
255 lines
6.0 KiB

package ethchain
import (
const (
txPoolQueueSize = 50
type TxPoolHook chan *Transaction
type TxMsgTy byte
const (
TxPre = iota
type TxMsg struct {
Tx *Transaction
Type TxMsgTy
func FindTx(pool *list.List, finder func(*Transaction, *list.Element) bool) *Transaction {
for e := pool.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
if tx, ok := e.Value.(*Transaction); ok {
if finder(tx, e) {
return tx
return nil
type TxProcessor interface {
ProcessTransaction(tx *Transaction)
// The tx pool a thread safe transaction pool handler. In order to
// guarantee a non blocking pool we use a queue channel which can be
// independently read without needing access to the actual pool. If the
// pool is being drained or synced for whatever reason the transactions
// will simple queue up and handled when the mutex is freed.
type TxPool struct {
Ethereum EthManager
// The mutex for accessing the Tx pool.
mutex sync.Mutex
// Queueing channel for reading and writing incoming
// transactions to
queueChan chan *Transaction
// Quiting channel
quit chan bool
// The actual pool
pool *list.List
SecondaryProcessor TxProcessor
subscribers []chan TxMsg
func NewTxPool(ethereum EthManager) *TxPool {
return &TxPool{
//server: s,
mutex: sync.Mutex{},
pool: list.New(),
queueChan: make(chan *Transaction, txPoolQueueSize),
quit: make(chan bool),
Ethereum: ethereum,
// Blocking function. Don't use directly. Use QueueTransaction instead
func (pool *TxPool) addTransaction(tx *Transaction) {
// Broadcast the transaction to the rest of the peers
pool.Ethereum.Broadcast(ethwire.MsgTxTy, []interface{}{tx.RlpData()})
// Process transaction validates the Tx and processes funds from the
// sender to the recipient.
func (pool *TxPool) ProcessTransaction(tx *Transaction, block *Block) (err error) {
log.Println("Processing TX")
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v", r)
// Get the sender
sender := block.state.GetAccount(tx.Sender())
// Make sure there's enough in the sender's account. Having insufficient
// funds won't invalidate this transaction but simple ignores it.
totAmount := new(big.Int).Add(tx.Value, new(big.Int).Mul(TxFee, TxFeeRat))
if sender.Amount.Cmp(totAmount) < 0 {
return errors.New("Insufficient amount in sender's account")
if sender.Nonce != tx.Nonce {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid nonce %d(%d)", tx.Nonce, sender.Nonce)
// Get the receiver
receiver := block.state.GetAccount(tx.Recipient)
sender.Nonce += 1
// Send Tx to self
if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, tx.Sender()) == 0 {
// Subtract the fee
sender.Amount.Sub(sender.Amount, new(big.Int).Mul(TxFee, TxFeeRat))
} else {
// Subtract the amount from the senders account
sender.Amount.Sub(sender.Amount, totAmount)
// Add the amount to receivers account which should conclude this transaction
receiver.Amount.Add(receiver.Amount, tx.Value)
block.state.UpdateAccount(tx.Recipient, receiver)
block.state.UpdateAccount(tx.Sender(), sender)
log.Printf("[TXPL] Processed Tx %x\n", tx.Hash())
pool.notifySubscribers(TxPost, tx)
func (pool *TxPool) ValidateTransaction(tx *Transaction) error {
// Get the last block so we can retrieve the sender and receiver from
// the merkle trie
block := pool.Ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock
// Something has gone horribly wrong if this happens
if block == nil {
return errors.New("No last block on the block chain")
// Get the sender
accountState := pool.Ethereum.StateManager().GetAddrState(tx.Sender())
sender := accountState.Account
totAmount := new(big.Int).Add(tx.Value, new(big.Int).Mul(TxFee, TxFeeRat))
// Make sure there's enough in the sender's account. Having insufficient
// funds won't invalidate this transaction but simple ignores it.
if sender.Amount.Cmp(totAmount) < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Insufficient amount in sender's (%x) account", tx.Sender())
// Increment the nonce making each tx valid only once to prevent replay
// attacks
return nil
func (pool *TxPool) queueHandler() {
for {
select {
case tx := <-pool.queueChan:
log.Println("Received new Tx to queue")
hash := tx.Hash()
foundTx := FindTx(pool.pool, func(tx *Transaction, e *list.Element) bool {
return bytes.Compare(tx.Hash(), hash) == 0
if foundTx != nil {
// Validate the transaction
err := pool.ValidateTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
if ethutil.Config.Debug {
log.Println("Validating Tx failed", err)
} else {
log.Println("Transaction ok, adding")
// Call blocking version. At this point it
// doesn't matter since this is a goroutine
// Notify the subscribers
pool.Ethereum.Reactor().Post("newTx", tx)
// Notify the subscribers
pool.notifySubscribers(TxPre, tx)
case <-pool.quit:
break out
func (pool *TxPool) QueueTransaction(tx *Transaction) {
pool.queueChan <- tx
func (pool *TxPool) Flush() []*Transaction {
defer pool.mutex.Unlock()
txList := make([]*Transaction, pool.pool.Len())
i := 0
for e := pool.pool.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
if tx, ok := e.Value.(*Transaction); ok {
txList[i] = tx
// Recreate a new list all together
// XXX Is this the fastest way?
pool.pool = list.New()
return txList
func (pool *TxPool) Start() {
go pool.queueHandler()
func (pool *TxPool) Stop() {
log.Println("[TXP] Stopped")
func (pool *TxPool) Subscribe(channel chan TxMsg) {
pool.subscribers = append(pool.subscribers, channel)
func (pool *TxPool) notifySubscribers(ty TxMsgTy, tx *Transaction) {
msg := TxMsg{Type: ty, Tx: tx}
for _, subscriber := range pool.subscribers {
subscriber <- msg