permissions: Code clean up.

This commit is contained in:
vsmk98 2019-05-09 11:07:54 +08:00
parent 94f898787f
commit 6b66f7e27d
35 changed files with 32 additions and 2351 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
) )

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
contract Clusterkeys {
// Struct for managing the org details
enum Operation {None, Add, Delete}
struct OrgKeyDetails {
string tmKey;
bool active;
struct OrgDetails {
string orgId;
string morgId;
string pendingKey;
Operation pendingOp;
uint keyCount;
OrgKeyDetails []orgKeys;
mapping (bytes32 => uint) orgKeyIndex;
OrgDetails [] private orgList;
mapping(bytes32 => uint) private OrgIndex;
// Struct for managing the voter accounst for the org
// voter struct which will be part of Master org
struct VoterDetails {
address vAccount;
bool active;
struct MasterOrgDetails {
string orgId;
uint voterCount;
uint validVoterCount;
VoterDetails []voterList;
mapping (address => uint) voterIndex;
MasterOrgDetails [] private masterOrgList;
mapping(bytes32 => uint) private MasterOrgIndex;
// Struct to monitor the key usage
struct KeyUsageDetails {
string tmKey;
string morgId;
uint count;
bool pending;
KeyUsageDetails [] private keyUsage;
mapping (bytes32 => uint) KeyIndex;
// mapping to monitor the voting status for each acount and
// overall voting count
mapping (uint => mapping (address => bool)) private voteStatus;
mapping (uint => uint) private voteCount;
uint private orgNum = 0;
uint private morgNum = 0;
uint private keyNum = 0;
// events related to Master Org add
event MasterOrgAdded(string _orgId);
event SubOrgAdded(string _orgId);
// events related to Org level key management
event OrgKeyAdded(string _orgId, string _tmKey);
event OrgKeyDeleted(string _orgId, string _tmKey);
// events related to org level approval process
event ItemForApproval(string _orgId, Operation _pendingOp, string _tmKey);
// events related to managing voting accounts for the org
event VoterAdded(string _orgId, address _address);
event VoterDeleted(string _orgId, address _address);
/* public and external functions */
// view functions
// dummy function called from geth interface to check of the contract is deployed
function checkOrgContractExists() external pure returns (bool){
return true;
// returns voter count for a given org
function getOrgVoteCount(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (uint) {
return voteCount[getOrgIndex(_orgId)];
// returns pending operation details
function getPendingOp(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (string memory, Operation) {
uint i = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
return (orgList[i].pendingKey, orgList[i].pendingOp);
// All internal functions
// returns the voter index
function getVoterIndex(string memory _morgId, address _vAccount) internal view returns (uint)
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId);
return masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterIndex[_vAccount] - 1;
// returns the org index for the org list
function getOrgIndex(string memory _orgId) internal view returns (uint)
return OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] - 1;
// returns the master org index for the org from voter list
function getMasterOrgIndex(string memory _orgId) internal view returns (uint)
return MasterOrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] - 1;
// returns the key index from org key list
function getOrgKeyIndex(uint _orgIndex, string memory _tmKey) internal view returns (uint)
return orgList[_orgIndex].orgKeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tmKey))] - 1;
// returns the key index for the key usage list
function getKeyIndex(string memory _tmKey) internal view returns (uint)
return KeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tmKey))] - 1;
// initialize the voter account votes to false. This will be called
// when a new item is initiated for approval
function voterInit(string memory _orgId) internal {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(orgList[orgIndex].morgId);
for (uint i = 0; i < masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList.length; i++){
if (masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList[i].active){
voteStatus[orgIndex][masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList[i].vAccount] = false;
voteCount[orgIndex] = 0;
// processes the vote from the voter account.
function processVote (string memory _orgId) internal {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
if (voteStatus[orgIndex][msg.sender] == false ){
voteStatus[orgIndex][msg.sender] = true;
// checks if enough votes have been cast for the pending operation.
// If yes returns true
function checkEnoughVotes (string memory _orgId, string memory _morgId) internal view returns (bool) {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId);
return (voteCount[orgIndex] > masterOrgList[morgIndex].validVoterCount / 2 );
// function to update key usage details at master org level for a key
function updateKeyUsage(string memory _tmKey, string memory _morgId, Operation op) internal {
uint keyIndex = getKeyIndex(_tmKey);
keyUsage[keyIndex].pending = false;
if (op == Operation.Add){
keyUsage[keyIndex].morgId = _morgId;
else {
// function to process the approavl for add or delete
function processApproval(uint _orgIndex) internal {
if(checkEnoughVotes(orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, orgList[_orgIndex].morgId)){
string storage locKey = orgList[_orgIndex].pendingKey;
if (orgList[_orgIndex].pendingOp == Operation.Add){
if (checkIfKeyExists(orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey)){
uint keyIndex = getOrgKeyIndex(_orgIndex, locKey);
orgList[_orgIndex].orgKeys[keyIndex].active = true;
else {
orgList[_orgIndex].orgKeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(locKey))] = orgList[_orgIndex].keyCount;
orgList[_orgIndex].orgKeys.push(OrgKeyDetails(locKey, true));
updateKeyUsage(orgList[_orgIndex].pendingKey, orgList[_orgIndex].morgId, orgList[_orgIndex].pendingOp);
emit OrgKeyAdded(orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey);
else {
if (checkIfKeyExists (orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey)){
uint keyIndex = getOrgKeyIndex(_orgIndex, locKey);
orgList[_orgIndex].orgKeys[keyIndex].active = false;
