# simplifed version of the upstream travis configuration language: go go_import_path: github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum sudo: false matrix: include: - os: linux dist: trusty sudo: required go: 1.9.x script: - sudo modprobe fuse - sudo chmod 666 /dev/fuse - sudo chown root:$USER /etc/fuse.conf - go run build/ci.go install - go run build/ci.go test -coverage $TEST_PACKAGES - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.2 # so we don't have to deal with Kernel Extension Consent UI which is never possible in CI go: 1.9.x sudo: required script: - brew update - brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask - brew cask install osxfuse - go run build/ci.go install - go run build/ci.go test -coverage $TEST_PACKAGES