ErrAccountNotAVoter = ExecStatus{false, "Account is not a voter. Action cannot be approved"}
//ErrInvalidAccountAccess = ExecStatus{false, "Invalid account access type"}
//ErrNodeDetailsMismatch = ExecStatus{false, "Node details mismatch"}
//ErrOrgDisabled = ExecStatus{false, "Org key management not enabled for the network"}
//ErrMasterOrgExists = ExecStatus{false, "Master org already exists"}
//ErrInvalidMasterOrg = ExecStatus{false, "Master org does not exist. Add master org first"}
//ErrInvalidOrg = ExecStatus{false, "Org does not exist. Add org first"}
//ErrOrgExists = ExecStatus{false, "Org already exists"}
//ErrVoterExists = ExecStatus{false, "Voter account exists"}
//ErrPendingApprovals = ExecStatus{false, "Pending approvals for the organization. Approve first"}
//ErrKeyExists = ExecStatus{false, "Key exists for the organization"}
//ErrKeyInUse = ExecStatus{false, "Key already in use in another master organization"}
//ErrKeyNotFound = ExecStatus{false, "Key not found for the organization"}
//ErrNothingToApprove = ExecStatus{false, "Nothing to approve"}
//ErrNothingToCancel = ExecStatus{false, "Nothing to cancel"}
//ErrNodeProposed = ExecStatus{false, "Node already proposed for the action"}
//ErrAccountIsNotVoter = ExecStatus{false, "Not a voter account"}
//ErrBlacklistedNode = ExecStatus{false, "Blacklisted node. Operation not allowed"}
//ErrOpNotAllowed = ExecStatus{false, "Operation not allowed"}
//ErrLastFullAccessAcct = ExecStatus{false, "Last account with full access. Operation not allowed"}
ExecSuccess = ExecStatus{true, "Action completed successfully"}
// NewQuorumControlsAPI creates a new QuorumControlsAPI to access quorum services
@ -154,9 +159,18 @@ func NewQuorumControlsAPI(tp *core.TxPool, am *accounts.Manager) *QuorumControls
//Init initializes QuorumControlsAPI with eth client, permission contract and org key management control
func (p *QuorumControlsAPI) Init(ethClnt *ethclient.Client, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey, apiName string, pconfig *types.PermissionConfig, pc *pbind.PermInterface) error {
// check if the interface contract is deployed or not. if not
// permissions apis will not work. return error
p.ethClnt = ethClnt
p.permConfig = pconfig
if _, err := pbind.NewPermInterface(p.permConfig.InterfAddress, p.ethClnt); err != nil {
return err
p.permEnabled = true
p.key = key
p.permInterf = pc
return nil
@ -176,23 +190,6 @@ func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) AcctList() []types.AccountInfo {
return types.AcctInfoMap.GetAcctList()
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) newOrgKeySessionWithNodeKeySigner() *obind.ClusterSession {
auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(s.key)
cs := &obind.ClusterSession{
Contract: s.clustContr,
CallOpts: bind.CallOpts{
Pending: true,
TransactOpts: bind.TransactOpts{
From: auth.From,
Signer: auth.Signer,
GasLimit: 4700000,
GasPrice: big.NewInt(0),
return cs
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) AddOrg(orgId string, url string, txa ethapi.SendTxArgs) ExecStatus {
return s.executePermAction(AddOrg, txArgs{orgId: orgId, url: url, txa: txa})
@ -238,6 +235,42 @@ func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) AssignAccountRole(acct common.Address, orgId string,
return s.executePermAction(AssignAccountRole, txArgs{orgId: orgId, roleId: roleId, acctId: acct, txa: txa})
// check if the account is network admin
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) isNetworkAdmin(account common.Address) bool {
ac := types.AcctInfoMap.GetAccount(account)
return ac != nil && ac.RoleId == s.permConfig.NwAdminRole
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) isOrgAdmin(account common.Address, orgId string) bool {
ac := types.AcctInfoMap.GetAccount(account)
return ac != nil && (ac.RoleId == s.permConfig.OrgAdminRole && ac.OrgId == orgId)
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) checkOrgExists(orgId string) bool {
org := types.OrgInfoMap.GetOrg(orgId)
return org != nil
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) checkNodeExists(enodeId string) bool {
node := types.NodeInfoMap.GetNodeByUrl(enodeId)
return node != nil
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) validatePendingOp(authOrg, orgId, url string, account common.Address, pendingOp int64, pinterf *pbind.PermInterfaceSession) bool {