emit OrgKeyDeleted(orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey);
orgList[_orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.None;
orgList[_orgIndex].pendingKey = "";
// All public functions
// checks if the org has any voter accounts set up or not
function checkIfVoterExists(string memory _morgId, address _address) public view returns (bool){
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId);
if (masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterIndex[_address] == 0){
return false;
uint voterIndex = getVoterIndex(_morgId, _address);
return masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList[voterIndex].active;
// checks if there the key is already in the list of private keys for the org
function checkIfKeyExists(string memory _orgId, string memory _tmKey) public view returns (bool){
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
if (orgList[orgIndex].orgKeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tmKey))] == 0){
return false;
uint keyIndex = getOrgKeyIndex(orgIndex, _tmKey);
return orgList[orgIndex].orgKeys[keyIndex].active;
// All extenal view functions
// Get number of voters
function getNumberOfVoters(string calldata _morgId) external view returns (uint)
return masterOrgList[getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId)].voterCount;
// Get voter details
function getVoter(string calldata _morgId, uint i) external view returns (address _addr, bool _active)
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId);
return (masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList[i].vAccount, masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList[i].active);
// returns the number of orgs
function getNumberOfOrgs() external view returns (uint){
return orgNum;
// returns the total number of keys for a given org
function getOrgKeyCount(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (uint){
return orgList[getOrgIndex(_orgId)].orgKeys.length;
// returns org key details based on org id and key index
function getOrgKey(string calldata _orgId, uint _keyIndex) external view returns (string memory, bool){
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
return (orgList[orgIndex].orgKeys[_keyIndex].tmKey,orgList[orgIndex].orgKeys[_keyIndex].active);
// returns org and master org details based on org index
function getOrgInfo(uint _orgIndex) external view returns (string memory, string memory){
return (orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, orgList[_orgIndex].morgId);
// checks if the sender is one of the registered voter account for the org
function isVoter (string calldata _orgId, address account) external view returns (bool){
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(orgList[orgIndex].morgId);
return (!(masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterIndex[account] == 0));
// checks if the voting accounts exists for the org
function checkVotingAccountExists(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (bool)
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(orgList[orgIndex].morgId);
return (masterOrgList[morgIndex].validVoterCount > 0);
// function to check if morg exists
function checkMasterOrgExists (string calldata _morgId) external view returns (bool) {
return (!(MasterOrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_morgId))] == 0));
// function to check if morg exists
function checkOrgExists (string calldata _orgId) external view returns (bool) {
return(!(OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] == 0));
// function for checking if org exists and if there are any pending ops
function checkOrgPendingOp (string calldata _orgId) external view returns (bool) {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
return (orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp != Operation.None);
// function for checking if org exists and if there are any pending ops
function getOrgPendingOp (string calldata _orgId) external view returns (string memory, Operation) {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
return (orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey, orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp);
// this function checks of the key proposed is in use in another master org
function checkKeyClash (string calldata _orgId, string calldata _key) external view returns (bool) {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
uint keyIndex = getKeyIndex(_key);
if ((KeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_key))] != 0) &&
(keccak256(abi.encodePacked (keyUsage[keyIndex].morgId)) != keccak256(abi.encodePacked(orgList[orgIndex].morgId)))){
// check the count if count is greather than zero, key already in use
if ((keyUsage[keyIndex].count > 0) || (keyUsage[keyIndex].pending)){
return true;
return false;
// All extenal update functions
// function for adding a new master org
function addMasterOrg(string calldata _morgId) external
MasterOrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_morgId))] = morgNum;
uint id = masterOrgList.length++;
masterOrgList[id].orgId = _morgId;
masterOrgList[id].voterCount = 0;
masterOrgList[id].validVoterCount = 0;
emit MasterOrgAdded(_morgId);
// function for adding a new master org
function addSubOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _morgId) external
OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] = orgNum;
uint id = orgList.length++;
orgList[id].orgId = _orgId;
orgList[id].morgId = _morgId;
orgList[id].keyCount = 0;
orgList[id].pendingKey = "";
orgList[id].pendingOp = Operation.None;
emit SubOrgAdded(_morgId);
// function for adding a voter account to a master org
function addVoter(string calldata _morgId, address _address) external
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId);
masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterIndex[_address] = masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterCount;
masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList.push(VoterDetails(_address, true));
emit VoterAdded(_morgId, _address);
// function for deleting a voter account to a master org
function deleteVoter(string calldata _morgId, address _address) external
uint morgIndex = getMasterOrgIndex(_morgId);
if(checkIfVoterExists(_morgId, _address)){
uint vIndex = getVoterIndex(_morgId, _address);
masterOrgList[morgIndex].validVoterCount --;
