pragma solidity ^0.5.3; import "./RoleManager.sol"; import "./AccountManager.sol"; import "./VoterManager.sol"; import "./NodeManager.sol"; import "./OrgManager.sol"; import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol"; /** @title Permissions Implementation Contract * @notice This contract holds implementation logic for all permissions related functionality. This can be called only by the interface contract. */ contract PermissionsImplementation { AccountManager private accountManager; RoleManager private roleManager; VoterManager private voterManager; NodeManager private nodeManager; OrgManager private orgManager; PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable; string private adminOrg; string private adminRole; string private orgAdminRole; uint256 private fullAccess = 3; /** @dev this variable is meant for tracking the initial network boot up once the network boot up is done the value is set to true */ bool private networkBoot = false; event PermissionsInitialized(bool _networkBootStatus); /** @notice modifier to confirm that caller is the interface contract */ modifier onlyInterface{ require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermInterface(), "can be called by interface contract only"); _; } /** @notice modifier to confirm that caller is the upgradable contract */ modifier onlyUpgradeable { require(msg.sender == address(permUpgradable), "invalid caller"); _; } /** @notice confirms if the network boot status is equal to passed value * @param _status true/false */ modifier networkBootStatus(bool _status){ require(networkBoot == _status, "Incorrect network boot status"); _; } /** @notice confirms that the account passed is network admin account * @param _account account id */ modifier networkAdmin(address _account) { require(isNetworkAdmin(_account) == true, "account is not a network admin account"); _; } /** @notice confirms that the account passed is org admin account * @param _account account id * @param _orgId org id to which the account belongs */ modifier orgAdmin(address _account, string memory _orgId) { require(isOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId) == true, "account is not a org admin account"); _; } /** @notice confirms that org does not exist * @param _orgId org id */ modifier orgNotExists(string memory _orgId) { require(_checkOrgExists(_orgId) != true, "org exists"); _; } /** @notice confirms that org exists * @param _orgId org id */ modifier orgExists(string memory _orgId) { require(_checkOrgExists(_orgId) == true, "org does not exist"); _; } /** @notice checks of the passed org id is in approved status * @param _orgId org id */ modifier orgApproved(string memory _orgId) { require(checkOrgApproved(_orgId) == true, "org not in approved status"); _; } /** @notice constructor accepts the contracts addresses of other deployed contracts of the permissions model * @param _permUpgradable - address of permissions upgradable contract * @param _orgManager - address of org manager contract * @param _rolesManager - address of role manager contract * @param _accountManager - address of account manager contract * @param _voterManager - address of voter manager contract * @param _nodeManager - address of node manager contract */ constructor (address _permUpgradable, address _orgManager, address _rolesManager, address _accountManager, address _voterManager, address _nodeManager) public { permUpgradable = PermissionsUpgradable(_permUpgradable); orgManager = OrgManager(_orgManager); roleManager = RoleManager(_rolesManager); accountManager = AccountManager(_accountManager); voterManager = VoterManager(_voterManager); nodeManager = NodeManager(_nodeManager); } // initial set up related functions /** @notice for permissions its necessary to define the initial admin org id, network admin role id and default org admin role id. this sets these values at the time of network boot up * @param _nwAdminOrg - address of permissions upgradable contract * @param _nwAdminRole - address of org manager contract * @param _oAdminRole - address of role manager contract * @dev this function will be executed only once as part of the boot up */ function setPolicy(string calldata _nwAdminOrg, string calldata _nwAdminRole, string calldata _oAdminRole) external onlyInterface networkBootStatus(false) { adminOrg = _nwAdminOrg; adminRole = _nwAdminRole; orgAdminRole = _oAdminRole; } /** @notice when migrating implementation contract, the values of these key values need to be set from the previous implementation contract. this function allows these values to be set * @param _nwAdminOrg - address of permissions upgradable contract * @param _nwAdminRole - address of org manager contract * @param _oAdminRole - address of role manager contract * @param _networkBootStatus - network boot status true/false */ function setMigrationPolicy(string calldata _nwAdminOrg, string calldata _nwAdminRole, string calldata _oAdminRole, bool _networkBootStatus) external onlyUpgradeable networkBootStatus(false) { adminOrg = _nwAdminOrg; adminRole = _nwAdminRole; orgAdminRole = _oAdminRole; networkBoot = _networkBootStatus; } /** @notice called at the time of network initialization. sets up network admin org with allowed sub org depth and breadth creates the network admin for the network admin org sets the default values required by account manager contract * @param _breadth - number of sub orgs allowed at parent level * @param _depth - levels of sub org nesting allowed at parent level */ function init(uint256 _breadth, uint256 _depth) external onlyInterface networkBootStatus(false) { orgManager.setUpOrg(adminOrg, _breadth, _depth); roleManager.addRole(adminRole, adminOrg, fullAccess, true, true); accountManager.setDefaults(adminRole, orgAdminRole); } /** @notice as a part of network initialization add all nodes which are part of static-nodes.json as nodes belonging to network admin org * @param _enodeId - full enode id */ function addAdminNode(string calldata _enodeId) external onlyInterface networkBootStatus(false) { nodeManager.addAdminNode(_enodeId, adminOrg); } /** @notice