
480 lines
17 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Permissions {
address[] initialAcctList;
// enum and struct declaration
enum NodeStatus {NotInList, PendingApproval, Approved, PendingDeactivation, Deactivated, PendingActivation, PendingBlacklisting, Blacklisted }
struct NodeDetails {
string enodeId; //e.g.
string ipAddrPort;
string discPort;
string raftPort;
NodeStatus status;
enum AccountAccess { FullAccess, ReadOnly, Transact, ContractDeploy }
struct AccountAccessDetails {
address acctId;
AccountAccess acctAccess;
// use an array to store node details
// if we want to list all node one day, mapping is not capable
NodeDetails[] private nodeList;
// use a mapping of enodeid to array index to track node
mapping (bytes32 => uint) private nodeIdToIndex;
// keep track of node number
uint private numberOfNodes;
AccountAccessDetails[] private acctAccessList;
mapping (address => uint) private acctToIndex;
uint private numberOfAccts;
// use an array to store account details
// if we want to list all account one day, mapping is not capable
address[] private voterAcctList;
// store node approval, deactivation and blacklisting vote status (prevent double vote)
mapping (uint => mapping (address => bool)) private voteStatus;
// valid vote count
mapping (uint => uint) private voteCount;
// checks if first time network boot up has happened or not
bool private networkBoot = false;
// node permission events for new node propose
event NodeProposed(string _enodeId);
event NodeApproved(string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort);
event VoteNodeApproval(string _enodeId, address _accountAddress);
// node permission events for node decativation
event NodePendingDeactivation (string _enodeId);
event NodeDeactivated(string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort);
event VoteNodeDeactivation(string _enodeId, address _accountAddress);
// node permission events for node activation
event NodePendingActivation(string _enodeId);
event NodeActivated(string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort);
event VoteNodeActivation(string _enodeId, address _accountAddress);
// node permission events for node blacklist
event NodePendingBlacklist(string _enodeId);
event NodeBlacklisted(string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort);
event VoteNodeBlacklist(string _enodeId, address _accountAddress);
// account permission events
event AccountAccessModified(address _address, AccountAccess _access);
// events related to voting accounts for majority voting
event NoVotingAccount();
event VoterAdded(address _address);
event VoterRemoved(address _address);
// Checks if the given enode exists
modifier enodeInList(string _enodeId)
require(nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] != 0, "Enode is not in the list");
// Checks if the given enode does not exists
modifier enodeNotInList(string _enodeId)
require(nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] == 0, "Enode is in the list");
// Checks if the account can vote
modifier canVote()
bool flag = false;
for (uint i=0; i<voterAcctList.length; i++){
if (voterAcctList[i] == msg.sender){
flag = true;
require(flag, "Account can not vote");
/* public and external functions */
// view functions
// Get number of nodes
function getNumberOfVoters() public view returns (uint)
return voterAcctList.length;
// Get voter
function getVoter(uint i) public view returns (address _addr)
return voterAcctList[i];
// Get number of nodes
function getNetworkBootStatus() public view returns (bool)
return networkBoot;
// Get node details given enode Id
function getNodeDetails(string enodeId) public view returns (string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort, NodeStatus _nodeStatus)
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(enodeId);
return (nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].ipAddrPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].discPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].raftPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].status);
// Get node details given index
function getNodeDetailsFromIndex(uint nodeIndex) public view returns (string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort, NodeStatus _nodeStatus)
return (nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].ipAddrPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].discPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].raftPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].status);
// Get number of nodes
function getNumberOfNodes() public view returns (uint)
return numberOfNodes;
// Get account details given index
function getAccountDetails(uint acctIndex) public view returns (address _acct, AccountAccess _acctAccess)
return (acctAccessList[acctIndex].acctId, acctAccessList[acctIndex].acctAccess);
// Get number of accounts and voting accounts
function getNumberOfAccounts() public view returns (uint)
return acctAccessList.length;
// Get node status by enode id
function getNodeStatus(string _enodeId) public view enodeInList(_enodeId) returns (NodeStatus)
return nodeList[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status;