masterOrgList[morgIndex].voterList[vIndex].active = false;
emit VoterDeleted(_morgId, _address);
// function for adding a private key for the org. Thsi will be added once
// approval process is complete
function addOrgKey(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _tmKey) external
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
if (!checkIfKeyExists (_orgId, _tmKey)){
orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey = _tmKey;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.Add;
// add key to key usage list for tracking
uint keyIndex = getKeyIndex(_tmKey);
if (KeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tmKey))] == 0){
keyNum ++;
KeyIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tmKey))] = keyNum;
keyUsage.push(KeyUsageDetails(_tmKey, orgList[orgIndex].morgId, 0, true));
else {
keyUsage[keyIndex].pending = true;
emit ItemForApproval(_orgId,Operation.Add, _tmKey);
// function for deleting a private key for the org. Thsi will be deleted once
// approval process is complete
function deleteOrgKey(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _tmKey) external
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
if (checkIfKeyExists(_orgId, _tmKey)) {
orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey = _tmKey;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.Delete;
uint keyIndex = getKeyIndex(_tmKey);
keyUsage[keyIndex].pending = true;
emit ItemForApproval(_orgId, Operation.Delete, _tmKey);
// function for approving key add or delete operations
function approvePendingOp(string calldata _orgId) external
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
package cluster
import (
pbind ""
type OrgKeyCtrl struct {
ethClient *ethclient.Client
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
km *pbind.Cluster
// Creates the controls structure for org key management
func NewOrgKeyCtrl(node *node.Node) (*OrgKeyCtrl, error) {
stateReader, _, err := controls.CreateEthClient(node)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to create ethereum client for cluster check", "err", err)
return nil, err
// check if permissioning contract is there at address. If not return from here
km, err := pbind.NewCluster(params.QuorumPrivateKeyManagementContract, stateReader)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Permissions not enabled for the network", "err", err)
return nil, err
return &OrgKeyCtrl{stateReader, node.GetNodeKey(), km}, nil
// starts the org key management services
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) Start() error {
_, err := pbind.NewClusterFilterer(params.QuorumPrivateKeyManagementContract, k.ethClient)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Cluster not enabled for the network", "err", err)
return nil
// check if permissioning contract is there at address. If not return from here
err = k.checkIfContractExists()
if err != nil {
return err
// start the service
return nil
// checks if the contract is deployed for org key management
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) checkIfContractExists() error {
auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(k.key)
clusterSession := &pbind.ClusterSession{
CallOpts: bind.CallOpts{
Pending: true,
TransactOpts: bind.TransactOpts{
From: auth.From,
Signer: auth.Signer,
GasLimit: 4700000,
GasPrice: big.NewInt(0),
// dummy call to contrat to check if the contract is deployed
_, err := clusterSession.CheckOrgContractExists()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// in case of geth restart firts checks for historical key update events and
// populates the cache, then starts the key change monitoring service
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) manageClusterKeys() {
//call populate nodes to populate the nodes into contract
if err := k.populatePrivateKeys(); err != nil {
//monitor for nodes deletiin via smart contract
// populates cache based on the historical key change events.
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) populatePrivateKeys() error {
cluster, err := pbind.NewClusterFilterer(params.QuorumPrivateKeyManagementContract, k.ethClient)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to monitor node delete", "err", err)
return err
opts := &bind.FilterOpts{}
pastAddEvents, err := cluster.FilterOrgKeyAdded(opts)
if err != nil && err.Error() == "no contract code at given address" {
return err
recExists := true
for recExists {
recExists = pastAddEvents.Next()
if recExists {
types.AddOrgKey(pastAddEvents.Event.OrgId, pastAddEvents.Event.TmKey)
opts = &bind.FilterOpts{}
pastDeleteEvents, _ := cluster.FilterOrgKeyDeleted(opts)
recExists = true
for recExists {
recExists = pastDeleteEvents.Next()
if recExists {
types.DeleteOrgKey(pastDeleteEvents.Event.OrgId, pastDeleteEvents.Event.TmKey)
return nil
// service to monitor key change events
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) monitorKeyChanges() {
go k.monitorKeyAdd()
go k.monitorKeyDelete()
// monitors for new key added event and updates caches based on the same
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) monitorKeyAdd() {
cluster, err := pbind.NewClusterFilterer(params.QuorumPrivateKeyManagementContract, k.ethClient)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to monitor key action", "err", err)
ch := make(chan *pbind.ClusterOrgKeyAdded)
opts := &bind.WatchOpts{}
var blockNumber uint64 = 1
opts.Start = &blockNumber
var newEvent *pbind.ClusterOrgKeyAdded
_, err = cluster.WatchOrgKeyAdded(opts, ch)
if err != nil {
log.Info("Failed WatchOrgKeyDeleted: %v", err)
for {
select {
case newEvent = <-ch:
types.AddOrgKey(newEvent.OrgId, newEvent.TmKey)
// monitors for new key delete event and updates caches based on the same
func (k *OrgKeyCtrl) monitorKeyDelete() {
cluster, err := pbind.NewClusterFilterer(params.QuorumPrivateKeyManagementContract, k.ethClient)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to monitor key action", "err", err)
ch := make(chan *pbind.ClusterOrgKeyDeleted)
opts := &bind.WatchOpts{}
var blockNumber uint64 = 1
opts.Start = &blockNumber
var newEvent *pbind.ClusterOrgKeyDeleted
_, err = cluster.WatchOrgKeyDeleted(opts, ch)
if err != nil {
log.Info("Failed WatchOrgKeyDeleted: %v", err)
for {
select {
case newEvent = <-ch:
types.DeleteOrgKey(newEvent.OrgId, newEvent.TmKey)