pOrg, pUrl, pAcct, op, err := pinterf.GetPendingOp(authOrg)
return err == nil && (op.Int64() == pendingOp && pOrg == orgId && pUrl == url && pAcct == account)
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) checkPendingOp(orgId string, pinterf *pbind.PermInterfaceSession) bool {
_, _, _, op, err := pinterf.GetPendingOp(orgId)
return err == nil && op.Int64() != 0
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) checkOrgStatus(orgId string, op uint8) bool {
org := types.OrgInfoMap.GetOrg(orgId)
return (op == 3 && org.Status == types.OrgApproved) || (op == 5 && org.Status == types.OrgSuspended)
// executePermAction helps to execute an action in permission contract
func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) executePermAction(action PermAction, args txArgs) ExecStatus {
@ -258,36 +291,145 @@ func (s *QuorumControlsAPI) executePermAction(action PermAction, args txArgs) Ex
switch action {
case AddOrg:
// check if caller is network admin
if !s.isNetworkAdmin(args.txa.From) {
return ErrNotNetworkAdmin
// check if any previous op is pending approval for network admin
if s.checkPendingOp(s.permConfig.NwAdminOrg, pinterf) {
return ErrPendingApprovals
// check if org already exists
if s.checkOrgExists(args.orgId) {
return ErrOrgExists
// validate node id and
_, err := enode.ParseV4(args.url)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidNode
// check if node already there
if s.checkNodeExists(args.url) {
return ErrNodePresent
tx, err = pinterf.AddOrg(args.orgId, args.url)
case ApproveOrg:
// check caller is network admin
if !s.isNetworkAdmin(args.txa.From) {
return ErrNotNetworkAdmin
if !s.validatePendingOp(s.permConfig.NwAdminOrg, args.orgId, args.url, common.Address{}, 1, pinterf) {
return ErrNothingToApprove
// check if anything pending approval
tx, err = pinterf.ApproveOrg(args.orgId, args.url)
case UpdateOrgStatus:
// check if called is network admin
if !s.isNetworkAdmin(args.txa.From) {
return ErrNotNetworkAdmin
if !s.checkOrgStatus(args.orgId, args.status) {
return ErrOpNotAllowed
// check if status update can be performed. Org should be approved for suspension
// and in suspended state for suspension revoke
tx, err = pinterf.UpdateOrgStatus(args.orgId, big.NewInt(int64(args.status)))
case ApproveOrgStatus:
// check if called is network admin
if !s.isNetworkAdmin(args.txa.From) {
return ErrNotNetworkAdmin
// check if anything is pending approval
tx, err = pinterf.ApproveOrgStatus(args.orgId, big.NewInt(int64(args.status)))
case AddNode:
// check if org admin
if !s.isOrgAdmin(args.txa.From, args.orgId) {
return ErrNotOrgAdmin
// validate node id and
_, err := enode.ParseV4(args.url)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidNode
// check if node is already there
tx, err = pinterf.AddNode(args.orgId, args.url)
case UpdateNodeStatus:
// check if org admin
if !s.isOrgAdmin(args.txa.From, args.orgId) {
return ErrNotOrgAdmin
// validate node id and
_, err := enode.ParseV4(args.url)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidNode
// check node status for operation
tx, err = pinterf.UpdateNodeStatus(args.orgId, args.url, big.NewInt(int64(args.status)))
case AssignOrgAdminAccount:
// check if caller is network admin
if !s.isNetworkAdmin(args.txa.From) {
return ErrNotNetworkAdmin
// check if account is already in use in another org
tx, err = pinterf.AssignOrgAdminAccount(args.orgId, args.acctId)
case ApproveOrgAdminAccount:
// check if caller is network admin
if !s.isNetworkAdmin(args.txa.From) {
return ErrNotNetworkAdmin
// check if anything is pending approval
tx, err = pinterf.ApproveOrgAdminAccount(args.acctId)
case AddNewRole:
// check if org admin
if !s.isOrgAdmin(args.txa.From, args.orgId) {
return ErrNotOrgAdmin
// validate
// check if role is already there in the org
tx, err = pinterf.AddNewRole(args.roleId, args.orgId, big.NewInt(int64(args.accessType)), args.isVoter)
case RemoveRole:
// check if org admin
if !s.isOrgAdmin(args.txa.From, args.orgId) {
return ErrNotOrgAdmin
tx, err = pinterf.RemoveRole(args.roleId, args.orgId)
case AssignAccountRole:
// check if org admin
if !s.isOrgAdmin(args.txa.From, args.orgId) {
return ErrNotOrgAdmin
// check if account is used in another org
tx, err = pinterf.AssignAccountRole(args.acctId, args.orgId, args.roleId)