pragma solidity ^0.5.3; import "./PermissionsImplementation.sol"; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; contract PermissionsInterface { PermissionsImplementation private permImplementation; PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable; address private permImplUpgradeable; event Dummy(string _msg); constructor(address _permImplUpgradeable) public { permImplUpgradeable = _permImplUpgradeable; } modifier onlyUpgradeable { require(msg.sender == permImplUpgradeable); _; } function setPermImplementation(address _permImplementation) public onlyUpgradeable { permImplementation = PermissionsImplementation(_permImplementation); } function getPermissionsImpl() public view returns(address) { return address(permImplementation); } function setPolicy(string calldata _nwAdminOrg, string calldata _nwAdminRole, string calldata _oAdminRole) external { permImplementation.setPolicy(_nwAdminOrg, _nwAdminRole, _oAdminRole); } function init(address _orgManager, address _rolesManager, address _acctManager, address _voterManager, address _nodeManager) external { permImplementation.init(_orgManager, _rolesManager, _acctManager, _voterManager, _nodeManager); } function addAdminNodes(string calldata _enodeId) external { permImplementation.addAdminNodes(_enodeId); } function addAdminAccounts(address _acct) external { permImplementation.addAdminAccounts(_acct); } // update the network boot status as true function updateNetworkBootStatus() external returns (bool) { permImplementation.updateNetworkBootStatus(); } // // Get network boot status function getNetworkBootStatus() external view returns (bool) { return permImplementation.getNetworkBootStatus(); } // function for adding a new master org function addOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId) external { permImplementation.addOrg(_orgId, _enodeId, msg.sender); } function approveOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId) external { permImplementation.approveOrg(_orgId, _enodeId, msg.sender); } function updateOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint _status) external { permImplementation.updateOrgStatus(_orgId, _status); } function approveOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint _status) external { permImplementation.approveOrgStatus(_orgId, _status); } // returns org and master org details based on org index function getOrgInfo(uint _orgIndex) external view returns (string memory, uint) { return permImplementation.getOrgInfo(_orgIndex); } // Role related functions function addNewRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId, uint _access, bool _voter) external { permImplementation.addNewRole(_roleId, _orgId, _access, _voter, msg.sender); } function removeRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId) external { permImplementation.removeRole(_roleId, _orgId); } function getRoleDetails(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId) external view returns (string memory, string memory, uint, bool, bool) { return permImplementation.getRoleDetails(_roleId, _orgId); } // Org voter related functions function getNumberOfVoters(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (uint) { return permImplementation.getNumberOfVoters(_orgId); } function checkIfVoterExists(string calldata _orgId, address _acct) external view returns (bool) { return permImplementation.checkIfVoterExists(_orgId, _acct); } function getVoteCount(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (uint, uint) { return permImplementation.getVoteCount(_orgId); } function getPendingOp(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (string memory, string memory, address, uint) { return permImplementation.getPendingOp(_orgId); } function assignOrgAdminAccount(string calldata _orgId, address _account) external { permImplementation.assignOrgAdminAccount(_orgId, _account, msg.sender); } function approveOrgAdminAccount(address _account) external { permImplementation.approveOrgAdminAccount(_account, msg.sender); } function assignAccountRole(address _acct, string memory _orgId, string memory _roleId) public { permImplementation.assignAccountRole(_acct, _orgId, _roleId, msg.sender); } function addNode(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId) external { permImplementation.addNode(_orgId, _enodeId, msg.sender); } function updateNodeStatus(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, uint _status) external { permImplementation.updateNodeStatus(_orgId, _enodeId, _status, msg.sender); } function getNodeStatus(string memory _enodeId) public view returns (uint) { return permImplementation.getNodeStatus(_enodeId); } function isNetworkAdmin(address _account) public view returns (bool) { return permImplementation.isNetworkAdmin(_account); } function isOrgAdmin(address _account, string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool) { return permImplementation.isOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId); } function validateAccount(address _account, string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool) { return permImplementation.validateAccount(_account, _orgId); } function getAccountDetails(address _acct) external view returns (address, string memory, string memory, uint, bool) { return permImplementation.getAccountDetails(_acct); } }