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@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
obind ""
pbind ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
pbind ""
"math/big" "math/big"
"regexp" "regexp"
) )
@ -74,10 +73,8 @@ type QuorumControlsAPI struct {
ethClnt *ethclient.Client ethClnt *ethclient.Client
acntMgr *accounts.Manager acntMgr *accounts.Manager
txOpt *bind.TransactOpts txOpt *bind.TransactOpts
clustContr *obind.Cluster
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
permEnabled bool permEnabled bool
orgEnabled bool
permConfig *types.PermissionConfig permConfig *types.PermissionConfig
permInterf *pbind.PermInterface permInterf *pbind.PermInterface
} }
@ -148,7 +145,7 @@ var (
// NewQuorumControlsAPI creates a new QuorumControlsAPI to access quorum services // NewQuorumControlsAPI creates a new QuorumControlsAPI to access quorum services
func NewQuorumControlsAPI(tp *core.TxPool, am *accounts.Manager) *QuorumControlsAPI { func NewQuorumControlsAPI(tp *core.TxPool, am *accounts.Manager) *QuorumControlsAPI {
return &QuorumControlsAPI{tp, nil, am, nil, nil, nil, false, false, nil, nil} return &QuorumControlsAPI{tp, nil, am, nil, nil, false, nil, nil}
} }
//Init initializes QuorumControlsAPI with eth client, permission contract and org key management control //Init initializes QuorumControlsAPI with eth client, permission contract and org key management control