as a part of network initialization add all accounts which are passed via permission-config.json as network administrator accounts * @param _account - account id */ function addAdminAccount(address _account) external onlyInterface networkBootStatus(false) { updateVoterList(adminOrg, _account, true); accountManager.assignAdminRole(_account, adminOrg, adminRole, 2); } /** @notice once the network initialization is complete, sets the network boot status to true * @return network boot status * @dev this will be called only once from geth as a part of * @dev network initialization */ function updateNetworkBootStatus() external onlyInterface networkBootStatus(false) returns (bool){ networkBoot = true; // emit PermissionsInitialized(networkBoot); return networkBoot; } /** @notice function to add a new organization to the network. creates org record and marks it as pending approval. adds the passed node node manager contract. adds the account with org admin role to account manager contracts. creates voting record for approval by other network admin accounts * @param _orgId unique organization id * @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the organization * @param _account account id. this will have the org admin privileges */ function addOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _account, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkBootStatus(true) networkAdmin(_caller) { voterManager.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, _enodeId, _account, 1); orgManager.addOrg(_orgId); nodeManager.addNode(_enodeId, _orgId); require(validateAccount(_account, _orgId) == true, "Operation cannot be performed"); accountManager.assignAdminRole(_account, _orgId, orgAdminRole, 1); } /** @notice functions to approve a pending approval org record by networ admin account. once majority votes are received the org is marked as approved * @param _orgId unique organization id * @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the organization * @param _account account id this will have the org admin privileges */ function approveOrg(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _account, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { require(_checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 1) == true, "Nothing to approve"); if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, 1))) { orgManager.approveOrg(_orgId); roleManager.addRole(orgAdminRole, _orgId, fullAccess, true, true); nodeManager.approveNode(_enodeId, _orgId); accountManager.addNewAdmin(_orgId, _account); } } /** @notice function to create a sub org under a given parent org. * @param _pOrgId parent org id under which the sub org is being added * @param _orgId unique id for the sub organization * @param _enodeId full enode id linked to the sjb organization * @dev _enodeId is optional. parent org id should contain the complete org hierarchy from master org id to the immediate parent. The org hierarchy is separated by. For example, if master org ABC has a sub organization SUB1, then while creating the sub organization at SUB1 level, the parent org should be given as ABC.SUB1 */ function addSubOrg(string calldata _pOrgId, string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgExists(_pOrgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _pOrgId) { orgManager.addSubOrg(_pOrgId, _orgId); string memory pOrgId = string(abi.encode(_pOrgId, ".", _orgId)); if (bytes(_enodeId).length > 0) { nodeManager.addOrgNode(_enodeId, pOrgId); } } /** @notice function to update the org status. it updates the org status and adds a voting item for network admins to approve * @param _orgId unique id of the organization * @param _action 1 for suspending an org and 2 for revoke of suspension */ function updateOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint256 _action, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { uint256 pendingOp; pendingOp = orgManager.updateOrg(_orgId, _action); voterManager.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, "", address(0), pendingOp); } /** @notice function to approve org status change. the org status is changed once the majority votes are received from network admin accounts. * @param _orgId unique id for the sub organization * @param _action 1 for suspending an org and 2 for revoke of suspension */ function approveOrgStatus(string calldata _orgId, uint256 _action, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { require((_action == 1 || _action == 2), "Operation not allowed"); uint256 pendingOp; uint256 orgStatus; if (_action == 1) { pendingOp = 2; orgStatus = 3; } else if (_action == 2) { pendingOp = 3; orgStatus = 5; } require(_checkOrgStatus(_orgId, orgStatus) == true, "operation not allowed"); if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, pendingOp))) { orgManager.approveOrgStatusUpdate(_orgId, _action); } } // Role related functions /** @notice function to add new role definition to an organization can be executed by the org admin account only * @param _roleId unique id for the role * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the role belongs * @param _access account access type allowed for the role * @param _voter bool indicates if the role is voter role or not * @param _admin bool indicates if the role is an admin role * @dev account access type can have of the following four values: 0 - Read only 1 - Transact access 2 - Contract deployment access. Can transact as well 3 - Full access */ function addNewRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId, uint256 _access, bool _voter, bool _admin, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgApproved(_orgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) { //add new roles can be created by org admins only roleManager.addRole(_roleId, _orgId, _access, _voter, _admin); } /** @notice function to remove a role definition from an organization can be executed by the org admin account only * @param _roleId unique id for the role * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the