
418 lines
12 KiB

package ethchain
import (
type BlockProcessor interface {
ProcessBlock(block *Block)
type Peer interface {
Inbound() bool
LastSend() time.Time
LastPong() int64
Host() []byte
Port() uint16
Version() string
PingTime() string
Connected() *int32
type EthManager interface {
StateManager() *StateManager
BlockChain() *BlockChain
TxPool() *TxPool
Broadcast(msgType ethwire.MsgType, data []interface{})
Reactor() *ethutil.ReactorEngine
PeerCount() int
IsMining() bool
IsListening() bool
Peers() *list.List
type StateManager struct {
// Mutex for locking the block processor. Blocks can only be handled one at a time
mutex sync.Mutex
// Canonical block chain
bc *BlockChain
// Stack for processing contracts
stack *Stack
// non-persistent key/value memory storage
mem map[string]*big.Int
// Proof of work used for validating
Pow PoW
// The ethereum manager interface
Ethereum EthManager
// The managed states
// Transiently state. The trans state isn't ever saved, validated and
// it could be used for setting account nonces without effecting
// the main states.
transState *State
// Mining state. The mining state is used purely and solely by the mining
// operation.
miningState *State
func NewStateManager(ethereum EthManager) *StateManager {
sm := &StateManager{
stack: NewStack(),
mem: make(map[string]*big.Int),
Pow: &EasyPow{},
Ethereum: ethereum,
bc: ethereum.BlockChain(),
sm.transState = ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.State().Copy()
sm.miningState = ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.State().Copy()
return sm
func (sm *StateManager) CurrentState() *State {
return sm.Ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.State()
func (sm *StateManager) TransState() *State {
return sm.transState
func (sm *StateManager) MiningState() *State {
return sm.miningState
func (sm *StateManager) NewMiningState() *State {
sm.miningState = sm.Ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.State().Copy()
return sm.miningState
func (sm *StateManager) BlockChain() *BlockChain {
return sm.bc
func (sm *StateManager) MakeStateObject(state *State, tx *Transaction) *StateObject {
contract := MakeContract(tx, state)
if contract != nil {
state.states[string(tx.CreationAddress())] = contract.state
return contract
return nil
// Apply transactions uses the transaction passed to it and applies them onto
// the current processing state.
func (sm *StateManager) ApplyTransactions(state *State, block *Block, txs []*Transaction) ([]*Receipt, []*Transaction) {
// Process each transaction/contract
var receipts []*Receipt
var validTxs []*Transaction
totalUsedGas := big.NewInt(0)
for _, tx := range txs {
usedGas, err := sm.ApplyTransaction(state, block, tx)
if err != nil {
if IsNonceErr(err) {
accumelative := new(big.Int).Set(totalUsedGas.Add(totalUsedGas, usedGas))
receipt := &Receipt{tx, ethutil.CopyBytes(state.Root().([]byte)), accumelative}
receipts = append(receipts, receipt)
validTxs = append(validTxs, tx)
return receipts, validTxs
func (sm *StateManager) ApplyTransaction(state *State, block *Block, tx *Transaction) (totalGasUsed *big.Int, err error) {
Applies transactions to the given state and creates new
state objects where needed.
If said objects needs to be created
run the initialization script provided by the transaction and
assume there's a return value. The return value will be set to
the script section of the state object.
var (
addTotalGas = func(gas *big.Int) { totalGasUsed.Add(totalGasUsed, gas) }
gas = new(big.Int)
script []byte
totalGasUsed = big.NewInt(0)
// Apply the transaction to the current state
gas, err = sm.Ethereum.TxPool().ProcessTransaction(tx, state, false)
if tx.CreatesContract() {
if err == nil {
// Create a new state object and the transaction
// as it's data provider.
contract := sm.MakeStateObject(state, tx)
if contract != nil {
// Evaluate the initialization script
// and use the return value as the
// script section for the state object.
script, gas, err = sm.EvalScript(state, contract.Init(), contract, tx, block)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("[STATE] Error during init script run %v", err)
contract.script = script
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("[STATE] Unable to create contract")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("[STATE] contract creation tx: %v", err)
} else {
// Find the state object at the "recipient" address. If
// there's an object attempt to run the script.
stateObject := state.GetStateObject(tx.Recipient)
if err == nil && stateObject != nil && len(stateObject.Script()) > 0 {
_, gas, err = sm.EvalScript(state, stateObject.Script(), stateObject, tx, block)
func (sm *StateManager) Process(block *Block, dontReact bool) error {
if !sm.bc.HasBlock(block.PrevHash) {
return ParentError(block.PrevHash)
parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(block.PrevHash)
return sm.ProcessBlock(parent.State(), parent, block, dontReact)
// Block processing and validating with a given (temporarily) state
func (sm *StateManager) ProcessBlock(state *State, parent, block *Block, dontReact bool) error {
// Processing a blocks may never happen simultaneously
defer sm.mutex.Unlock()
hash := block.Hash()
if sm.bc.HasBlock(hash) {
//fmt.Println("[STATE] We already have this block, ignoring")
return nil
// Defer the Undo on the Trie. If the block processing happened
// we don't want to undo but since undo only happens on dirty
// nodes this won't happen because Commit would have been called
// before that.
