pragma solidity ^0.5.3; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; contract OrgManager { string private adminOrgId; PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable; // checks if first time network boot up has happened or not bool private networkBoot = false; uint private DEPTH_LIMIT = 4; uint private BREADTH_LIMIT = 4; // enum OrgStatus {0- NotInList, 1- Proposed, 2- Approved, 3- PendingSuspension, 4- Suspended, 5- RevokeSuspension} struct OrgDetails { string orgId; uint status; string parentId; string fullOrgId; string ultParent; uint pindex; uint level; uint [] subOrgIndexList; } OrgDetails [] private orgList; mapping(bytes32 => uint) private OrgIndex; uint private orgNum = 0; // events related to Master Org add event OrgApproved(string _orgId, string _porgId, string _ultParent, uint _level, uint _status); event OrgPendingApproval(string _orgId, string _porgId, string _ultParent, uint _level, uint _status); event OrgSuspended(string _orgId, string _porgId, string _ultParent, uint _level); event OrgSuspensionRevoked(string _orgId, string _porgId, string _ultParent, uint _level); modifier onlyImpl { require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermImpl()); _; } modifier orgNotExists(string memory _orgId) { require(checkOrgExists(_orgId) == false, "Org already exists"); _; } modifier orgExists(string memory _orgId) { require(checkOrgExists(_orgId) == true, "Org does not exists"); _; } constructor (address _permUpgradable) public { permUpgradable = PermissionsUpgradable(_permUpgradable); } function getImpl() public view returns (address) { return permUpgradable.getPermImpl(); } function setUpOrg(string calldata _orgId, uint _breadth, uint _depth) external onlyImpl { addNewOrg("", _orgId, 1, 2); DEPTH_LIMIT = _depth; BREADTH_LIMIT = _breadth; } function addNewOrg(string memory _pOrg, string memory _orgId, uint _level, uint _status) internal { bytes32 pid = ""; bytes32 oid = ""; uint parentIndex = 0; if (_level == 1) {//root oid = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId)); } else { pid = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_pOrg)); oid = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_pOrg, ".", _orgId)); } orgNum++; OrgIndex[oid] = orgNum; uint id = orgList.length++; if (_level == 1) { orgList[id].level = _level; orgList[id].pindex = 0; orgList[id].fullOrgId = _orgId; orgList[id].ultParent = _orgId; } else { parentIndex = OrgIndex[pid] - 1; require(orgList[parentIndex].subOrgIndexList.length < BREADTH_LIMIT, "breadth level exceeded"); require(orgList[parentIndex].level < DEPTH_LIMIT, "depth level exceeded"); orgList[id].level = orgList[parentIndex].level + 1; orgList[id].pindex = parentIndex; orgList[id].ultParent = orgList[parentIndex].ultParent; uint subOrgId = orgList[parentIndex].subOrgIndexList.length++; orgList[parentIndex].subOrgIndexList[subOrgId] = id; orgList[id].fullOrgId = string(abi.encodePacked(_pOrg, ".", _orgId)); } orgList[id].orgId = _orgId; orgList[id].parentId = _pOrg; orgList[id].status = _status; if (_status == 1) { emit OrgPendingApproval(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level, 1); } else { emit OrgApproved(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level, 2); } } function getNumberOfOrgs() public view returns (uint) { return orgList.length; } // Org related functions // returns the org index for the org list function getOrgIndex(string memory _orgId) public view returns (uint) { return OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] - 1; } function getOrgStatus(string memory _orgId) public view returns (uint) { return orgList[OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))]].status; } // function for adding a new master org function addOrg(string calldata _orgId) external onlyImpl orgNotExists(_orgId) { addNewOrg("", _orgId, 1, 1); } // function for adding a new master org function addSubOrg(string calldata _pOrg, string calldata _orgId) external onlyImpl orgNotExists(string(abi.encodePacked(_pOrg, ".", _orgId))) { addNewOrg(_pOrg, _orgId, 2, 2); } function updateOrg(string calldata _orgId, uint _status) external onlyImpl orgExists(_orgId) returns (uint) { require((_status == 3 || _status == 5), "Operation not allowed"); uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); require(orgList[id].level == 1, "not a master org. operation not allowed"); uint reqStatus; uint pendingOp; if (_status == 3) { reqStatus = 2; pendingOp = 2; } else if (_status == 5) { reqStatus = 4; pendingOp = 3; } require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, reqStatus) == true, "Operation not allowed"); if (_status == 3) { suspendOrg(_orgId); } else { revokeOrgSuspension(_orgId); } return pendingOp; } function approveOrgStatusUpdate(string calldata _orgId, uint _status) external onlyImpl orgExists(_orgId) { if (_status == 3) { approveOrgSuspension(_orgId); } else { approveOrgRevokeSuspension(_orgId); } } // function for adding a new master org function suspendOrg(string memory _orgId) internal { require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 2) == true, "Org not in approved state"); uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); orgList[id].status = 3; emit OrgPendingApproval(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level, 3); } function revokeOrgSuspension(string memory _orgId) internal { require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 4) == true, "Org not in suspended state"); uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); orgList[id].status = 5; emit OrgPendingApproval(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level, 5); } function approveOrg(string calldata _orgId) external onlyImpl { require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 1) == true, "Nothing to approve"); uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); orgList[id].status = 2; emit OrgApproved(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level, 2); } function approveOrgSuspension(string memory _orgId) internal { require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 3) == true, "Nothing to approve"); uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); orgList[id].status = 4; emit OrgSuspended(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level); } function approveOrgRevokeSuspension(string memory _orgId) internal { require(checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 5) == true, "Nothing to approve"); uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); orgList[id].status = 2; emit OrgSuspensionRevoked(orgList[id].orgId, orgList[id].parentId, orgList[id].ultParent, orgList[id].level); } function checkOrgStatus(string memory _orgId, uint _orgStatus) public view returns (bool){ uint id = getOrgIndex(_orgId); return ((OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] != 0) && orgList[id].status == _orgStatus); } // function to check if morg exists function checkOrgExists(string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool) { return (!(OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_orgId))] == 0)); } // function to check if morg exists function checkNodeExists(string memory _pOrg, string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool) { return (!(OrgIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_pOrg, _orgId))] == 0)); } // returns org and master org details based on org index function getOrgInfo(uint _orgIndex) external view returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, uint, uint) { return (orgList[_orgIndex].orgId, orgList[_orgIndex].parentId, orgList[_orgIndex].ultParent, orgList[_orgIndex].level, orgList[_orgIndex].status); } function getSubOrgInfo(uint _orgIndex) external view returns (uint[] memory) { return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList; } function getSubOrgIndexLength(uint _orgIndex) external view returns (uint) { return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList.length; } function getSubOrgIndexLength(uint _orgIndex, uint _subOrgIndex) external view returns (uint) { return orgList[_orgIndex].subOrgIndexList[_subOrgIndex]; } function getUltimateParent(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (string memory) { return orgList[getOrgIndex(_orgId)].ultParent; } }