## Features - packages use tagged logger sending log messages to shared (process-wide) logging engine - log writers (interface ethlog.LogSystem) can be added to the logging engine by wrappers/guis/clients - shared logging engine dispatching to multiple log systems - log level can be set separately per log system - async logging thread: logging IO does not block main thread - log messages are synchronously stringified to avoid incorrectly logging of changed states ## Usage In an ethereum component package: import "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethlog" // package-wide logger using tag var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("TAG") logger.Infoln("this is info") # > [TAG] This is info Ethereum wrappers should register log systems conforming to ethlog.LogSystem import "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethlog" type CustomLogWriter struct { logLevel ethlog.LogLevel } func (t *TestLogSystem) SetLogLevel(i LogLevel) { t.level = i } func (t *TestLogSystem) GetLogLevel() LogLevel { return t.level } func (c *CustomLogWriter) Printf(format string, v...interface{}) { //.... } func (c *CustomLogWriter) Println(v...interface{}) { //.... } ethlog.AddLogWriter(&CustomLogWriter{}) ethlog also provides constructors for that wrap io.Writers into a standard logger with a settable level: filename := "test.log" file, _ := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModePerm) fileLogSystem := NewStdLogSystem(file, 0, WarnLevel) AddLogSystem(fileLogSystem) stdOutLogSystem := NewStdLogSystem(os.Stdout, 0, WarnLevel) AddLogSystem(stdOutLogSystem)