Majority voting logic added

This commit is contained in:
vsmk98 2018-10-03 10:03:51 +00:00
parent b806571e9f
commit f5f433e4c7
1 changed files with 66 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ contract Clusterkeys {
OrgVoterDetails [] private voterList;
mapping(bytes32 => uint) private VoterOrgIndex;
mapping (uint => mapping (address => bool)) private voteStatus;
mapping (uint => uint) private voteCount;
uint private numberOfOrgs = 0;
uint private orgVoterNum = 0;
@ -43,6 +46,19 @@ contract Clusterkeys {
event PrintAll(string _orgId, string _privateKey);
event PrintKey(string _orgId, Operation _pendingOp, string _pendingKey);
modifier canVote(string _orgId){
bool flag = false;
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndexVoter(_orgId);
for (uint i = 0; i < voterList[orgIndex].orgVoterAccount.length; i++){
if ( voterList[orgIndex].orgVoterAccount[i] == msg.sender){
flag = true;
require(flag, "Account can not vote");
function getOrgIndex(string _orgId) internal view returns (uint)
return OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] - 1;
@ -160,6 +176,7 @@ contract Clusterkeys {
OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] = numberOfOrgs;
orgList.push( OrgDetails(_orgId, new string[](0), _privateKey, Operation.Add));
emit ItemForApproval(_orgId, Operation.Add, _privateKey);
else {
@ -179,6 +196,7 @@ contract Clusterkeys {
// orgList[orgIndex].privateKey.push(_privateKey);
orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey = _privateKey;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.Add;
emit ItemForApproval(_orgId,Operation.Add, _privateKey);
@ -205,6 +223,7 @@ contract Clusterkeys {
if (keyExists == true) {
orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey = _privateKey;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.Delete;
emit ItemForApproval(_orgId, Operation.Delete, _privateKey);
@ -216,33 +235,62 @@ contract Clusterkeys {
function approvePendingOp(string _orgId) external
function voterInit(string _orgId) internal {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndexVoter(_orgId);
for (uint i = 0; i < voterList[orgIndex].orgVoterAccount.length; i++){
voteStatus[orgIndex][voterList[orgIndex].orgVoterAccount[i]] = false;
voteCount[orgIndex] = 0;
function processVote (string _orgId) internal {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndexVoter(_orgId);
if (voteStatus[orgIndex][msg.sender] == false ){
voteStatus[orgIndex][msg.sender] = true;
function approvePendingOp(string _orgId) external canVote(_orgId)
if (checkingPendingOp(_orgId)){
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndex(_orgId);
string storage locKey = orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey;
if (orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp == Operation.Add){
orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.None;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey = "";
emit OrgKeyAdded(_orgId, locKey);
else {
emit NothingToApprove(_orgId);
function checkEnoughVotes (string _orgId) internal view returns (bool) {
uint orgIndex = getOrgIndexVoter(_orgId);
if (voteCount[orgIndex] > voterList[orgIndex].orgVoterAccount.length / 2 ){
return true;
return false;
function processApproval(uint _orgIndex) internal {
string storage locKey = orgList[_orgIndex].pendingKey;
if (orgList[_orgIndex].pendingOp == Operation.Add){
emit OrgKeyAdded(orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey);
else {
bool keyExists = false;
uint i = 0;
(keyExists, i) = checkIfKeyExists (_orgId, locKey);
for (uint j = i; j < orgList[orgIndex].privateKey.length -1; j++){
orgList[orgIndex].privateKey[j] = orgList[orgIndex].privateKey[j+1];
(keyExists, i) = checkIfKeyExists (orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey);
for (uint j = i; j < orgList[_orgIndex].privateKey.length -1; j++){
orgList[_orgIndex].privateKey[j] = orgList[_orgIndex].privateKey[j+1];
delete orgList[orgIndex].privateKey[orgList[orgIndex].privateKey.length -1];
orgList[orgIndex].privateKey.length --;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.None;
orgList[orgIndex].pendingKey = "";
emit OrgKeyDeleted(_orgId, locKey);
delete orgList[_orgIndex].privateKey[orgList[_orgIndex].privateKey.length -1];
orgList[_orgIndex].privateKey.length --;
emit OrgKeyDeleted(orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, locKey);
else {
emit NothingToApprove(_orgId);
orgList[_orgIndex].pendingOp = Operation.None;
orgList[_orgIndex].pendingKey = "";