defer state.Reset()
// Check if we have the parent hash, if it isn't known we discard it
// Reasons might be catching up or simply an invalid block
if !sm.bc.HasBlock(block.PrevHash) && sm.bc.CurrentBlock != nil {
return ParentError(block.PrevHash)
// Process the transactions on to current block
sm.ApplyTransactions(state, parent, block.Transactions())
// Block validation
if err := sm.ValidateBlock(block); err != nil {
fmt.Println("[SM] Error validating block:", err)
return err
// I'm not sure, but I don't know if there should be thrown
// any errors at this time.
if err := sm.AccumelateRewards(state, block); err != nil {
fmt.Println("[SM] Error accumulating reward", err)
return err
//if !sm.compState.Cmp(state) {
if !block.State().Cmp(state) {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid merkle root.\nrec: %x\nis: %x", block.State().trie.Root, state.trie.Root)
// Calculate the new total difficulty and sync back to the db
if sm.CalculateTD(block) {
// Sync the current block's state to the database and cancelling out the deferred Undo
// Add the block to the chain
ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[STATE] Added block #%d (%x)\n", block.Number, block.Hash())
if dontReact == false {
sm.Ethereum.Reactor().Post("newBlock", block)
sm.Ethereum.Broadcast(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, []interface{}{block.Value().Val})
} else {
fmt.Println("total diff failed")
return nil
func (sm *StateManager) CalculateTD(block *Block) bool {
uncleDiff := new(big.Int)
for _, uncle := range block.Uncles {
uncleDiff = uncleDiff.Add(uncleDiff, uncle.Difficulty)
// TD(genesis_block) = 0 and TD(B) = TD(B.parent) + sum(u.difficulty for u in B.uncles) + B.difficulty
td := new(big.Int)
td = td.Add(sm.bc.TD, uncleDiff)
td = td.Add(td, block.Difficulty)
// The new TD will only be accepted if the new difficulty is
// is greater than the previous.
if td.Cmp(sm.bc.TD) > 0 {
// Set the new total difficulty back to the block chain
return true
return false
// Validates the current block. Returns an error if the block was invalid,
// an uncle or anything that isn't on the current block chain.
// Validation validates easy over difficult (dagger takes longer time = difficult)
func (sm *StateManager) ValidateBlock(block *Block) error {
// 2. Check if the difficulty is correct
// Check each uncle's previous hash. In order for it to be valid
// is if it has the same block hash as the current
previousBlock := sm.bc.GetBlock(block.PrevHash)
for _, uncle := range block.Uncles {
if bytes.Compare(uncle.PrevHash, previousBlock.PrevHash) != 0 {
return ValidationError("Mismatch uncle's previous hash. Expected %x, got %x", previousBlock.PrevHash, uncle.PrevHash)
diff := block.Time - sm.bc.CurrentBlock.Time
if diff < 0 {
return ValidationError("Block timestamp less then prev block %v", diff)
// New blocks must be within the 15 minute range of the last block.
if diff > int64(15*time.Minute) {
return ValidationError("Block is too far in the future of last block (> 15 minutes)")
// Verify the nonce of the block. Return an error if it's not valid
if !sm.Pow.Verify(block.HashNoNonce(), block.Difficulty, block.Nonce) {
return ValidationError("Block's nonce is invalid (= %v)", ethutil.Hex(block.Nonce))
return nil
func CalculateBlockReward(block *Block, uncleLength int) *big.Int {
base := new(big.Int)
for i := 0; i < uncleLength; i++ {
base.Add(base, UncleInclusionReward)
lastCumulGasUsed := big.NewInt(0)
for _, r := range block.Receipts() {
usedGas := new(big.Int).Sub(r.CumulativeGasUsed, lastCumulGasUsed)
usedGas.Add(usedGas, r.Tx.GasPrice)
base.Add(base, usedGas)
return base.Add(base, BlockReward)
func CalculateUncleReward(block *Block) *big.Int {
return UncleReward
func (sm *StateManager) AccumelateRewards(state *State, block *Block) error {
// Get the account associated with the coinbase
account := state.GetAccount(block.Coinbase)
// Reward amount of ether to the coinbase address
account.AddAmount(CalculateBlockReward(block, len(block.Uncles)))
addr := make([]byte, len(block.Coinbase))
copy(addr, block.Coinbase)
for _, uncle := range block.Uncles {
uncleAccount := state.GetAccount(uncle.Coinbase)
return nil
func (sm *StateManager) Stop() {
func (sm *StateManager) EvalScript(state *State, script []byte, object *StateObject, tx *Transaction, block *Block) (ret []byte, gas *big.Int, err error) {
account := state.GetAccount(tx.Sender())
err = account.ConvertGas(tx.Gas, tx.GasPrice)
if err != nil {
closure := NewClosure(account, object, script, state, tx.Gas, tx.GasPrice)
vm := NewVm(state, sm, RuntimeVars{
Origin: account.Address(),
BlockNumber: block.BlockInfo().Number,
PrevHash: block.PrevHash,
Coinbase: block.Coinbase,
Time: block.Time,
Diff: block.Difficulty,
Value: tx.Value,
//Price: tx.GasPrice,
ret, gas, err = closure.Call(vm, tx.Data, nil)
// Update the account (refunds)
func (sm *StateManager) notifyChanges(state *State) {
for addr, stateObject := range state.manifest.objectChanges {
sm.Ethereum.Reactor().Post("object:"+addr, stateObject)
for stateObjectAddr, mappedObjects := range state.manifest.storageChanges {
for addr, value := range mappedObjects {
sm.Ethereum.Reactor().Post("storage:"+stateObjectAddr+":"+addr, &StorageState{[]byte(stateObjectAddr), []byte(addr), value})