View File

@ -175,19 +175,15 @@ var DefaultAccess = FullAccess
var networkAdminRole string var networkAdminRole string
var orgAdminRole string var orgAdminRole string
const orgKeyMapLimit = 100
const defaultMapLimit = 100 const defaultMapLimit = 100
var OrgKeyMap, _ = lru.New(orgKeyMapLimit) //var OrgKeyMap, _ = lru.New(orgKeyMapLimit)
var OrgInfoMap = NewOrgCache() var OrgInfoMap = NewOrgCache()
var NodeInfoMap = NewNodeCache() var NodeInfoMap = NewNodeCache()
var RoleInfoMap = NewRoleCache() var RoleInfoMap = NewRoleCache()
var AcctInfoMap = NewAcctCache() var AcctInfoMap = NewAcctCache()
var orgKeyLock sync.Mutex
func (pc *PermissionConfig) IsEmpty() bool { func (pc *PermissionConfig) IsEmpty() bool {
return pc.InterfAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") || pc.NodeAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") || pc.AccountAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") return pc.InterfAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") || pc.NodeAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0") || pc.AccountAddress == common.HexToAddress("0x0")
} }
@ -407,49 +403,3 @@ func ValidateNodeForTxn(enodeId string, from common.Address) bool {
} }
return false return false
} }
// Adds org key details to cache
func AddOrgKey(orgId string, key string) {
if OrgKeyMap.Len() != 0 {
if val, ok := OrgKeyMap.Get(orgId); ok {
defer orgKeyLock.Unlock()
// Org record exists. Append the key only
vo := val.(*OrgStruct)
vo.Keys = append(vo.Keys, key)
OrgKeyMap.Add(orgId, &OrgStruct{OrgId: orgId, Keys: []string{key}})
// deletes org key details from cache
func DeleteOrgKey(orgId string, key string) {
if val, ok := OrgKeyMap.Get(orgId); ok {
defer orgKeyLock.Unlock()
vo := val.(*OrgStruct)
for i, keyVal := range vo.Keys {
if keyVal == key {
vo.Keys = append(vo.Keys[:i], vo.Keys[i+1:]...)
// Givens a orgid returns the linked keys for the org
func ResolvePrivateForKeys(orgId string) []string {
var keys []string
if val, ok := OrgKeyMap.Get(orgId); ok {
vo := val.(*OrgStruct)
if len(vo.Keys) > 0 {
keys = vo.Keys
} else {
keys = append(keys, orgId)
return keys
keys = append(keys, orgId)
return keys

