p2p: fix local/remote cap/protocol mixup

This commit is contained in:
Péter Szilágyi 2015-06-26 20:45:13 +03:00
parent d84638bd31
commit 216fc267fa
1 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -199,68 +199,68 @@ func TestNewPeer(t *testing.T) {
func TestMatchProtocols(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Local []Cap
Remote []Protocol
Remote []Cap
Local []Protocol
Match map[string]protoRW
// No remote protocols
Local: []Cap{{Name: "a"}},
// No remote capabilities
Local: []Protocol{{Name: "a"}},
// No local capabilities
Remote: []Protocol{{Name: "a"}},
// No local protocols
Remote: []Cap{{Name: "a"}},
// No mutual protocols
Local: []Cap{{Name: "a"}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Name: "b"}},
Remote: []Cap{{Name: "a"}},
Local: []Protocol{{Name: "b"}},
// Some matches, some differences
Local: []Cap{{Name: "local"}, {Name: "match1"}, {Name: "match2"}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Name: "match1"}, {Name: "match2"}, {Name: "remote"}},
Remote: []Cap{{Name: "local"}, {Name: "match1"}, {Name: "match2"}},
Local: []Protocol{{Name: "match1"}, {Name: "match2"}, {Name: "remote"}},
Match: map[string]protoRW{"match1": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "match1"}}, "match2": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "match2"}}},
// Various alphabetical ordering
Local: []Cap{{Name: "aa"}, {Name: "ab"}, {Name: "bb"}, {Name: "ba"}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Name: "ba"}, {Name: "bb"}, {Name: "ab"}, {Name: "aa"}},
Remote: []Cap{{Name: "aa"}, {Name: "ab"}, {Name: "bb"}, {Name: "ba"}},
Local: []Protocol{{Name: "ba"}, {Name: "bb"}, {Name: "ab"}, {Name: "aa"}},
Match: map[string]protoRW{"aa": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "aa"}}, "ab": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "ab"}}, "ba": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "ba"}}, "bb": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "bb"}}},
// No mutual versions
Local: []Cap{{Version: 1}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Version: 2}},
Remote: []Cap{{Version: 1}},
Local: []Protocol{{Version: 2}},
// Multiple versions, single common
Local: []Cap{{Version: 1}, {Version: 2}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Version: 2}, {Version: 3}},
Remote: []Cap{{Version: 1}, {Version: 2}},
Local: []Protocol{{Version: 2}, {Version: 3}},
Match: map[string]protoRW{"": {Protocol: Protocol{Version: 2}}},
// Multiple versions, multiple common
Local: []Cap{{Version: 1}, {Version: 2}, {Version: 3}, {Version: 4}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Version: 2}, {Version: 3}},
Remote: []Cap{{Version: 1}, {Version: 2}, {Version: 3}, {Version: 4}},
Local: []Protocol{{Version: 2}, {Version: 3}},
Match: map[string]protoRW{"": {Protocol: Protocol{Version: 3}}},
// Various version orderings
Local: []Cap{{Version: 4}, {Version: 1}, {Version: 3}, {Version: 2}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Version: 2}, {Version: 3}, {Version: 1}},
Remote: []Cap{{Version: 4}, {Version: 1}, {Version: 3}, {Version: 2}},
Local: []Protocol{{Version: 2}, {Version: 3}, {Version: 1}},
Match: map[string]protoRW{"": {Protocol: Protocol{Version: 3}}},
// Versions overriding sub-protocol lengths
Local: []Cap{{Version: 1}, {Version: 2}, {Version: 3}, {Name: "a"}},
Remote: []Protocol{{Version: 1, Length: 1}, {Version: 2, Length: 2}, {Version: 3, Length: 3}, {Name: "a"}},
Remote: []Cap{{Version: 1}, {Version: 2}, {Version: 3}, {Name: "a"}},
Local: []Protocol{{Version: 1, Length: 1}, {Version: 2, Length: 2}, {Version: 3, Length: 3}, {Name: "a"}},
Match: map[string]protoRW{"": {Protocol: Protocol{Version: 3}}, "a": {Protocol: Protocol{Name: "a"}, offset: 3}},
for i, tt := range tests {
result := matchProtocols(tt.Remote, tt.Local, nil)
result := matchProtocols(tt.Local, tt.Remote, nil)
if len(result) != len(tt.Match) {
t.Errorf("test %d: negotiation mismatch: have %v, want %v", i, len(result), len(tt.Match))