pragma solidity ^0.5.3; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; /** @title Node manager contract * @notice This contract holds implementation logic for all node management functionality. This can be called only by the implementation contract. There are few view functions exposed as public and can be called directly. These are invoked by quorum for populating permissions data in cache * @dev node status is denoted by a fixed integer value. The values are as below: 0 - Not in list 1 - Node pending approval 2 - Active 3 - Deactivated 4 - Blacklisted 5 - Blacklisted node recovery initiated. Once approved the node status will be updated to Active (2) Once the node is blacklisted no further activity on the node is possible. */ contract NodeManager { PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable; struct NodeDetails { string enodeId; //e.g. string orgId; uint256 status; } // use an array to store node details // if we want to list all node one day, mapping is not capable NodeDetails[] private nodeList; // mapping of enodeid to array index to track node mapping(bytes32 => uint256) private nodeIdToIndex; // tracking total number of nodes in network uint256 private numberOfNodes; // node permission events for new node propose event NodeProposed(string _enodeId, string _orgId); event NodeApproved(string _enodeId, string _orgId); // node permission events for node deactivation event NodeDeactivated(string _enodeId, string _orgId); // node permission events for node activation event NodeActivated(string _enodeId, string _orgId); // node permission events for node blacklist event NodeBlacklisted(string _enodeId, string _orgId); // node permission events for initiating the recovery of blacklisted // node event NodeRecoveryInitiated(string _enodeId, string _orgId); // node permission events for completing the recovery of blacklisted // node event NodeRecoveryCompleted(string _enodeId, string _orgId); /** @notice confirms that the caller is the address of implementation contract */ modifier onlyImplementation { require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermImpl(), "invalid caller"); _; } /** @notice checks if the node exists in the network * @param _enodeId full enode id */ modifier enodeExists(string memory _enodeId) { require(nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] != 0, "passed enode id does not exist"); _; } /** @notice checks if the node does not exist in the network * @param _enodeId full enode id */ modifier enodeDoesNotExists(string memory _enodeId) { require(nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] == 0, "passed enode id exists"); _; } /** @notice constructor. sets the permissions upgradable address */ constructor (address _permUpgradable) public { permUpgradable = PermissionsUpgradable(_permUpgradable); } /** @notice fetches the node details given an enode id * @param _enodeId full enode id * @return org id * @return enode id * @return status of the node */ function getNodeDetails(string calldata enodeId) external view returns (string memory _orgId, string memory _enodeId, uint256 _nodeStatus) { uint256 nodeIndex = _getNodeIndex(enodeId); return (nodeList[nodeIndex].orgId, nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].status); } /** @notice fetches the node details given the index of the enode * @param _nodeIndex node index * @return org id * @return enode id * @return status of the node */ function getNodeDetailsFromIndex(uint256 _nodeIndex) external view returns (string memory _orgId, string memory _enodeId, uint256 _nodeStatus) { return (nodeList[_nodeIndex].orgId, nodeList[_nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[_nodeIndex].status); } /** @notice returns the total number of enodes in the network * @return number of nodes */ function getNumberOfNodes() external view returns (uint256) { return numberOfNodes; } /** @notice called at the time of network initialization for adding admin nodes * @param _enodeId enode id * @param _orgId org id to which the enode belongs */ function addAdminNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external onlyImplementation enodeDoesNotExists(_enodeId) { numberOfNodes++; nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes; nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 2)); emit NodeApproved(_enodeId, _orgId); } /** @notice called at the time of new org creation to add node to org * @param _enodeId enode id * @param _orgId org id to which the enode belongs */ function addNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external onlyImplementation enodeDoesNotExists(_enodeId) { numberOfNodes++; nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes; nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 1)); emit NodeProposed(_enodeId, _orgId); } /** @notice called org admins to add new enodes to the org or sub orgs * @param _enodeId enode id * @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belongs */ function addOrgNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external onlyImplementation enodeDoesNotExists(_enodeId) { numberOfNodes++; nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes; nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 2)); emit NodeApproved(_enodeId, _orgId); } /** @notice function to approve the node addition. only called at the time master org creation by network admin * @param _enodeId enode id * @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belongs */ function approveNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external onlyImplementation enodeExists(_enodeId) { // node should belong to the passed org require(_checkOrg(_enodeId, _orgId), "enode id does not belong to the passed org id"); require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 1, "nothing pending for approval"); uint256 nodeIndex = _getNodeIndex(_enodeId); nodeList[nodeIndex].status = 2; emit NodeApproved(nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].orgId); } /** @notice updates the node status. can be called for deactivating/ blacklisting and reactivating a deactivated node * @param _enodeId enode id * @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belong * @param _action action being performed * @dev action can have any of the following values 1 - Suspend the node 2 - Revoke suspension of a suspended node 3 - blacklist a node 4 - initiate the recovery of a blacklisted node 5 - blacklisted node recovery fully approved. mark to active */ function updateNodeStatus(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId, uint256 _action) external onlyImplementation enodeExists(_enodeId) { // node should belong to the org require(_checkOrg(_enodeId, _orgId), "enode id does not belong to the passed org"); require((_action == 1 || _action == 2 || _action == 3 || _action == 4 || _action == 5), "invalid operation. wrong action passed"); if (_action == 1) { require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 2, "operation cannot be performed"); nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 3; emit NodeDeactivated(_enodeId, _orgId); } else if (_action == 2) { require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 3, "operation cannot be performed"); nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 2; emit NodeActivated(_enodeId, _orgId); } else if (_action == 3) { nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 4; emit NodeBlacklisted(_enodeId, _orgId); } else if (_action == 4) { // node should be in blacklisted state require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 4, "operation cannot be performed"); nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 5; emit NodeRecoveryInitiated(_enodeId, _orgId); } else { // node should be in initiated recovery state require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 5, "operation cannot be performed"); nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 2; emit NodeRecoveryCompleted(_enodeId, _orgId); } } // private functions /** @notice returns the node index for given enode id * @param _enodeId enode id * @return trur or false */ function _getNodeIndex(string memory _enodeId) internal view returns (uint256) { return nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] - 1; } /** @notice checks if enode id is linked to the org id passed * @param _enodeId enode id * @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belongs * @return true or false */ function _checkOrg(string memory _enodeId, string memory _orgId) internal view returns (bool) { return (keccak256(abi.encode(nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId))); } /** @notice returns the node status for a given enode id * @param _enodeId enode id * @return node status */ function _getNodeStatus(string memory _enodeId) internal view returns (uint256) { if (nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] == 0) { return 0; } return nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status; } }