View File

@ -397,12 +397,11 @@ func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args SendTxArgs
if isPrivate { if isPrivate {
// Resolve the PrivateFrom - if its a org which is linked multiple constellation keys, // Resolve the PrivateFrom - if its a org which is linked multiple constellation keys,
// this will fetch the linked constellation ids // this will fetch the linked constellation ids
privateFor := resolvePrivateFor(args.PrivateFor)
data := []byte(*args.Data) data := []byte(*args.Data)
if len(data) > 0 { if len(data) > 0 {
log.Info("sending private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", privateFor) log.Info("sending private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", args.PrivateFor)
data, err := private.P.Send(data, args.PrivateFrom, args.PrivateFor) data, err := private.P.Send(data, args.PrivateFrom, args.PrivateFor)
log.Info("sent private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", privateFor) log.Info("sent private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", args.PrivateFor)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err return common.Hash{}, err
} }
@ -1383,12 +1382,11 @@ func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args Sen
// Resolve the PrivateFrom - if its a org which is linked multiple constellation keys, // Resolve the PrivateFrom - if its a org which is linked multiple constellation keys,
// this will fetch the linked constellation ids // this will fetch the linked constellation ids
privateFor := resolvePrivateFor(args.PrivateFor)
//Send private transaction to local Constellation node //Send private transaction to local Constellation node
if len(data) > 0 { if len(data) > 0 {
log.Info("sending private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", privateFor) log.Info("sending private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", args.PrivateFor)
data, err = private.P.Send(data, args.PrivateFrom, privateFor) data, err = private.P.Send(data, args.PrivateFrom, args.PrivateFor)
log.Info("sent private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", privateFor) log.Info("sent private tx", "data", fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), "privatefrom", args.PrivateFrom, "privatefor", args.PrivateFor)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err return common.Hash{}, err
} }
@ -1832,13 +1830,3 @@ func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetQuorumPayload(digestHex string) (string, error)
} }
//End-Quorum //End-Quorum
func resolvePrivateFor(privateFor []string) []string {
var newPrivateFor []string
for _, value := range privateFor {
keys := types.ResolvePrivateForKeys(value)
newPrivateFor = append(newPrivateFor, keys...)
return newPrivateFor

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package controls package permission
import ( import (
"" ""

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.3; pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
contract AccountManager { contract AccountManager {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.3; pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ contract NodeManager {
// enum and struct declaration // enum and struct declaration
// changing node status to integer (0-NotInList, 1- PendingApproval, 2-Approved, 3-Deactivated, 4-Blacklisted) // changing node status to integer (0-NotInList, 1- PendingApproval, 2-Approved, 3-Deactivated, 4-Blacklisted)
// PendingDeactivation, Deactivated, PendingActivation, PendingBlacklisting, Blacklisted) // PendingDeactivation, Deactivated, PendingActivation, PendingBlacklisting, Blacklisted)
// enum NodeStatus {NotInList, PendingApproval, Approved, PendingDeactivation, Deactivated, PendingActivation, PendingBlacklisting, Blacklisted} // enum NodeStatus {NotInList, PendingApproval, Approved, PendingDeactivation, Deactivated, PendingActivation, PendingBlacklisting, Blacklisted}
struct NodeDetails { struct NodeDetails {
string enodeId; //e.g. string enodeId; //e.g.
string orgId; string orgId;
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ contract NodeManager {
// Get node status by enode id // Get node status by enode id
function getNodeStatus(string memory _enodeId) public view returns (uint) function getNodeStatus(string memory _enodeId) public view returns (uint)
{ {
if (nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] == 0){ if (nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] == 0) {
return 0; return 0;
} }
return nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status; return nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status;
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ contract NodeManager {
{ {
numberOfNodes++; numberOfNodes++;
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes; nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 1)); nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 1));
emit NodeProposed(_enodeId, _orgId); emit NodeProposed(_enodeId, _orgId);
} }
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ contract NodeManager {
{ {
numberOfNodes++; numberOfNodes++;
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes; nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 2)); nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 2));
emit NodeApproved(_enodeId, _orgId); emit NodeApproved(_enodeId, _orgId);
} }
@ -138,12 +139,12 @@ contract NodeManager {
// operations that can be done 3-Deactivate Node, 4-ActivateNode, 5-Blacklist nodeList // operations that can be done 3-Deactivate Node, 4-ActivateNode, 5-Blacklist nodeList
require((_status == 3 || _status == 4 || _status == 5), "invalid operation"); require((_status == 3 || _status == 4 || _status == 5), "invalid operation");
if (_status == 3){ if (_status == 3) {
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 2, "Op cannot be performed"); require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 2, "Op cannot be performed");
nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 3; nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 3;
emit NodeDeactivated(_enodeId, _orgId); emit NodeDeactivated(_enodeId, _orgId);
} }
else if (_status == 4){ else if (_status == 4) {
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 3, "Op cannot be performed"); require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 3, "Op cannot be performed");
nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 2; nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 2;
emit NodeActivated(_enodeId, _orgId); emit NodeActivated(_enodeId, _orgId);
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ contract NodeManager {
} }
function checkOrg(string memory _enodeId, string memory _orgId) internal view function checkOrg(string memory _enodeId, string memory _orgId) internal view
returns(bool) returns (bool)
{ {
return (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))); return (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId)));
} }