role belongs */ function removeRole(string calldata _roleId, string calldata _orgId, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgApproved(_orgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) { require(((keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) != keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole))) && (keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) != keccak256(abi.encode(orgAdminRole)))), "admin roles cannot be removed"); roleManager.removeRole(_roleId, _orgId); } // Account related functions /** @notice function to assign network admin/org admin role to an account this can be executed by network admin accounts only. it assigns the role to the accounts and creates voting record for network admin accounts * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _account account id * @param _roleId role id to be assigned to the account */ function assignAdminRole(string calldata _orgId, address _account, string calldata _roleId, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgExists(_orgId) networkAdmin(_caller) { accountManager.assignAdminRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, 1); //add voting item voterManager.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, "", _account, 4); } /** @notice function to approve network admin/org admin role assigment this can be executed by network admin accounts only. * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _account account id */ function approveAdminRole(string calldata _orgId, address _account, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, 4))) { (bool ret, address account) = accountManager.removeExistingAdmin(_orgId); if (ret) { updateVoterList(adminOrg, account, false); } bool ret1 = accountManager.addNewAdmin(_orgId, _account); if (ret1) { updateVoterList(adminOrg, _account, true); } } } /** @notice function to update account status. can be executed by org admin account only. * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _account account id * @param _action 1-suspend 2-activate back 3-blacklist */ function updateAccountStatus(string calldata _orgId, address _account, uint256 _action, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) { accountManager.updateAccountStatus(_orgId, _account, _action); } // Node related functions /** @notice function to add a new node to the organization. can be invoked org admin account only * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org */ function addNode(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgApproved(_orgId) orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) { // check that the node is not part of another org nodeManager.addOrgNode(_enodeId, _orgId); } /** @notice function to update node status. can be invoked by org admin account only * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org * @param _action 1-deactivate, 2-activate back, 3-blacklist the node */ function updateNodeStatus(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, uint256 _action, address _caller) external onlyInterface orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) { nodeManager.updateNodeStatus(_enodeId, _orgId, _action); } /** @notice function to initiate blacklisted nodes recovery. this can be invoked by an network admin account only * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org * @dev this function creates a voting record for other network admins to approve the operation. The recovery is complete only after majority voting */ function startBlacklistedNodeRecovery(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { // update the node status as recovery initiated. action for this is 4 nodeManager.updateNodeStatus(_enodeId, _orgId, 4); // add a voting record with pending op of 5 which corresponds to blacklisted node // recovery voterManager.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, _enodeId, address(0), 5); } /** @notice function to initiate blacklisted nodes recovery. this can be invoked by an network admin account only * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _enodeId full enode id being dded to the org * @dev this function creates a voting record for other network admins to approve the operation. The recovery is complete only after majority voting */ function approveBlacklistedNodeRecovery(string calldata _orgId, string calldata _enodeId, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { // check if majority votes are received. pending op type is passed as 5 // which stands for black listed node recovery if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, 5))) { // update the node back to active nodeManager.updateNodeStatus(_enodeId, _orgId, 5); } } /** @notice function to initaite blacklisted nodes recovery. this can be invoked by an network admin account only * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _account account id being dded to the org * @dev this function creates a voting record for other network admins to approve the operation. The recovery is complete only after majority voting */ function startBlacklistedAccountRecovery(string calldata _orgId, address _account, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { // update the account status as recovery initiated. action for this is 4 accountManager.updateAccountStatus(_orgId, _account, 4); // add a voting record with pending op of 5 which corresponds to blacklisted node // recovery voterManager.addVotingItem(adminOrg, _orgId, "", _account, 6); } /** @notice function to initaite blacklisted nodes recovery. this can be invoked by an network admin account only * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs * @param _account account id being dded to the org * @dev this function creates a voting record for other network admins to approve the operation. The recovery is complete only after majority voting */ function approveBlacklistedAccountRecovery(string calldata _orgId, address _account, address _caller) external onlyInterface networkAdmin(_caller) { // check if majority votes are received. pending op type