
205 lines
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pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
/// @title Node manager contract
/// @notice This contract holds implementation logic for all node management
/// @notice functionality. This can be called only by the implementation
/// @notice contract only. there are few view functions exposed as public and
/// @notice can be called directly. these are invoked by quorum for populating
/// @notice permissions data in cache
contract NodeManager {
PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable;
struct NodeDetails {
string enodeId; //e.g.
string orgId;
uint256 status;
// use an array to store node details
// if we want to list all node one day, mapping is not capable
NodeDetails[] private nodeList;
// mapping of enodeid to array index to track node
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) private nodeIdToIndex;
// tracking total number of nodes in network
uint256 private numberOfNodes;
// node permission events for new node propose
event NodeProposed(string _enodeId, string _orgId);
event NodeApproved(string _enodeId, string _orgId);
// node permission events for node deactivation
event NodeDeactivated(string _enodeId, string _orgId);
// node permission events for node activation
event NodeActivated(string _enodeId, string _orgId);
// node permission events for node blacklist
event NodeBlacklisted(string _enodeId, string _orgId);
/// @notice checks if the caller is implementation contract
modifier onlyImplementation {
require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermImpl(), "invalid caller");
/// @notice checks if the node exists in the network
/// @param _enodeId full enode id
modifier enodeExists(string memory _enodeId) {
require(nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] != 0,
"passed enode id does not exist");
/// @notice checks if the node does not exist in the network
/// @param _enodeId full enode id
modifier enodeDoesNotExists(string memory _enodeId) {
require(nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] == 0,
"passed enode id exists");
/// @notice constructor. sets the permissions upgradable address
constructor (address _permUpgradable) public {
permUpgradable = PermissionsUpgradable(_permUpgradable);
/// @notice fetches the node details given an enode id
/// @param _enodeId full enode id
/// @return org id
/// @return enode id
/// @return status of the node
function getNodeDetails(string calldata enodeId) external view
returns (string memory _orgId, string memory _enodeId, uint256 _nodeStatus) {
uint256 nodeIndex = _getNodeIndex(enodeId);
return (nodeList[nodeIndex].orgId, nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId,
/// @notice fetches the node details given the index of the enode
/// @param _nodeIndex node index
/// @return org id
/// @return enode id
/// @return status of the node
function getNodeDetailsFromIndex(uint256 _nodeIndex) external view
returns (string memory _orgId, string memory _enodeId, uint256 _nodeStatus) {
return (nodeList[_nodeIndex].orgId, nodeList[_nodeIndex].enodeId,
/// @notice returns the total number of enodes in the network
/// @return number of nodes
function getNumberOfNodes() external view returns (uint256) {
return numberOfNodes;
/// @notice called at the time of network initialization for adding
/// @notice admin nodes
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @param _orgId org id to which the enode belongs
function addAdminNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external
enodeDoesNotExists(_enodeId) {
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 2));
emit NodeApproved(_enodeId, _orgId);
/// @notice called at the time of new org creation to add node to org
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @param _orgId org id to which the enode belongs
function addNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external
enodeDoesNotExists(_enodeId) {
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 1));
emit NodeProposed(_enodeId, _orgId);
/// @notice called org admins to add new enodes to the org or sub orgs
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belongs
function addOrgNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external
enodeDoesNotExists(_enodeId) {
nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] = numberOfNodes;
nodeList.push(NodeDetails(_enodeId, _orgId, 2));
emit NodeApproved(_enodeId, _orgId);
/// @notice function to approve the node addition. only called at the time
/// @notice master org creation by network admin
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belongs
function approveNode(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId) external
enodeExists(_enodeId) {
// node should belong to the passed org
require(_checkOrg(_enodeId, _orgId), "enode id does not belong to the passed org id");
require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 1, "nothing pending for approval");
uint256 nodeIndex = _getNodeIndex(_enodeId);
nodeList[nodeIndex].status = 2;
emit NodeApproved(nodeList[nodeIndex].enodeId, nodeList[nodeIndex].orgId);
/// @notice updates the node status. can be called for deactivating/
/// @notice blacklisting and reactivating a deactivated node
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belong
/// @param _action 1- deactivate, 2- reactivate, 3- blacklist node
function updateNodeStatus(string calldata _enodeId, string calldata _orgId, uint256 _action) external
enodeExists(_enodeId) {
// node should belong to the org
require(_checkOrg(_enodeId, _orgId), "enode id does not belong to the passed org");
require((_action == 1 || _action == 2 || _action == 3),
"invalid operation. wrong action passed");
if (_action == 1) {
require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 2, "operation cannot be performed");
nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 3;
emit NodeDeactivated(_enodeId, _orgId);
else if (_action == 2) {
require(_getNodeStatus(_enodeId) == 3, "operation cannot be performed");
nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 2;
emit NodeActivated(_enodeId, _orgId);
else {
nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status = 5;
emit NodeBlacklisted(_enodeId, _orgId);
/* private functions */
/// @notice returns the node index for given enode id
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @return trur or false
function _getNodeIndex(string memory _enodeId) internal view
returns (uint256) {
return nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] - 1;
/// @notice checks if enode id is linked to the org id passed
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @param _orgId org or sub org id to which the enode belongs
/// @return true or false
function _checkOrg(string memory _enodeId, string memory _orgId) internal view
returns (bool) {
return (keccak256(abi.encode(nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId)));
/// @notice returns the node status for a given enode id
/// @param _enodeId enode id
/// @return node status
function _getNodeStatus(string memory _enodeId) internal view returns (uint256) {
if (nodeIdToIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_enodeId))] == 0) {
return 0;
return nodeList[_getNodeIndex(_enodeId)].status;