View File

@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ contract OrgManager {
{ {
return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList.length; return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList.length;
} }
function getSubOrgIndexLength(uint _orgIndex, uint _subOrgIndex) external view returns (uint) function getSubOrgIndexLength(uint _orgIndex, uint _subOrgIndex) external view returns (uint)
{ {
return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList[_subOrgIndex]; return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList[_subOrgIndex];

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ contract PermissionsInterface {
permImplementation = PermissionsImplementation(_permImplementation); permImplementation = PermissionsImplementation(_permImplementation);
} }
function getPermissionsImpl() public view returns(address) function getPermissionsImpl() public view returns (address)
{ {
return address(permImplementation); return address(permImplementation);
} }

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ contract PermissionsUpgradable {
_; _;
} }
function init (address _permInterface, address _permImpl) external function init(address _permInterface, address _permImpl) external
onlyCustodian onlyCustodian
{ {
permImpl = _permImpl; permImpl = _permImpl;
@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ contract PermissionsUpgradable {
setImpl(permImpl); setImpl(permImpl);
} }
function getCustodian() public view returns(address) function getCustodian() public view returns (address)
{ {
return custodian; return custodian;
} }
function getPermImpl() public view returns(address) function getPermImpl() public view returns (address)
{ {
return permImpl; return permImpl;
} }
function getPermInterface() public view returns(address) function getPermInterface() public view returns (address)
{ {
return permInterface; return permInterface;
} }

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.3; pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
// TODO: check code comments // TODO: check code comments
contract RoleManager { contract RoleManager {
PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable; PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable;
struct RoleDetails { struct RoleDetails {
string roleId; string roleId;
string orgId; string orgId;
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ contract RoleManager {
} }
} }
function removeRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId) external{ function removeRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId) external {
if (roleIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_roleId, _orgId))] != 0) { if (roleIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_roleId, _orgId))] != 0) {
uint rIndex = getRoleIndex(_roleId, _orgId); uint rIndex = getRoleIndex(_roleId, _orgId);
roleList[rIndex].active = false; roleList[rIndex].active = false;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.3; pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ contract VoterManager {
orgVoterList[id].pendingOp.enodeId = _enodeId; orgVoterList[id].pendingOp.enodeId = _enodeId;
orgVoterList[id].pendingOp.account = _account; orgVoterList[id].pendingOp.account = _account;
orgVoterList[id].pendingOp.opType = _pendingOp; orgVoterList[id].pendingOp.opType = _pendingOp;
// init vote status // init vote status
for (uint i = 0; i < orgVoterList[id].voterList.length; i++) { for (uint i = 0; i < orgVoterList[id].voterList.length; i++) {
if (orgVoterList[id].voterList[i].active) { if (orgVoterList[id].voterList[i].active) {
orgVoterList[id].votingStatus[id][orgVoterList[id].voterList[i].vAccount] = false; orgVoterList[id].votingStatus[id][orgVoterList[id].voterList[i].vAccount] = false;

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import (
"errors" "errors"
"" ""
"" ""
pbind ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -16,6 +14,7 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
pbind ""
"" ""
"io/ioutil" "io/ioutil"
"math/big" "math/big"
@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ func waitForSync(e *eth.Ethereum) {
// Creates the controls structure for permissions // Creates the controls structure for permissions
func NewQuorumPermissionCtrl(stack *node.Node, permissionedMode, isRaft bool, pconfig *types.PermissionConfig) (*PermissionCtrl, error) { func NewQuorumPermissionCtrl(stack *node.Node, permissionedMode, isRaft bool, pconfig *types.PermissionConfig) (*PermissionCtrl, error) {
// Create a new ethclient to for interfacing with the contract // Create a new ethclient to for interfacing with the contract
stateReader, e, err := controls.CreateEthClient(stack) stateReader, e, err := CreateEthClient(stack)
waitForSync(e) waitForSync(e)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to create ethereum client for permissions check", "err", err) log.Error("Unable to create ethereum client for permissions check", "err", err)