is passed as 6 // which stands for black listed account recovery if ((processVote(adminOrg, _caller, 6))) { // update the node back to active accountManager.updateAccountStatus(_orgId, _account, 5); } } /** @notice function to fetch network boot status * @return bool network boot status */ function getNetworkBootStatus() external view returns (bool){ return networkBoot; } /** @notice function to fetch detail of any pending approval activities for network admin organization * @param _orgId unique id of the organization to which the account belongs */ function getPendingOp(string calldata _orgId) external view returns (string memory, string memory, address, uint256){ return voterManager.getPendingOpDetails(_orgId); } /** @notice function to assigns a role id to the account given account can be executed by org admin account only * @param _account account id * @param _orgId organization id to which the account belongs * @param _roleId role id to be assigned to the account */ function assignAccountRole(address _account, string memory _orgId, string memory _roleId, address _caller) public onlyInterface orgAdmin(_caller, _orgId) orgApproved(_orgId) { require(validateAccount(_account, _orgId) == true, "operation cannot be performed"); require(_roleExists(_roleId, _orgId) == true, "role does not exists"); bool admin = roleManager.isAdminRole(_roleId, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId)); accountManager.assignAccountRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, admin); } /** @notice function to check if passed account is an network admin account * @param _account account id * @return true/false */ function isNetworkAdmin(address _account) public view returns (bool){ return (keccak256(abi.encode(accountManager.getAccountRole(_account))) == keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole))); } /** @notice function to check if passed account is an org admin account * @param _account account id * @param _orgId organization id * @return true/false */ function isOrgAdmin(address _account, string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool){ if (accountManager.checkOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId))) { return true; } return roleManager.isAdminRole(accountManager.getAccountRole(_account), _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId)); } /** @notice function to validate the account for access change operation * @param _account account id * @param _orgId organization id * @return true/false */ function validateAccount(address _account, string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool){ return (accountManager.validateAccount(_account, _orgId)); } /** @notice function to update the voter list at network level. this will be called whenever an account is assigned a network admin role or an account having network admin role is being assigned different role * @param _orgId org id to which the account belongs * @param _account account which needs to be added/removed as voter * @param _add bool indicating if its an add or delete operation */ function updateVoterList(string memory _orgId, address _account, bool _add) internal { if (_add) { voterManager.addVoter(_orgId, _account); } else { voterManager.deleteVoter(_orgId, _account); } } /** @notice whenever a network admin account votes on a pending item, this function processes the vote. * @param _orgId org id of the caller * @param _caller account which approving the operation * @param _pendingOp operation for which the approval is being done * @dev the list of pending ops are managed in voter manager contract */ function processVote(string memory _orgId, address _caller, uint256 _pendingOp) internal returns (bool){ return voterManager.processVote(_orgId, _caller, _pendingOp); } /** @notice returns various permissions policy related parameters * @return adminOrg admin org id * @return adminRole default network admin role * @return orgAdminRole default org admin role * @return networkBoot network boot status */ function getPolicyDetails() external view returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, bool){ return (adminOrg, adminRole, orgAdminRole, networkBoot); } /** @notice checks if the passed org exists or not * @param _orgId org id * @return true/false */ function _checkOrgExists(string memory _orgId) internal view returns (bool){ return orgManager.checkOrgExists(_orgId); } /** @notice checks if the passed org is in approved status * @param _orgId org id * @return true/false */ function checkOrgApproved(string memory _orgId) internal view returns (bool){ return orgManager.checkOrgStatus(_orgId, 2); } /** @notice checks if the passed org is in the status passed * @param _orgId org id * @param _status status to be checked for * @return true/false */ function _checkOrgStatus(string memory _orgId, uint256 _status) internal view returns (bool){ return orgManager.checkOrgStatus(_orgId, _status); } /** @notice checks if org admin account exists for the passed org id * @param _orgId org id * @return true/false */ function _checkOrgAdminExists(string memory _orgId) internal view returns (bool){ return accountManager.orgAdminExists(_orgId); } /** @notice checks if role id exists for the passed org_id * @param _roleId role id * @param _orgId org id * @return true/false */ function _roleExists(string memory _roleId, string memory _orgId) internal view returns (bool){ return roleManager.roleExists(_roleId, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId)); } /** @notice checks if the role id for the org is a voter role * @param _roleId role id * @param _orgId org id * @return true/false */ function _isVoterRole(string memory _roleId, string memory _orgId) internal view returns (bool){ return roleManager.isVoterRole(_roleId, _orgId, _getUltimateParent(_orgId)); } /** @notice returns the ultimate parent for a given org id * @param _orgId org id * @return ultimate parent org id */ function _getUltimateParent(string memory _orgId) internal view returns (string memory){ return orgManager.getUltimateParent(_orgId); } }