// Get vote count by enode id
function getVoteCount(string _enodeId) public view enodeInList(_enodeId) returns (uint)
return voteCount[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)];
// Get vote status by enode id and voter address
function getVoteStatus(string _enodeId, address _voter) public view enodeInList(_enodeId) returns (bool)
return voteStatus[getNodeIndex(_enodeId)][_voter];
function isVoter(address _acctid) external view returns (bool)
bool flag = false;
for (uint i=0; i<voterAcctList.length; i++){
if (voterAcctList[i] == _acctid){
flag = true;
return flag;
// for potential external use
// Get enode id by index
function getEnodeId(uint _index) external view returns (string)
if (_index <= numberOfNodes){
return nodeList[_index].enodeId;
} else {
return "";
// Get account address by index
function getAccountAddress(uint _index) external view returns (address)
if (_index <= voterAcctList.length){
return voterAcctList[_index];
} else {
return address(0);
// state change functions
// update the networ boot status as true
function updateNetworkBootStatus() external returns (bool)
require (networkBoot == false, "Invalid call: Network boot up completed");
networkBoot = true;
return networkBoot;
function initNodeVoteStatus(uint nodeIndex) internal {
voteCount[nodeIndex] = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < voterAcctList.length; i++){
voteStatus[nodeIndex][voterAcctList[i]] = false;
function updateVoteStatus(uint nodeIndex) internal {
voteStatus[nodeIndex][msg.sender] = true;
function checkEnoughVotes(uint nodeIndex) internal view returns (bool) {
bool approvalStatus = false;
if (voteCount[nodeIndex] > voterAcctList.length / 2){
approvalStatus = true;
return approvalStatus;
// propose a new node to the network
function proposeNode(string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort) external enodeNotInList(_enodeId)
if (!(networkBoot)){
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _ipAddrPort,_discPort, _raftPort, NodeStatus.Approved));
else {
if (checkVotingAccountExist()){
// increment node number, add node to the list
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _ipAddrPort,_discPort, _raftPort, NodeStatus.PendingApproval));
// add voting status, numberOfNodes is the index of current proposed node
// emit event
emit NodeProposed(_enodeId);
// Adds a node to the nodeList mapping and emits node added event if successfully and node exists event of node is already present
function approveNode(string _enodeId) external canVote
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == NodeStatus.PendingApproval, "Node need to be in PendingApproval status");
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
require(voteStatus[nodeIndex][msg.sender] == false, "Node can not double vote");
// vote node
// emit event
emit VoteNodeApproval(_enodeId, msg.sender);
// check if node vote reach majority
if (checkEnoughVotes(nodeIndex)) {
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Approved;
emit NodeApproved(nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].ipAddrPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].discPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].raftPort);
// Propose a node for deactivation from network
function proposeDeactivation(string _enodeId) external enodeInList(_enodeId)
if (checkVotingAccountExist()){
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == NodeStatus.Approved, "Node need to be in Approved status");
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.PendingDeactivation;
// add voting status, numberOfNodes is the index of current proposed node
// emit event
emit NodePendingDeactivation(_enodeId);
//deactivates a given Enode and emits the decativation event
function deactivateNode(string _enodeId) external canVote
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == NodeStatus.PendingDeactivation, "Node need to be in PendingDeactivation status");
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
require(voteStatus[nodeIndex][msg.sender] == false, "Node can not double vote");
// vote node
// emit event
emit VoteNodeDeactivation(_enodeId, msg.sender);
// check if node vote reach majority
if (checkEnoughVotes(nodeIndex)) {
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Deactivated;
emit NodeDeactivated(nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].ipAddrPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].discPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].raftPort);
// Propose node for blacklisting
function proposeNodeActivation(string _enodeId) external
if (checkVotingAccountExist()){
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == NodeStatus.Deactivated, "Node need to be in Deactivated status");
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.PendingActivation;
// add voting status, numberOfNodes is the index of current proposed node
// emit event
emit NodePendingActivation(_enodeId);
//deactivates a given Enode and emits the decativation event
function activateNode(string _enodeId) external canVote
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == NodeStatus.PendingActivation, "Node need to be in PendingActivation status");
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
require(voteStatus[nodeIndex][msg.sender] == false, "Node can not double vote");
// vote node
// emit event
emit VoteNodeDeactivation(_enodeId, msg.sender);
// check if node vote reach majority
if (checkEnoughVotes(nodeIndex)) {
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Approved;
emit NodeActivated(nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].ipAddrPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].discPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].raftPort);
// Propose node for blacklisting
function proposeNodeBlacklisting(string _enodeId, string _ipAddrPort, string _discPort, string _raftPort) external
if (checkVotingAccountExist()){
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
// check if node is in the nodeList
if (nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] != 0){
// no matter what status the node is in, vote will reset and node status change to PendingBlacklisting
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.PendingBlacklisting;
nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
} else {
// increment node number, add node to the list
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _ipAddrPort,_discPort, _raftPort, NodeStatus.PendingBlacklisting));
nodeIndex = numberOfNodes;
// add voting status, numberOfNodes is the index of current proposed node
// emit event
emit NodePendingBlacklist(_enodeId);
//Approve node blacklisting
function blacklistNode(string _enodeId) external canVote
require(getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == NodeStatus.PendingBlacklisting, "Node need to be in PendingBlacklisting status");
uint nodeIndex = getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
require(voteStatus[nodeIndex][msg.sender] == false, "Node can not double vote");
// vote node
voteStatus[nodeIndex][msg.sender] = true;
// emit event
emit VoteNodeBlacklist(_enodeId, msg.sender);
// check if node vote reach majority
if (checkEnoughVotes(nodeIndex)) {
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Blacklisted;
emit NodeBlacklisted(nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].ipAddrPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].discPort, nodeList[nodeIndex].raftPort);
// validate if the sender can set the access.
// Accounts with Full Access can assign any access
// Accounts with Contract access can assign contract or transact
// Account with transact can assign transact only
function checkOpAllowed(address _from, AccountAccess _accountAccess) internal view returns (bool) {
if (!(networkBoot)){
return true;
uint acctIndex = getAcctIndex(_from);
if (acctToIndex[_from] == 0){
return false;
AccountAccess senderAccess = acctAccessList[acctIndex].acctAccess;
if (senderAccess == AccountAccess.FullAccess){
return true;
else if ((senderAccess == AccountAccess.ContractDeploy) && (_accountAccess != AccountAccess.FullAccess)){
return true;
else if ((senderAccess == AccountAccess.Transact) && (_accountAccess == AccountAccess.Transact || _accountAccess == AccountAccess.ReadOnly)){
return true;
else {
return false;
function initAccounts() external
require(networkBoot == false, "network accounts already boot up");
for (uint i=0; i<initialAcctList.length; i++){
numberOfAccts ++;
acctToIndex[initialAcctList[i]] = numberOfAccts;
acctAccessList.push(AccountAccessDetails(initialAcctList[i], AccountAccess.FullAccess));
emit AccountAccessModified(initialAcctList[i], AccountAccess.FullAccess);
// Checks if the Node is already added. If yes then returns true
function updateAccountAccess(address _address, AccountAccess _accountAccess) external
require(checkOpAllowed(msg.sender, _accountAccess) == true, "Sender account does not have appropriate access");
// Check if account already exists
uint acctIndex = getAcctIndex(_address);
if (acctToIndex[_address] != 0){
acctAccessList[acctIndex].acctAccess = _accountAccess;
numberOfAccts ++;
acctToIndex[_address] = numberOfAccts;
acctAccessList.push(AccountAccessDetails(_address, _accountAccess));
emit AccountAccessModified(_address, _accountAccess);
// Add voting account
function addVoter(address _address) external
// Check if account already exists
for (uint i=0; i<voterAcctList.length; i++){
if (voterAcctList[i] == _address){
emit VoterAdded(_address);
// Remove voting account
function removeVoter(address _address) external
// Check if account already exists
for (uint i=0; i<voterAcctList.length; i++){
if (voterAcctList[i] == _address){
for (uint j=i; j<voterAcctList.length -1; j++){
voterAcctList[j] = voterAcctList[j+1];
delete voterAcctList[voterAcctList.length - 1];
emit VoterRemoved(_address);
/* private functions */
function getNodeIndex(string _enodeId) internal view returns (uint)
return nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_enodeId))] - 1;
/* private functions */
function getAcctIndex(address _acct) internal view returns (uint)
return acctToIndex[_acct] - 1;
function checkVotingAccountExist() internal returns (bool)
if (voterAcctList.length == 0){
emit NoVotingAccount();
return false;
} else {
return true;